spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl.ICache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl
import java.text.AttributedString
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.{Axi4Config, Axi4ReadOnly}
import spinal.lib.bus.avalon.{AvalonMM, AvalonMMConfig}
case class InstructionCacheConfig( cacheSize : Int,
bytePerLine : Int,
wayCount : Int,
wrappedMemAccess : Boolean,
addressWidth : Int,
cpuDataWidth : Int,
memDataWidth : Int){
def burstSize = bytePerLine*8/memDataWidth
def getAvalonConfig() = AvalonMMConfig.bursted(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = memDataWidth,
burstCountWidth = log2Up(burstSize + 1)).getReadOnlyConfig.copy(
linewrapBursts = wrappedMemAccess,
constantBurstBehavior = true
def getAxi4ReadOnlyConfig() = Axi4Config(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = 32,
useId = false,
useRegion = false,
useLock = false,
useQos = false,
useResp = false,
useSize = false
case class InstructionCacheCpuCmd()(implicit p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
case class InstructionCacheCpuRsp()(implicit p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
val data = Bits(32 bit)
case class InstructionCacheCpuBus()(implicit p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (InstructionCacheCpuCmd())
val rsp = Stream (InstructionCacheCpuRsp())
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class InstructionCacheMemCmd()(implicit p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val address = UInt(p.addressWidth bit)
case class InstructionCacheMemRsp()(implicit p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(32 bit)
case class InstructionCacheMemBus()(implicit val p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream (InstructionCacheMemCmd())
val rsp = Flow (InstructionCacheMemRsp())
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
def toAvalon(): AvalonMM = {
val avalonConfig = p.getAvalonConfig()
val mm = AvalonMM(avalonConfig)
mm.read := cmd.valid
mm.burstCount := U(p.burstSize)
mm.address := cmd.address
cmd.ready := mm.waitRequestn
rsp.valid := mm.readDataValid
rsp.data := mm.readData
def toAxi4ReadOnly(): Axi4ReadOnly = {
val axiConfig = p.getAxi4ReadOnlyConfig()
val mm = Axi4ReadOnly(axiConfig)
mm.readCmd.valid := cmd.valid
mm.readCmd.len := p.burstSize-1
mm.readCmd.addr := cmd.address
mm.readCmd.prot := "110"
mm.readCmd.cache := "1111"
cmd.ready := mm.readCmd.ready
rsp.valid := mm.readRsp.valid
rsp.data := mm.readRsp.data
mm.readRsp.ready := True
case class InstructionCacheFlushBus() extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Event
val rsp = Bool()
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
class InstructionCache(implicit p : InstructionCacheConfig) extends Component{
import p._
assert(wayCount == 1)
assert(cpuDataWidth == memDataWidth)
val io = new Bundle{
val flush = slave(InstructionCacheFlushBus())
val cpu = slave(InstructionCacheCpuBus())
val mem = master(InstructionCacheMemBus())
val haltCpu = False
val lineWidth = bytePerLine*8
val lineCount = cacheSize/bytePerLine
val wordWidth = Math.max(memDataWidth,32)
val wordWidthLog2 = log2Up(wordWidth)
val wordPerLine = lineWidth/wordWidth
val bytePerWord = wordWidth/8
val wayLineCount = lineCount/wayCount
val wayLineLog2 = log2Up(wayLineCount)
val wayWordCount = wayLineCount * wordPerLine
val tagRange = addressWidth-1 downto log2Up(wayLineCount*bytePerLine)
val lineRange = tagRange.low-1 downto log2Up(bytePerLine)
val wordRange = log2Up(bytePerLine)-1 downto log2Up(bytePerWord)
class LineInfo() extends Bundle{
val valid = Bool()
val address = UInt(tagRange.length bit)
val ways = Array.fill(wayCount)(new Area{
val tags = Mem(new LineInfo(),wayLineCount)
val datas = Mem(Bits(wordWidth bit),wayWordCount)
val lineLoader = new Area{
val requestIn = Stream(new Bundle{
val addr = UInt(addressWidth bit)
io.mem.cmd.address := requestIn.addr(tagRange.high downto wordRange.low) @@ U(0,wordRange.low bit)
io.mem.cmd.address := requestIn.addr(tagRange.high downto lineRange.low) @@ U(0,lineRange.low bit)
val flushCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(wayLineCount) + 1 bit)) init(0)
haltCpu := True
flushCounter := flushCounter + 1
haltCpu := True
val flushFromInterface = RegInit(False)
haltCpu := True
flushCounter := 0
flushFromInterface := True
io.flush.rsp := flushCounter.msb.rise && flushFromInterface
val lineInfoWrite = new LineInfo()
lineInfoWrite.valid := flushCounter.msb
lineInfoWrite.address := requestIn.addr(tagRange)
when(requestIn.fire || !flushCounter.msb){
val tagsAddress = Mux(flushCounter.msb,requestIn.addr(lineRange),flushCounter(flushCounter.high-1 downto 0))
ways(0).tags(tagsAddress) := lineInfoWrite //TODO
val request = requestIn.haltWhen(!io.mem.cmd.ready).m2sPipe()
io.mem.cmd.valid := requestIn.valid && !request.isStall
val wordIndex = Reg(UInt(log2Up(wordPerLine) bit))
val loadedWordsNext = Bits(wordPerLine bit)
val loadedWords = RegNext(loadedWordsNext)
val loadedWordsReadable = RegNext(loadedWords)
loadedWordsNext := loadedWords
wordIndex := wordIndex + 1
loadedWordsNext(wordIndex) := True
ways(0).datas(request.addr(lineRange) @@ wordIndex) := io.mem.rsp.data //TODO
val readyDelay = Reg(UInt(1 bit))
when(loadedWordsNext === B(loadedWordsNext.range -> true)){
readyDelay := readyDelay + 1
request.ready := readyDelay === 1
wordIndex := io.mem.cmd.address(wordRange)
loadedWords := 0
loadedWordsReadable := 0
readyDelay := 0
val task = new Area{
val request = io.cpu.cmd.haltWhen(haltCpu).m2sPipe()
request.ready := io.cpu.rsp.fire
val waysHitValid = False
val waysHitWord = Bits(wordWidth bit)
val waysRead = for(way <- ways) yield new Area{
val readAddress = Mux(request.isStall,request.address,io.cpu.cmd.address)
val tag = way.tags.readSync(readAddress(lineRange))
val data = way.datas.readSync(readAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low))
// val readAddress = request.address
// val tag = way.tags.readAsync(readAddress(lineRange))
// val data = way.datas.readAsync(readAddress(lineRange.high downto wordRange.low))
// way.tags.add(new AttributeString("ramstyle","no_rw_check"))
// way.datas.add(new AttributeString("ramstyle","no_rw_check"))
when(tag.valid && tag.address === request.address(tagRange)) {
waysHitValid := True
waysHitWord := data
val loaderHitValid = lineLoader.request.valid && lineLoader.request.addr(tagRange) === request.address(tagRange)
val loaderHitReady = lineLoader.loadedWordsReadable(request.address(wordRange))
io.cpu.rsp.valid := request.valid && waysHitValid && !(loaderHitValid && !loaderHitReady)
io.cpu.rsp.data := waysHitWord //TODO
io.cpu.rsp.address := request.address
lineLoader.requestIn.valid := request.valid && ! waysHitValid
lineLoader.requestIn.addr := request.address
io.flush.cmd.ready := !(lineLoader.request.valid || task.request.valid)
object InstructionCacheMain{
class TopLevel extends Component{
implicit val p = InstructionCacheConfig(
cacheSize =4096,
bytePerLine =32,
wayCount = 1,
wrappedMemAccess = true,
addressWidth = 32,
cpuDataWidth = 32,
memDataWidth = 32)
val io = new Bundle{
val cpu = slave(InstructionCacheCpuBus())
val mem = master(InstructionCacheMemBus())
val cache = new InstructionCache()(p)
cache.io.cpu.cmd <-< io.cpu.cmd
cache.io.mem.cmd >-> io.mem.cmd
cache.io.mem.rsp <-< io.mem.rsp
cache.io.cpu.rsp >-> io.cpu.rsp
// when(cache.io.cpu.rsp.valid){
// cache.io.cpu.cmd.valid := RegNext(cache.io.cpu.cmd.valid)
// cache.io.cpu.cmd.address := RegNext(cache.io.cpu.cmd.address)
// }
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new TopLevel)
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