spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl.extension.DataBusExtension.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl.extension
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba3.ahblite.{AhbLite3Config, AhbLite3Master}
import spinal.lib.bus.avalon.{AvalonMM, AvalonMMConfig}
import spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl.Utils._
import spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.impl._
import spinal.lib._
class NativeDataBusExtension extends CoreExtension with AvalonProvider with AhbLite3Provider{
override def getName: String = "NativeInstructionBus"
var memBus : CoreDataBus = null
override def applyIt(core: RiscvCore): Area = new Area{
memBus = master(CoreDataBus()(core.c)).setName("io_d")
memBus.cmd << core.dCmd
memBus.rsp >> core.dRsp
override def getAvalon(): AvalonMM = memBus.toAvalon()
override def getAvalonConfig(): AvalonMMConfig = CoreDataBus.getAvalonConfig(memBus.p)
override def getAhbLite3(): AhbLite3Master = memBus.toAhbLite3()
override def getAhbLite3Config(): AhbLite3Config = CoreDataBus.getAhbLite3Config(memBus.p)
override def needFlowDRsp = true
class CachedDataBusExtension(c : DataCacheConfig,cutCpuCmdReady : Boolean = false) extends CoreExtension with AvalonProvider{
override def getName: String = "CachedDataBus"
var memBus : DataCacheMemBus = null
override def applyIt(core: RiscvCore): Area = new Area{
val cache = new DataCache()(c)
val cacheDCmd = cloneOf(cache.io.cpu.cmd)
val coreDRsp = cloneOf(core.dRsp)
cache.io.cpu.cmd << (if(cutCpuCmdReady) cacheDCmd.s2mPipe() else cacheDCmd)
coreDRsp >> core.dRsp
cacheDCmd.valid := core.dCmd.valid
cacheDCmd.wr := core.dCmd.wr
cacheDCmd.address := core.dCmd.address(core.dCmd.address.high downto 2) @@ U"00"
cacheDCmd.data := core.dCmd.size.mux (
U(0) -> core.dCmd.data(7 downto 0) ## core.dCmd.data(7 downto 0) ## core.dCmd.data(7 downto 0) ## core.dCmd.data(7 downto 0),
U(1) -> core.dCmd.data(15 downto 0) ## core.dCmd.data(15 downto 0),
default -> core.dCmd.data(31 downto 0)
cacheDCmd.mask := (core.dCmd.size.mux (
U(0) -> B"0001",
U(1) -> B"0011",
default -> B"1111"
) << core.dCmd.address(1 downto 0)).resized
cacheDCmd.bypass := core.dCmd.address.msb
cacheDCmd.all := !core.execute0.inInst.instruction(lineBit)
when(!isMyTag(core.execute0.inInst.ctrl)) {
cacheDCmd.kind := DataCacheCpuCmdKind.MEMORY
cacheDCmd.kind := Mux(core.execute0.inInst.instruction(evictBit),DataCacheCpuCmdKind.EVICT,DataCacheCpuCmdKind.FLUSH)
core.dCmd.ready := cacheDCmd.ready
coreDRsp.valid := cache.io.cpu.rsp.valid
coreDRsp.payload := cache.io.cpu.rsp.data
switch(core.writeBack.inInst.dCmdAddress(1 downto 0)){
is(1){coreDRsp.payload(7 downto 0) := cache.io.cpu.rsp.data(15 downto 8)}
is(2){coreDRsp.payload(15 downto 0) := cache.io.cpu.rsp.data(31 downto 16)}
is(3){coreDRsp.payload(7 downto 0) := cache.io.cpu.rsp.data(31 downto 24)}
memBus = master(DataCacheMemBus()(c)).setName("io_d")
memBus <> cache.io.mem
val flushHappend = RegInit(False) //TODO if cpu to cache cmd are buffered, it could not work if two flush
flushHappend := (flushHappend || cache.io.flushDone) && !core.execute1.inInst.ready
when(core.execute1.inInst.valid && core.execute1.inInst.ctrl.fencei){
core.execute1.halt := !flushHappend
val evictBit = 26
val lineBit = 25
override def needTag: Boolean = true
override def instructionCtrlExtension(instruction: Bits, ctrl: InstructionCtrl): Unit = {
when(instruction === M"00001--------------------0001011" || ctrl.fencei){
ctrl.instVal := True
ctrl.op1 := OP1.RS
ctrl.alu := ALU.COPY
ctrl.men := True
ctrl.useSrc1 := True
ctrl.m := M.XWR
override def getAvalon(): AvalonMM = memBus.toAvalon()
override def getAvalonConfig(): AvalonMMConfig = c.getAvalonConfig()
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