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spinal.lib.dsptool.FixData.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package spinal.lib.dsptool

import spinal.core._

  * Fixnum
  * @example {{{ val x = FixData(-3.785333,SQ(8,4)) }}}
  * @return {{{ FixData: -3.8125, Quantized by QFormat: SQ(8,4) }}}
  *        x.bin => 11000011
  *        x.oct =>      103
  *        x.hex =>       c3
case class FixData(raw: Double,
                   q: QFormat,
                   roundType: RoundType = getFixRound(),
                   symmetric: Boolean = getFixSym()) {

  private val zoomRaw: Double = raw / q.resolution

  val value: Double = this.fixProcess()

  def fixTo(newQ: QFormat, round: RoundType, sym: Boolean): FixData = this.copy(this.value, newQ, round, sym)
  def fixTo(newQ: QFormat, round: RoundType): FixData = this.copy(this.value, newQ, round)
  def fixTo(newQ: QFormat): FixData = this.copy(this.value, newQ)

  def fixProcess(): Double ={
      val rounded = this.roundType match {
        case RoundType.CEIL          => this.ceil
        case RoundType.FLOOR         => this.floor
        case RoundType.FLOORTOZERO   => this.floorToZero
        case RoundType.CEILTOINF     => this.ceilToInf
        case RoundType.ROUNDUP       => this.roundUp
        case RoundType.ROUNDDOWN     => this.roundDown
        case RoundType.ROUNDTOZERO   => this.roundToZero
        case RoundType.ROUNDTOINF    => this.roundToInf
        case RoundType.ROUNDTOEVEN   => SpinalError("RoundToEven has not been implemented yet")
        case RoundType.ROUNDTOODD    => SpinalError("RoundToOdd has not been implemented yet")
      val sated = this.saturated(rounded * this.q.resolution)
        if(this.symmetric) this.symmetry(sated) else sated
      } else {
    } else {

  def epsFloor(x: Double): Double = {
    val ref = scala.math.floor(x)
    val delta = x - ref
    if(scala.math.abs(1 - delta) < q.epsInDouble) 1 + ref else ref

  def epsCeil(x: Double): Double = {
    val ref = scala.math.floor(x)
    val delta = x - ref
    if(scala.math.abs(delta) < q.epsInDouble) ref else 1 + ref

  def isSigned: Boolean   = q.signed
  def isNegative: Boolean = value < 0

  private def rawIsNegative: Boolean = raw < 0
  private def rawSign: Int           = if(rawIsNegative) -1 else 1

  private def abs: Double         = scala.math.abs(this.zoomRaw)
  private def ceil: Double        = epsCeil(this.zoomRaw)
  private def floor: Double       = epsFloor(this.zoomRaw)
  private def floorToZero: Double = this.rawSign * epsFloor(this.abs)
  private def ceilToInf: Double   = this.rawSign * epsCeil(this.abs)
  private def roundUp: Double     = epsFloor(this.zoomRaw + 0.5)
  private def roundDown: Double   = epsCeil(this.zoomRaw - 0.5)
  private def roundToZero: Double = this.rawSign * epsCeil(this.abs - 0.5)
  private def roundToInf: Double  = this.rawSign * epsFloor(this.abs + 0.5)

  private def saturated(x: Double): Double = x match {
    case d if d > q.maxValue => q.maxValue
    case d if d < q.minValue => q.minValue
    case _ => x

  private def symmetry(v: Double): Double = {
    if(v == q.minValue) -q.maxValue else v

//  def asInt: Int          = this.value / q.resolution toInt
//  def asIntPostive: Int   = if(rawIsNegative) q.capcity.toInt + this.asInt else this.asInt

  def asLong: Long        = this.value / q.resolution toLong
  def asLongPostive: Long = if(value < 0) q.capcity.toLong + this.asLong else this.asLong

  def hex: String = s"%${q.alignHex}s".format(this.asLongPostive.toHexString).replace(' ','0')
  def bin: String = s"%${q.width}s".format(this.asLongPostive.toBinaryString).replace(' ','0')
  def oct: String = s"%${q.alignOct}s".format(this.asLongPostive.toOctalString).replace(' ','0')

  override def toString  = {
    } else {

  def *(right: FixData): FixData ={
    this.copy(raw = this.value * right.value, q = this.q * right.q)

  def +(right: FixData): FixData ={
    this.copy(raw = this.value + right.value, q = this.q + right.q)

  def -(right: FixData): FixData ={
    this.copy(raw = this.value - right.value, q = this.q - right.q)

  def unary_- : FixData = this.copy(raw = -this.value, q = -this.q)

  def >>(n: Int): FixData ={
    this.copy(raw = this.value / scala.math.pow(2,n), q = this.q >> n)

  def <<(n: Int): FixData ={
    this.copy(raw = this.value * scala.math.pow(2,n), q = this.q << n)

  * IntToFixData
  * @example{{{ val x = toFixData(0xFFAE,SQ(8,4))}}}
  * @return {{{FixData: -5.125, QFormat: Q(8,4,signed) }}}
  * toFixData(322111, SQ(8,4)) => FixData: -8.0,   QFormat: Q(8,4,signed)
  * toFixData(322111, UQ(8,4)) => FixData: 7.9375, QFormat: Q(8,4,unsigned)
  * toFixData(-322111,SQ(8,4)) => FixData: -8.0,   QFormat: Q(8,4,signed)
  * toFixData(-322111,UQ(8,4)) => FixData: 0,      QFormat: Q(8,4,unsigned)
  * toFixData(-0x0f,  SQ(8,4)) => FixData: -0.9375,QFormat: Q(8,4,signed)
object toFixData{
  def apply(value: Int,  q: QFormat): FixData = toFixData(value.toLong, q)
  def apply(value: Long, q: QFormat): FixData = {
    (value, q.signed) match {
      case (x, true) if x >= 0 => {
        val signedValue = if (value >= q.halfCapcity) value%q.capcity - q.capcity else value
        FixData(signedValue * q.resolution, q, symmetric = false)
      case (_, true)=> {
        val signedValue =  value
        FixData(signedValue * q.resolution, q, symmetric = false)
      case (x, false) if x >= 0 => {
        val signedValue =  value
        FixData(signedValue * q.resolution, q, symmetric = false)
      case (_, false)=> {
        FixData(0, q, symmetric = false)

object fixDataTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    import spinal.core.RoundType._
    for(rd <- roundList){
      val a = FixData(26297.0,UQ(16,0))
      val a0 = a>>3
      val b = a0.fixTo(UQ(18,0),rd)

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