spinal.lib.eda.xilinx.VivadoFlow.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.eda.xilinx
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib.DoCmd.doCmd
import spinal.lib.eda.bench.{Report, Rtl}
import java.io.File
import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.io.Source
object VivadoFlow {
* Use vivado to run eda flow
* @param vivadoPath The path to vivado (e.g. /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.2/bin)
* @param workspacePath The temporary workspace path (e.g. /tmp/test)
* @param toplevelPath The path to top level hdl file
* @param family Xilinx device family (Artix 7, Kintex 7, Kintex UltraScale, Kintex UltraScale+ or Virtex UltraScale+)
* @param device Xilinx device part
* @param frequencyTarget Target clock frequency
* @param processorCount Number of processor count used
* @return Report
def apply(vivadoPath: String, workspacePath: String, rtl: Rtl, family: String, device: String, frequencyTarget: HertzNumber = null, processorCount: Int = 1): Report = {
val targetPeriod = (if (frequencyTarget != null) frequencyTarget else 500 MHz).toTime
val workspacePathFile = new File(workspacePath)
for (file <- rtl.getRtlPaths()) {
FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(new File(file), workspacePathFile)
val isVhdl = (file: String) => file.endsWith(".vhd") || file.endsWith(".vhdl")
val readRtl = rtl.getRtlPaths().map(file => s"""read_${if(isVhdl(file)) "vhdl" else "verilog"} ${Paths.get(file).getFileName()}""").mkString("\n")
// generate tcl script
val tcl = new java.io.FileWriter(Paths.get(workspacePath, "doit.tcl").toFile)
create_project -force project_bft_batch ./project_bft_batch -part $device
add_files {${rtl.getRtlPaths().mkString(" ")}}
add_files -fileset constrs_1 ./doit.xdc
import_files -force
set_property -name {STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.ARGS.MORE OPTIONS} -value {-mode out_of_context} -objects [get_runs synth_1]
launch_runs synth_1
wait_on_run synth_1
open_run synth_1 -name netlist_1
report_timing_summary -delay_type max -report_unconstrained -check_timing_verbose -max_paths 10 -input_pins -file syn_timing.rpt
report_power -file syn_power.rpt
launch_runs impl_1
wait_on_run impl_1
open_run impl_1
report_timing_summary -warn_on_violation
report_pulse_width -warn_on_violation -all_violators
report_design_analysis -logic_level_distribution
// generate xdc constraint
val xdc = new java.io.FileWriter(Paths.get(workspacePath, "doit.xdc").toFile)
xdc.write(s"""create_clock -period ${(targetPeriod * 1e9) toBigDecimal} [get_ports clk]""")
// run vivado
doCmd(s"$vivadoPath/vivado -nojournal -log doit.log -mode batch -source doit.tcl", workspacePath)
val log = Source.fromFile(Paths.get(workspacePath, "doit.log").toFile)
val report = log.getLines().mkString
new Report {
// Non-logic elements such as PLL or BRAMs may have stricter timing then logic, check for their pulse slack
// getFMax() will then take this into account later. Uses "report_pulse_width -warn_on_violation -all_violators"
// Pulse Width Checks
// <...>
// Check Type Corner Lib Pin Reference Pin Required(ns) Actual(ns) Slack(ns) Location Pin
// Min Period n/a RAMB18E2/CLKARDCLK n/a 1.569 2.857 1.288 RAMB18_X9Y68 fifo128x32_inst/f/logic_ram_reg/CLKARDCLK
// Low Pulse Width Slow RAMB18E2/CLKARDCLK n/a 0.542 1.429 0.887 RAMB18_X9Y68 fifo128x32_inst/f/logic_ram_reg/CLKARDCLK
// High Pulse Width Slow RAMB18E2/CLKARDCLK n/a 0.542 1.429 0.887 RAMB18_X9Y68 fifo128x32_inst/f/logic_ram_reg/CLKARDCLK
def getPulseSlack(): Double /*nanoseconds*/ = {
// if not found, assume only logic is involved and do not take pulse slack into account
var lowest_pulse_slack : Double = 100000.0
val pulse_strings = "(Min Period|Low Pulse Width|High Pulse Width)(?:\\s+\\S+){5}(?:\\s+)-?(\\d+.?\\d+)+".r.findAllIn(report).toList
// iterate through pulse slack lines
for (pulse_string <- pulse_strings) {
// iterate through number columns
val pulse_slack_numbers = "\\s-?([0-9]+\\.?[0-9]+)+".r.findAllIn(pulse_string).toList
// third number column is pulse slack
if (pulse_slack_numbers.length >= 3) {
if (pulse_slack_numbers.apply(2).toDouble < lowest_pulse_slack) {
lowest_pulse_slack = pulse_slack_numbers.apply(2).toDouble
return lowest_pulse_slack
private def findFirst2StageInReport(regex1st: String, regex2nd: String): String = {
} catch {
case e : Exception => "???"
override def getFMax(): Double = {
val intFind = "-?(\\d+\\.?)+"
var slack = try {
(family match {
case "Artix 7" | "Kintex 7" | "Kintex UltraScale" | "Kintex UltraScale+" | "Virtex UltraScale+" =>
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "-?(\\d+.?)+ns \\(required time - arrival time\\)")
} catch {
case e : Exception => -100000.0
val pulse_slack = getPulseSlack()
if (pulse_slack < slack) {
slack = pulse_slack
return 1.0 / (targetPeriod.toDouble - slack * 1e-9)
override def getArea(): String = {
// 0, 30, 0.5, 15,5
val intFind = "(\\d+,?\\.?\\d*)"
val leArea = try {
family match {
case "Artix 7" | "Kintex 7" =>
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "Slice LUTs[ ]*\\|[ ]*(\\d+,?)+") + " LUT " +
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "Slice Registers[ ]*\\|[ ]*(\\d+,?)+") + " FF "
// Assume the the resources table is the only one with 5 columns (this is the case in Vivado 2021.2)
// (Not very version-proof, we should actually first look at the right table header first...)
case "Kintex UltraScale" | "Kintex UltraScale+" | "Virtex UltraScale+" =>
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "\\| CLB LUTs[ ]*\\|([ ]*\\S+\\s+\\|){5}") + " LUT " +
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "\\| CLB Registers[ ]*\\|([ ]*\\S+\\s+\\|){5}") + " FF " +
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "\\| Block RAM Tile[ ]*\\|([ ]*\\S+\\s+\\|){5}") + " BRAM " +
findFirst2StageInReport(intFind, "\\| URAM[ ]*\\|([ ]*\\S+\\s+\\|){5}") + " URAM "
} catch {
case e : Exception => "???"
return leArea
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