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spinal.lib.experimental.math.Floating.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package spinal.lib.experimental.math

import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._

  * Floating point value
  * @param exponentSize Size of the exponent field
  * @param mantissaSize Size of the mantissa field with the implicit one not included
case class Floating(exponentSize: Int,
                    mantissaSize: Int) extends Bundle {

  /** Mantissa field without the implicit first bit */
  val mantissa = Bits(mantissaSize bits)

  /** Exponent field (127 excess encoded) */
  val exponent = Bits(exponentSize bits)

  /** Sign field (true when negative) */
  val sign = Bool()

  /** Value of the exponent bias for this float configuration */
  def getExponentBias = ((1 << (exponentSize - 1)) - 1)

  private def isExponentZero = exponent === 0
  private def isMantissaZero = mantissa === 0

  /** Return true if number is +/- 0 */
  def isZero = isMantissaZero && isExponentZero

  /** Return true if the number is positive */
  def isPositive = !sign

    * Assign decimal value to the Floating
    * @param that BigDecimal value
  def := (that: BigDecimal) = {
    // Handle zero case
    if (that == 0) {
      this.exponent := B(0)
      this.mantissa := B(0)
      this.sign := False

    } else {

      val inputValue = that.abs

      var shiftAmount = 0
      var shiftedMantissa = inputValue
      while ((shiftedMantissa.toBigInt & (BigInt(1) << mantissaSize)) == 0) {
        shiftedMantissa *= 2
        shiftAmount += 1

      def firstBitIndex = mantissaSize - shiftAmount
      this.mantissa := B(shiftedMantissa.toBigInt).resized
      this.exponent := (getExponentBias + firstBitIndex)
      this.sign := Bool(that < 0)

  /** return this number recoded into Berkeley encoding */
  def toRecFloating = {
    val recExponentSize = exponentSize + 1
    val recoded = RecFloating(recExponentSize, mantissaSize)

    val firstMantissaBit = mantissaSize - OHToUInt(OHMasking.last(mantissa))
    val normalizedMantissa = (mantissa << firstMantissaBit)(mantissaSize-1 downto 0)

    val denormExponent = B(recExponentSize bits, default -> True) ^ firstMantissaBit.asBits.resized
    val recodedExponent = (Mux(isExponentZero, denormExponent, B(0, 1 bit) ## exponent).asUInt +
      ((1 << recExponentSize - 2) | Mux(isExponentZero, U(3), U(1)).resized)).asBits

    val isNaN = recodedExponent(recExponentSize -1 downto recExponentSize - 2) === 3 && !isMantissaZero
    val finalExponent = ((recodedExponent(recExponentSize - 1 downto recExponentSize - 3) &
      B(3 bits, default -> !isZero)) ## recodedExponent(recExponentSize - 4 downto 0)) |
      (isNaN.asBits << (recExponentSize - 3)).resized

    recoded.sign := sign
    recoded.exponent := finalExponent
    recoded.mantissa := Mux(isExponentZero, normalizedMantissa, mantissa)

  /** Import number from a Berkeley encoded float number */
  def fromRecFloating(that: RecFloating) = that.toFloating

    * Initialization function
    * @param that initialization value
    * @return returns initialized object
  def init(that: BigDecimal): this.type = {
    val initValue = cloneOf(this)
    initValue := that
    this init (initValue)

    * Absolute value
    * @return Absolute value of this float
  def abs: Floating = FloatingAbs(this)


/** Half precision IEEE 754 */
object Floating16 {
  def apply() = Floating(5, 10)

/** Single precision IEEE 754 */
object Floating32 {
  def apply() = Floating(8, 23)

/** Double precision IEEE 754 */
object Floating64 {
  def apply() = Floating(11, 52)

/** Quad precision IEEE 754 */
object Floating128 {
  def apply() = Floating(15, 112)

  * Floating point value recoded using Berkeley encoding
  * (see
  * @param exponentSize Recoded exponent size (1 bit wider than the IEEE754 equivalent float)
  * @param mantissaSize Mantissa field size with the implicit one not included
case class RecFloating(exponentSize: Int,
                       mantissaSize: Int) extends Bundle {

  /** Mantissa field without the implicit first bit */
  val mantissa = Bits(mantissaSize bits)

  /** Exponent field (Berkeley encoded) */
  val exponent = Bits(exponentSize bits)

  /** Sign field (true when negative) */
  val sign = Bool()

  /** Value of the recoded exponent corresponding to the smallest exponent */
  def getExponentZero = (1 << (exponentSize - 2)) + 1

  /** Value of the exponent bias for this float configuration */
  def getExponentBias = ((1 << (exponentSize - 2)) - 1)

  private def isHighSubnormal = exponent(exponentSize - 3 downto 0).asUInt < 2

  /** Return true if the number is subnormal */
  def isSubnormal = exponent(exponentSize - 1 downto exponentSize - 3) === 1 ||
    (exponent(exponentSize - 1 downto exponentSize - 2) === 1 && isHighSubnormal)

  /** Return true if the number is normal */
  def isNormal = (exponent(exponentSize - 1 downto exponentSize - 2) === 1 && !isHighSubnormal) ||
    exponent(exponentSize - 1 downto exponentSize - 2) === 2

  /** Return true if the number is a special case (NaN or Inf) */
  def isSpecial = exponent(exponentSize - 1 downto exponentSize - 2) === 3

  /** Return true if the number is +- zero */
  def isZero = exponent(exponentSize-1 downto exponentSize-3) === 0

  /** Return true is the value is a NaN */
  def isNaN = isSpecial && exponent(exponentSize - 3)

  /** Return true if the value is a Quiet NaN */
  def isQNaN = isNaN && mantissa(mantissaSize-1)

  /** Return true if the value is a Signalling NaN */
  def isSNaN = isNaN && !mantissa(mantissaSize-1)

  /** Return true if the value is positive */
  def isPositive = !sign

  /* Return true if this value is Infinite */
  def isInfinite = isSpecial && !exponent(exponentSize - 3)

  /** Convert to classic IEEE 754 floating point number */
  def toFloating = {
    val decExponentSize = exponentSize - 1
    val decoded = Floating(decExponentSize, mantissaSize)

    val denormShift = 2 - exponent(log2Up(mantissaSize) - 1 downto 0).asUInt
    val denormMantissaShifted = ((B(1) ## mantissa) >> denormShift)(mantissaSize - 1 downto 0)
    val normalExponent = exponent(exponentSize - 2 downto 0).asUInt - ((1 << (exponentSize - 2)) + 1)

    // Take care of special exponent cases, special is not set for zero
    decoded.exponent := Mux(isNormal, normalExponent.asBits, B(decExponentSize bits, default -> isSpecial)).asBits
    decoded.mantissa := Mux(isNormal || isNaN, mantissa, Mux(isSubnormal, denormMantissaShifted, B(0)))
    decoded.sign := sign

  /** Import from an IEEE 754 floating point number */
  def fromFloating(that: Floating) = that.toRecFloating

  /** Import from UInt */
  def fromUInt(that: UInt) = fromUnsignedInteger(that, 0)

  /** Import from UFix */
  def fromUFix(that: UFix) = fromUnsignedInteger(that.raw, that.minExp)

    * Import from unsigned integer
    * @param that input signed integer value
    * @param offset exponent offset value
    * @return Recoded Floating value
  private def fromUnsignedInteger(that: UInt, offset: Int) = {
    this.sign := False

    val exponentValue = OHToUInt(OHMasking.last(that))
    val normalizationOffset = that.getWidth - exponentValue

    val inputValue = if (that.getWidth >= mantissaSize) that
    else that.resize(mantissaSize)

    val inputSize = if (that.getWidth >= mantissaSize) that.getWidth
    else mantissaSize

    val normalizedInt = (inputValue << normalizationOffset)(inputSize - 1 downto inputSize - mantissaSize)
    this.mantissa := normalizedInt.asBits

    val exponent = (U(getExponentZero + getExponentBias + offset, exponentSize bits) + exponentValue.resize(exponentSize)).asBits
    val isZero = that.orR
    this.exponent := (exponent(exponent.high) && isZero) ## (exponent(exponent.high - 1) && isZero) ##
      (exponent(exponent.high - 2) && isZero) ##
      exponent(exponent.high - 3 downto 0)


  /** Convert floating point to UInt */
  def toUInt(width: Int): UInt = FloatingToUInt(this, width, 0)

  /** Convert floating point to SFix with width */
  def toUFix(peak: ExpNumber, width: BitCount) = {
    val UFixValue = UFix(peak, width)
    UFixValue.raw := FloatingToUInt(this, width.value, peak.value - width.value)

  /** Convert floating point to SFix with resolution */
  def toUFix(peak: ExpNumber, resolution: ExpNumber) = {
    val UFixValue = UFix(peak, resolution)
    UFixValue.raw := FloatingToUInt(this, peak.value - resolution.value, resolution.value)

    * Overrides assignment operator
    * @param that Integer number that will be assigned to the converted floating value
  def assignTo(that: UInt): Unit = {
    that := this.toUInt(that.getWidth)

  /** Import from SInt */
  def fromSInt(that: SInt) = fromSignedInteger(that, 0)

  /** Import from SFix */
  def fromSFix(that: SFix) = fromSignedInteger(that.raw, that.minExp)

    * Import from signed integer
    * @param that input signed integer value
    * @param offset exponent offset value
    * @return Recoded Floating value
  private def fromSignedInteger(that: SInt, offset: Int) = {
    this.sign := that(that.getWidth - 1)

    val absValue = that.abs
    val exponentValue = OHToUInt(OHMasking.last(absValue))
    val normalizationOffset = that.getWidth - exponentValue

    val inputValue = if (that.getWidth >= mantissaSize) absValue
    else absValue.resize(mantissaSize)

    val inputSize = if (that.getWidth >= mantissaSize) that.getWidth
    else mantissaSize

    val normalizedInt = (inputValue << normalizationOffset)(inputSize - 1 downto inputSize - mantissaSize)
    this.mantissa := normalizedInt.asBits
    def exponent = (U(getExponentZero + getExponentBias + offset, exponentSize bits) + exponentValue.resize(exponentSize)).asBits
    val isZero = that.orR
    this.exponent := (exponent(exponent.high) && isZero) ## (exponent(exponent.high - 1) && isZero) ##
      (exponent(exponent.high - 2) && isZero) ##
      exponent(exponent.high - 3 downto 0)


  /** Convert floating point to SInt */
  def toSInt(width: Int): SInt = FloatingToSInt(this, width, 0)

  /** Convert floating point to SFix with width */
  def toSFix(peak: ExpNumber, width: BitCount) = {
    val SFixValue = SFix(peak, width)
    SFixValue.raw := FloatingToSInt(this, width.value, peak.value - width.value)

  /** Convert floating point to SFix with resolution */
  def toSFix(peak: ExpNumber, resolution: ExpNumber) = {
    val SFixValue = SFix(peak, resolution)
    SFixValue.raw := FloatingToSInt(this, peak.value - resolution.value, resolution.value)

    * Assign double value to the Floating
    * @param that BigDecimal value
  def := (that: BigDecimal) = {
    // Handle zero case
    if (that == 0) {
      this.exponent := B(0)
      this.mantissa := B(0)
      this.sign := False

    } else {

      val inputValue = that.abs

      var shiftAmount = 0
      var shiftedMantissa = inputValue
      while ((shiftedMantissa.toBigInt & (BigInt(1) << mantissaSize)) == 0) {
        shiftedMantissa *= 2
        shiftAmount += 1

      def firstBitIndex = mantissaSize - shiftAmount
      this.mantissa := B(shiftedMantissa.toBigInt).resized
      this.exponent := (getExponentBias + getExponentZero + firstBitIndex)
      this.sign := Bool(that < 0)

    * Overrides assignment operator
    * @param that Integer number that will be assigned to the converted floating value
  def assignTo(that: SInt): Unit = {
    that := this.toSInt(that.getWidth)

    * Initialization function
    * @param that initialization value
    * @return returns initialized object
  def init(that: BigDecimal): this.type = {
    val initValue = cloneOf(this)
    initValue := that
    this init (initValue)

    * Absolute value
    * @return Absolute value of this float
  def abs: RecFloating = FloatingAbs(this)

    * Less than
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is smaller than that
  def < (that: RecFloating): Bool = {
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, that)

    * Less than constant
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is smaller than that
  def < (that: BigDecimal): Bool = {
    val constValue = cloneOf(this)
    constValue := that
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, constValue)

    * Less than or equal
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is smaller or equal to that
  def <= (that: RecFloating): Bool = {
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, that)

    * Less than or equal to constant
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is smaller or equal to that
  def <= (that: BigDecimal): Bool = {
    val constValue = cloneOf(this)
    constValue := that
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, constValue)

    * Equals
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value equals to that
  def === (that: RecFloating): Bool = {
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, that)

    * Equals to constant
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value equals to that
  def === (that: BigDecimal): Bool = {
    val constValue = cloneOf(this)
    constValue := that
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, constValue)

    * Greater than
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is greater than that
  def > (that: RecFloating): Bool = {
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, that)

    * Greater than constant
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is greater than that
  def > (that: BigDecimal): Bool = {
    val constValue = cloneOf(this)
    constValue := that
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, constValue)

    * Greater than or equal
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is greater of equal to that
  def >= (that: RecFloating): Bool = {
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, that)

    * Greater than or equal to constant
    * @param that other side of the comparison
    * @return true is this value is greater of equal to that
  def >= (that: BigDecimal): Bool = {
    val constValue = cloneOf(this)
    constValue := that
    val compare = FloatingCompare(this, constValue)

/** Half precision recoded Floating */
object RecFloating16 {
  def apply() = RecFloating(6, 10)

/** Single precision recoded Floating */
object RecFloating32 {
  def apply() = RecFloating(9, 23)

/** Double precision recoded Floating */
object RecFloating64 {
  def apply() = RecFloating(12, 52)

/** Quad precision recoded Floating */
object RecFloating128 {
  def apply() = RecFloating(16, 112)

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