spinal.lib.graphic.vga.TilelinkVgaCtrl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.graphic.vga
import spinal.core.{Reg, _}
import spinal.core.fiber._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba3.apb.{Apb3, Apb3SlaveFactory}
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axi.Axi4ReadOnly
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink._
import spinal.lib.bus.bsb.{Bsb, BsbInterconnectGenerator, BsbParameter}
import spinal.lib.graphic._
import spinal.lib.generator._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.SizeMapping
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink.SlaveFactory
import spinal.lib.com.uart.TilelinkUartCtrl
import spinal.lib.graphic.hdmi.VgaToHdmiEcp5
import spinal.lib.misc.slot.{Slot, SlotPool}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object TilelinkVgaCtrl{
def getSupported(proposed: M2sSupport) = SlaveFactory.getSupported(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = 32,
allowBurst = false,
proposed = proposed
def addressWidth = 8
case class TilelinkVgaCtrlInits(run : Boolean,
base : BigInt,
size : BigInt,
timings : VgaTimingsScala)
case class TilelinkVgaCtrlMapping(offset : Int, width : Int){
def range = offset+width-1 downto offset
case class TilelinkVgaCtrlMode(pixelWidth : Int,
mapping: Seq[TilelinkVgaCtrlMapping]){
case class TilelinkVgaCtrlParam(dmaParam : TilelinkVideoDmaParam,
rgbConfig: RgbConfig,
mods : Seq[TilelinkVgaCtrlMode],
inits : TilelinkVgaCtrlInits = null,
timingsWidth: Int = 12){
case class TilelinkVideoDmaParam(var addressWidth : Int,
var dataWidth : Int,
var pendingSize : Int,
var accessSize : Int,
var storageSize : Int){
object TilelinkVideoDma {
def getDmaM2s(param : TilelinkVideoDmaParam, name : Nameable) = M2sParameters(
addressWidth = param.addressWidth,
dataWidth = param.dataWidth,
masters = List(
name = name,
mapping = M2sSource(
id = SizeMapping(0, param.pendingSize),
emits = M2sTransfers(
get = SizeRange(param.accessSize)
case class TilelinkVideoDma(param : TilelinkVideoDmaParam,
memParam: BusParameter,
vgaCd : ClockDomain
) extends Component {
import param._
val io = new Bundle{
val start = in Bool()
val busy = out Bool()
val base = in UInt (memParam.addressWidth bits) //in byte
val size = in UInt (memParam.addressWidth bits) //in byte
val mem = master(Bus(memParam))
val frame = master(Stream(Fragment(Bits(memParam.dataWidth bits))))
val ptrWidth = log2Up(storageSize / accessSize) + 1
val TARGET = HardType(UInt(ptrWidth-1 bits))
val PTR = HardType(UInt(ptrWidth bits))
val popToPushGray = Bits(ptrWidth bits)
val pushToPopGray = Bits(ptrWidth bits)
case class Word() extends Bundle{
val data = memParam.data()
val last = Bool()
val storage = new Area{
val ram = Mem.fill(storageSize/memParam.dataBytes)(Word())
val write = ram.writePort()
val readCmd = Stream(ram.addressType)
val readRsp = vgaCd(ram.streamReadSync(readCmd, crossClock = true))
val push = new Area {
val isActive = RegInit(False)
io.busy := isActive
val offset = Reg(UInt(memParam.addressWidth bits))
val offsetNext = offset + accessSize
val cmdLast = offsetNext === io.size
val slots = new SlotPool(pendingSize, true)(
new Slot {
val target = Reg(TARGET)
val last = Reg(Bool())
def isFull(a: Bits, b: Bits) = a(ptrWidth - 1 downto ptrWidth - 2) === ~b(ptrWidth - 1 downto ptrWidth - 2) && a(ptrWidth - 3 downto 0) === b(ptrWidth - 3 downto 0)
val memA = cloneOf(io.mem.a)
io.mem.a <-< memA
val cmdPtr = Reg(PTR) init (0)
memA.valid := False
memA.opcode := Opcode.A.GET
memA.param := Param.Hint.NO_ALLOCATE_ON_MISS
memA.source := slots.allocate.id
memA.address := io.base + offset
memA.size := log2Up(accessSize)
when(memA.fire) {
slots.allocate { s =>
s.target := cmdPtr.resized
s.last := cmdLast
cmdPtr := cmdPtr + 1
offset := offsetNext
io.mem.d.ready := True
val slotsReader = slots.slots.reader(io.mem.d.source)
storage.write.valid := io.mem.d.valid
storage.write.address := slotsReader(_.target) @@ io.mem.d.beatCounter()
storage.write.data.data := io.mem.d.data
storage.write.data.last := slotsReader(_.last) && io.mem.d.isLast()
when(io.mem.d.fire && io.mem.d.isLast()){
val pushPtr = Reg(PTR) init (0)
val pushPtrGray = RegNext(toGray(pushPtr.getAheadValue())) init (0)
when(pushPtr =/= cmdPtr && slots.slots.map(s => s.valid && s.target === pushPtr.resized).norR) {
pushPtr := pushPtr + 1
val popPtrGray = BufferCC(popToPushGray, B(0, ptrWidth bits), inputAttributes = List(crossClockMaxDelay(1, useTargetClock = false)))
val storageFull = isFull(toGray(cmdPtr), popPtrGray)
when(!isActive) {
when(io.start) {
offset := 0
isActive := True
} otherwise {
when (!storageFull && !slots.allocate.full) {
memA.valid := True
when(memA.fire && cmdLast){
isActive := False
val pop = new ClockingArea(vgaCd){
def isEmpty(a: Bits, b: Bits) = a === b
val readPtr = Reg(UInt(storage.ram.addressWidth+1 bits)) init(0)
val popPtr = readPtr >> log2Up(accessSize/memParam.dataBytes)
val popPtrGray = toGray(popPtr)
val pushPtrGray = BufferCC(pushToPopGray, B(0, ptrWidth bit), inputAttributes = List(crossClockMaxDelay(1, useTargetClock = false)))
val ptrToPush = RegNext(popPtrGray) init (0)
val empty = isEmpty(popPtrGray, pushPtrGray)
storage.readCmd.valid := !empty
storage.readCmd.payload := readPtr.resized
when(storage.readCmd.fire) {
readPtr := readPtr + 1
io.frame.last := storage.readRsp.last
io.frame.fragment := storage.readRsp.data
pushToPopGray := push.pushPtrGray
popToPushGray := pop.ptrToPush
case class TilelinkVgaCtrl(param : TilelinkVgaCtrlParam,
ctrlParam: BusParameter,
dmaParam: BusParameter,
vgaCd : ClockDomain) extends Component{
import param._
val io = new Bundle{
// val ctrl = slave(Bus(ctrlParam))
val dma = master(Bus(dmaParam))
val vga = master(Vga(rgbConfig))
// val ctrl = new SlaveFactory(io.ctrl, false)
// val regs = new Area {
// val run = RegInit(False)
// val timings = Reg(VgaTimings(param.timingsWidth))
//// val run = ctrl.createReadAndWrite(Bool(), 0x00) init (False)
//// val timings = ctrl.createWriteOnly(VgaTimings(param.timingsWidth), 0x40)
// }
val run = Bool()
run := Bool(inits.run)
val dma = new TilelinkVideoDma(
param = param.dmaParam,
memParam = dmaParam,
vgaCd = vgaCd
dma.io.mem <> io.dma
dma.io.base := inits.base
dma.io.size := inits.size
dma.io.start := run
val vga = new ClockingArea(vgaCd) {
assert(mods.size == 1)
val mod = mods.head
assert(mod.mapping.size == 3)
val run = BufferCC(TilelinkVgaCtrl.this.run)
val resized = Stream(Fragment(Bits(mod.pixelWidth bits)))
val adapter = StreamFragmentWidthAdapter(dma.io.frame, resized)
val adapted = Stream(Fragment(Rgb(param.rgbConfig)))
adapted.last := resized.last
adapted.r := U(resized.fragment(mod.mapping(0).range))
adapted.g := U(resized.fragment(mod.mapping(1).range))
adapted.b := U(resized.fragment(mod.mapping(2).range))
val ctrl = VgaCtrl(param.rgbConfig, param.timingsWidth)
val feed = ctrl.feedWith(adapted.stage(), resync = run.rise)
ctrl.io.softReset := !run
ctrl.io.vga <> io.vga
case class TilelinkVgaCtrlSpec(name : String,
param : TilelinkVgaCtrlParam)
object TilelinkVgaCtrlSpec{
def addOption(parser: scopt.OptionParser[Unit], vga: ArrayBuffer[TilelinkVgaCtrlSpec]): Unit = {
import parser._
opt[Map[String, String]]("video").unbounded().action { (v, c) =>
vga += TilelinkVgaCtrlSpec(
name = v("name"),
param = TilelinkVgaCtrlParam(
dmaParam = TilelinkVideoDmaParam(
addressWidth = 32,
dataWidth = 0,
pendingSize = 4,
accessSize = 64,
storageSize = 4096
// rgbConfig = RgbConfig(5, 6, 5),
rgbConfig = RgbConfig(8, 8, 8),
mods = List(
pixelWidth = 32,
mapping = Seq(
inits = new TilelinkVgaCtrlInits(
run = true,
base = 0x40c00000,
size = 800 * 600 * 4,
timings = VgaTimingsScala.h800_v600_r60
// size = 640*480*4,
// timings = VgaTimingsScala.h640_v480_r60
timingsWidth = 12
} text (s"")
case class TilelinkVgaCtrlFiber(param : TilelinkVgaCtrlParam, vgaCd : ClockDomain) extends Area{
val dma = tilelink.fabric.Node.down()
val logic = Fiber build new Area{
dma.m2s.forceParameters(TilelinkVideoDma.getDmaM2s(param.dmaParam, TilelinkVgaCtrlFiber.this))
val ctrl = TilelinkVgaCtrl(
param = param,
ctrlParam = null,
dmaParam = dma.bus.p,
vgaCd = vgaCd
ctrl.io.dma <> dma.bus
// def withRegisterPhy(withColorEn : Boolean) = output.produce{
// val reg = out(vgaCd.get(Reg(Vga(output.rgbConfig, false))))
// reg.assignSomeByName(output)
// when(!output.colorEn){
// reg.color.clear()
// }
// reg
// }
object ColorConversion {
def rgbToYCbCr(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int): (Int, Int, Int) = {
require(r >= 0 && r <= 255, "R must be in the range 0 to 255")
require(g >= 0 && g <= 255, "G must be in the range 0 to 255")
require(b >= 0 && b <= 255, "B must be in the range 0 to 255")
val y = (0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b).floor.toInt
val cb = (128 - 0.168736 * r - 0.331264 * g + 0.5 * b).floor.toInt
val cr = (128 + 0.5 * r - 0.418688 * g - 0.081312 * b).floor.toInt
println(s"$y $cb $cr")
def sat(x : Int) = x.min(255).max(0)
(sat(y), sat(cb), sat (cr))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// for(i <- 0 until 32){
// println(f"mww 0x${0x40c00000 + i*640*5*4}%x 0x${1 << i}%x ${640*5}")
// }
// println(s"mww 0x40c00000 0xFFFFFFFF ${640/2*7*35}")
// for (i <- 0 until 32) {
// println(f"mww 0x${0x40c00000 + i * 640/2*4*7}%x 0x${0x00001 << i}%x ${640/2 * 5}")
// }
var line = 0
def show(r : Int, g : Int, b : Int) {
val (y, cb, cr) = rgbToYCbCr(r, g, b)
println(f"mww 0x${0x40c00000+line*640/2}%x ${f"0x${cr}%02x${y}%02x${cb}%02x${y}%02x"} ${640/2*20}")
line += 20
show(0, 0, 0)
show(255, 0, 0)
show(0, 255, 0)
show(0, 0, 255)
show(255, 255, 255)
show(0x80, 0, 0x80)
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