spinal.lib.graphic.vga.VgaCtrl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.graphic.vga
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.BusSlaveFactory
import spinal.lib.experimental.bus.neutral.NeutralStreamDma
import spinal.lib.eda.altera.QSysify
import spinal.lib.graphic.{RgbConfig, Rgb}
object VgaTimingsHvScala{
def craft(sync: Int, front: Int, pix: Int, post: Int) = new VgaTimingsHvScala(
syncStart = sync - 1,
colorStart = sync + front - 1,
colorEnd = sync + front + pix - 1,
syncEnd = sync + front + pix + post - 1,
polarity = false
def timing(pixels: Int,
sync: Int,
front: Int,
back: Int,
polarity: Boolean) = new VgaTimingsHvScala(
syncStart = sync - 1,
colorStart = sync + back - 1,
colorEnd = sync + back + pixels - 1,
syncEnd = sync + back + pixels + front - 1,
polarity = polarity
class VgaTimingsHvScala(val syncStart: Int,
val syncEnd: Int,
val colorStart: Int,
val colorEnd: Int,
val polarity: Boolean)
class VgaTimingsScala(val h : VgaTimingsHvScala,
val v : VgaTimingsHvScala)
object VgaTimingsScala{
def h640_v480_r60 = {
new VgaTimingsScala(
h = new VgaTimingsHvScala(
syncStart = 95,
syncEnd = 799,
colorStart = 143,
colorEnd = 783,
polarity = false
v = new VgaTimingsHvScala(
syncStart = 1,
syncEnd = 524,
colorStart = 34,
colorEnd = 514,
polarity = false
def h800_v600_r60 = new VgaTimingsScala(
h = VgaTimingsHvScala.timing(
pixels = 800,
sync = 128,
front = 40,
back = 88,
polarity = true
v = VgaTimingsHvScala.timing(
pixels = 600,
sync = 4,
front = 1,
back = 23,
polarity = true
def h128_v128_r60 = new VgaTimingsScala(
h = VgaTimingsHvScala.craft(10,15,128,5),
v = VgaTimingsHvScala.craft(5,2,128,2)
def h64_v64_r60 = new VgaTimingsScala(
h = VgaTimingsHvScala.craft(10, 15, 64, 5),
v = VgaTimingsHvScala.craft(5, 2, 64, 2)
//class VgaTimingsHvScala(){
// var syncStart = 0
// var syncEnd = 0
// var colorStart = 0
// var colorEnd = 0
// var polarity = 0
//class VgaTimingsScala(){
// var h = new VgaTimingsHvScala()
// var v = new VgaTimingsHvScala()
case class VgaTimingsHV(timingsWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val syncStart = UInt(timingsWidth bit)
val syncEnd = UInt(timingsWidth bit)
val colorStart = UInt(timingsWidth bit)
val colorEnd = UInt(timingsWidth bit)
val polarity = Bool()
def assign(t : VgaTimingsHvScala): Unit = {
syncStart := t.syncStart
syncEnd := t.syncEnd
colorStart := t.colorStart
colorEnd := t.colorEnd
polarity := Bool(t.polarity)
case class VgaTimings(timingsWidth: Int) extends Bundle {
val h = VgaTimingsHV(timingsWidth)
val v = VgaTimingsHV(timingsWidth)
def assign(t: VgaTimingsScala): Unit = {
def setAs_h640_v480_r60: Unit = {
h.syncStart := 95
h.syncEnd := 799
h.colorStart := 143
h.colorEnd := 783
v.syncStart := 1
v.syncEnd := 524
v.colorStart := 34
v.colorEnd := 514
h.polarity := False
v.polarity := False
def setAs_h64_v64_r60: Unit = {
h.syncStart := 96 - 1
h.syncEnd := 800 - 1
h.colorStart := 96 + 16 - 1 + 288
h.colorEnd := 800 - 48 - 1 - 288
v.syncStart := 2 - 1
v.syncEnd := 525 - 1
v.colorStart := 2 + 10 - 1 + 208
v.colorEnd := 525 - 33 - 1 - 208
h.polarity := False
v.polarity := False
def setAs(hPixels : Int,
hSync : Int,
hFront : Int,
hBack : Int,
hPolarity : Boolean,
vPixels : Int,
vSync : Int,
vFront : Int,
vBack : Int,
vPolarity : Boolean): Unit = {
h.syncStart := hSync - 1
h.colorStart := hSync + hBack - 1
h.colorEnd := hSync + hBack + hPixels - 1
h.syncEnd := hSync + hBack + hPixels + hFront - 1
v.syncStart := vSync - 1
v.colorStart := vSync + vBack - 1
v.colorEnd := vSync + vBack + vPixels - 1
v.syncEnd := vSync + vBack + vPixels + vFront - 1
h.polarity := Bool(hPolarity)
v.polarity := Bool(vPolarity)
def setAs_h1920_v1080_r60: Unit = setAs(
hPixels = 1920,
hSync = 44,
hFront = 88,
hBack = 148,
hPolarity = true,
vPixels = 1080,
vSync = 5,
vFront = 4,
vBack = 36,
vPolarity = true
def setAs_h800_v600_r60: Unit = setAs(
hPixels = 800,
hSync = 128,
hFront = 40,
hBack = 88,
hPolarity = true,
vPixels = 600,
vSync = 4,
vFront = 1,
vBack = 23,
vPolarity = true
def driveFrom(busCtrl : BusSlaveFactory,baseAddress : Int) : Unit = {
require(busCtrl.busDataWidth == 32)
busCtrl.drive(h.syncStart ,baseAddress + 0)
busCtrl.drive(h.syncEnd ,baseAddress + 4)
busCtrl.drive(h.colorStart ,baseAddress + 8)
busCtrl.drive(h.colorEnd ,baseAddress + 12)
busCtrl.drive(v.syncStart ,baseAddress + 16)
busCtrl.drive(v.syncEnd ,baseAddress + 20)
busCtrl.drive(v.colorStart ,baseAddress + 24)
busCtrl.drive(v.colorEnd ,baseAddress + 28)
busCtrl.drive(h.polarity ,baseAddress + 32, 0) init(False)
busCtrl.drive(v.polarity ,baseAddress + 32, 1) init(False)
object VgaTimingPrint extends App{
def show( hPixels : Int,
hSync : Int,
hFront : Int,
hBack : Int,
hPolarity : Boolean,
vPixels : Int,
vSync : Int,
vFront : Int,
vBack : Int,
vPolarity : Boolean): Unit = {
val h_syncStart = hSync - 1
val h_colorStart = hSync + hBack - 1
val h_colorEnd = hSync + hBack + hPixels - 1
val h_syncEnd = hSync + hBack + hPixels + hFront - 1
val v_syncStart = vSync - 1
val v_colorStart = vSync + vBack - 1
val v_colorEnd = vSync + vBack + vPixels - 1
val v_syncEnd = vSync + vBack + vPixels + vFront - 1
s""" .hSyncStart = $h_syncStart,
| .hSyncEnd = $h_syncEnd,
| .hColorStart = $h_colorStart,
| .hColorEnd = $h_colorEnd,
| .vSyncStart = $v_syncStart,
| .vSyncEnd = $v_syncEnd,
| .vColorStart = $v_colorStart,
| .vColorEnd = $v_colorEnd,
| .polarities = ${(if(hPolarity) 1 else 0) | (if(vPolarity) 2 else 0)},
hPixels = 640,
hSync = 96,
hFront = 16,
hBack = 48,
hPolarity = false,
vPixels = 480,
vSync = 2,
vFront = 10,
vBack = 33,
vPolarity = false
case class VgaCtrl(rgbConfig: RgbConfig, timingsWidth: Int = 12) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val softReset = in Bool() default(False)
val timings = in(VgaTimings(timingsWidth))
val frameStart = out Bool()
val pixels = slave Stream (Rgb(rgbConfig))
val vga = master(Vga(rgbConfig))
val error = out Bool()
case class HVArea(timingsHV: VgaTimingsHV, enable: Bool) extends Area {
val counter = Reg(UInt(timingsWidth bit)) init(0)
val syncStart = counter === timingsHV.syncStart
val syncEnd = counter === timingsHV.syncEnd
val colorStart = counter === timingsHV.colorStart
val colorEnd = counter === timingsHV.colorEnd
val polarity = timingsHV.polarity
when(enable) {
counter := counter + 1
when(syncEnd) {
counter := 0
val sync = RegInit(False) setWhen(syncStart) clearWhen(syncEnd)
val colorEn = RegInit(False) setWhen(colorStart) clearWhen(colorEnd)
when(io.softReset) {
counter := 0
sync := False
colorEn := False
val h = HVArea(io.timings.h, True)
val v = HVArea(io.timings.v, h.syncEnd) // h.colorEnd
val colorEn = h.colorEn && v.colorEn
io.pixels.ready := colorEn || io.softReset
io.error := colorEn && !io.pixels.valid
io.frameStart := v.syncStart && h.syncStart
io.vga.hSync := h.sync ^ h.polarity
io.vga.vSync := v.sync ^ v.polarity
io.vga.colorEn := colorEn
io.vga.color := io.pixels.payload
//Can be called by parent component to make the VgaCtrl autonom by using a Stream of fragment to feed it.
def feedWith(that : Stream[Fragment[Rgb]], resync : Bool = False) = new Area{
val error = RegInit(False)
val waitStartOfFrame = RegInit(False)
val firstPixel = Reg(Bool()) setWhen(io.frameStart) clearWhen(that.firstFire)
io.pixels << that.toStreamOfFragment.haltWhen(waitStartOfFrame && !error)
waitStartOfFrame := False
when(that.fire && that.last){
error := False
waitStartOfFrame := error
when(!waitStartOfFrame && !error) {
when(io.error || resync || firstPixel && that.valid && !that.first) {
error := True
object VgaCtrl {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new VgaCtrl(RgbConfig(8, 8, 8)))
//TODO add to doc example
class BlinkingVgaCtrl(rgbConfig: RgbConfig) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle{
val vga = master(Vga(rgbConfig))
val counter = Reg(UInt(rgbConfig.gWidth bits))
val ctrl = new VgaCtrl(rgbConfig)
ctrl.io.softReset := False
ctrl.io.pixels.valid := True
ctrl.io.pixels.r := 0
ctrl.io.pixels.g := counter
ctrl.io.pixels.b := 0
ctrl.io.vga <> io.vga
counter := counter + 1
object BlinkingVgaCtrl {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
SpinalVhdl(new BlinkingVgaCtrl(RgbConfig(8, 8, 8))).toplevel
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