spinal.lib.logic.Symplify.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.logic
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.eda.bench.{AlteraStdTargets, Bench, EfinixStdTargets, Rtl, XilinxStdTargets}
import spinal.lib.eda.xilinx.VivadoFlow
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.math.BigInt
object Symplify{
def getCache(addr : Bits) = signalCache(addr)(mutable.LinkedHashMap[Masked,Bool]())
//Generate terms logic for the given input
def logicOf(input : Bits,terms : Seq[Masked]) : Bool = terms.map(t => getCache(input).getOrElseUpdate(t,t === input)).asBits.orR
//Decode 'input' by using an mapping[key, decoding] specification
def apply(input: Bits, mapping: Iterable[(Masked, Masked)], resultWidth : Int) : Bits = {
val addrWidth = widthOf(input)
(for(bitId <- 0 until resultWidth) yield{
val trueTerm = mapping.filter { case (k,t) => (t.care.testBit(bitId) && t.value.testBit(bitId))}.map(_._1)
val falseTerm = mapping.filter { case (k,t) => (t.care.testBit(bitId) && !t.value.testBit(bitId))}.map(_._1)
val symplifiedTerms = SymplifyBit.getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndFalse(trueTerm.toSeq, falseTerm.toSeq, addrWidth)
logicOf(input, symplifiedTerms)
def apply(input: Bits, trueTerms: Iterable[Masked], falseTerms: Iterable[Masked]) : Bool = {
val addrWidth = widthOf(input)
val symplifiedTerms = SymplifyBit.getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndFalse(trueTerms.toSeq, falseTerms.toSeq, addrWidth)
logicOf(input, symplifiedTerms)
//Default is zero
def apply(input : Bits, trueTerms : Iterable[Masked]) : Bool = {
Symplify.logicOf(input, SymplifyBit.getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(trueTerms.toSeq, Nil, widthOf(input)))
def trueAndDontCare(input : Bits, trueTerms : Iterable[Masked], dontCare : Iterable[Masked]) : Bool = {
Symplify.logicOf(input, SymplifyBit.getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(trueTerms.toSeq, dontCare.toSeq, widthOf(input)))
object SymplifyBit{
//Return a new term with only one bit difference with 'term' and not included in falseTerms. above => 0 to 1 dif, else 1 to 0 diff
def genImplicitDontCare(falseTerms: Seq[Masked], term: Masked, bits: Int, above: Boolean): Masked = {
for (i <- 0 until bits; if term.care.testBit(i)) {
var t: Masked = null
if(above) {
if (!term.value.testBit(i))
t = Masked(term.value.setBit(i), term.care)
} else {
if (term.value.testBit(i))
t = Masked(term.value.clearBit(i), term.care)
if (t != null && !falseTerms.exists(_.intersects(t))) {
t.isPrime = false
return t
//Return primes implicants for the trueTerms, falseTerms spec. Default value is don't care
def getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndFalse(trueTerms: Seq[Masked], falseTerms: Seq[Masked], inputWidth : Int): Seq[Masked] = {
val primes = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Masked]()
trueTerms.foreach(_.isPrime = true)
falseTerms.foreach(_.isPrime = true)
val trueTermByCareCount = (inputWidth to 0 by -1).map(b => trueTerms.filter(b == _.care.bitCount))
val table = trueTermByCareCount.map(c => (0 to inputWidth).map(b => collection.mutable.Set(c.filter(b == _.value.bitCount): _*)))
for (i <- 0 to inputWidth) {
//Expends explicit terms
for (j <- 0 until inputWidth - i){
for(term <- table(i)(j)){
table(i+1)(j) ++= table(i)(j+1).withFilter(_.isSimilarOneBitDifSmaller(term)).map(_.mergeOneBitDifSmaller(term))
//Expends implicit don't care terms
for (j <- 0 until inputWidth-i) {
for (prime <- table(i)(j).withFilter(_.isPrime)) {
val dc = genImplicitDontCare(falseTerms, prime, inputWidth, true)
if (dc != null)
table(i+1)(j) += dc mergeOneBitDifSmaller prime
for (prime <- table(i)(j+1).withFilter(_.isPrime)) {
val dc = genImplicitDontCare(falseTerms, prime, inputWidth, false)
if (dc != null)
table(i+1)(j) += prime mergeOneBitDifSmaller dc
for (r <- table(i))
for (p <- r; if p.isPrime)
primes += p
def optimise() {
val duplicateds = primes.filter(prime => verifyTrueFalse(primes.filterNot(_ == prime), trueTerms, falseTerms))
if(duplicateds.nonEmpty) {
primes -= duplicateds.maxBy(_.care.bitCount)
verifyTrueFalse(primes, trueTerms, falseTerms)
var duplication = 0
for(prime <- primes){
if(verifyTrueFalse(primes.filterNot(_ == prime), trueTerms, falseTerms)){
duplication += 1
if(duplication != 0){
PendingError(s"Duplicated primes : $duplication")
//Verify that the 'terms' doesn't violate the trueTerms ++ falseTerms spec
def verifyTrueFalse(terms : Iterable[Masked], trueTerms : Seq[Masked], falseTerms : Seq[Masked]): Boolean ={
return (trueTerms.forall(trueTerm => terms.exists(_ covers trueTerm))) && (falseTerms.forall(falseTerm => !terms.exists(_ covers falseTerm)))
def checkTrue(terms : Iterable[Masked], trueTerms : Seq[Masked]): Boolean ={
return trueTerms.forall(trueTerm => terms.exists(_ covers trueTerm))
def getPrimeImplicantsByTrue(trueTerms: Seq[Masked], inputWidth : Int) : Seq[Masked] = getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(trueTerms, Nil, inputWidth)
// Return primes implicants for the trueTerms, default value is False.
// You can insert don't care values by adding non-prime implicants in the trueTerms
// Will simplify the trueTerms from the most constrained ones to the least constrained ones
def getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(trueTerms: Seq[Masked],dontCareTerms: Seq[Masked], inputWidth : Int): Seq[Masked] = {
val primes = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Masked]()
trueTerms.foreach(_.isPrime = true)
dontCareTerms.foreach(_.isPrime = false)
val termsByCareCount = (inputWidth to 0 by -1).map(b => (trueTerms ++ dontCareTerms).filter(b == _.care.bitCount))
val table = termsByCareCount.map(c => (0 to inputWidth).map(b => collection.mutable.Set(c.filter(m => b == m.value.bitCount): _*)))
for (i <- 0 to inputWidth) {
for (j <- 0 until inputWidth - i){
for(term <- table(i)(j)){
table(i+1)(j) ++= table(i)(j+1).withFilter(_.isSimilarOneBitDifSmaller(term)).map(_.mergeOneBitDifSmaller(term))
for (r <- table(i))
for (p <- r; if p.isPrime)
primes += p
def optimise() {
val duplicateds = primes.filter(prime => checkTrue(primes.filterNot(_ == prime), trueTerms))
if(duplicateds.nonEmpty) {
primes -= duplicateds.maxBy(_.care.bitCount)
var duplication = 0
for(prime <- primes){
if(checkTrue(primes.filterNot(_ == prime), trueTerms)){
duplication += 1
if(duplication != 0){
PendingError(s"Duplicated primes : $duplication")
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// val default = Masked(0, 0xF)
// val primeImplicants = List(4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15).map(v => Masked(v, 0xF))
// val dcImplicants = List(9, 14).map(v => Masked(v, 0xF).setPrime(false))
// val reducedPrimeImplicants = getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(primeImplicants, dcImplicants, 4)
// println("UUT")
// println(reducedPrimeImplicants.map(_.toString(4)).mkString("\n"))
// println("REF")
// println("-100\n10--\n1--0\n1-1-")
val primeImplicants = List(0).map(v => Masked(v, 0xF))
val dcImplicants = (1 to 15).map(v => Masked(v, 0xF))
val reducedPrimeImplicants = getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndDontCare(primeImplicants, dcImplicants, 4)
val trueTerms = List(0, 15).map(v => Masked(v, 0xF))
val falseTerms = List(3).map(v => Masked(v, 0xF))
val primes = getPrimeImplicantsByTrueAndFalse(trueTerms, falseTerms, 4)
object SymplifyBench extends App{
val all = List(
Masked(BigInt("51"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("1073741875"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("8243"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("12339"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("16435"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("24627"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("28723"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("19"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("8211"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("12307"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("16403"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("24595"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("28691"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("55"), BigInt("127")) ,
Masked(BigInt("23"), BigInt("127")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4147"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("20531"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("1073762355"), BigInt("4261441663")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4115"), BigInt("4227887231")) ,
Masked(BigInt("20499"), BigInt("4227887231")) ,
Masked(BigInt("1073762323"), BigInt("4227887231")) ,
Masked(BigInt("111"), BigInt("127")) ,
Masked(BigInt("103"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("99"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4195"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("16483"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("20579"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("24675"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("28771"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4211"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("8307"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("12403"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("20595"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("24691"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("28787"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("3"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4099"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("8195"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("16387"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("20483"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("35"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4131"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("8227"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("15"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("115"), BigInt("4294967295")) ,
Masked(BigInt("1048691"), BigInt("4294967295")) ,
Masked(BigInt("807403635"), BigInt("4294967295")) ,
Masked(BigInt("4111"), BigInt("28799")) ,
Masked(BigInt("273678451"), BigInt("4294967295"))
val mayFlush = List(
Masked(BigInt("111"), BigInt("127")),
Masked(BigInt("103"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("99"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("4195"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("16483"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("20579"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("24675"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("28771"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("4211"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("8307"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("12403"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("20595"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("24691"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("28787"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("3"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("4099"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("8195"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("16387"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("20483"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("35"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("4131"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("8227"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("115"), BigInt("4294967295")),
Masked(BigInt("1048691"), BigInt("4294967295")),
Masked(BigInt("807403635"), BigInt("4294967295")),
Masked(BigInt("4111"), BigInt("28799")),
Masked(BigInt("273678451"), BigInt("4294967295"))
val mayFlushNot = (all.toSet -- mayFlush).toList
val symplify = Rtl(SpinalVerilog(new Component {
val input = in Bits (32 bits)
val output = out Bool()
val bufferIn = Delay(input, 3)
val value = Symplify(bufferIn, all)
output := Delay(value, 3)
val raw = Rtl(SpinalVerilog(new Component {
val input = in Bits (32 bits)
val output = out Bool()
val bufferIn = Delay(input, 3)
val value = False
for(e <- all){
is(new MaskedLiteral(e.value, e.care, 32)){
value := True
output := Delay(value, 3)
val symplifyFlush = Rtl(SpinalVerilog(new Component {
val input = in Bits (32 bits)
val output = out Bool()
val bufferIn = Delay(input, 3)
val value = Symplify(bufferIn, mayFlush, mayFlushNot)
output := Delay(value, 3)
val rawFlush = Rtl(SpinalVerilog(new Component {
val input = in Bits (32 bits)
val output = out Bool()
val bufferIn = Delay(input, 3)
val value = Bool().assignDontCare()
switch(bufferIn) {
for (e <- mayFlush) {
is(new MaskedLiteral(e.value, e.care, 32)) {
value := True
for (e <- mayFlushNot) {
is(new MaskedLiteral(e.value, e.care, 32)) {
value := False
output := Delay(value, 3)
val rtls = List(symplify, raw, symplifyFlush, rawFlush)
val targets = XilinxStdTargets().take(2) ++ AlteraStdTargets() ++ EfinixStdTargets()
Bench(rtls, targets)
simplify ->
Artix 7 -> 92 Mhz 18 LUT 97 FF
Artix 7 -> 446 Mhz 18 LUT 98 FF
Cyclone V -> 364 Mhz 31 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 250 Mhz 33 LUT 99 FF
Trion -> 181 Mhz LUT 37 FF 143
Trion -> 327 Mhz LUT 37 FF 143
Titanium -> 754 Mhz LUT 37 FF 143
Titanium -> 1176 Mhz LUT 37 FF 143
raw ->
Artix 7 -> 92 Mhz 19 LUT 97 FF
Artix 7 -> 471 Mhz 21 LUT 98 FF
Cyclone V -> 348 Mhz 32 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 250 Mhz 33 LUT 99 FF
Trion -> 194 Mhz LUT 34 FF 141
Trion -> 338 Mhz LUT 34 FF 141
Titanium -> 682 Mhz LUT 34 FF 141
Titanium -> 1050 Mhz LUT 34 FF 141
simplifyFlush ->
Artix 7 -> 92 Mhz 2 LUT 13 FF
Artix 7 -> 495 Mhz 2 LUT 13 FF
Cyclone V -> 717 Mhz 4 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 250 Mhz 1 LUT 15 FF
Trion -> 276 Mhz LUT 1 FF 15
Trion -> 506 Mhz LUT 1 FF 15
Titanium -> 1066 Mhz LUT 1 FF 15
Titanium -> 1455 Mhz LUT 1 FF 15
rawFlush ->
Artix 7 -> 92 Mhz 2 LUT 16 FF
Artix 7 -> 495 Mhz 2 LUT 16 FF
Cyclone V -> 470 Mhz 16 ALMs
Cyclone IV -> 250 Mhz 10 LUT 54 FF
Trion -> 245 Mhz LUT 15 FF 69
Trion -> 343 Mhz LUT 15 FF 69
Titanium -> 720 Mhz LUT 15 FF 69
Titanium -> 940 Mhz LUT 15 FF 69
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