spinal.lib.memory.Dfi.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.memory
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
case class DfiTimeConfig(
tPhyWrLat: Int,
// the number of cycles between when the write command is driven on the DFI to
// assertion of the dfi_wrdata_en signal
tPhyWrData: Int,
// The tphy_wrdata parameter works to define the number of cycles from the
// assertion of a write command on the DFI control interface
// to when write data is driven on the DFI bus
tPhyWrCsLat: Int,
// specify the desired alignment of the
// command to the dfi_wrdata_cs_n signal
tPhyWrCsGap: Int,
// specify the additional delay it requires between two consecutive commands
// that are targeting different chip selects.
dramBurst: Int,
frequencyRatio: Int, // PHY:MC
tRddataEn: Int,
// defines the timing requirements between the read command on the DFI interface and the
// assertion of the dfi_rddata_en signal to maintain synchronicity between the MC and the PHY for the start of
// contiguous read data expected on the DFI interface.
tPhyRdlat: Int,
// dfi_rddata_valid -> dfi_rddata
tPhyRdCslat: Int,
// specify the desired alignment of the command to the
// dfi_rddata_cs_n signal
tPhyRdCsGap: Int,
//specify the additional delay it
//requires between two consecutive commands that are targeting different chip selects.
phyCrcMode: Boolean,
phyDbiMode: Boolean
) {
val dfiRWLength = dramBurst / 2 / frequencyRatio
case class DfiConfig(
frequencyRatio: Int, // PHY:MC
dramBusWidth: Int,
dramChipselectWidth: Int,
dramBankWidth: Int,
dramBgWidth: Int,
dramCidWidth: Int,
dramDataSlice: Int,
useBank: Boolean,
useAckN: Boolean,
useRasN: Boolean,
useCasN: Boolean,
useWeN: Boolean,
useBg: Boolean,
useCid: Boolean,
useOdt: Boolean,
useResetN: Boolean,
useWrdataCsN: Boolean,
useRddataDbiN: Boolean,
useRddataCsN: Boolean,
useRddataDnv: Boolean,
useDataByteDisable: Boolean,
useFreqRatio: Boolean,
useInitStart: Boolean,
useParityIn: Boolean,
useAlertN: Boolean,
useRdlvlReq: Boolean,
usePhyRdlvlCsN: Boolean,
useRdlvlEn: Boolean,
useRdlvlResp: Boolean,
useRdlvlGateReq: Boolean,
usePhyRdlvlGateCsN: Boolean,
useRdlvlGateEn: Boolean,
useWrlvlReq: Boolean,
usePhyWrlvlCsN: Boolean,
useWrlvlEn: Boolean,
useWrlvlStrobe: Boolean,
useWrlvlResp: Boolean,
useCalvlReq: Boolean,
usePhyCalvlCsN: Boolean,
useCalvlEn: Boolean,
useCalvlCapture: Boolean,
useCalvlResp: Boolean,
useLvlPattern: Boolean,
useLvlPeriodic: Boolean,
usePhylvlReqCsN: Boolean,
usePhylvlAckCsN: Boolean,
useLpCtrlReq: Boolean,
useLpDataReq: Boolean,
useLpWakeUp: Boolean,
useLpAck: Boolean,
useError: Boolean,
useErrorInfo: Boolean
) {
val addressWidth = dramBusWidth
val bankWidth = dramBankWidth
val controlWidth = 1
val chipSelectWidth = dramChipselectWidth
val bankGroupWidth = dramBgWidth
val chipIdWidth = dramCidWidth
val dataWidth = 2 * dramBusWidth
val dataEnableWidth = dataWidth / dramDataSlice
// For PHYs with an 8-bit slice, this is generally 1/16th of the DFI Data Width to provide a single enable bit per
// memory data slice, but may be 1/4, 1/8, 1/32, or any other ratio.
val dbiWidth = dataWidth / 8
val readDataValidWidth = dataEnableWidth
val alertWidth = 1
val readLevelingPhyIFWidth = dramDataSlice
val readLevelingMCIFWidth = readLevelingPhyIFWidth
val readTrainingPhyIFWidth = readLevelingPhyIFWidth
val readLevelingResponseWidth = dramDataSlice
val writeLevelingPhyIFWidth = dramDataSlice
val writeLevelingMCIFWidth = dramDataSlice
val writeLevelingResponseWidth = dramDataSlice
val caTrainingPhyIFWidth = dramDataSlice
val caTrainingMCIFWidth = dramDataSlice
val caTrainingResponseWidth = 2
val levelingPhyIFWidth = dramDataSlice
val rankWidth = chipSelectWidth
val errorWidth = dramDataSlice + 1
case class DfiControlInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val address = Bits(config.addressWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val bank = config.useBank generate Bits(config.bankWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val rasN = config.useRasN generate Bits(config.controlWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val casN = config.useCasN generate Bits(config.controlWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val weN = config.useWeN generate Bits(config.controlWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val csN = Bits(config.chipSelectWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val actN = config.useAckN generate Bits(config.frequencyRatio bits)
val bg = config.useBg generate Bits(config.bankGroupWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val cid = config.useCid generate Bits(config.chipIdWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val cke = Bits(config.chipSelectWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val odt = config.useOdt generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val resetN = config.useResetN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(address, bank, rasN, casN, weN, csN, actN, bg, cid, cke, odt, resetN)
case class DfiWr(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle {
val wrdata = Bits(config.dataWidth / config.dataEnableWidth bits)
val wrdataMask = Bits(config.dataWidth / 8 / config.dataEnableWidth bits)
// config.dramDataSlice must >= 8, or else config.dataWidth / 8 / config.dataEnableWidth < 1
val wrdataCsN = config.useWrdataCsN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth bits)
case class DfiWriteInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val wr = Vec(Flow(DfiWr(config)), config.dataEnableWidth * config.frequencyRatio)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class DfiRd(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle {
val rddata = Bits(config.dataWidth / config.readDataValidWidth bits)
val rddataDbiN = config.useRddataDbiN generate Bits(config.dbiWidth / config.readDataValidWidth bits)
val rddataDnv = config.useRddataDnv generate Bits(config.dataWidth / 8 / config.readDataValidWidth bits)
case class DfiRdCs(config:DfiConfig) extends Bundle {
val rddataCsN = config.useRddataCsN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth bits)
case class DfiReadInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val rdCs = Vec(Flow(DfiRdCs(config)), config.dataEnableWidth * config.frequencyRatio)
val rd = Vec(Flow(DfiRd(config)), config.readDataValidWidth * config.frequencyRatio)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class DfiUpdateInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val ctrlupdAck = Bool()
val ctrlupdReq = Bool()
val phyupdAck = Bool()
val phyupdReq = Bool()
val phyupdType = Bits(2 bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(ctrlupdReq, phyupdAck)
in(ctrlupdAck, phyupdReq, phyupdType)
case class DfiStatusInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val alertN = config.useAlertN generate Bits(config.alertWidth * config.frequencyRatio bits)
val dataByteDisable = config.useDataByteDisable generate Bits(config.dataWidth / 8 bits)
val dramClkDisable = Bits(config.chipSelectWidth bits)
val freqRatio = config.useFreqRatio generate Bits(2 bits)
val initComplete = Bool()
val initStart = config.useInitStart generate Bool()
val parityIn = config.useParityIn generate Bits(config.frequencyRatio bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(dataByteDisable, dramClkDisable, freqRatio, initStart, parityIn)
in(initComplete, alertN)
case class DfiReadTrainingInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val rdlvlReq = config.useRdlvlReq generate Bits(config.readLevelingPhyIFWidth bits)
val phyRdlvlCsN = config.usePhyRdlvlCsN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth * config.readTrainingPhyIFWidth bits)
val rdlvlEn = config.useRdlvlEn generate Bits(config.readLevelingMCIFWidth bits)
val rdlvlResp = config.useRdlvlResp generate Bits(config.readLevelingResponseWidth bits)
val rdlvlGateReq = config.useRdlvlGateReq generate Bits(config.readLevelingPhyIFWidth bits)
val phyRdlvlGateCsN = config.usePhyRdlvlCsN generate Bits(config.readTrainingPhyIFWidth * config.chipSelectWidth bits)
val rdlvlGateEn = config.useRdlvlGateEn generate Bits(config.readLevelingMCIFWidth bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(rdlvlEn, rdlvlGateEn)
in(rdlvlReq, phyRdlvlCsN, rdlvlResp, rdlvlGateReq, phyRdlvlGateCsN)
case class DfiWriteTrainingInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val wrlvlReq = config.useWrlvlReq generate Bits(config.writeLevelingPhyIFWidth bits)
val phyWrlvlCsN = config.usePhyWrlvlCsN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth * config.writeLevelingPhyIFWidth bits)
val wrlvlEn = config.useWrlvlEn generate Bits(config.writeLevelingMCIFWidth bits)
val wrlvlStrobe = config.useWrlvlStrobe generate Bits(config.writeLevelingMCIFWidth bits)
val wrlvlResp = config.useWrlvlResp generate Bits(config.writeLevelingResponseWidth bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(wrlvlEn, wrlvlStrobe)
in(wrlvlReq, wrlvlResp, phyWrlvlCsN)
case class DfiCATrainingInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val calvlReq = config.useCalvlReq generate Bits(config.caTrainingPhyIFWidth bits)
val phyCalvlCsN = config.usePhyCalvlCsN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth bits)
val calvlEn = config.useCalvlEn generate Bits(config.caTrainingMCIFWidth bits)
val calvlCapture = config.useCalvlCapture generate Bits(config.caTrainingMCIFWidth bits)
val calvlResp = config.useCalvlResp generate Bits(config.caTrainingResponseWidth bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(calvlCapture, calvlEn)
in(phyCalvlCsN, calvlReq, calvlResp)
case class DfiLevelingTraingInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val lvlPattern = config.useLvlPattern generate Bits(4 * config.readTrainingPhyIFWidth bits)
val lvlPeriodic = config.useLvlPeriodic generate Bits(config.levelingPhyIFWidth bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(lvlPattern, lvlPeriodic)
case class DfiPhyRequesetedTrainingInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val phylvlReqCsN = config.usePhylvlReqCsN generate Bits(config.rankWidth bits)
val phylvlAckCsN = config.usePhylvlAckCsN generate Bits(config.chipSelectWidth bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class DfiLowPowerControlInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val lpCtrlReq = config.useLpCtrlReq generate Bool()
val lpDataReq = config.useLpDataReq generate Bool()
val lpWakeUp = config.useLpWakeUp generate Bits(4 bits)
val lpAck = config.useLpAck generate Bool()
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
out(lpCtrlReq, lpDataReq, lpWakeUp)
case class DfiErrorInterface(config: DfiConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val error = config.useError generate Bits(config.errorWidth bits)
val error_info = config.useErrorInfo generate Bits(config.errorWidth * 4 bits)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
in(error, error_info)
case class Dfi(config: DfiConfig, timeConfig: DfiTimeConfig) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave {
val control = DfiControlInterface(config)
val write = DfiWriteInterface(config)
val read = DfiReadInterface(config)
val updata = DfiUpdateInterface(config)
val status = DfiStatusInterface(config)
val rdTraining = DfiReadTrainingInterface(config)
val wrTraining = DfiWriteTrainingInterface(config)
val caTraining = DfiCATrainingInterface(config)
val levelingTraing = DfiLevelingTraingInterface(config)
val phyRequesetedTraining = DfiPhyRequesetedTrainingInterface(config)
val lowPowerControl = DfiLowPowerControlInterface(config)
val error = DfiErrorInterface(config)
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
master(control, read, status, write,
rdTraining, wrTraining, caTraining, levelingTraing,
phyRequesetedTraining, lowPowerControl,
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