spinal.lib.memory.sdram.dfi.function.BmbSpliter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.memory.sdram.dfi.function
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.bmb.{Bmb, BmbAccessParameter, BmbParameter}
//Because the BmbAlignedSpliter module in lib can't shard read data as well, some changes were made here.
object BmbAligner {
def outputParameter(ip: BmbAccessParameter, alignmentWidth: Int) = {
val beatCount = (1 << alignmentWidth) / ip.byteCount
val transferCount = ip.transferBeatCount
val readContext = if (ip.canRead) log2Up(beatCount) + log2Up(transferCount) else 0
val aggregated = ip.aggregated
var op =
if (!bypass(ip, alignmentWidth))
lengthWidth = aggregated.lengthWidth + 1,
contextWidth = aggregated.contextWidth + 1 + readContext + ip.sourceWidth
else {
op = op.sourcesTransform(
alignmentMin = alignmentWidth
def bypass(ip: BmbAccessParameter, alignmentWidth: Int) =
1 << alignmentWidth <= ip.byteCount && !ip.alignment.allowByte
//Extend access to have them aligned on a length of 2^alignmentWidth
case class BmbAligner(ip: BmbParameter, alignmentWidth: Int) extends Component {
val op = BmbAligner.outputParameter(ip.access, alignmentWidth)
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Bmb(ip))
val output = master(Bmb(op))
val bypass = BmbAligner.bypass(ip.access, alignmentWidth)
if (bypass) {
io.output << io.input
io.output.cmd.address(alignmentWidth - 1 downto 0) := 0
io.output.cmd.length(alignmentWidth - 1 downto 0) := (1 << alignmentWidth) - 1
val logic = if (!bypass) new Area {
val beatCount = (1 << alignmentWidth) / ip.access.byteCount
val transferCount = ip.access.transferBeatCount
case class Context() extends Bundle {
val write = Bool()
val paddings = ip.access.canRead generate UInt(log2Up(beatCount) bits)
val transfers = ip.access.canRead generate UInt(log2Up(transferCount) bits)
val source = UInt(ip.access.sourceWidth bits)
val input = Bits(ip.access.contextWidth bits)
val cmdLogic = new Area {
io.output.cmd.valid := io.input.cmd.valid
io.output.cmd.address := io.input.cmd.address(ip.access.addressWidth - 1 downto alignmentWidth) << alignmentWidth
io.output.cmd.opcode := io.input.cmd.opcode
io.output.cmd.length := (io.input.cmd.address(alignmentWidth - 1 downto 0) + io.input.cmd.length
.resize(op.lengthWidth)) | ((1 << alignmentWidth) - 1)
io.output.cmd.last := False
val paddings = io.input.cmd.address(alignmentWidth - 1 downto log2Up(ip.access.byteCount))
val context = Context()
context.input := io.input.cmd.context
context.write := io.input.cmd.isWrite
context.source := io.input.cmd.source
io.output.cmd.context := B(context)
val inputReadyOk = False
io.input.cmd.ready := io.output.cmd.ready && inputReadyOk
val forWrite = ip.access.canWrite generate new Area {
val beatCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(beatCount) bits)) init (0)
beatCounter := (beatCounter + U(io.output.cmd.fire && io.input.cmd.isWrite)).resized
val prePadding = io.input.cmd.isWrite && io.input.cmd.first && beatCounter < paddings
val postPadding =
RegInit(False) setWhen (!prePadding && io.output.cmd.fire && io.input.cmd.last) clearWhen (io.input.cmd.ready)
io.output.cmd.last setWhen (io.input.cmd.last && beatCounter === beatCount - 1)
io.output.cmd.data := io.input.cmd.data
io.output.cmd.mask := (!(prePadding || postPadding) ? io.input.cmd.mask | 0)
inputReadyOk setWhen (!prePadding && !(io.input.cmd.last && beatCounter =/= beatCount - 1))
val lengthReg = RegNextWhen(io.input.cmd.length, io.input.cmd.fire, U((1 << ip.access.lengthWidth) - 1))
val addressReg = RegNextWhen(io.input.cmd.address, io.input.cmd.fire, U(0))
val length = cloneOf(io.input.cmd.length)
val address = cloneOf(io.input.cmd.address)
length := io.input.cmd.fire ? io.input.cmd.length | lengthReg
address := io.input.cmd.fire ? io.input.cmd.address | addressReg
def transferBeatCountMinusOne : UInt = {
if(ip.access.lengthWidth < log2Up(ip.access.byteCount)){
} else {
length(length.high downto log2Up(ip.access.byteCount))
} else {
((U"0" @@ length) + address(ip.access.wordRange))(length.high + 1 downto log2Up(ip.access.byteCount))
val forRead = ip.access.canRead generate new Area {
io.output.cmd.last setWhen (io.input.cmd.isRead)
inputReadyOk setWhen (io.input.cmd.isRead)
context.paddings := paddings
context.transfers := transferBeatCountMinusOne
val rspLogic = new Area {
val context = io.output.rsp.context.as(Context())
val drop = False
io.input.rsp.last := False
io.input.rsp.opcode := io.output.rsp.opcode
io.input.rsp.context := context.input
io.input.rsp.source := context.source
val forWrite = ip.access.canWrite generate new Area {
io.input.rsp.last clearWhen (context.write)
val forRead = ip.access.canRead generate new Area {
val beatCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(beatCount) bits)) init (0)
when(io.output.rsp.fire) {
beatCounter := (beatCounter + U(!context.write)).resized
val transferCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(transferCount + 1) bits)) init (0)
when(io.input.rsp.fire) {
transferCounter := transferCounter + 1
when(io.output.rsp.fire && io.output.rsp.last) {
transferCounter := 0
drop setWhen (!context.write && (io.input.rsp.first && beatCounter(
) < context.paddings || transferCounter > context.transfers))
io.input.rsp.last setWhen (transferCounter === context.transfers)
io.input.rsp.data := io.output.rsp.data
// For simulation
object BmbAlignedSpliter {
def outputParameter(ip: BmbAccessParameter, lengthMax: Int) = ip.withSingleSource(
lengthWidth = log2Up(lengthMax),
contextWidth = ip.contextWidth + 2 + ip.sourceWidth
//Break big burst into multiple ones, not bigger than lengthMax and not crossing lengthMax address boundardy
case class BmbAlignedSpliter(ip: BmbParameter, lengthMax: Int) extends Component {
val op = BmbAlignedSpliter.outputParameter(ip.access, lengthMax)
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave(Bmb(ip))
val output = master(Bmb(op))
val outputBurstLast = out Bool ()
val beatCountMax = lengthMax / ip.access.byteCount
val splitCountMax = ip.access.transferBeatCount / beatCountMax + (if (ip.access.alignment.allowWord) 1 else 0)
val splitRange = log2Up(lengthMax) - 1 downto 0
val addressRange = ip.access.addressWidth - 1 downto splitRange.high + 1
val cmdLogic = new Area {
val wrBeatCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(beatCountMax) bits)) init (0)
val rdBeatCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(beatCountMax) bits)) init (0)
val splitCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(splitCountMax) bits)) init (0)
val lengthReg = RegNextWhen(io.input.cmd.length, io.input.cmd.fire, U(lengthMax - 1))
val addressReg = RegNextWhen(io.input.cmd.address, io.input.cmd.fire, U(0))
val length = cloneOf(io.input.cmd.length)
val address = cloneOf(io.input.cmd.address)
length := io.input.cmd.fire ? io.input.cmd.length | lengthReg
address := io.input.cmd.fire ? io.input.cmd.address | addressReg
val headLenghtMax = lengthMax - 1 - address(splitRange)
val bodyLength = lengthMax - 1
val lastAddress = address(splitRange) + (U"0" @@ length)
val tailLength = lastAddress(splitRange)
val splitCount = (lastAddress >> splitRange.size)
val firstSplit = RegInit(True) clearWhen (io.output.cmd.lastFire)
val lastSplit = splitCounter === splitCount
val usedSplit = (splitCounter <= splitCount) && (splitCounter =/= 0)
val addressBase = CombInit(address)
when(!firstSplit) { addressBase(splitRange) := 0 }
val beatsInSplit = U(lengthMax / ip.access.byteCount) - (~firstSplit ? U(0) | address(
splitRange.high downto log2Up(ip.access.byteCount)
val context = Context()
context.input := io.input.cmd.context
context.last := lastSplit
context.write := io.input.cmd.isWrite
context.source := io.input.cmd.source
io.output.cmd.valid := io.input.cmd.valid | ((rdBeatCounter === beatsInSplit - 1) & usedSplit)
io.output.cmd.last := io.input.cmd.last || ((wrBeatCounter === beatsInSplit - 1) & io.input.cmd.fire & io.input.cmd.isWrite) || ((rdBeatCounter === beatsInSplit - 1) & usedSplit)
io.output.cmd.address := Bmb.addToAddress(addressBase, splitCounter << addressRange.low, ip)
io.output.cmd.context := B(context)
io.output.cmd.source := 0
io.output.cmd.opcode := io.input.cmd.opcode & (~((rdBeatCounter === beatsInSplit - 1) & usedSplit).asBits)
io.output.cmd.length := (firstSplit ## lastSplit) mux (
B"10" -> headLenghtMax,
B"00" -> U(lengthMax - 1),
B"01" -> tailLength,
B"11" -> length.resize(op.lengthWidth)
if (ip.access.canWrite) {
io.output.cmd.data := io.input.cmd.data
io.output.cmd.mask := io.input.cmd.mask
io.outputBurstLast := context.last
io.input.cmd.ready := io.output.cmd.ready
when(io.output.cmd.fire) {
when(io.input.cmd.isWrite) {
wrBeatCounter := wrBeatCounter + U(io.input.cmd.isWrite).resized
when(io.output.cmd.last) {
splitCounter := splitCounter + U(1).resized
wrBeatCounter := 0
val rdStart =
Reg(Bool()).init(False).setWhen(io.input.cmd.valid & io.input.cmd.isRead).clearWhen(io.input.rsp.lastFire)
when(rdStart) {
rdBeatCounter := rdBeatCounter + 1
when(io.output.cmd.lastFire) {
rdBeatCounter := 0
when((io.input.cmd.lastFire & io.input.cmd.isWrite) | (io.input.rsp.lastFire)) {
splitCounter := 0
firstSplit := True
val rspLogic = new Area {
val context = io.output.rsp.context.as(Context())
io.input.rsp.last := io.output.rsp.last && context.last
io.input.rsp.source := context.source
io.input.rsp.opcode := io.output.rsp.opcode
if (ip.access.canRead) {
io.input.rsp.data := io.output.rsp.data
io.input.rsp.context := context.input
case class Context() extends Bundle {
val source = UInt(ip.access.sourceWidth bits)
val last = Bool()
val write = Bool()
val input = Bits(ip.access.contextWidth bits)
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