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spinal.lib.memory.sdram.xdr.Tasker.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package spinal.lib.memory.sdram.xdr

import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._

case class Tasker(cpa : CoreParameterAggregate) extends Component{
  import cpa._

  val io = new Bundle {
    val config = in(CoreConfig(cpa))
    val refresh = slave(Event)
    val inputs = Vec( => slave(Stream(CoreCmd(cpp, cpa)))))
    val writeDataTockens = Vec(cpp.filter(_.canWrite).map(p => in UInt(p.writeTockenInterfaceWidth bits)))
    val output = master(CoreTasks(cpa))

  val readyForRefresh = True

  val banksRow = Mem(UInt(pl.sdram.rowWidth bits), pl.sdram.bankCount)

//  def Timing(loadValid : Bool, loadValue : UInt, timingWidth : Int = cp.timingWidth) = new Area{
//    val value = Reg(UInt(timingWidth bits)) init(0)
//    val notZero = value =/= 0
//    val busyNext = CombInit(notZero)
//    val busy = RegNext(busyNext)
//    value := value - notZero.asUInt.resized
//    when(loadValid) {
//      value := loadValue
////      if(timingWidth != 0) busyNext := True
//    }
//  }

  def Timing(loadValid : Bool, loadValue : UInt, timingWidth : Int = cp.timingWidth) = new Area{
    val value = Reg(UInt(timingWidth bits)) randBoot()
    val notZero = value =/= loadValue
    val busy = CombInit(notZero)
    value := value + notZero.asUInt.resized
    when(loadValid) {
      value := 0

  val CCD = (pl.beatCount > 1) generate Timing( => || p.write).orR, pl.beatCount-2, log2Up(pl.beatCount))
  val RFC = Timing(io.output.refresh, io.config.RFC, cp.timingWidth+3)
  val RRD = Timing( =>, io.config.RRD)
  val WTR = Timing( => p.write).orR, io.config.WTR)
  val RTW = Timing( =>, io.config.RTW)
  val RP  = Timing(io.output.prechargeAll, io.config.RP + 1)
  val FAW = generation.FAW generate new Area{ //Can be optimized
    val trigger = =>
    val ptr = RegInit(U"00")
    val slots = (0 to 3).map(i => Timing(ptr === i && trigger, io.config.FAW))
    val busyNext =  Vec(
    ptr := ptr + U(trigger)

  val banks = for(bankId <- 0 until pl.sdram.bankCount) yield new Area {
    val hits = B( === bankId))
    def portEvent(f : CoreTask => Bool) = (hits & B(

    val activeNext = Bool()
    val active = RegNext(activeNext) init(False)
    activeNext := active
    when(portEvent(p => p.precharge) || io.output.prechargeAll){
      activeNext := False
    when(portEvent(p =>{
      activeNext := True

    val WR  = Timing(portEvent(p => p.write), io.config.WR)
    val RAS = Timing(portEvent(p =>, io.config.RAS)
    val RP  = Timing(portEvent(p => p.precharge), io.config.RP)
    val RCD = Timing(portEvent(p =>, io.config.RCD)
    val RTP = Timing(portEvent(p =>, io.config.RTP)

    val allowPrecharge = !WR.busy && !RAS.busy && !RTP.busy
    val allowActive = !RP.busy
    val allowWrite = !RCD.busy
    val allowRead = !RCD.busy
  val allowPrechargeAll =

  case class Status() extends Bundle {
    val bankActive = Bool()
    val bankHit = Bool()
    val allowPrecharge = Bool()
    val allowActive = Bool()
    val allowWrite = Bool()
    val allowRead = Bool()

    def patch(address: SdramAddress): Unit = {
      allowPrecharge clearWhen (!
      allowActive clearWhen (!
      allowWrite clearWhen (!
      allowRead clearWhen (!

      for (output <- io.output.ports) {
        when( === {
          when(output.precharge) {
            bankActive := False
          when( {
            bankActive := True
            bankHit := output.address.row === address.row
            allowRead := False
            allowWrite := False
            allowPrecharge := False
          when( || output.write) {
            allowPrecharge := False
          when(output.precharge) {
            allowActive := False

  var writeTockensId = 0
  val writeTockens = for(portId <- 0 until cpp.size) yield new Area{
    val canWrite = cpp(portId).canWrite
    val consume = => p.write && p.portId === portId).orR
    val counter = canWrite generate Reg(UInt(log2Up(cpp(portId).writeTockenBufferSize + 1) bits)).init(0)
    if(canWrite) {
      counter := counter + io.writeDataTockens(writeTockensId) - (U(consume) << log2Up(pl.beatCount))
      writeTockensId += 1
    val ready = if(canWrite) RegInit(False) setWhen(counter >= pl.beatCount) clearWhen(consume && counter < pl.beatCount*2) else True


  case class Task() extends Bundle{
    val write = Bool()
    val address = UInt(pl.sdram.byteAddressWidth bits)
    val context = Bits(backendContextWidth bits)
    val burstLast = Bool()
    val length = Reg(UInt(cpa.stationLengthWidth bits))
    val portId = UInt(log2Up(cpp.size) bits)

  val inputsArbiter = new Area{
    def inputs = io.inputs
    val output = Stream(Task())
    val state = RegInit(B(1, cpp.size bits))
    val inputsValids = B(
    val selOH = OHMasking.roundRobin(inputsValids, state)
//    val selOH = OHMasking.roundRobin(inputsValids & B((inputs, writeTockens)!_.write || _.ready)), state)

    val tocken = Reg(UInt(log2Up(cp.portTockenMax+1) bits)) init(0)
    val tockenIncrement = CombInit(output.ready)
      tocken := tocken + 1
    when(!( & state).orR || tockenIncrement && (( & state).orR && tocken >= cp.portTockenMin || tocken >= cp.portTockenMax)){
      state := state.rotateLeft(1)
      tocken := 0

    output.valid := (selOH & inputsValids).orR
    Vec( := Vec( && output.ready))
    val converted ={ i =>
      val o = cloneOf(output.payload)
      o.write := i.write
      o.address := i.address
      o.context := i.context.resized
      o.burstLast := i.burstLast
      o.length := i.length
      o.portId := OHToUInt(selOH)
    output.payload := MuxOH(selOH, converted)

    readyForRefresh clearWhen(inputsValids.orR)

  val taskConstructor = new Area {
    val s0 = new Area {
      def input = inputsArbiter.output
      val portAddress =
    val s1 = new Area {
      val input = s0.input.stage()
      val address =
      val status = Status()
      status.allowPrecharge := True
      status.allowActive := !RRD.busy && (if(generation.FAW) !FAW.busyNext else True)
      status.allowWrite := !RTW.busy && (if(CCD != null) !CCD.busy else True)
      status.allowRead := !WTR.busy &&  (if(CCD != null) !CCD.busy else True)
      status.bankHit := banksRow.readAsync( === address.row
      status.bankActive :=

      readyForRefresh clearWhen(input.valid)

  val columnBurstShift = log2Up(pl.transferPerBurst)
  val columnBurstMask  = (pl.sdram.columnSize-1) - (cpa.stationLengthMax-1 << columnBurstShift)
  val stations = for (stationId <- 0 until cp.stationCount) yield new Area {
    val id = stationId
    val othersMask = (BigInt(1) << cp.stationCount)-1 - (BigInt(1) << id)
    val valid = RegInit(False)
    val status = Reg(Status())
    val address = Reg(SdramAddress(
    val write = Reg(Bool())
    val context = Reg(Bits(backendContextWidth bits))
    val portId = Reg(UInt(log2Up(cpa.cpp.size) bits))
    val offset, offsetLast = Reg(UInt(cpa.stationLengthWidth bits))

    //Arbitration states vs other ports
    val stronger = Reg(Bits(cp.stationCount bits)) init(0)                  //Solve basic ordering
    val afterBank, afterAccess = Reg(Bits(cp.stationCount bits)) init(0)    //Solve port inner oder, bank conflicts across stations and read/write conflicts across stations

    import status._
    allowPrecharge := True
    allowActive := !RRD.busy && (if(generation.FAW) !FAW.busyNext else True)
    allowWrite := !RTW.busy && (if(CCD != null) !CCD.busy else True)
    allowRead := !WTR.busy &&  (if(CCD != null) !CCD.busy else True)

    val inputMiss = !bankActive || !bankHit
    val inputActive = !bankActive
    val inputPrecharge = bankActive && !bankHit
    val inputAccess =  bankActive && bankHit
    val inputWrite =  bankActive && bankHit && write
    val inputRead  = bankActive && bankHit && !write
    val inibated = False

    val doActive = inputActive && allowActive
    val doPrecharge = inputPrecharge && allowPrecharge
    val doWrite = inputWrite && allowWrite &&
    val doRead = inputRead && allowRead
    val doSomething = valid && (doActive || doPrecharge || doWrite || doRead) && !inibated

    val blockedByWriteTocken = inputWrite && allowWrite && ! //For debug visualisation

    val sel = Bool() //Arbitration allow you to do your stuff
    val fire = False //It is the last cycle for this station
    val last = offset === offsetLast
    val cmdOutputPayload = CoreTask(cpa)
    io.output.ports(stationId).portId := portId
    io.output.ports(stationId).address.byte := address.byte
    io.output.ports(stationId).address.column := address.column | (offset << columnBurstShift).resized
    io.output.ports(stationId) :=
    io.output.ports(stationId).address.row := address.row
    io.output.ports(stationId).context := context
    io.output.ports(stationId).active := inputActive && sel
    io.output.ports(stationId).precharge := inputPrecharge && sel
    io.output.ports(stationId).write := inputWrite && sel
    io.output.ports(stationId).read := inputRead && sel
    io.output.ports(stationId).last := last

    when(sel && inputAccess){
      offset := offset + 1
      when(last) {
        valid := False
        fire := True

    readyForRefresh clearWhen(valid)

    val frustration = new Area {
      val counter = Reg(UInt(cp.frustrationWidth bits))
      val increment = False
      val full = counter.msb
      when(increment && !full){
        counter := counter + 1
  val loader = new Area{
    val stationsValid = B(
    val stronger = CombInit(stationsValid)
    val afterBank = stationsValid & B( => ===
    val afterAccess = stationsValid & B( => s.portId === taskConstructor.s1.input.portId || s.frustration.full))
    taskConstructor.s1.input.ready := !
    val offset = taskConstructor.s1.address.column(columnBurstShift, cpa.stationLengthWidth bits)
    val offsetLast = offset + taskConstructor.s1.input.length
    val slot = for(station <- stations) yield new Area{
      val canSpawn = ~B(stations.take( === 0 && !station.valid
      //Insert taskConstructor into one free station
      when(taskConstructor.s1.input.valid && canSpawn) {
        station.valid          := True
        station.status         := taskConstructor.s1.status
        station.address.byte   := taskConstructor.s1.address.byte
        station.address.column := taskConstructor.s1.address.column & columnBurstMask   :=
        station.address.row    := taskConstructor.s1.address.row
        station.offset         := offset
        station.offsetLast     := offsetLast
        station.write          := taskConstructor.s1.input.write
        station.context        := taskConstructor.s1.input.context
        station.portId         := taskConstructor.s1.input.portId
        station.stronger       := stronger & station.othersMask
        station.afterBank      := afterBank & station.othersMask
        station.afterAccess    := afterAccess & station.othersMask
        station.frustration.counter := 0

  val arbiter = new Area{
    val selOH = Bits(cp.stationCount bits)
    val logic = for(station <- stations) yield new Area {
      station.inibated setWhen(station.inputAccess && station.afterAccess.orR)
      station.inibated setWhen(station.inputMiss   && station.afterBank.orR)

      val othersDoSomething = B( & station.stronger & B(station.othersMask)
      selOH( := station.doSomething && !othersDoSomething.orR

    for((station, sel, port) <- (stations, selOH.asBools, io.output.ports).zipped){
      station.sel := sel
      when( {
        //Remove priorities when a station is done
        for (anotherStation <- stations if anotherStation != station) {
          anotherStation.stronger( := False
          anotherStation.afterAccess( := False
          anotherStation.afterBank( := False
          when(station.stronger( {
            anotherStation.frustration.increment := True

    val askRefresh = io.refresh.valid && readyForRefresh
    io.refresh.ready := False
    io.output.prechargeAll := False
    io.output.refresh := False
    val refreshState = RegInit(U"00")
        is(0) { //Dummy state to ensure allowPrechargeAll propagation
          refreshState := 1
        is(1) {
          when(RegNext(allowPrechargeAll)) {
            io.output.prechargeAll := True
            refreshState := 2
        is(2) {
          when(!RP.busy) {
            io.output.refresh := True
            refreshState := 3
            io.refresh.ready := True
            refreshState := 0

  val stationsPatch = for(station <- stations) yield new Area{
    import station._
      status.allowActive := False

    if(CCD != null) when( => || p.write).orR){
      status.allowRead := False
      status.allowWrite := False
    } else {
        status.allowWrite := False
        status.allowRead := False

  val selectedAddress = MuxOH(arbiter.selOH,
    banksRow.write(, selectedAddress.row)

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