spinal.lib.misc.Clint.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.misc
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.fiber.{Fiber, Lock}
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.amba3.apb.{Apb3, Apb3SlaveFactory}
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axilite.{AxiLite4, AxiLite4Config, AxiLite4SlaveFactory}
import spinal.lib.bus.bmb.{Bmb, BmbAccessCapabilities, BmbAccessParameter, BmbParameter, BmbSlaveFactory}
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.BusSlaveFactory
import spinal.lib.bus.wishbone.{Wishbone, WishboneConfig, WishboneSlaveFactory}
import spinal.lib.cpu.riscv.RiscvHart
import scala.collection.Seq
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object Clint{
def getWisboneConfig() = WishboneConfig(
addressWidth = addressWidth-2,
dataWidth = 32
def getBmbCapabilities(accessSource : BmbAccessCapabilities) = BmbSlaveFactory.getBmbCapabilities(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = 32
def getTilelinkSupport(proposed : bus.tilelink.M2sSupport) = bus.tilelink.SlaveFactory.getSupported(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = 32,
allowBurst = true,
def addressWidth = 16
case class Clint(hartIds : Seq[Int]) extends Area{
val stop = False
val time = Reg(UInt(64 bits)) init(0)
time := time + 1
val harts = for(hartId <- hartIds) yield new Area{
val cmp = Reg(UInt(64 bits))
val timerInterrupt = RegNext(time >= cmp)
val softwareInterrupt = RegInit(False)
def driveFrom(bus : BusSlaveFactory, bufferTime : Boolean = false) = new Area{
val IPI_ADDR = 0x0000
val CMP_ADDR = 0x4000
val TIME_ADDR = 0xBFF8
bufferTime match {
case false => bus.readMultiWord(time, TIME_ADDR)
case true => new Composite(this){
assert(bus.busDataWidth == 32)
val timeMsb = RegNextWhen(time(63 downto 32), bus.isReading(TIME_ADDR))
bus.read(time(31 downto 0), TIME_ADDR)
bus.read(timeMsb, TIME_ADDR + 4)
val hartsMapping = for(hartId <- hartIds) yield new Area{
bus.writeMultiWord(harts(hartId).cmp, CMP_ADDR + 8*hartId)
bus.readAndWrite(harts(hartId).softwareInterrupt, IPI_ADDR + 4*hartId, bitOffset = 0)
case class Apb3Clint(hartCount : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val bus = slave(Apb3(16, 32))
val timerInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val softwareInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val time = out UInt(64 bits)
val factory = Apb3SlaveFactory(io.bus)
val logic = Clint(0 until hartCount)
for(hartId <- 0 until hartCount){
io.timerInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).timerInterrupt
io.softwareInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).softwareInterrupt
io.time := logic.time
case class WishboneClint(hartCount : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val bus = slave(Wishbone(WishboneConfig(16-2, 32)))
val timerInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val softwareInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val time = out UInt(64 bits)
val factory = WishboneSlaveFactory(io.bus)
val logic = Clint(0 until hartCount)
for(hartId <- 0 until hartCount){
io.timerInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).timerInterrupt
io.softwareInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).softwareInterrupt
io.time := logic.time
case class AxiLite4Clint(hartCount : Int, bufferTime : Boolean = false) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val bus = slave(AxiLite4(AxiLite4Config(16, 32)))
val timerInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val softwareInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val time = out UInt(64 bits)
val factory = new AxiLite4SlaveFactory(io.bus)
val logic = Clint(0 until hartCount)
logic.driveFrom(factory, bufferTime)
for(hartId <- 0 until hartCount){
io.timerInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).timerInterrupt
io.softwareInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).softwareInterrupt
io.time := logic.time
case class BmbClint(bmbParameter : BmbParameter, hartCount : Int) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val bus = slave(Bmb(bmbParameter))
val timerInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val softwareInterrupt = out Bits(hartCount bits)
val time = out UInt(64 bits)
val stop = in Bool() default(False)
val factory = BmbSlaveFactory(io.bus)
val logic = Clint(0 until hartCount)
logic.stop setWhen(io.stop)
for(hartId <- 0 until hartCount){
io.timerInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).timerInterrupt
io.softwareInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).softwareInterrupt
io.time := logic.time
class MappedClint[T <: spinal.core.Data with IMasterSlave](hartIds : Seq[Int],
bufferTime : Boolean,
busType: HardType[T],
factoryGen: T => BusSlaveFactory) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val bus = slave(busType())
val timerInterrupt = out Bits(hartIds.size bits)
val softwareInterrupt = out Bits(hartIds.size bits)
val time = out UInt(64 bits)
val stop = in Bool() default(False)
val factory = factoryGen(io.bus)
val logic = Clint(hartIds)
logic.driveFrom(factory, bufferTime && factory.busDataWidth < 64)
logic.stop setWhen(io.stop)
for(hartId <- hartIds.indices){
io.timerInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).timerInterrupt
io.softwareInterrupt(hartId) := logic.harts(hartId).softwareInterrupt
io.time := logic.time
case class TilelinkClint(hartIds : Seq[Int], p : bus.tilelink.BusParameter) extends MappedClint[bus.tilelink.Bus](
new bus.tilelink.Bus(p),
new bus.tilelink.SlaveFactory(_, true)
case class ClintPort(hardId: Int) extends Area {
val mti, msi = InterruptNode.master()
val stoptime = Bool()
case class TilelinkClintFiber() extends Area{
val node = bus.tilelink.fabric.Node.slave()
val lock = Lock()
val time = UInt(64 bits)
var specs = ArrayBuffer[ClintPort]()
def createPort(hartId : Int) = {
specs.addRet(node.clockDomain on ClintPort(hartId))
val thread = Fiber build new Area{
val core = TilelinkClint(specs.map(_.hardId), node.bus.p)
core.io.bus <> node.bus
core.io.stop := False
for(id <- specs.indices){
specs(id).mti.flag := core.io.timerInterrupt(id)
specs(id).msi.flag := core.io.softwareInterrupt(id)
core.io.stop setWhen(specs(id).stoptime)
time := core.io.time
object ClintSim extends App{
import spinal.core.sim._
import spinal.lib.bus.tilelink
SimConfig.withFstWave.compile(new TilelinkClint(List(0),
sourceCount = 1,
support = tilelink.M2sSupport(
addressWidth = 16,
dataWidth = 32,
transfers = tilelink.M2sTransfers(
get = tilelink.SizeRange(8),
putFull = tilelink.SizeRange(8)
)).doSim{ dut =>
dut.io.stop #= false
implicit val idAllocator = new tilelink.sim.IdAllocator(tilelink.DebugId.width)
val agent = new tilelink.sim.MasterAgent(dut.io.bus, dut.clockDomain)
println(agent.get(0, 0xBFF8, 8))
println(agent.get(0, 0xBFF8, 8))
println(agent.get(0, 0xBFF8, 8))
println(agent.putFullData(0, 0x4000, 0 to 7 map(_.toByte)))
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