spinal.lib.misc.plic.PlicMapper.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.misc.plic
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.{BusSlaveFactory, AllMapping, SingleMapping}
import scala.collection.Seq
The PLIC is the Platform Level Interrupt controller as defined by RISCV:
the spinal doc for this can be found at https://spinalhdl.github.io/SpinalDoc-RTD/SpinalHDL/Libraries/Misc/PLIC/plic_mapper.html
case class PlicMapping(
gatewayPriorityOffset : Int, // offset for each interrupt source priority (each is a 32bit register)
gatewayPendingOffset : Int, // offset for each interrupt source pending bit (as an array of bit)
targetEnableOffset : Int, // offset for each interrupt _PER TARGET_ enable bit (as an array of bit)
targetThresholdOffset : Int, // offset for the target's interrupt priority threshold (one per target)
targetClaimOffset : Int, // offset for the target's claim/complete register (one per target)
gatewayPriorityShift : Int, // shift for 1 bus-width word for the interrupt priority (eg. 32bit => 0x04 => 1<<2 => shift = 2)
targetThresholdShift : Int, // shift for the target threshold
targetClaimShift : Int, // shift fot the target claim/complete
targetEnableShift : Int, // shift for the target enable
gatewayPriorityWriteGen : Boolean = true, // optional generation for write priority for each interrupt source
gatewayPriorityReadGen : Boolean, // optional generation for read priority for each interrupt source
gatewayPendingReadGen : Boolean, // optional generation for read pending bit for each interrupt source
targetThresholdWriteGen : Boolean = true, // optional generation for write threshold for each target
targetThresholdReadGen : Boolean, // optional generation for read threshold for each target
targetEnableWriteGen : Boolean = true, // optional generation for write enable bit for each target's interrupt
targetEnableReadGen : Boolean // optional generation for read enable bit for each target's interrupt
object PlicMapping{
// Follows the SiFive PLIC mapping (eg. https://sifive.cdn.prismic.io/sifive/9169d157-0d50-4005-a289-36c684de671b_e31_core_complex_manual_21G1.pdf)
// basically a full fledged PLIC
def sifive = PlicMapping(
gatewayPriorityOffset = 0x0000,
gatewayPendingOffset = 0x1000,
targetEnableOffset = 0x2000,
targetThresholdOffset = 0x200000,
targetClaimOffset = 0x200004,
gatewayPriorityShift = 2,
targetThresholdShift = 12,
targetClaimShift = 12,
targetEnableShift = 7,
gatewayPriorityReadGen = true,
gatewayPendingReadGen = true,
targetThresholdReadGen = true,
targetEnableReadGen = true
// this mapping generates a lighter PLIC, at the cost of some missing optional features:
// - no reading the intrerrupt's priority
// - no reading the interrupts's pending bit (must use the claim/complete mechanism)
// - no reading the target's threshold
// the rest of the functionality is generated
def light = PlicMapping(
gatewayPriorityOffset = 0x0000,
gatewayPendingOffset = 0x1000,
targetEnableOffset = 0x2000,
targetThresholdOffset = 0xF000,
targetClaimOffset = 0xF004,
gatewayPriorityShift = 2,
targetThresholdShift = 12,
targetClaimShift = 12,
targetEnableShift = 7,
gatewayPriorityReadGen = false,
gatewayPendingReadGen = false,
targetThresholdReadGen = false,
targetEnableReadGen = true
object PlicMapper{
// args for PlicMapper:
// bus: bus to which this ctrl is attached
// mapping: a mapping configuration (see above)
// gateways: a sequence of PlicGateway (interrupt sources) to generate the bus access control
// targets: the sequence of PlicTargets (eg. multiple cores) to generate the bus access control
def apply(bus: BusSlaveFactory, mapping: PlicMapping)(gateways : Seq[PlicGateway], targets : Seq[PlicTarget]) = new Area{
import mapping._
// for each gateway, generate priority register & pending bit as needed
val gatewayMapping = for(gateway <- gateways) yield new Area{
if(gatewayPriorityWriteGen && !gateway.priority.hasAssignement) bus.drive(gateway.priority, address = gatewayPriorityOffset + (gateway.id << gatewayPriorityShift), documentation = s"Driving priority for gateway ${gateway.getName()}. Inits to 0 (interrupt is disabled)" ) init(0)
if(gatewayPriorityReadGen) bus.read(gateway.priority, address = gatewayPriorityOffset + (gateway.id << gatewayPriorityShift), documentation = s"Read priority for gateway ${gateway.getName()}")
if(gatewayPendingReadGen) bus.read(gateway.ip, address = gatewayPendingOffset + (gateway.id/bus.busDataWidth)*bus.busDataWidth/8, bitOffset = gateway.id % bus.busDataWidth, documentation = s"Read Pending bit for gateway " + gateway.getName())
// claim/complete logic
val idWidth = log2Up((gateways.map(_.id) ++ Seq(0)).max + 1)
val claim = Flow(UInt(idWidth bits))
claim.valid := False
when(claim.valid) {
switch(claim.payload) {
for (gateway <- gateways) {
is(gateway.id) {
val completion = Flow(UInt(idWidth bits))
completion.valid := False
when(completion.valid) {
switch(completion.payload) {
for (gateway <- gateways) {
is(gateway.id) {
val coherencyStall = Counter(2)
when(coherencyStall =/= 0){
bus.onReadPrimitive(AllMapping, haltSensitive = false, documentation = ""){
bus.onWritePrimitive(AllMapping, haltSensitive = false, documentation = ""){
// for each target/context, generate threshold and claim/complete registers
val targetMapping = for(target <- targets) yield new Area {
val thresholdOffset = targetThresholdOffset + (target.id << targetThresholdShift)
val claimOffset = targetClaimOffset + (target.id << targetClaimShift)
if(targetThresholdWriteGen && !target.threshold.hasAssignement) bus.drive(target.threshold, address = thresholdOffset, documentation = s"Drive target threshold for target ${target.id}. inits to 0") init (0)
if(targetThresholdReadGen) bus.read(target.threshold, address = thresholdOffset, documentation = s"Read target threshold for target ${target.id}")
bus.read(target.claim, address = claimOffset, documentation = s"Read target claim for target ${target.id} ")
bus.onRead(claimOffset) {
claim.valid := True
claim.payload := target.claim
val targetCompletion = bus.createAndDriveFlow(UInt(target.idWidth bits), claimOffset)
completion.valid := True
completion.payload := targetCompletion.payload
// for each gateway/interrupt source, generate the enable bits for each target/context
for ((gateway, gatewayIndex) <- gateways.zipWithIndex) {
val address = targetEnableOffset + (target.id << targetEnableShift) + bus.busDataWidth/8 * (gateway.id / bus.busDataWidth)
val bitOffset = gateway.id % bus.busDataWidth
if(targetEnableWriteGen && !target.ie(gatewayIndex).hasAssignement) bus.drive(target.ie(gatewayIndex), address, bitOffset, documentation = s"Drive target enable for gateway ${gatewayIndex} for target ${target.id}. inits to 0b0") init(False)
if(targetEnableReadGen) bus.read(target.ie(gatewayIndex), address, bitOffset, documentation = s"Read target enable for gateway ${gatewayIndex} for target ${target.id}.")
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