spinal.lib.misc.plic.TilelinkPlic.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.misc.plic
import spinal.core._
import spinal.core.fiber._
import spinal.lib.bus
import spinal.lib.bus.amba4.axilite._
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.BusSlaveFactory
import spinal.lib.misc.InterruptNode
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.{Seq, mutable}
class MappedPlic[T <: spinal.core.Data with IMasterSlave](sourceIds : Seq[Int],
targetIds : Seq[Int],
busType: HardType[T],
factoryGen: T => BusSlaveFactory) extends Component{
val priorityWidth = 2
val plicMapping = PlicMapping.sifive
import plicMapping._
val io = new Bundle {
val bus = slave(busType())
val sources = in Bits (sourceIds.size bits)
val targets = out Bits (targetIds.size bits)
val gateways = (for ((source, id) <- (io.sources.asBools, sourceIds).zipped) yield PlicGatewayActiveHigh(
source = source,
id = id,
priorityWidth = priorityWidth
val targets = for (i <- targetIds) yield PlicTarget(
id = i,
gateways = gateways,
priorityWidth = priorityWidth
io.targets := targets.map(_.iep).asBits
val factory = factoryGen(io.bus)
val mapping = PlicMapper(factory, plicMapping)(
gateways = gateways,
targets = targets
object TilelinkPlic{
def getTilelinkSupport(proposed: bus.tilelink.M2sSupport) = bus.tilelink.SlaveFactory.getSupported(
addressWidth = addressWidth,
dataWidth = 32,
allowBurst = false,
def addressWidth = 22
class TilelinkPlic(p : bus.tilelink.BusParameter,
sourceIds : Seq[Int],
targetIds : Seq[Int]) extends MappedPlic[bus.tilelink.Bus](
new bus.tilelink.Bus(p),
new bus.tilelink.SlaveFactory(_, false)
trait InterruptCtrlFiber extends Nameable{
val lock = Lock()
def createInterruptMaster(id: Int): InterruptNode
def createInterruptSlave(id: Int): InterruptNode
val mappedInterrupts = mutable.LinkedHashMap[InterruptNode, InterruptNode]()
def mapUpInterrupt(id: Int, node: InterruptNode): Unit = {
val local = createInterruptSlave(id)
local.setLambdaName(node.isNamed && this.isNamed)(s"${this.getName()}_from_${node.getName}")
local << node
mappedInterrupts(node) = local
def mapDownInterrupt(id: Int, node: InterruptNode): Unit = {
val local = createInterruptMaster(id)
local.setLambdaName(node.isNamed && this.isNamed)(s"${this.getName()}_to_${node.getName}")
node << local
mappedInterrupts(node) = local
def retain() = lock.retain()
def release() = lock.release()
case class TilelinkPlicFiber() extends Area with InterruptCtrlFiber{
val node = bus.tilelink.fabric.Node.slave()
case class TargetSpec(node : InterruptNode, id : Int)
case class GatewaySpec(node: InterruptNode, id: Int)
val targetsSpecs = ArrayBuffer[TargetSpec]()
val gatewaySpecs = ArrayBuffer[GatewaySpec]()
override def createInterruptMaster(id : Int) : InterruptNode = {
val spec = node.clockDomain on TargetSpec(InterruptNode.master(), id)
targetsSpecs += spec
override def createInterruptSlave(id: Int) : InterruptNode = {
val spec = node.clockDomain on GatewaySpec(InterruptNode.slave(), id)
gatewaySpecs += spec
val thread = Fiber build new Area{
val logic = new TilelinkPlic(
logic.io.bus <> node.bus
(logic.io.sources.asBools, gatewaySpecs).zipped.foreach(_ := _.node.flag)
(targetsSpecs, logic.io.targets.asBools).zipped.foreach(_.node.flag := _)
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