spinal.lib.pipeline.Pipeline.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.pipeline
import spinal.core._
import spinal.lib._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.Seq
class Pipeline extends Area{
@dontName implicit val _implicitPip : Pipeline = this
case class ConnectionModel() extends Nameable {
var m, s : Stage = null
val logics = ArrayBuffer[ConnectionLogic]()
val stagesSet = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Stage]()
val connections = ArrayBuffer[ConnectionModel]()
val joins = ArrayBuffer[ConnectionModel]() //Not implemented yet
val forks = ArrayBuffer[ConnectionModel]() //Not implemented yet
// val internals = new Area{
// val keyToDefault = mutable.LinkedHashMap[StageableKey, Data]()
// }
def newStage() : Stage = {
val s = new Stage
def addStage[T <: Stage](s : T): T ={
stagesSet += s
def connect(m : Stage, s : Stage)(logics : ConnectionLogic*) = {
val c = new ConnectionModel
connections += c
c.m = m
c.s = s
c.logics ++= logics
def connect(sequentially : Seq[Stage])(logics : => Seq[ConnectionLogic]): Unit ={
for((m, s) <- (sequentially.dropRight(1), sequentially.tail).zipped){
connect(m, s)(logics.toList :_*)
def newStages(count : Int)(logics : => Seq[ConnectionLogic]): List[Stage] ={
val sequentially = List.fill(count)(new Stage)
for((m, s) <- (sequentially.dropRight(1), sequentially.tail).zipped){
connect(m, s)(logics.toList :_*)
def newChained(count : Int, connection : => ConnectionLogic): List[Stage] = newStages(count)(List(connection))
def precedenceOf(that : Stage, over : Stage) : Boolean = {
val stageMasters = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Stage, ArrayBuffer[Stage]]()
for(c <- connections){
stageMasters(c.s) += c.m
def rec(end : Stage): Boolean ={
if(stageMasters.contains(that)) return true
stageMasters.get(end) match {
case Some(x) => x.map(rec).reduce(_ || _)
case None => false
// def default(key : StageableKey) : Data = {
// internals.keyToDefault.getOrElseUpdate(key, ContextSwapper.outsideCondScope{
// key.stageable()
// })
// }
// def default[T <: Data](key : Stageable[T]) : T = {
// default(StageableKey(key.asInstanceOf[Stageable[Data]], null)).asInstanceOf[T]
// }
// def default[T <: Data](key : Stageable[T], key2 : Any) : T = {
// default(StageableKey(key.asInstanceOf[Stageable[Data]], key2)).asInstanceOf[T]
// }
def build(): Unit = {
implicit def internalsImplicit(stage : Stage) = stage.internals
this.stagesSet ++= connections.map(c => List(c.m, c.s)).flatten
val stagesWithSink = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Stage]() ++ connections.map(_.m)
val connectionsWithoutSinks = stagesSet -- stagesWithSink
val stageMasters = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Stage, ArrayBuffer[Stage]]()
val stageDriver = mutable.LinkedHashMap[Stage, Any]()
stageMasters ++= stagesSet.map(s => (s -> ArrayBuffer[Stage]()))
for(c <- connections){
stageMasters(c.s) += c.m
stageDriver(c.s) = c
for(s <- stagesSet){
for(key <- s.internals.stageableResultingToData.keys){
//Fill payload holes in the pipeline
def propagateData(key : StageableKey, stage : Stage): Boolean ={
if(stage.internals.stageableTerminal.contains(key)) return false
stage.stageableToData.get(key) match {
case None => {
val hits = ArrayBuffer[Stage]()
for(m <- stageMasters(stage)){
if(propagateData(key, m)){
stage.apply(key) //Force creation
hits += m
hits.size match {
case 0 => false
case 1 => true
case 2 => PendingError(s"$key at $stage has multiple drivers : ${hits.mkString(",")}"); false
case Some(x) => true
val clFlush = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ConnectionLogic, Bool]()
val clFlushNext = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ConnectionLogic, Bool]()
val clFlushNextHit = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ConnectionLogic, Bool]()
val clThrowOne = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ConnectionLogic, Bool]()
val clThrowOneHit = mutable.LinkedHashMap[ConnectionLogic, Bool]()
def propagateRequirements(stage : Stage): Unit ={
if(stage.arbitration.isRemoved != null){
stage.arbitration.isRemoved := stage.isFlushed || stage.isThrown
stage.arbitration.propagateReady = true
stage.isReady //Force creation
def orR(l : Seq[Bool]) : Bool = l.size match {
case 0 => null
case 1 => l.head
case _ => l.orR
var flush = stage.internals.request.flush.nonEmpty generate orR(stage.internals.request.flush)
var flushNext = stage.internals.request.flushNext.nonEmpty generate orR(stage.internals.request.flushNext)
var throwOne = stage.internals.request.throws.nonEmpty generate orR(stage.internals.request.throws)
(stage.internals.arbitration.isFlushed, flush) match {
case (null, null) =>
case (x, null) => stage.isFlushed := False
case (_, x) => stage.isFlushed := flush
(stage.internals.arbitration.isFlushingNext, flushNext) match {
case (null, null) =>
case (x, null) => stage.isFlushingNext := False
case (_, x) => stage.isFlushingNext := flushNext
(stage.internals.arbitration.isThrown, throwOne) match {
case (null, null) =>
case (x, null) => stage.isThrown := False
case (_, x) => stage.isThrown := throwOne
stageDriver.get(stage) match {
case Some(c : ConnectionModel) => {
if(c.s.arbitration.propagateReady && c.m.output.ready == null){
c.m.output.ready = Bool()
if(c.m.input.ready == null){
c.m.input.ready = Bool()
c.logics.reverseIterator.foreach{ l =>
clFlush(l) = flush
clFlushNext(l) = flushNext
clFlushNextHit(l) = null
if(flushNext != null){
clFlushNextHit(l) = Bool()
flush = flush match {
case null => clFlushNext(l) && clFlushNextHit(l)
case _ => flush || clFlushNext(l) && clFlushNextHit(l)
flushNext = l.alwasContainsSlaveToken match {
case true => null
case false => clFlushNext(l) && !clFlushNextHit(l)
if(flush != null) c.m.flushIt(flush, false)
if(flushNext != null) c.m.flushNext(flushNext)
clThrowOne(l) = throwOne
clThrowOneHit(l) = null
if(throwOne != null){
clThrowOneHit(l) = Bool()
throwOne = l.alwasContainsSlaveToken match {
case true => null
case false => clThrowOne(l) && !clThrowOneHit(l)
if(throwOne != null) c.m.throwIt(throwOne, root = false)
case None =>
for(m <- stageMasters(stage)){
if(stage.internals.arbitration.propagateReady) m.internals.arbitration.propagateReady = true
for(stage <- stagesSet){
for(key <- stage.stageableToData.keys){
for(m <- stageMasters(stage)) {
propagateData(key, m);
for(end <- connectionsWithoutSinks){
for(s <- stagesSet){
if(s.internals.request.flushRoot.nonEmpty) s.isFlushingRoot
if(s.internals.arbitration.isFlushingRoot != null)s.internals.arbitration.isFlushingRoot := s.internals.request.flushRoot.orR
//Name stuff
for(s <- stagesSet){
import s.internals._
s.internals.output.valid.setCompositeName(s, "valid_output", true)
if(s.internals.output.ready != null) s.internals.output.ready.setCompositeName(s, "ready_output", true)
s.internals.input.valid.setCompositeName(s, "valid", true)
if(s.internals.input.ready != null) s.internals.input.ready.setCompositeName(s, "ready", true)
if(arbitration.isFlushed != null) arbitration.isFlushed.setCompositeName(s, "isFlushed", true)
if(arbitration.isThrown != null) arbitration.isThrown.setCompositeName(s, "isThrown", true)
if(arbitration.isFlushingNext != null) arbitration.isFlushingNext.setCompositeName(s, "isFlushingNext", true)
if(arbitration.isFlushingRoot != null) arbitration.isFlushingRoot.setCompositeName(s, "isFlushingRoot", true)
if(arbitration.isHalted != null) arbitration.isHalted.setCompositeName(s, "isHalted", true)
if(arbitration.isHaltedByOthers != null) arbitration.isHaltedByOthers.setCompositeName(s, "isHaltedByOthers", true)
if(arbitration.isRemoved != null) arbitration.isRemoved.setCompositeName(s, "isRemoved", true)
if(arbitration.isForked != null) arbitration.isForked.setCompositeName(s, "isForked", true)
if(arbitration.isForked != null) arbitration.isForked := output.valid && output.ready
//Internal connections
for(s <- stagesSet){
s.output.valid := s.input.valid
s.output.valid := True
if(s.internals.request.flushRoot.nonEmpty) s.output.valid clearWhen(s.internals.arbitration.isFlushingRoot)
(s.input.ready, s.output.ready) match {
case (null, null) =>
case (null, o) => ???
case (i, null) => s.input.ready := True
case (i, o) => s.input.ready := s.output.ready
val doThrow = s.request.throwsRoot.orR
s.output.valid := False
val doHalt = s.request.halts.orR
s.input.ready := False
s.output.valid := False
val doFork = s.request.forks.orR
s.input.ready := False //Maybe to reconsiderate
for((key, value) <- s.internals.stageableResultingToData){
value := s.internals.outputOf(key)
//Interconnect stages
for(c <- connections){
val stageables = (c.m.stageableToData.keys).filter(key => c.s.stageableToData.contains(key) && !c.m.stageableTerminal.contains(key))
var m = ConnectionPoint(c.m.output.valid, c.m.output.ready, stageables.map(c.m.outputOf(_)).toList)
for((l, id) <- c.logics.zipWithIndex){
val s = if(l == c.logics.last)
ConnectionPoint(c.s.input.valid, c.s.input.ready, stageables.map(c.s.stageableToData(_)).toList)
else {
ConnectionPoint(Bool(), (m.ready != null) generate Bool(), stageables.map(_.stageable.craft()).toList)
val area = l.on(m, s, clFlush(l), clFlushNext(l), clFlushNextHit(l), clThrowOne(l), clThrowOneHit(l))
if(c.logics.size != 1)
area.setCompositeName(c, s"level_$id", true)
area.setCompositeName(c, true)
m = s
//Name stuff
for(stage <- stagesSet){
def nameThat(target: Nameable, key : StageableKey, postfix: String): Unit = {
target.setLambdaName(stage.isNamed && key.stageable.isNamed){
val stageName = stage.getName
val stageSlices = stageName.split('_')
val postfixName = key.toString + postfix
val postfixSlices = postfixName.split('_')
var i = 0
val iEnd = stageSlices.length min postfixSlices.length
while (i != iEnd && stageSlices(i) == postfixSlices(i)) i += 1
stageName + "_" + postfixSlices.drop(i).mkString("_")
for((key, value) <- stage.internals.stageableToData){
nameThat(value, key, "")
for((key, value) <- stage.internals.stageableOverloadedToData){
nameThat(value, key, "_overloaded")
for((key, value) <- stage.internals.stageableResultingToData){
nameThat(value, key, "_resulting")
for(c <- connections){
if(c.isUnnamed) c.setLambdaName(c.m.isNamed && c.s.isNamed){
def getFollowing(m : Stage, latency : Int): Stage = latency match{
case 0 => m
case x if latency > 0 => connections.find(_.m == m) match {
case Some(c) => getFollowing(c.s, latency - c.logics.map(_.latency).sum)
case None => ???
// Component.current.afterElaboration(build)
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