spinal.lib.system.dma.sg.DmaSg.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package spinal.lib.system.dma.sg
import spinal.core.{Bool, _}
import spinal.core.sim.{SimDataPimper, SimMutex, fork, waitUntil}
import spinal.lib._
import spinal.lib.bus.bmb._
import spinal.lib.bus.bmb.sim.{BmbDriver, BmbMemoryAgent}
import spinal.lib.bus.bsb.{BsbParameter, _}
import spinal.lib.bus.bsb.sim.BsbMonitor
import spinal.lib.bus.misc.{BusSlaveFactory, SizeMapping}
import spinal.lib.sim.{MemoryRegionAllocator, SparseMemory, StreamDriver, StreamReadyRandomizer}
import spinal.lib.system.dma.sg.DmaSg.{Channel, Parameter}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.util.Random
import scala.collection.Seq
object DmaSg{
val ctrlAddressWidth = 16
val descriptorSize = 32
def getCtrlCapabilities(accessSource : BmbAccessCapabilities) = BmbSlaveFactory.getBmbCapabilities(
addressWidth = ctrlAddressWidth,
dataWidth = 32
def getReadRequirements(p : Parameter) = BmbAccessParameter(
addressWidth = p.readAddressWidth,
dataWidth = p.readDataWidth
).addSources(p.channels.count(_.canRead), BmbSourceParameter(
contextWidth = widthOf(p.ReadContext()),
lengthWidth = p.readLengthWidth,
canWrite = false,
alignment = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.BYTE
def getWriteRequirements(p : Parameter) = BmbAccessParameter(
addressWidth = p.writeAddressWidth,
dataWidth = p.writeDataWidth
).addSources(p.channels.count(_.canWrite), BmbSourceParameter(
contextWidth = widthOf(p.WriteContext()),
lengthWidth = p.writeLengthWidth,
canRead = false,
alignment = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.BYTE
def getSgReadRequirements(p : Parameter) = BmbAccessParameter(
addressWidth = p.sgAddressWidth,
dataWidth = p.sgReadDataWidth
).addSources(1, BmbSourceParameter(
contextWidth = widthOf(p.SgReadContext()),
lengthWidth = log2Up(descriptorSize),
canWrite = false,
alignment = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.LENGTH
def getSgWriteRequirements(p : Parameter) = BmbAccessParameter(
addressWidth = p.sgAddressWidth,
dataWidth = p.sgWriteDataWidth
).addSources(1, BmbSourceParameter(
contextWidth = widthOf(p.SgWriteContext()),
lengthWidth = 2,
canRead = false,
alignment = BmbParameter.BurstAlignement.LENGTH
case class Parameter(readAddressWidth : Int,
readDataWidth : Int,
readLengthWidth : Int,
writeAddressWidth : Int,
writeDataWidth : Int,
writeLengthWidth : Int,
sgAddressWidth : Int,
sgReadDataWidth : Int,
sgWriteDataWidth : Int,
memory : DmaMemoryLayout,
outputs : Seq[BsbParameter],
inputs : Seq[BsbParameter],
channels : Seq[Channel],
bytePerTransferWidth : Int,
weightWidth : Int,
withSgBus : Boolean = false,
pendingWritePerChannel : Int = 15,
pendingReadPerChannel : Int = 15){
def toSgBusParameter() = SgBusParameter(addressWidth, bytePerTransferWidth, channels.size)
val readWriteMinDataWidth = Math.min(readDataWidth, writeDataWidth)
val readWriteMaxDataWidth = Math.max(readDataWidth, writeDataWidth)
val writeByteCount = writeDataWidth/8
val addressWidth = Math.min(readAddressWidth, writeAddressWidth)
assert(outputs.map(_.byteCount*8).fold(0)(Math.max) <= readWriteMinDataWidth)
assert(inputs.map(_.byteCount*8).fold(0)(Math.max) <= readWriteMinDataWidth)
assert(readWriteMaxDataWidth <= memory.bankCount*memory.bankWidth)
def canRead = channels.exists(_.canRead)
def canWrite = channels.exists(_.canWrite)
def canSgRead = channels.exists(_.linkedListCapable)
def canSgWrite = channels.exists(_.linkedListCapable)
case class ReadContext() extends Bundle{
val channel = UInt(log2Up(channels.count(_.canRead)) bits)
val start, stop = UInt(log2Up(readDataWidth/8) bits)
val length = UInt(readLengthWidth bits)
val last = Bool()
case class WriteContext() extends Bundle{
val channel = UInt(log2Up(channels.count(_.canWrite)) bits)
val length = UInt(writeLengthWidth bits)
val doPacketSync = Bool()
case class SgReadContext() extends Bundle{
val channel = UInt(log2Up(channels.count(_.linkedListCapable)) bits)
case class SgWriteContext() extends Bundle{
val channel = UInt(log2Up(channels.count(_.linkedListCapable)) bits)
case class SgBusParameter(addressWidth : Int, bytePerTransferWidth : Int, channels : Int)
case class SgCmd(p: SgBusParameter) extends Bundle {
val read = Bool()
val write = Bool()
val channelId = UInt(log2Up(p.channels) bits)
val bytesDone = UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth + 1 bits)
val endOfPacket = Bool()
val completed = Bool()
case class SgRsp(p : SgBusParameter) extends Bundle{
val channelId = UInt(log2Up(p.channels) bits)
val srcAddress = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
val dstAddress = UInt(p.addressWidth bits)
val bytes = UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth bits)
val last = Bool()
val stall = Bool()
case class SgBus(p : SgBusParameter) extends Bundle with IMasterSlave{
val cmd = Stream(SgCmd(p))
val rsp = Flow(SgRsp(p))
override def asMaster(): Unit = {
case class Channel(memoryToMemory : Boolean,
inputsPorts : Seq[Int],
outputsPorts : Seq[Int],
linkedListCapable : Boolean,
directCtrlCapable : Boolean,
selfRestartCapable : Boolean,
linkedListFromMemory: Boolean = true,
linkedListFromSg: Boolean = true,
progressProbes : Boolean,
halfCompletionInterrupt : Boolean,
bytePerBurst : Option[Int] = None,
fifoMapping : Option[(Int, Int)] = None,
name : Option[String] = None) extends OverridedEqualsHashCode {
def canRead = memoryToMemory || outputsPorts.nonEmpty
def canWrite = memoryToMemory || inputsPorts.nonEmpty
def canInput = inputsPorts.nonEmpty
def canOutput = outputsPorts.nonEmpty
assert(linkedListCapable || directCtrlCapable, "A DMA channel should be at least controllable via a linked list or direct access")
assert(!(!directCtrlCapable && selfRestartCapable), "Channel self restart is only available if direct controle is enabled")
assert(memoryToMemory || inputsPorts.nonEmpty || outputsPorts.nonEmpty, "A DMA channel require at least one opperation (m->m, m->s, s->m)")
val withProgressCounter = progressProbes || halfCompletionInterrupt || linkedListCapable && canInput
val withProgressCounterM2s = progressProbes || halfCompletionInterrupt
bytePerBurst match {
case Some(x) => assert(isPow2(x), "Channel byte per burst should be power of 2")
case None =>
fifoMapping match {
case Some((base, size)) => assert(isPow2(size), "Channel buffer size should be power of two"); assert(base % size == 0, "Channel buffer address should be aligned to its size (address % size == 0)")
case None =>
case class ChannelIo(p : Channel) extends Bundle{
val interrupt = out Bool()
case class Core[CTRL <: Data with IMasterSlave](p : Parameter, ctrlType : HardType[CTRL], slaveFactory : CTRL => BusSlaveFactory) extends Component{
val io = new Bundle {
val sgRead = p.canSgRead generate master(Bmb(getSgReadRequirements(p)))
val sgWrite = p.canSgWrite generate master(Bmb(getSgWriteRequirements(p)))
val read = p.canRead generate master(Bmb(getReadRequirements(p)))
val write = p.canWrite generate master(Bmb(getWriteRequirements(p)))
val outputs = Vec(p.outputs.map(s => master(Bsb(s))))
val inputs = Vec(p.inputs.map(s => slave(Bsb(s))))
val interrupts = out Bits(p.channels.size bits)
val ctrl = slave(ctrlType())
val sg = p.withSgBus generate master(SgBus(p.toSgBusParameter()))
val ctrl = slaveFactory(io.ctrl)
val internalMemoryBytes = p.memory.bankWidth/8*p.memory.bankWords*p.memory.bankCount
val ptrWidth = log2Up(p.memory.bankWords*p.memory.bankCount) + 1
val ptrType = HardType(UInt(ptrWidth bits))
case class InputContext(ip : BsbParameter, portId : Int) extends Bundle {
val channel = Bits(p.channels.count(_.inputsPorts.contains(portId)) bits)
val bytes = UInt(log2Up(ip.byteCount + 1) bits)
val flush = Bool()
val packet = Bool()
case class M2bWriteContext() extends Bundle{
val last = Bool()
val lastOfBurst = Bool()
val channel = UInt(log2Up(p.channels.count(_.canRead)) bits)
val loadByteInNextBeat = UInt(log2Up(p.readDataWidth/8 + 1) bits)
case class B2sReadContext(portId : Int) extends Bundle {
val channel = Bits(p.channels.count(_.outputsPorts.contains(portId)) bits)
val veryLast = Bool()
val endPacket = Bool()
val memory = new Area{
val writesParameter = ArrayBuffer[DmaMemoryCoreWriteParameter]()
val readsParameter = ArrayBuffer[DmaMemoryCoreReadParameter]()
writesParameter ++= p.inputs.zipWithIndex.map{case (p, portId) => DmaMemoryCoreWriteParameter(p.byteCount, widthOf(InputContext(p, portId)), false)}
readsParameter ++= p.outputs.zipWithIndex.map{case (p, portId) => DmaMemoryCoreReadParameter(p.byteCount, widthOf(B2sReadContext(portId)), false)}
if(p.canRead) writesParameter += DmaMemoryCoreWriteParameter(io.read.p.access.byteCount, widthOf(M2bWriteContext()), true)
if(p.canWrite) readsParameter += DmaMemoryCoreReadParameter(io.write.p.access.byteCount, ptrWidth + 1, true)
val core = DmaMemoryCore(DmaMemoryCoreParameter(
layout = p.memory,
writes = writesParameter,
reads = readsParameter
val ports = new Area{
val m2b = core.io.writes.last
val b2m = core.io.reads.last
val s2b = core.io.writes.take(io.inputs.size)
val b2s = core.io.reads.take(io.outputs.size)
class Interrupt(fire : Bool) extends Area{
val enable = Reg(Bool()) init(False)
val valid = Reg(Bool()) init(False) setWhen(fire) clearWhen(!enable)
def bytesType = UInt(log2Up(p.memory.bankWords*p.memory.bankCount*p.memory.bankWidth/8+1) bits)
class ChannelLogic(val id : Int) extends Area{
val cp = p.channels(id)
val channelStart = False
val channelStop = Reg(Bool())
val channelCompletion = False
val channelValid = RegInit(False) setWhen(channelStart) clearWhen(channelCompletion)
val descriptorStart = False
val descriptorCompletion = False
val descriptorValid = RegInit(False) setWhen(descriptorStart) clearWhen(descriptorCompletion)
val bytes = Reg(UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth bits)) //minus one
val priority = Reg(UInt(p.memory.priorityWidth bits)) init(0)
val weight = Reg(UInt(p.weightWidth bits)) init(0)
val selfRestart = cp.selfRestartCapable generate Reg(Bool())
val readyToStop = True //todo Check s2b b2s transiants
val bytesProbe = (cp.withProgressCounter) generate new Area{
val value = Reg(UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth + 1 bits)).simPublic()
val incr = Flow(UInt(Math.max(p.writeLengthWidth, p.readLengthWidth) bits))
incr.valid := False
value := value + incr.payload + 1
val ctrl = cp.directCtrlCapable generate new Area{
val kick = RegNext(False) init(False)
descriptorStart := True
kick := False
val ll = cp.linkedListCapable generate new Area{
val sgStart = False
val valid = RegInit(False)
val onSgStream = RegInit(False)
val head = Reg(Bool())
val justASync = Reg(Bool())
val waitDone = Reg(Bool())
val readDone = Reg(Bool())
val writeDone = Reg(Bool())
val gotDescriptorStall = Reg(Bool())
val controlNoCompletion = Reg(Bool())
val packet = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(descriptorStart)
val requireSync = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(descriptorStart)
val ptr, ptrNext = Reg(UInt(p.addressWidth bits))
val requestLl = channelValid && valid && !channelStop && !waitDone && (!descriptorValid || requireSync)
val descriptorUpdated = False
when(valid && waitDone && writeDone && readDone){
waitDone := False
when(!justASync) {
head := False
when(!gotDescriptorStall) {
descriptorStart := True
} otherwise {
valid := False
descriptorUpdated := True
valid := True
waitDone := False
head := True
readyToStop := False
valid := False
val fifo = new Area{
val (base, words) = cp.fifoMapping match {
case None => (Reg(ptrType),Reg(ptrType))
case Some((x,y)) => {
val n = cp.name.getOrElse("")
assert(x < internalMemoryBytes && x+y <= internalMemoryBytes, f"The channel $n buffer range, 0x$x%x:0x${x+y-1}%x isn't contained in the internal memory space (0x0:0x${internalMemoryBytes-1}%x)")
(U(x*8/p.memory.bankWidth, ptrWidth bits), U(y*8/p.memory.bankWidth-1, ptrWidth bits))
val push = new Area {
val available = Reg(ptrType)
val availableDecr = ptrType()
availableDecr := 0
val ptr = Reg(ptrType)
val ptrWithBase = (base & ~words) | (ptr & words)
val ptrIncr = DataOr(ptrType)
ptr := ptr + ptrIncr.value
ptr := 0
val pop = new Area {
val ptr = Reg(ptrType)
val bytes = bytesType
val ptrWithBase = (base & ~words) | (ptr.resized & words)
val bytesIncr = DataOr(bytesType)
val bytesDecr = DataOr(bytesType)
val empty = ptr === push.ptr
val ptrIncr = DataOr(ptrType)
ptr := ptr + ptrIncr.value
val withoutOverride = !cp.canInput generate new Area{
val exposed = Reg(bytesType)
exposed := exposed + bytesIncr.value - bytesDecr.value
bytes := exposed
exposed := 0
val withOverride = cp.canInput generate new Area{
val backup = Reg(bytesType)
val backupNext = backup + bytesIncr.value - bytesDecr.value
backup := backupNext
val load, unload = False
val exposed = Reg(bytesType)
val valid = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(channelStart || unload) setWhen(load)
exposed := (!valid ? backupNext | (exposed - bytesDecr.value))
bytes := exposed
backup := 0
valid := False
val empty = push.ptr === pop.ptr
val push = new Area{
val memory = Reg(Bool())
val m2b = cp.canRead generate new Area {
val address = Reg(UInt(io.read.p.access.addressWidth bits))
val bytePerBurst = cp.bytePerBurst match {
case None => Reg(UInt(io.read.p.access.lengthWidth bits)) //minus one
case Some(x) => U(x-1, io.read.p.access.lengthWidth bits)
val loadDone = RegInit(True)
val bytesLeft = Reg(UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth bits)) //minus one
val memPending = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.pendingReadPerChannel + 1) bits)) init(0)
val memPendingIncr, memPendingDecr = False
memPending := memPending + U(memPendingIncr) - U(memPendingDecr)
val loadRequest = descriptorValid && !channelStop && !loadDone && memory && fifo.push.available > (bytePerBurst >> log2Up(p.memory.bankWidth/8)) && memPending =/= p.pendingReadPerChannel
bytesLeft := bytes
loadDone := False
val s2b = cp.inputsPorts.nonEmpty generate new Area {
val portId = Reg(UInt(log2Up(cp.inputsPorts.size) bits))
val completionOnLast = Reg(Bool())
val packetEvent = False
val packetLock = Reg(Bool()) //Maybe this should be disable if not necessary
val waitFirst = Reg(Bool())
fifo.pop.withOverride.load setWhen( packetEvent && completionOnLast)
packetLock := False
val pop = new Area{
val memory = Reg(Bool())
val b2s = cp.canOutput generate new Area{
val last = Reg(Bool())
val portId = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.outputs.size) bits))
val sourceId = Reg(UInt(cp.outputsPorts.map(p.outputs(_).sourceWidth).max bits))
val sinkId = Reg(UInt(cp.outputsPorts.map(p.outputs(_).sinkWidth).max bits))
val veryLastTrigger = False
val veryLastValid = Reg(Bool()) setWhen(veryLastTrigger && last)
val veryLastPtr = Reg(ptrType)
val veryLastEndPacket = Reg(Bool())
veryLastPtr := fifo.push.ptrWithBase
veryLastEndPacket := last
//Memory to stream => descriptor completion when memory is done
when(descriptorValid && !memory && push.memory && push.m2b.loadDone && push.m2b.memPending === 0){
descriptorCompletion := True
when(!memory && veryLastValid && push.m2b.bytesLeft <= push.m2b.bytePerBurst){
push.m2b.loadRequest := False
veryLastValid := False
val b2m = cp.canWrite generate new Area{
val bytePerBurst = cp.bytePerBurst match {
case None => Reg(UInt(io.write.p.access.lengthWidth bits)) //minus one
case Some(x) => U(x-1, io.write.p.access.lengthWidth bits)
val fire = False
val waitFinalRsp = Reg(Bool())
val flush = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(fire) //Check flush
val packetSync = False
val packet = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(channelStart || fire)
val memRsp = False
val memPending = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.pendingWritePerChannel + 1) bits)) init(0)
val address = Reg(UInt(io.write.p.access.addressWidth bits))
val bytesLeft = Reg(UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth+1 bits)) //minus one
// Trigger request when there is enough to do a burst, fifo occupancy > 50 %, flush
val selfFlush = bytesLeft < fifo.pop.bytes
val request = descriptorValid && !channelStop && !waitFinalRsp && memory && (fifo.pop.bytes > bytePerBurst || (fifo.push.available < (fifo.words >> 1) || flush || selfFlush)) && fifo.pop.bytes =/= 0 && memPending =/= p.pendingWritePerChannel
val bytesToSkip = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.writeByteCount) bits))
val decrBytes = fifo.pop.bytesDecr.newPort()
val memPendingInc = False
memPending := memPending + U(memPendingInc) - U(memRsp)
decrBytes := 0
when(memPending === 0 && fifo.pop.bytes === 0){ //TODO bouarf
flush := False
packet := False
packetSync setWhen(packet)
if(cp.canInput) when(packetSync){
fifo.pop.withOverride.unload := True
push.s2b.packetLock := False
when(descriptorValid && !push.memory){
descriptorCompletion := True
} otherwise{
if(cp.linkedListCapable) when(!waitFinalRsp){
ll.requireSync := True
if(cp.linkedListCapable) {
ll.packet := True
when(descriptorValid && memPending === 0 && waitFinalRsp){
descriptorCompletion := True
bytesToSkip := 0
flush := False
bytesLeft := bytes.resized
waitFinalRsp := False
if(cp.canRead) readyToStop.clearWhen(push.m2b.memPending =/= 0)
if(cp.canWrite) readyToStop.clearWhen(pop.b2m.memPending =/= 0)
val readyForChannelCompletion = True
if(cp.canOutput) readyForChannelCompletion.clearWhen(!pop.memory && !fifo.pop.empty)
when(channelValid) {
when(channelStop) {
channelCompletion := True
descriptorCompletion := True
} otherwise {
when(!descriptorValid) {
val noMoreDescriptor = True
if(cp.selfRestartCapable) {
when(selfRestart && !ctrl.kick) {
noMoreDescriptor := False
descriptorStart := True
if (cp.canWrite) pop.b2m.address := pop.b2m.address - bytes - 1
if (cp.canRead) push.m2b.address := push.m2b.address - bytes - 1
noMoreDescriptor := False
if(cp.linkedListCapable) when(ll.valid){
noMoreDescriptor := False
when(noMoreDescriptor && readyForChannelCompletion){
channelStop := True
val s2b = new Area{
val full = fifo.push.available < p.memory.bankCount
fifo.push.available := fifo.push.available + RegNext(fifo.pop.ptrIncr.value) - Mux(push.memory, fifo.push.availableDecr, fifo.push.ptrIncr.value)
val interrupts = new Area{
val completion = new Interrupt(descriptorValid && descriptorCompletion)
val halfCompletion = cp.halfCompletionInterrupt generate new Area{
val trigger = bytesProbe.value > (bytes >> 1)
val interrupt = new Interrupt(channelValid && trigger)
val onChannelCompletion = new Interrupt(channelValid && channelCompletion)
val onLinkedListUpdate = cp.linkedListCapable generate new Interrupt(ll.descriptorUpdated)
val s2mPacket = cp.canInput generate new Interrupt(pop.b2m.packetSync)
fifo.push.ptr := 0
fifo.push.available := fifo.words + 1
fifo.pop.ptr := 0
if(cp.withProgressCounter) when(channelStart || descriptorStart){
bytesProbe.value := 0
val channels = for((ep, id) <- p.channels.zipWithIndex) yield new ChannelLogic(id)
val s2b = for(portId <- 0 until p.inputs.size) yield new Area{
val ps = p.inputs(portId)
val channels = Core.this.channels.filter(_.cp.inputsPorts.contains(portId))
def memoryPort = memory.ports.s2b(portId)
def sink = io.inputs(portId)
val bankPerBeat = sink.p.byteCount * 8 / p.memory.bankWidth
val cmd = new Area {
val firsts = sink.firstSink
val first = firsts(sink.sink)
val channelsOh = B(channels.map(c => c.channelValid && (first || !c.push.s2b.waitFirst) && !c.push.memory && c.push.s2b.portId === c.cp.inputsPorts.indexOf(portId) && sink.sink === channels.indexOf(c)))
val noHit = !channelsOh.orR
val channelsFull = B(channels.map(c => c.s2b.full || c.push.s2b.packetLock && sink.last))
val sinkHalted = sink.throwWhen(noHit).haltWhen((channelsOh & channelsFull).orR)
val byteCount = CountOne(sinkHalted.mask)
val context = InputContext(ps, portId)
context.channel := channelsOh
context.bytes := byteCount
context.flush := sink.last
context.packet := sink.last
sinkHalted.ready := memoryPort.cmd.ready
memoryPort.cmd.valid := sinkHalted.valid
memoryPort.cmd.address := MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.fifo.push.ptrWithBase)).resized
memoryPort.cmd.data := sinkHalted.data
memoryPort.cmd.mask := sinkHalted.mask
memoryPort.cmd.priority := MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.priority))
memoryPort.cmd.context := B(context)
for ((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) {
val hit = channelsOh(ohId) && memoryPort.cmd.fire
channel.fifo.push.ptrIncr.newPort() := ((hit && memoryPort.cmd.mask.orR) ? U(bankPerBeat) | U(0)).resized
channel.push.s2b.waitFirst := False
when(sink.last) {
channel.push.s2b.packetLock := True
val rsp = new Area{
val context = memoryPort.rsp.context.as(InputContext(ps, portId))
for ((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) {
val hit = memoryPort.rsp.fire && context.channel(ohId)
channel.fifo.pop.bytesIncr.newPort := (hit ? context.bytes | U(0)).resized
channel.push.s2b.packetEvent setWhen(hit && context.packet)
if(channel.cp.canWrite) {
channel.pop.b2m.flush setWhen(hit && context.flush)
channel.pop.b2m.packet setWhen(hit && context.packet)
val b2s = for(portId <- 0 until p.outputs.size) yield new Area{
val channels = Core.this.channels.filter(_.cp.outputsPorts.contains(portId))
def source = io.outputs(portId)
val bankPerBeat = source.p.byteCount * 8 / p.memory.bankWidth
def memoryPort = memory.ports.b2s(portId)
val cmd = new Area{
//TODO better arbitration
val channelsOh = B(OHMasking.first(channels.map(c => c.channelValid && !c.pop.memory && c.pop.b2s.portId === c.cp.outputsPorts.indexOf(portId) && !c.fifo.pop.empty)))
val context = B2sReadContext(portId)
val groupRange = log2Up(p.readDataWidth/p.memory.bankWidth) -1 downto log2Up(bankPerBeat)
val addressRange = ptrWidth-1 downto log2Up(p.readDataWidth/p.memory.bankWidth)
val veryLastPtr = MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.pop.b2s.veryLastPtr))
val address = MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.fifo.pop.ptrWithBase))
context.channel := channelsOh
context.veryLast := MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.pop.b2s.veryLastValid)) && address(addressRange) === veryLastPtr(addressRange) && address(groupRange) === (1 << groupRange.size)-1
context.endPacket := MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.pop.b2s.veryLastEndPacket))
memoryPort.cmd.valid := channelsOh.orR
memoryPort.cmd.address := address.resized
memoryPort.cmd.context := B(context)
memoryPort.cmd.priority := MuxOH(channelsOh, channels.map(_.priority))
for ((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) {
channel.fifo.pop.ptrIncr.newPort() := ((channelsOh(ohId) && memoryPort.cmd.ready) ? U(bankPerBeat) | U(0)).resized
val rsp = new Area{
val context = memoryPort.rsp.context.as(B2sReadContext(portId))
source.data := memoryPort.rsp.data
source.mask := memoryPort.rsp.mask
source.sink := MuxOH(context.channel, channels.map(_.pop.b2s.sinkId))
source.source := MuxOH(context.channel, channels.map(_.pop.b2s.sourceId)).resized
source.last := context.veryLast && context.endPacket
when(source.fire && context.veryLast){
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) when(context.channel(ohId)){
channel.pop.b2s.veryLastValid := False
abstract class ArbiterLogic(channels : Seq[ChannelLogic]) extends Area {
def requestFrom(c : ChannelLogic) : Bool
def acceptFrom(c : ChannelLogic) : Unit
val valid = RegInit(False)
val chosen = Reg(UInt(log2Up(channels.size) bits))
val priority = new Area{
def TB2[T <: Data, T2 <: Data](a: T, b : T2) = {
val ret = TupleBundle2(a,b)
ret._1 := a
ret._2 := b
val highest = channels.map(c => TB2(requestFrom(c), c.priority)).reduceBalancedTree((a,b) => (!b._1 || (a._1 && a._2 > b._2)) ? a | b)._2
val masked = B(channels.map(c => requestFrom(c) && c.priority === highest))
val roundRobins = Vec(Reg(Bits(channels.size bits)) init(1), 1 << p.memory.priorityWidth)
val counter = Reg(UInt(p.weightWidth bits)) init(0)
val chosenOh = OHMasking.roundRobin(masked, roundRobins(highest))
val chosen = OHToUInt(chosenOh)
val weightLast = channels.map(_.weight === counter).read(chosen)
val contextNext = weightLast ? chosenOh.rotateLeft(1) | chosenOh
when(!valid) {
chosen := priority.chosen
when(channels.map(requestFrom(_)).orR) {
valid := True
for(roundRobinId <- 0 until 1 << p.memory.priorityWidth) when(roundRobinId === priority.highest){
priority.roundRobins(roundRobinId) := priority.contextNext
priority.counter := (priority.counter + 1).resized
priority.counter := 0
for(id <- 0 until channels.length) when(requestFrom(channels(id)) && priority.chosenOh(id)){
val m2b = p.canRead generate new Area {
val channels = Core.this.channels.filter(_.cp.canRead)
val cmd = new Area {
val s0 = new ArbiterLogic(channels) {
def requestFrom(c : ChannelLogic) : Bool = c.push.m2b.loadRequest
def acceptFrom(c : ChannelLogic) : Unit = c.push.m2b.memPendingIncr := True
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(chosen)
val address = channel(_.push.m2b.address)
val bytesLeft = channel(_.push.m2b.bytesLeft)
val readAddressBurstRange = address(io.read.p.access.lengthWidth-1 downto 0) //address(log2Up(io.read.p.access.byteCount) downto log2Up(io.read.p.access.byteCount))
val lengthHead = ~readAddressBurstRange & channel(_.push.m2b.bytePerBurst)
val length = lengthHead.min(bytesLeft).resize(io.read.p.access.lengthWidth)
val lastBurst = bytesLeft === length
val s1 = new Area{
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(s0.chosen)
val valid = RegInit(False) setWhen(s0.valid)
val address = RegNext(s0.address)
val length = RegNext(s0.length)
val lastBurst = RegNext(s0.lastBurst)
val bytesLeft = RegNext(s0.bytesLeft)
val context = p.ReadContext()
context.channel := s0.chosen
context.start := address.resized
context.stop := (address + length).resized
context.last := lastBurst
context.length := length
io.read.cmd.valid := False
io.read.cmd.last := True
io.read.cmd.source := s0.chosen
io.read.cmd.opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.READ
io.read.cmd.address := address
io.read.cmd.length := length
io.read.cmd.context := B(context)
val addressNext = address + length + 1
val byteLeftNext = bytesLeft - length - 1
val fifoPushDecr = ((address(log2Up(io.read.p.access.byteCount)-1 downto 0) + io.read.cmd.length | (io.read.p.access.byteCount-1))+^1 >> log2Up(p.memory.bankWidth/8)).resized
when(valid) {
io.read.cmd.valid := True
when(io.read.cmd.ready) {
s0.valid := False
valid := False
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) when(ohId === s0.chosen){
channel.push.m2b.address := addressNext
channel.push.m2b.bytesLeft := byteLeftNext
channel.fifo.push.availableDecr := fifoPushDecr
when(lastBurst) {
channel.push.m2b.loadDone := True
val rsp = new Area {
val context = io.read.rsp.context.as(p.ReadContext())
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(context.channel)
val veryLast = context.last && io.read.rsp.last
when(io.read.rsp.fire && veryLast) {
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex; if channel.cp.canOutput) when(context.channel === ohId){
channel.pop.b2s.veryLastTrigger := True
val first = io.read.rsp.first
val last = io.read.rsp.last
for (byteId <- memory.ports.m2b.cmd.mask.range) {
val toLow = first && byteId < context.start
val toHigh = last && byteId > context.stop
memory.ports.m2b.cmd.mask(byteId) := !toLow && !toHigh
val writeContext = M2bWriteContext()
writeContext.last := veryLast
writeContext.lastOfBurst := io.read.rsp.last
writeContext.channel := context.channel
writeContext.loadByteInNextBeat := ((last ? context.stop | context.stop.maxValue) -^ (first ? context.start | 0))
memory.ports.m2b.cmd.address := channel(_.fifo.push.ptrWithBase).resized
memory.ports.m2b.cmd.data := io.read.rsp.data
memory.ports.m2b.cmd.context := B(writeContext)
for ((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) {
val fire = memory.ports.m2b.cmd.fire && context.channel === ohId
channel.fifo.push.ptrIncr.newPort := (fire ? U(io.read.p.access.dataWidth / p.memory.bankWidth) | U(0)).resized
if(channel.cp.withProgressCounterM2s) when(fire && io.read.rsp.last){
channel.bytesProbe.incr.valid := (if(channel.cp.canWrite) !channel.pop.memory else True)
channel.bytesProbe.incr.payload := context.length
val writeRsp = new Area{
val context = memory.ports.m2b.rsp.context.as(M2bWriteContext())
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(context.channel)
when(memory.ports.m2b.rsp.fire && context.last) {
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) when(context.channel === ohId){
if(channel.cp.canWrite) channel.pop.b2m.flush := True
for ((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) {
val fire = memory.ports.m2b.rsp.fire && context.channel === ohId
channel.fifo.pop.bytesIncr.newPort := (fire ? (context.loadByteInNextBeat + 1) | U(0)).resized
when(fire && context.lastOfBurst){
channel.push.m2b.memPendingDecr := True
val b2m = p.canWrite generate new Area {
val channels = Core.this.channels.filter(_.cp.canWrite)
val fsm = new Area {
val sel = new Area {
val valid = RegInit(False)
val ready = Bool()
val channel = Reg(UInt(log2Up(channels.size) bits))
val bytePerBurst = Reg(UInt(io.write.p.access.lengthWidth bits))
val bytesInBurst = Reg(UInt(io.write.p.access.lengthWidth bits))
val bytesInFifo = Reg(bytesType)
val address = Reg(UInt(p.writeAddressWidth bits))
val ptr = Reg(ptrType())
val ptrMask = Reg(ptrType())
val flush = Reg(Bool())
val packet = Reg(Bool())
val bytesLeft = Reg(UInt(p.bytePerTransferWidth bits)) //minus one
// val commitFromBytePerBurst = Reg(Bool())
def fire = valid && ready
def isStall = valid && !ready
val arbiter = new Area{
val logic = new ArbiterLogic(channels) {
def requestFrom(c: ChannelLogic): Bool = c.pop.b2m.request
def acceptFrom(c: ChannelLogic): Unit = {c.pop.b2m.memPendingInc := True}
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(logic.chosen)
sel.valid := False
when(sel.valid) {logic.valid := False}
when(!sel.valid && logic.valid) {
sel.valid := True
sel.channel := logic.chosen
sel.address := channel(_.pop.b2m.address)
sel.ptr := channel(_.fifo.pop.ptrWithBase)
sel.ptrMask := channel(_.fifo.words)
sel.bytePerBurst := channel(_.pop.b2m.bytePerBurst)
sel.bytesInFifo := channel(_.fifo.pop.bytes)
sel.flush := channel(_.pop.b2m.flush)
sel.packet := channel(_.pop.b2m.packet)
sel.bytesLeft := channel(_.pop.b2m.bytesLeft).resized
channel(_.pop.b2m.fire) := True
// val arbiter = new Area {
// val core = StreamArbiterFactory.roundRobin.noLock.build(NoData, channels.size)
// (core.io.inputs, channels.map(_.pop.b2m.request)).zipped.foreach(_.valid := _)
// core.io.output.ready := False
// def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(core.io.chosen)
// when(sel.ready){
// sel.valid := False
// }
// when(!sel.valid && core.io.output.valid) {
// core.io.output.ready := True
// sel.valid := True
// sel.channel := core.io.chosen
// sel.address := channel(_.pop.b2m.address)
// sel.ptr := channel(_.fifo.pop.ptrWithBase)
// sel.ptrMask := channel(_.fifo.words)
// sel.bytePerBurst := channel(_.pop.b2m.bytePerBurst)
// sel.bytesInFifo := channel(_.fifo.pop.bytes)
// sel.flush := channel(_.pop.b2m.flush)
// sel.packet := channel(_.pop.b2m.packet)
// sel.bytesLeft := channel(_.pop.b2m.bytesLeft).resized
// channel(_.pop.b2m.fire) := True
// }
// }
// val sel = arbiter.sel.halfPipe()
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(sel.channel)
val bytesInBurstP1 = sel.bytesInBurst +^ 1
val addressNext = sel.address + bytesInBurstP1
val bytesLeftNext = sel.bytesLeft -^ bytesInBurstP1
val isFinalCmd = bytesLeftNext.msb
val beatCounter = Reg(UInt(io.write.p.access.lengthWidth - io.write.p.access.wordRangeLength bits))
//Assume that the delay of reading the memory and going throug the aggregator is at least two cycles
val s0 = sel.valid.rise(False)
val s1 = RegNext(s0) init(False)
val s2 = RegInit(False) setWhen(s1) clearWhen(!sel.valid)
val addressBurstOffset = (sel.address.resized & sel.bytePerBurst)
sel.bytesInBurst := ((sel.bytesInFifo-1).min(sel.bytesLeft).min(sel.bytePerBurst-addressBurstOffset)).resized
val fifoCompletion = sel.bytesInBurst === sel.bytesInFifo-1
beatCounter := sel.address(log2Up(io.write.p.access.byteCount)-1 downto 0) + sel.bytesInBurst >> log2Up(io.write.p.access.byteCount)
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) when(sel.channel === ohId){
channel.pop.b2m.decrBytes := bytesInBurstP1.resized
channel.pop.b2m.address := addressNext
channel.pop.b2m.bytesLeft := bytesLeftNext.resized
channel.pop.b2m.waitFinalRsp setWhen(isFinalCmd)
when(!fifoCompletion) {
when(sel.flush) {
channel.pop.b2m.flush := True
when(sel.packet) {
channel.pop.b2m.packet := True
val toggle = RegInit(False) toggleWhen(sel.fire)
def address = sel.address
case class FetchContext() extends Bundle {
val ptr = ptrType()
val toggle = Bool()
val fetch = new Area {
sel.ready := False
val context = FetchContext()
context.ptr := channel(_.fifo.pop.ptr)
context.toggle := toggle
memory.ports.b2m.cmd.valid := sel.valid
memory.ports.b2m.cmd.address := sel.ptr.resized
memory.ports.b2m.cmd.context := B(context)
when(sel.valid && memory.ports.b2m.cmd.ready) {
sel.ptr.getDrivingReg() := (sel.ptr & ~sel.ptrMask) | ((sel.ptr + U(io.write.p.access.dataWidth / p.memory.bankWidth) & sel.ptrMask))
val aggregate = new Area {
val context = memory.ports.b2m.rsp.context.as(FetchContext())
val memoryPort = memory.ports.b2m.rsp.s2mPipe().throwWhen(context.toggle =/= toggle)
val engine = Aggregator(AggregatorParameter(
byteCount = p.writeByteCount,
burstLength = p.writeLengthWidth,
context = NoData()
val first = Reg(Bool()) clearWhen(memoryPort.fire) setWhen(!sel.isStall)
val bytesToSkip = channel(_.pop.b2m.bytesToSkip)
val bytesToSkipMask = B((0 until p.writeByteCount).map(byteId => !first || byteId >= bytesToSkip))
engine.io.input.data := memoryPort.data
engine.io.input.mask := memoryPort.mask & bytesToSkipMask
engine.io.offset := sel.address.resized
engine.io.burstLength := sel.bytesInBurst
engine.io.flush := ! (RegNext(sel.isStall) init(False))
val cmd = new Area {
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T) = Vec(channels.map(f))(sel.channel)
val maskFirstTrigger = address.resize(log2Up(p.writeByteCount) bits)
val maskLastTriggerComb = maskFirstTrigger + sel.bytesInBurst.resized
val maskLastTriggerReg = RegNext(maskLastTriggerComb)
val maskLast = RegNext(B((0 until p.writeByteCount).map(byteId => byteId <= maskLastTriggerComb)))
val maskFirst = B((0 until p.writeByteCount).map(byteId => byteId >= maskFirstTrigger))
val enoughAggregation = s2 && sel.valid && !aggregate.engine.io.flush && (io.write.cmd.last ? ((aggregate.engine.io.output.mask & maskLast) === maskLast) | aggregate.engine.io.output.mask.andR)
aggregate.engine.io.output.enough := enoughAggregation
aggregate.engine.io.output.consume := io.write.cmd.fire
aggregate.engine.io.output.lastByteUsed := maskLastTriggerReg
io.write.cmd.valid := enoughAggregation
io.write.cmd.last := beatCounter === 0
io.write.cmd.address := address
io.write.cmd.opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.WRITE
io.write.cmd.data := aggregate.engine.io.output.data
io.write.cmd.mask := ~((io.write.cmd.first ? ~maskFirst | B(0)) | (io.write.cmd.last ? ~maskLast| B(0)))
io.write.cmd.length := sel.bytesInBurst
io.write.cmd.source := sel.channel
val doPtrIncr = sel.valid && (aggregate.engine.io.output.consumed || io.write.cmd.lastFire && aggregate.engine.io.output.usedUntil === aggregate.engine.io.output.usedUntil.maxValue)
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex){
channel.fifo.pop.ptrIncr.newPort() := ((doPtrIncr && sel.channel === ohId) ? U(io.write.p.access.dataWidth/p.memory.bankWidth) | U(0)).resized
val context = p.WriteContext()
context.channel := sel.channel
context.length := sel.bytesInBurst
context.doPacketSync := sel.packet && fifoCompletion
io.write.cmd.context := B(context)
beatCounter := beatCounter - 1
sel.ready := True
channel(_.pop.b2m.bytesToSkip) := aggregate.engine.io.output.usedUntil + 1
val rsp = new Area{
io.write.rsp.ready := True
val context = io.write.rsp.context.as(p.WriteContext())
channels.map(_.pop.b2m.memRsp).write(context.channel, True)
for((channel, ohId) <- channels.zipWithIndex) when(context.channel === ohId){
if(channel.cp.withProgressCounter) {
channel.bytesProbe.incr.valid := True
channel.bytesProbe.incr.payload := context.length
when(context.doPacketSync) {
channel.pop.b2m.packetSync := True
val ll = p.canSgRead generate new Area{
val (channels, channelsId) = Core.this.channels.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1.cp.linkedListCapable).unzip
val arbiter = new Area{
val requests = channels.map(c => c.ll.requestLl)
val oh = OHMasking.first(requests)
val sel = OHMasking.first(requests)
def channel[T <: Data](f: ChannelLogic => T, keep : ChannelLogic => Boolean = _ => true) = {
val (ohFiltred, channelsFiltred) = (oh.toSeq, channels).zipped.filter((a,b) => keep(b))
MuxOH(B(ohFiltred), channelsFiltred.map(f))
val head = channel(_.ll.head)
val isJustASink = channel(_.descriptorValid)
val doDescriptorStall = channel(c => !c.ll.controlNoCompletion || c.ll.gotDescriptorStall)
val onSgStream = channel(_.ll.onSgStream)
val cmd = new Area{
val valid = RegInit(False)
def fromArbiter[T <: Data](f : ChannelLogic => T, keep : ChannelLogic => Boolean = _ => true) = RegNextWhen(arbiter.channel(f, keep), cond = !valid)
val oh = RegNextWhen(arbiter.oh, !valid)
val ptr = fromArbiter(_.ll.ptr)
val ptrNext = fromArbiter(_.ll.ptrNext)
val bytesDone = if(channels.exists(_.cp.canInput)) fromArbiter(_.bytesProbe.value, _.cp.canInput) else U(0)
val endOfPacket = fromArbiter(_.ll.packet)
val isJustASink = RegNextWhen(arbiter.isJustASink, !valid)
val doDescriptorStall = RegNextWhen(arbiter.doDescriptorStall, !valid)
val onSgStream = RegNextWhen(arbiter.onSgStream, !valid)
val readFired, writeFired = Reg(Bool())
valid setWhen(arbiter.oh.orR)
oh := arbiter.oh
for((channel, e) <- (channels, arbiter.oh).zipped) when(e){
channel.ll.waitDone := True
channel.ll.writeDone := arbiter.head
channel.ll.justASync := arbiter.isJustASink
channel.ll.packet := False
channel.ll.requireSync := False
when(!arbiter.isJustASink) {
channel.ll.ptr := channel.ll.ptrNext
channel.ll.readDone := arbiter.isJustASink
readFired := arbiter.isJustASink
writeFired := arbiter.head
} otherwise{
valid.clearWhen(writeFired && readFired)
val context = p.SgReadContext()
context.channel := OHToUInt(oh)
io.sgRead.cmd.valid := valid && !readFired && !onSgStream
io.sgRead.cmd.last := True
io.sgRead.cmd.address := ptrNext(ptrNext.high downto 5) @@ U"00000"
io.sgRead.cmd.length := descriptorSize-1
io.sgRead.cmd.opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.READ
io.sgRead.cmd.context := B(context)
io.sgWrite.cmd.valid := valid && !writeFired && !onSgStream
io.sgWrite.cmd.last := True
io.sgWrite.cmd.address := ptr(ptrNext.high downto 5) @@ U"00000"
io.sgWrite.cmd.length := 3
io.sgWrite.cmd.opcode := Bmb.Cmd.Opcode.WRITE
io.sgWrite.cmd.context := B(context)
val writeMaskSplit = io.sgWrite.cmd.mask.subdivideIn(4 bits)
val writeDataSplit = io.sgWrite.cmd.data.subdivideIn(32 bits)
writeMaskSplit.tail.foreach(_ := 0)
writeMaskSplit.head := 0xF
writeDataSplit.head := 0
writeDataSplit.head(0, 27 bits) := B(bytesDone).resized
writeDataSplit.head(30) := endOfPacket
writeDataSplit.head(31) := !isJustASink && doDescriptorStall
readFired setWhen(io.sgRead.cmd.fire)
writeFired setWhen(io.sgWrite.cmd.fire)
val sgStreamLogic = p.withSgBus generate new Area{
val channelId = channelsId.map(U(_, log2Up(p.channels.size) bits)).reader(oh).apply(e => e)
readFired setWhen (io.sg.cmd.fire)
writeFired setWhen (io.sg.cmd.fire)
io.sg.cmd.valid := valid && (!readFired || !writeFired) && onSgStream
io.sg.cmd.channelId := channelId
io.sg.cmd.bytesDone := bytesDone.resized
io.sg.cmd.endOfPacket := endOfPacket
io.sg.cmd.completed := !isJustASink && doDescriptorStall
io.sg.cmd.read := !readFired
io.sg.cmd.write := !writeFired
val readRsp = new Area{
val context = io.sgRead.rsp.context.as(p.SgReadContext())
val oh = UIntToOh(context.channel, width = channels.size).asBools
val beatBytes = io.sgRead.p.access.byteCount
val beatCount = descriptorSize/beatBytes
val beatCounter = Reg(UInt(log2Up(beatCount) bits)) init(0)
val statusOffset = 0
val controlOffset = 4
val pushOffset = 8
val popOffset = 16
val nextOffset = 24
val completed = Reg(Bool())
io.sgRead.rsp.ready := True
beatCounter := (beatCounter + 1).resized
def beatHit(offset : Int) = offset/beatBytes === beatCounter
def mapChannel[T <: Data](f : ChannelLogic => T, gen : Channel => Boolean, byte : Int, bit : Int){
val bitOffset = (byte % beatBytes)*8 + bit
for((channel, e) <- (channels, oh).zipped) if(gen(channel.cp) && channel.cp.linkedListFromMemory) when(e){
val target = f(channel)
target.assignFromBits(io.sgRead.rsp.data(bitOffset, widthOf(target) bits))
def map[T <: Data](that : T, byte : Int, bit : Int){
val bitOffset = byte % beatBytes + bit
that.assignFromBits(io.sgRead.rsp.data(bitOffset, widthOf(that) bits))
mapChannel(_.push.m2b.address, _.canRead, pushOffset, 0)
mapChannel(_.pop.b2m.address, _.canWrite, popOffset, 0)
mapChannel(_.ll.ptrNext, _ => true, nextOffset, 0)
mapChannel(_.bytes, _ => true, controlOffset, 0)
mapChannel(_.ll.controlNoCompletion, _ => true, controlOffset, 31)
mapChannel(_.pop.b2s.last, _.canOutput, controlOffset, 30)
mapChannel(_.ll.gotDescriptorStall, _ => true, statusOffset, 31)
when(io.sgRead.rsp.fire && io.sgRead.rsp.last){
for ((channel, e) <- (channels, oh).zipped) when(e) {
channel.ll.readDone := True
val sgRsp = p.withSgBus generate new Area{
def rsp = io.sg.rsp
val oh = UIntToOh(rsp.channelId)
when(rsp.fire) {
for ((channel, e) <- (channels, oh.asBools).zipped; if channel.cp.linkedListFromSg) when(e) {
when(!channel.ll.readDone) {
if (channel.cp.canRead) channel.push.m2b.address := rsp.srcAddress
if (channel.cp.canWrite) channel.pop.b2m.address := rsp.dstAddress
channel.bytes := rsp.bytes
channel.ll.controlNoCompletion := False
if (channel.cp.canOutput) channel.pop.b2s.last := rsp.last
channel.ll.gotDescriptorStall := rsp.stall
channel.ll.readDone := True
channel.ll.writeDone := True
val writeRsp = new Area {
val context = io.sgWrite.rsp.context.as(p.SgWriteContext())
val oh = UIntToOh(context.channel, width = channels.size).asBools
io.sgWrite.rsp.ready := True
for ((channel, e) <- (channels, oh).zipped) when(e) {
channel.ll.writeDone := True
io.interrupts := 0
val mapping = new Area{
for(channel <- channels){
val a = 0x000+channel.id*0x80
if (channel.cp.canRead && channel.cp.directCtrlCapable) ctrl.writeMultiWord(channel.push.m2b.address, a + 0x00)
if (channel.cp.canInput) ctrl.write(channel.push.s2b.portId, a + 0x08, 0)
// if(channel.cp.canInput) ctrl.write(channel.push.s2b.sourceId, a+0x08, 16)
// if (channel.cp.canInput) ctrl.write(channel.push.s2b.sinkId, a + 0x08, 16)
if (channel.cp.canRead && channel.cp.bytePerBurst.isEmpty) ctrl.write(channel.push.m2b.bytePerBurst, a + 0x0C, 0)
ctrl.write(channel.push.memory, a + 0x0C, 12)
if (channel.cp.canInput) ctrl.write(channel.push.s2b.completionOnLast, a + 0x0C, 13)
if (channel.cp.canInput) ctrl.write(channel.push.s2b.waitFirst, a + 0x0C, 14)
if (channel.cp.canWrite && channel.cp.directCtrlCapable) ctrl.writeMultiWord(channel.pop.b2m.address, a + 0x10)
if (channel.cp.canOutput) ctrl.write(channel.pop.b2s.portId, a + 0x18, 0)
if (channel.cp.canOutput) ctrl.write(channel.pop.b2s.sourceId, a + 0x18, 8)
if (channel.cp.canOutput) ctrl.write(channel.pop.b2s.sinkId, a + 0x18, 16)
if (channel.cp.canWrite && channel.cp.bytePerBurst.isEmpty) ctrl.write(channel.pop.b2m.bytePerBurst, a + 0x1C, 0)
ctrl.write(channel.pop.memory, a + 0x1C, 12)
if (channel.cp.canOutput) ctrl.write(channel.pop.b2s.last, a + 0x1C, 13)
ctrl.read(channel.channelValid, a + 0x2C, 0)
ctrl.write(channel.channelStop, a + 0x2C, 2)
if(channel.cp.directCtrlCapable) {
ctrl.setOnSet(channel.channelStart, a + 0x2C, 0)
ctrl.setOnSet(channel.ctrl.kick, a + 0x2C, 0)
ctrl.write(channel.bytes, a + 0x20, 0)
if (channel.cp.selfRestartCapable) ctrl.write(channel.selfRestart, a + 0x2C, 1)
ctrl.setOnSet(channel.channelStart, a + 0x2C, 4)
ctrl.setOnSet(channel.ll.sgStart, a + 0x2C, 4)
ctrl.writeMultiWord(channel.ll.ptrNext, a + 0x70)
ctrl.readMultiWord(channel.ll.ptr, a + 0x70)
ctrl.write(channel.ll.onSgStream, a + 0x78)
if(channel.cp.fifoMapping.isEmpty) {
ctrl.write(channel.fifo.base, a + 0x40, log2Up(p.memory.bankWidth / 8))
ctrl.write(channel.fifo.words, a + 0x40, 16 + log2Up(p.memory.bankWidth / 8))
ctrl.write(channel.priority, a+0x44, 0)
ctrl.write(channel.weight, a+0x44, 8)
def map(interrupt : Interrupt, id : Int): Unit ={
ctrl.write(interrupt.enable, a+0x50, id)
ctrl.clearOnSet(interrupt.valid, a+0x54, id)
ctrl.read(interrupt.valid, a+0x54, id)
io.interrupts(channel.id) setWhen(interrupt.valid)
map(channel.interrupts.completion, 0)
if(channel.cp.halfCompletionInterrupt) map(channel.interrupts.halfCompletion.interrupt, 1)
map(channel.interrupts.onChannelCompletion, 2)
if(channel.cp.linkedListCapable) map(channel.interrupts.onLinkedListUpdate, 3)
if(channel.cp.canInput) map(channel.interrupts.s2mPacket, 4)
if(channel.cp.progressProbes)ctrl.read(channel.bytesProbe.value, a+0x60)
case class AggregatorParameter[T <: Data](byteCount : Int, burstLength : Int, context : HardType[T])
case class AggregatorCmd[T <: Data](p : AggregatorParameter[T]) extends Bundle{
val data = Bits(p.byteCount*8 bits)
val mask = Bits(p.byteCount bits)
val context = p.context()
case class AggregatorRsp[T <: Data](p : AggregatorParameter[T]) extends Bundle{
val data = out Bits(p.byteCount*8 bits)
val mask = out Bits(p.byteCount bits)
val enough = in Bool()
val consume = in Bool()
val context = out (p.context())
val consumed = out Bool()
val lastByteUsed = in UInt(log2Up(p.byteCount) bits)
val usedUntil = out UInt(log2Up(p.byteCount) bits)
case class Aggregator[T <: Data](p : AggregatorParameter[T]) extends Component {
val io = new Bundle {
val input = slave Stream(AggregatorCmd(p))
val output = AggregatorRsp(p)
val flush = in Bool()
val offset = in UInt(log2Up(p.byteCount) bits)
val burstLength = in UInt(p.burstLength bits)
val s0 = new Area{
val input = io.input.m2sPipe(flush = io.flush)
val countOnesLogic = Vec(CountOneOnEach(input.mask))
case class S0Output() extends Bundle{
val cmd = AggregatorCmd(p)
val countOnes = cloneOf(countOnesLogic)
val outputPayload = S0Output()
outputPayload.cmd := input.payload
outputPayload.countOnes := countOnesLogic
val output = input.translateWith(outputPayload)
val s1 = new Area{
val input = s0.output.m2sPipe(flush = io.flush)
val offset = Reg(UInt(log2Up(p.byteCount) bits))
val offsetNext = offset + input.countOnes.last
offset := offsetNext.resized
offset := io.offset
val byteCounter = Reg(UInt(p.burstLength + 1 bits))
byteCounter := byteCounter + input.countOnes.last
byteCounter := 0
val inputIndexes = Vec((U(0) +: input.countOnes.dropRight(1)).map(_ + offset))
case class S1Output() extends Bundle{
val cmd = AggregatorCmd(p)
val index = cloneOf(inputIndexes)
val last = Bool()
val sel = Vec(UInt(log2Up(p.byteCount) bits), p.byteCount)
val selValid = Bits(p.byteCount bits)
val outputPayload = S1Output()
outputPayload.cmd := input.cmd
outputPayload.index := inputIndexes
outputPayload.last := offsetNext.msb
for(i <- 0 until p.byteCount) {
val selOh = (0 until p.byteCount).map(inputId => input.cmd.mask(inputId) && inputIndexes(inputId) === i)
outputPayload.sel(i) := OHToUInt(selOh)
outputPayload.selValid(i) := selOh.orR && outputPayload.cmd.mask(outputPayload.sel(i))
val output = input.translateWith(outputPayload)
val s2 = new Area{
val input = s1.output.m2sPipe(flush = io.flush)
input.ready := !io.output.enough || io.output.consume
when(s1.byteCounter > io.burstLength){
input.ready := False
io.output.consumed := input.fire
io.output.context := input.cmd.context
val inputDataBytes = input.cmd.data.subdivideIn(8 bits)
val byteLogic = for(byteId <- 0 until p.byteCount) yield new Area{
val buffer = new Area{
val valid = Reg(Bool())
val data = Reg(Bits(8 bits))
def sel = input.sel(byteId)
val lastUsed = byteId === io.output.lastByteUsed
val inputMask = input.selValid(byteId)
val inputData = inputDataBytes.read(sel)
val outputMask = buffer.valid || (input.valid && inputMask)
val outputData = buffer.valid ? buffer.data | inputData
io.output.mask(byteId) := outputMask
io.output.data(byteId*8, 8 bits) := outputData
buffer.valid := False
buffer.valid := False
when(inputMask && (!io.output.consume || buffer.valid)) {
buffer.valid := True
buffer.data := inputData
buffer.valid := byteId < io.offset //might be not necessary
io.output.usedUntil := MuxOH(byteLogic.map(_.lastUsed), byteLogic.map(_.sel))
abstract class DmaSgTesterCtrl(clockDomain: ClockDomain){
import spinal.core.sim._
val mutex = SimMutex()
def ctrlWriteHal(data : BigInt, address : BigInt): Unit
def ctrlReadHal(address : BigInt): BigInt
def ctrlWrite(data : BigInt, address : BigInt): Unit ={
def ctrlRead(address : BigInt): BigInt ={
val ret = ctrlReadHal(address)
def channelToAddress(channel : Int) = 0x000 + channel*0x80
def channelPushMemory(channel : Int, address : BigInt, bytePerBurst : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(address, channelAddress + 0x00)
ctrlWrite(bytePerBurst-1 | 1 << 12, channelAddress + 0x0C)
def channelPopMemory(channel : Int, address : BigInt, bytePerBurst : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(address, channelAddress + 0x10)
ctrlWrite(bytePerBurst-1 | 1 << 12, channelAddress + 0x1C)
def channelPushStream(channel : Int, portId : Int, sourceId : Int, sinkId : Int, completionOnPacket : Boolean = false): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(portId << 0 | sourceId << 8 | sinkId << 16, channelAddress + 0x08)
ctrlWrite((if(completionOnPacket) 1 << 13 else 0) | (1 << 14), channelAddress + 0x0C)
def channelPopStream(channel : Int, portId : Int, sourceId : Int, sinkId : Int, withLast : Boolean): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(portId << 0 | sourceId << 8 | sinkId << 16, channelAddress + 0x18)
ctrlWrite(if(withLast) 1 << 13 else 0, channelAddress + 0x1C)
def channelStart(channel : Int, bytes : BigInt, selfRestart : Boolean): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(bytes-1, channelAddress + 0x20)
ctrlWrite(1 + (if(selfRestart) 2 else 0), channelAddress+0x2C)
def channelStartSg(channel : Int, head : Long): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(head, channelAddress+0x70)
ctrlWrite(0x10, channelAddress+0x2C)
def channelProgress(channel : Int): Int ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x60).toInt
def channelConfig(channel : Int,
fifoBase : Int,
fifoBytes : Int,
priority : Int,
weight : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(fifoBase << 0 | fifoBytes-1 << 16, channelAddress+0x40)
ctrlWrite(priority | weight << 8, channelAddress+0x44)
def channelInterruptConfigure(channel : Int, mask : Int): Unit = {
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(0xFFFFFFFFl, channelAddress+0x54)
ctrlWrite(mask, channelAddress+0x50)
def channelStop(channel : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(4, channelAddress + 0x2c)
def channelStartAndWait(channel : Int, bytes : BigInt): Unit = {
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
channelStart(channel, bytes, false)
def channelBusy(channel : Int) ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
(ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x2C) & 1) != 0
def channelSgBusy(channel : Int) ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
(ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x2C) & 0x10) != 0
def channelWaitSgDone(channel : Int) ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
while (channelSgBusy(channel)) {
def channelWaitCompletion(channel : Int) ={
} while(channelBusy(channel))
abstract class DmaSgTester(p : DmaSg.Parameter,
clockDomain : ClockDomain,
inputsIo : Seq[Bsb],
outputsIo : Seq[Bsb],
interruptsIo : Bits,
memory : SparseMemory,
dut : DmaSg.Core[_]) {
import spinal.core.sim._
val writesAllowed = mutable.HashMap[Long, (Byte, Int, Boolean)]()
def allowWrite(address : Long, value : Byte) = writesAllowed(address) = (value, 0, true)
def allowWrite(address : Long) = writesAllowed(address) = (0, 0, false)
def writeNotification(address: Long, value: Byte): Unit = {
val e = writesAllowed(address)
assert(!e._3 || e._1 == value)
writesAllowed(address) = ((e._1, e._2 + 1, e._3))
val memoryReserved = MemoryRegionAllocator(base = 0, size = 1l << p.writeAddressWidth)
val outputs = for(outputId <- 0 until p.outputs.size) yield new {
val readyDriver = StreamReadyRandomizer(outputsIo(outputId), clockDomain)
val ref = Array.fill(1 << p.outputs(outputId).sinkWidth)(mutable.Queue[(Int, Int, Boolean)]())
val monitor = new BsbMonitor(outputsIo(outputId), clockDomain) {
override def onByte(value: Byte, source: Int, sink: Int): Unit = {
assert(ref(sink).nonEmpty, s"Error output $outputId")
val e = ref(sink).dequeue()
assert(value == e._1)
assert(source == e._2)
override def onLast(source: Int, sink: Int): Unit = {
val e = ref(sink).dequeue()
assert(source == e._2)
val reservedSink = mutable.HashSet[Int]()
case class Packet(source : Int, sink : Int, last : Boolean){
val data = mutable.Queue[Int]()
var done = false
var allowSplitLast = true
val inputs = for(inputId <- 0 until p.inputs.size) yield new {
val ip = p.inputs(inputId)
val sinkToPackets = ArrayBuffer.fill(1 << ip.sinkWidth)(mutable.Queue[Packet]())
def enqueue(p : Packet) = sinkToPackets(p.sink).enqueue(p)
val driver = StreamDriver(inputsIo(inputId), clockDomain) { p =>
val nonEmptySinks = sinkToPackets.filter(_.nonEmpty)
if (nonEmptySinks.isEmpty) {
} else {
val packets = nonEmptySinks.randomPick()
val packet = packets.head
var data = BigInt(0)
var mask = BigInt(0)
for (byteId <- 0 until ip.byteCount) if(packet.data.nonEmpty && simRandom.nextBoolean()){
data |= BigInt(packet.data.dequeue()) << byteId * 8
mask |= 1 << byteId
p.data #= data
p.mask #= mask
p.source #= packet.source
p.sink #= packet.sink
if(packet.data.isEmpty && (packet.allowSplitLast || simRandom.nextBoolean())) {
p.last #= packet.last
packet.done = true
} else {
p.last #= false
val reservedSink = mutable.HashSet[Int]()
outputs.foreach(_.readyDriver.factor = simRandom.nextFloat)
val mutex = SimMutex()
def ctrlWriteHal(data : BigInt, address : BigInt): Unit
def ctrlReadHal(address : BigInt): BigInt
def ctrlWrite(data : BigInt, address : BigInt): Unit ={
def ctrlRead(address : BigInt): BigInt ={
val ret = ctrlReadHal(address)
def channelToAddress(channel : Int) = 0x000 + channel*0x80
def channelPushMemory(channel : Int, address : BigInt, bytePerBurst : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(address, channelAddress + 0x00)
ctrlWrite(bytePerBurst-1 | 1 << 12, channelAddress + 0x0C)
def channelPopMemory(channel : Int, address : BigInt, bytePerBurst : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(address, channelAddress + 0x10)
ctrlWrite(bytePerBurst-1 | 1 << 12, channelAddress + 0x1C)
def channelPushStream(channel : Int, portId : Int, sourceId : Int, sinkId : Int, completionOnPacket : Boolean = false): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(portId << 0 | sourceId << 8 | sinkId << 16, channelAddress + 0x08)
ctrlWrite((if(completionOnPacket) 1 << 13 else 0) | (1 << 14), channelAddress + 0x0C)
def channelPopStream(channel : Int, portId : Int, sourceId : Int, sinkId : Int, withLast : Boolean): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(portId << 0 | sourceId << 8 | sinkId << 16, channelAddress + 0x18)
ctrlWrite(if(withLast) 1 << 13 else 0, channelAddress + 0x1C)
def channelStart(channel : Int, bytes : BigInt, selfRestart : Boolean): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(bytes-1, channelAddress + 0x20)
ctrlWrite(1 + (if(selfRestart) 2 else 0), channelAddress+0x2C)
def channelStartSg(channel : Int, head : Long): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(head, channelAddress+0x70)
ctrlWrite(0x10, channelAddress+0x2C)
def channelProgress(channel : Int): Int ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x60).toInt
def channelConfig(channel : Int,
fifoBase : Int,
fifoBytes : Int,
priority : Int,
weight : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(fifoBase << 0 | fifoBytes-1 << 16, channelAddress+0x40)
ctrlWrite(priority | weight << 8, channelAddress+0x44)
def channelInterruptConfigure(channel : Int, mask : Int): Unit = {
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(0xFFFFFFFFl, channelAddress+0x54)
ctrlWrite(mask, channelAddress+0x50)
def channelStop(channel : Int): Unit ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
ctrlWrite(4, channelAddress + 0x2c)
def channelStartAndWait(channel : Int, bytes : BigInt, doCount : Int): Unit = {
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
if(simRandom.nextBoolean() && doCount == 1){
//By pulling
channelStart(channel, bytes, doCount != 1)
} else {
//By interrupt
channelStart(channel, bytes, doCount != 1)
doCount match {
case 1 => {
channelInterruptConfigure(channel, 0x4)
waitUntil((interruptsIo.toInt & 1 << channel) != 0)
assert((ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x2C) & 1) == 0)
case _ => {
for(i <- 0 until doCount) {
channelInterruptConfigure(channel, 0x1)
waitUntil((interruptsIo.toInt & 1 << channel) != 0)
ctrlWrite(4, channelAddress + 0x2c)
channelInterruptConfigure(channel, 0x4)
// if(p.channels(channel).withProgressCounter) p.channels(channel).progressProbes match {
// case true => assert(channelProgress(channel) == bytes)
// case false => assert(dut.channels(channel).bytesProbe.value.toLong == bytes)
// }
def channelBusy(channel : Int) ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
(ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x2C) & 1) != 0
def channelSgBusy(channel : Int) ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
(ctrlRead(channelAddress + 0x2C) & 0x10) != 0
def channelWaitSgDone(channel : Int) ={
val channelAddress = channelToAddress(channel)
while (channelSgBusy(channel)) {
def channelWaitCompletion(channel : Int) ={
} while(channelBusy(channel))
def writeDescriptor(address : Long, push : Long, pop : Long, size : Long, next : Long, completed : Boolean, m2sLast : Boolean = false) = {
memory.write(address+0, 0)
memory.write(address+4, size-1 | (if(m2sLast) 1 << 30 else 0))
memory.write(address+8, push)
memory.write(address+16, pop)
memory.write(address+24, next)
def writeTail(address : Long) = {
memory.write(address+0, 0x80000000)
val inputsTrasher = if(inputsIo.nonEmpty) for(_ <- 0 until 3) yield fork{
val inputId = simRandom.nextInt(p.inputs.size)
val ip = p.inputs(inputId)
val sink = simRandom.nextInt(1 << ip.sinkWidth)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << ip.sourceWidth)
while(inputs(inputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
val packet = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
val datas = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
for (byteId <- 0 until simRandom.nextInt(100)) {
val value = simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
packet.data += value
def log(that : String) = { }
val channelAgent = for((channel, channelId) <- p.channels.zipWithIndex) yield fork {
Thread.currentThread().setName(s"CH $channelId")
val cp = p.channels(channelId)
val M2M, M2S, S2M = new Object
var tests = ArrayBuffer[Object]()
if(cp.memoryToMemory) tests += M2M
if(cp.outputsPorts.nonEmpty) tests += M2S
if(cp.inputsPorts.nonEmpty) tests += S2M
for (r <- 0 until 100) {
// println(f"Channel $channelId")
tests.randomPick() match {
case S2M => if (p.inputs.nonEmpty) {
val test = ArrayBuffer[Object]()
if(cp.directCtrlCapable) {
test += TRANSFER
if(cp.linkedListCapable) test += LINKED_LIST
test.randomPick() match {
case LINKED_LIST => {
val descriptorCount = simRandom.nextInt(5) + 1
val inputId = cp.inputsPorts.randomPick()
val packetBased = simRandom.nextBoolean()
val innerStop = simRandom.nextFloat() < 0.3
// val inputId = 0
// val packetBased = false
val ip = p.inputs(inputId)
val connectedChannels = p.channels.filter(_.inputsPorts.contains(inputId))
val sink = connectedChannels.indexOf(cp)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << ip.sourceWidth)
while(inputs(inputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
// println("MIAOU")
val tail = memoryReserved.allocateAligned(size = DmaSg.descriptorSize)
val descriptors = List.fill(descriptorCount)( new {
val address = memoryReserved.allocateAligned(size = DmaSg.descriptorSize)
val bytes = (simRandom.nextInt(0x100) + 1)
val to = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bytes)
memory.writeInt(address.base.toLong, simRandom.nextInt() | (1 << 31))
for(i <- 0 until bytes){
allowWrite(to.base.toInt + i)
for(i <- 0 until 4){
allowWrite(address.base.toInt + 0 + i)
def free(): Unit ={
def assertMasked(that : Boolean) = if(!innerStop) assert(that)
for(i <- 0 until bytes){
writesAllowed.remove(to.base.toInt + i)
for(i <- 0 until 4){
val count = writesAllowed.remove(address.base.toInt + 0 + i).get._2
assertMasked(if(packetBased)count == 1 else count >= 1)
log(f"Desc : ${address.base}%08x ${to.base}%08x ${to.base + bytes-1}%08x $bytes")
for(i <- 0 until descriptorCount) {
val d = descriptors(i)
address = d.address.base.toLong,
push = 0,
pop = d.to.base.toLong,
size = d.bytes,
next = if(i == descriptorCount-1) tail.base.toLong else descriptors(i+1).address.base.toLong,
completed = false
channelPushStream(channelId, cp.inputsPorts.indexOf(inputId), source, sink, completionOnPacket = packetBased)
channelPopMemory (channelId, 0, 16)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelStartSg(channelId, descriptors.head.address.base.toLong)
val checks = ArrayBuffer[() => Unit]()
val packets = mutable.Queue[mutable.Queue[Byte]]()
packetBased match {
case false => {
var descriptorPtr = descriptors.head
var descriptorByteId = 0
while(descriptorPtr != null){
val packet = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
val bytes = simRandom.nextInt(0x100)+1
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
val value = simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
packet.data += value
if(descriptorPtr != null){
val to = descriptorPtr.to.base.toInt + descriptorByteId
allowWrite(to, value.toByte)
checks += (() => assert (writesAllowed.remove (to).get._2 == 1))
descriptorByteId += 1
if(descriptorByteId == descriptorPtr.bytes) {
descriptorByteId = 0
val descriptorId = descriptors.indexOf(descriptorPtr)
descriptorPtr = if (descriptorId == descriptorCount - 1) null else descriptors(descriptorId + 1)
packets.enqueue(mutable.Queue.empty ++= (packet.data.map(_.toByte)))
// println(f"Packet : ${packet.data.size}")
case true => {
val descriptorsBytes = descriptors.map(_.bytes).sum
var packetsBytes = 0
while(packetsBytes < descriptorsBytes){
val packet = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
val bytes = simRandom.nextInt(0x100)+1
packetsBytes += bytes
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
val value = simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
packet.data += value
packets.enqueue(mutable.Queue.empty ++= (packet.data.map(_.toByte)))
log(f"Packet : ${packet.data.size}")
def decodeDescriptor(address : Long) = new {
val status = memory.readInt(address + 0)
log(f"Status : $status%08x")
val bytes = (status & 0x7FFFFFF)
val isLast = (status & 0x40000000) != 0
val completed = (status & 0x80000000) != 0
// println(f"$bytes")
var stopVerification = false
val verificationThread = fork{
packetBased match {
case true => {
for(descriptor <- descriptors){
// println(s"wait ${descriptor.address.base.toLong + 31}")
waitUntil( memory.read(descriptor.address.base.toLong + 3) < 0 || stopVerification)
if(stopVerification) simThread.terminate()
val decoded = decodeDescriptor(descriptor.address.base.toLong)
val packet = packets.head
decoded.isLast match {
case true => assert(decoded.bytes == packet.size)
case false => assert(decoded.bytes == descriptor.bytes)
assert(packet.size >= decoded.bytes)
for(byteId <- 0 until decoded.bytes){
assert(packet.dequeue() == memory.read(descriptor.to.base.toLong + byteId))
case false => {
var descriptorId = 0
var descriptorByteId = 0
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0x8)
while(descriptorId != descriptors.size){
waitUntil((dut.io.interrupts.toInt & (1 << channelId)) != 0 || stopVerification)
if(stopVerification) simThread.terminate()
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0x8)
var continue = true
while(descriptorId != descriptors.size && continue){
continue = false
val descriptor = descriptors(descriptorId)
val decoded = decodeDescriptor(descriptor.address.base.toLong)
while(descriptorByteId < decoded.bytes){
val packet = packets.head
assert(memory.read(descriptor.to.base.toLong + descriptorByteId) == packet.dequeue(), f"Error at ${descriptor.to.base.toLong + descriptorByteId}%08x")
if(packet.isEmpty) packets.dequeue()
descriptorByteId += 1
decoded.completed match {
case true => {
assert(descriptorByteId == descriptor.bytes)
descriptorId += 1
descriptorByteId = 0
continue = true
case false => {
// assert(descriptorByteId != descriptor.bytes)
val stopThread = fork{if(innerStop) {
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0)
stopVerification = true
if(!innerStop) checks.foreach(_())
case PACKETS_STOP => {
val bufferSize = 0x100
val to = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bufferSize)
def rBytes = simRandom.nextInt(bufferSize) + 1
val inputId = cp.inputsPorts.randomPick()
val packetCount = simRandom.nextInt(5) + 1
// val to = SizeMapping(0x1000, bufferSize)
// def rBytes = 0x20
// val inputId = 0
// val packetCount = 1
val ip = p.inputs(inputId)
val connectedChannels = p.channels.filter(_.inputsPorts.contains(inputId))
val sink = connectedChannels.indexOf(cp)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << ip.sourceWidth)
while(inputs(inputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
for(_ <- 0 until packetCount){
val bytes = rBytes
val packet = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
val value = simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
allowWrite(to.base.toInt + byteId, value.toByte)
packet.data += value
channelPushStream(channelId, cp.inputsPorts.indexOf(inputId), source, sink, completionOnPacket = true)
channelPopMemory(channelId, to.base.toInt, 16)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0x4)
channelStart(channelId, bufferSize, selfRestart = false)
if(simRandom.nextBoolean()){ //Send trash afterward
val trash = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
for(i <- 0 until simRandom.nextInt(20)){
trash.data += simRandom.nextInt(256)
waitUntil((interruptsIo.toInt & 0x1 << channelId) != 0)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
assert(writesAllowed.remove(to.base.toInt + byteId).get._2 == 1)
case TRANSFER => {
val doCount = if(cp.selfRestartCapable) simRandom.nextInt(3) + 1 else 1
val bytes = (simRandom.nextInt(0x100) + 1)
val to = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bytes)
val inputId = cp.inputsPorts.randomPick()
// val doCount = 3
// val bytes = 0x40+2
// val to = SizeMapping(0x1000, bytes)
// val inputId = 0
val ip = p.inputs(inputId)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << ip.sourceWidth)
val connectedChannels = p.channels.filter(_.inputsPorts.contains(inputId))
val sink = connectedChannels.indexOf(cp)
while(inputs(inputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
channelPushStream(channelId, cp.inputsPorts.indexOf(inputId), source, sink)
channelPopMemory(channelId, to.base.toInt, 16)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
val packet = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = false)
val datas = ArrayBuffer[Int]()
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
val value = simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
allowWrite(to.base.toInt + byteId, value.toByte)
datas += value
for(_ <- 0 until doCount + 20) {
packet.data ++= datas
channelStartAndWait(channelId, bytes, doCount)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
assert(writesAllowed.remove(to.base.toInt + byteId).get._2 >= doCount)
if(!packet.done) inputs(inputId).sinkToPackets(sink).clear()
val packetFlush = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
for (byteId <- 0 until simRandom.nextInt(10)) {
packetFlush.data += simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
case PACKETS_SELF => {
val bufferSize = 0x80
val packetCount = if(cp.selfRestartCapable) simRandom.nextInt(5) + 1 else 1
val to = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bufferSize)
def rBytes = simRandom.nextInt(bufferSize) + 1
val inputId = cp.inputsPorts.randomPick()
// val packetCount = 10
// val to = SizeMapping(0x1000, bufferSize)
// def rBytes = 0x80
// val inputId = 0
val ip = p.inputs(inputId)
val connectedChannels = p.channels.filter(_.inputsPorts.contains(inputId))
val sink = connectedChannels.indexOf(cp)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << ip.sourceWidth)
while(inputs(inputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
channelPushStream(channelId, cp.inputsPorts.indexOf(inputId), source, sink)
channelPopMemory(channelId, to.base.toInt, 16)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0x10)
channelStart(channelId, bufferSize, selfRestart = true)
var cpuIdx, refIdx = 0
for(_ <- 0 until packetCount){
val bytes = rBytes
val packet = Packet(source = source, sink = sink, last = true)
val datas = ArrayBuffer[Byte]()
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
val value = simRandom.nextInt & 0xFF
allowWrite(to.base.toInt + refIdx, value.toByte)
packet.data += value
datas += value.toByte
refIdx += 1
refIdx &= bufferSize-1
waitUntil((interruptsIo.toInt & 0x1 << channelId) != 0)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
assert(writesAllowed.remove(to.base.toInt + cpuIdx).get._2 == 1)
assert(memory.read(to.base.toInt + cpuIdx) == datas(byteId))
cpuIdx += 1
cpuIdx &= bufferSize-1
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0x10)
case M2M => {
val TRANSFER, LINKED_LIST = new Object
val test = ArrayBuffer[Object]()
if(cp.directCtrlCapable) test += TRANSFER
if(cp.linkedListCapable) test += LINKED_LIST
test.randomPick() match {
case TRANSFER => {
val bytes = (simRandom.nextInt (0x100) + 1)
val from = memoryReserved.allocate (size = bytes)
val to = memoryReserved.allocate (size = bytes)
val doCount = if (cp.selfRestartCapable) simRandom.nextInt (3) + 1 else 1
// val from = 0x100 + simRandom.nextInt(4)
// val to = 0x400 + simRandom.nextInt(4)
// val bytes = 0x40 + simRandom.nextInt(4)
// val bytes = 0x40
// val from = SizeMapping(0x1000 + 0x100*channelId, bytes)
// val to = SizeMapping(0x2000 + 0x100*channelId, bytes)
// val doCount = 3
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
allowWrite (to.base.toInt + byteId, memory.read (from.base.toInt + byteId))
channelPushMemory (channelId, from.base.toInt, 16)
channelPopMemory (channelId, to.base.toInt, 16)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelStartAndWait (channelId, bytes, doCount)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
assert (writesAllowed.remove (to.base.toInt + byteId).get._2 >= doCount)
case LINKED_LIST => {
val descriptorCount = simRandom.nextInt(5) + 1
val innerStop = simRandom.nextFloat() < 0.3
val tail = memoryReserved.allocateAligned(size = DmaSg.descriptorSize)
val descriptors = List.fill(descriptorCount)( new {
val address = memoryReserved.allocateAligned(size = DmaSg.descriptorSize)
val bytes = (simRandom.nextInt(0x100) + 1)
val from = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bytes)
val to = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bytes)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
allowWrite (to.base.toInt + byteId, memory.read (from.base.toInt + byteId))
for(i <- 0 until 4){
allowWrite(address.base.toInt + 0 + i)
def free(): Unit ={
def assertMasked(that : Boolean) = if(!innerStop) assert(that)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
assertMasked(writesAllowed.remove(to.base.toInt + byteId).get._2 == 1)
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
assertMasked(writesAllowed.remove(address.base.toInt + 0 + i).get._2 == 1)
assertMasked((memory.readInt(address.base.toLong + 0) & 0x80000000) != 0)
// println(f"${address.base}%x ${from.base}%x ${to.base}%x")
for(i <- 0 until descriptorCount) {
val d = descriptors(i)
address = d.address.base.toLong,
push = d.from.base.toLong,
pop = d.to.base.toLong,
size = d.bytes,
next = if(i == descriptorCount-1) tail.base.toLong else descriptors(i+1).address.base.toLong,
completed = false
channelPushMemory (channelId, 0, 16)
channelPopMemory (channelId, 0, 16)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelStartSg(channelId, descriptors.head.address.base.toLong)
val stopThread = fork{if(innerStop) {
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0)
case M2S => if (p.outputs.nonEmpty) {
val TRANSFER, LINKED_LIST = new Object
val test = ArrayBuffer[Object]()
if(cp.directCtrlCapable) test += TRANSFER
if(cp.linkedListCapable) test += LINKED_LIST
test.randomPick() match {
case LINKED_LIST => {
val descriptorCount = simRandom.nextInt(5) + 1
val outputId = cp.outputsPorts.randomPick()
val innerStop = simRandom.nextFloat() < 0.3
// val outputId = 0
val op = p.outputs(outputId)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << op.sourceWidth)
val sink = simRandom.nextInt(1 << op.sinkWidth)
while(outputs(outputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
val tail = memoryReserved.allocateAligned(size = DmaSg.descriptorSize)
val descriptors = List.fill(descriptorCount)( new {
val address = memoryReserved.allocateAligned(size = DmaSg.descriptorSize)
val bytes = (simRandom.nextInt(0x100) + 1)
val from = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bytes)
val withLast = simRandom.nextBoolean()
// val bytes = 0x40
// val from = SizeMapping(0x1000, bytes)
for(i <- 0 until 4){
allowWrite(address.base.toInt + 0 + i)
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
outputs(outputId).ref(sink).enqueue((memory.read(from.base.toInt + byteId), source, false))
if (withLast) outputs(outputId).ref(sink).enqueue((0, source, true))
def free(): Unit ={
def assertMasked(that : Boolean) = if(!innerStop) assert(that)
assertMasked((memory.readInt(address.base.toLong + 0) & 0x80000000) != 0)
for (i <- 0 until 4) {
assertMasked(writesAllowed.remove(address.base.toInt + 0 + i).get._2 == 1)
for(i <- 0 until descriptorCount) {
val d = descriptors(i)
address = d.address.base.toLong,
push = d.from.base.toLong,
pop = 0,
size = d.bytes,
next = if(i == descriptorCount-1) tail.base.toLong else descriptors(i+1).address.base.toLong,
completed = false,
m2sLast = d.withLast
channelPushMemory (channelId, 0, 16)
channelPopStream(channelId, cp.outputsPorts.indexOf(outputId), source, sink, false)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelStartSg(channelId, descriptors.head.address.base.toLong)
val stopThread = fork{if(innerStop) {
channelInterruptConfigure(channelId, 0)
case TRANSFER => {
val doCount = if(cp.selfRestartCapable) simRandom.nextInt(3) + 1 else 1
val bytes = (simRandom.nextInt(0x100) + 1)
val from = memoryReserved.allocate(size = bytes)
val outputId = cp.outputsPorts.randomPick()
// val doCount = 3
// val bytes = 0x40
// val from = SizeMapping(0x1000, bytes)
// val outputId = 0
val op = p.outputs(outputId)
val source = simRandom.nextInt(1 << op.sourceWidth)
val sink = simRandom.nextInt(1 << op.sinkWidth)
val withLast = simRandom.nextBoolean()
while(outputs(outputId).reservedSink.contains(sink)) clockDomain.waitSampling(simRandom.nextInt(100))
for(_ <- 0 until doCount + 40) {
for (byteId <- 0 until bytes) {
outputs(outputId).ref(sink).enqueue((memory.read(from.base.toInt + byteId), source, false))
if (withLast) outputs(outputId).ref(sink).enqueue((0, source, true))
channelPushMemory(channelId, from.base.toInt, 16)
channelPopStream(channelId, cp.outputsPorts.indexOf(outputId), source, sink, withLast)
channelConfig (channelId, 0x40 * channelId, 0x40, simRandom.nextInt(2), simRandom.nextInt(4))
channelStart(channelId, bytes = bytes, doCount != 1)
waitUntil(outputs(outputId).ref(sink).size <= 40*(bytes + (if(withLast) 1 else 0)))
def waitCompletion() {
channelAgent.foreach(e => e.join())
object SgDmaTestsParameter{
import spinal.core.sim._
def test(p: Parameter) = {
val pCtrl = BmbParameter(
addressWidth = DmaSg.ctrlAddressWidth,
dataWidth = 32,
sourceWidth = 0,
contextWidth = 4,
lengthWidth = 2
val compiled = SimConfig.withConfig(SpinalConfig(dontCareGenAsZero=false)).withFstWave.compile(new DmaSg.Core[Bmb](p, ctrlType = HardType(Bmb(pCtrl)), BmbSlaveFactory(_)))
compiled.doSim{ dut =>
var writeNotificationHandle : (Long, Byte) => Unit = null
val memory = new BmbMemoryAgent{
override def writeNotification(address: Long, value: Byte): Unit = {
super.setByte(address, value)
if(p.canSgRead) memory.addPort(dut.io.sgRead, 0, dut.clockDomain, true)
if(p.canSgWrite) memory.addPort(dut.io.sgWrite, 0, dut.clockDomain, true)
if(p.canRead) memory.addPort(dut.io.read, 0, dut.clockDomain, true)
if(p.canWrite) memory.addPort(dut.io.write, 0, dut.clockDomain, true)
val ctrl = BmbDriver(dut.io.ctrl, dut.clockDomain)
val tester = new DmaSgTester(
p = p,
clockDomain = dut.clockDomain,
inputsIo = dut.io.inputs,
outputsIo = dut.io.outputs,
interruptsIo = dut.io.interrupts,
memory = memory.memory,
) {
override def ctrlWriteHal(data: BigInt, address: BigInt): Unit = ctrl.write(data, address)
override def ctrlReadHal(address: BigInt): BigInt = ctrl.read(address)
writeNotificationHandle = writeNotification
def random() : DmaSg.Parameter = {
var layout : DmaMemoryLayout = null
var layoutWidth = 0
var layoutWidthByte = 0
layout = DmaMemoryLayout(
bankCount = List(1,2,4)(Random.nextInt(3)),
bankWidth = List(8,16,32)(Random.nextInt(3)),
bankWords = List(512, 1024, 2048)(Random.nextInt(3)),
priorityWidth = Random.nextInt(3)
// layout = DmaMemoryLayout(
// bankCount = 1,
// bankWidth = 64,
// bankWords = 1024,
// priorityWidth = 2
// )
layoutWidth = layout.bankCount* layout.bankWidth
layoutWidthByte = layoutWidth/8
} while(layoutWidthByte < 4)
val outputs = ArrayBuffer[BsbParameter]()
for(i <- 0 until Random.nextInt(4)) outputs ++= Seq(
byteCount = Math.max(layout.bankWidth/8, layoutWidthByte >> Random.nextInt(log2Up(layoutWidthByte) + 1)),
sourceWidth = Random.nextInt(4) + 1,
sinkWidth = 4
val inputs = ArrayBuffer[BsbParameter]()
for(i <- 0 until Random.nextInt(4)) inputs ++= Seq(
Math.max(layout.bankWidth/8, layoutWidthByte >> Random.nextInt(log2Up(layoutWidthByte) + 1)),
sourceWidth = Random.nextInt(4) + 1,
sinkWidth = 4
val channels = ArrayBuffer[Channel]()
for(i <- 0 to Random.nextInt(4)) {
val direct = Random.nextBoolean()
val ll = !direct || Random.nextBoolean()
val i = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).filter(_ => Random.nextBoolean())
val o = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).filter(_ => Random.nextBoolean())
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = Random.nextBoolean() || (i.isEmpty && o.isEmpty),
inputsPorts = i,
outputsPorts = o,
selfRestartCapable = direct && Random.nextBoolean(),
progressProbes = Random.nextBoolean(),
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = ll,
directCtrlCapable = direct
//Ensure all I O have at least one channel
val direct = Random.nextBoolean()
val ll = !direct || Random.nextBoolean()
val i = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).filter(id => !channels.flatMap(_.inputsPorts).contains(id))
val o = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).filter(id => !channels.flatMap(_.outputsPorts).contains(id))
if(i.nonEmpty || o.nonEmpty)
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = Random.nextBoolean(),
inputsPorts = i,
outputsPorts = o,
selfRestartCapable = direct && Random.nextBoolean(),
progressProbes = Random.nextBoolean(),
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = ll,
directCtrlCapable = direct
readAddressWidth = 24,
readDataWidth = layoutWidth,
readLengthWidth = 6,
writeAddressWidth = 24,
writeDataWidth = layoutWidth,
writeLengthWidth = 6,
sgAddressWidth = 24,
sgReadDataWidth = layoutWidth,
sgWriteDataWidth = layoutWidth,
memory = layout,
outputs = outputs,
inputs = inputs,
channels = channels,
bytePerTransferWidth = 16,
weightWidth = Random.nextInt(3)
def apply(allowSmallerStreams : Boolean) : Seq[(String, DmaSg.Parameter)] = {
val parameters = ArrayBuffer[(String, DmaSg.Parameter)]()
for(withMemoryToMemory <- List(true, false);
withOutputs <- List(true, false);
withInputs <- List(true, false);
if withMemoryToMemory || withOutputs || withInputs){
var name = ""
if(withMemoryToMemory) name = name + "M2m"
if(withOutputs) name = name + "M2s"
if(withInputs) name = name + "S2m"
val outputs = ArrayBuffer[BsbParameter]()
if(withOutputs) {
outputs ++= Seq(
byteCount = 4,
sourceWidth = 3,
sinkWidth = 4
byteCount = 4,
sourceWidth = 0,
sinkWidth = 4
byteCount = 2,
sourceWidth = 2,
sinkWidth = 4
byteCount = 2,
sourceWidth = 5,
sinkWidth = 4
if(allowSmallerStreams) outputs += BsbParameter(
byteCount = 1,
sourceWidth = 0,
sinkWidth = 4
if(allowSmallerStreams) outputs += BsbParameter(
byteCount = 1,
sourceWidth = 0,
sinkWidth = 4
val inputs = ArrayBuffer[BsbParameter]()
if(withInputs) {
inputs ++= Seq(
byteCount = 4,
sourceWidth = 1,
sinkWidth = 4
byteCount = 4,
sourceWidth = 0,
sinkWidth = 4
byteCount = 2,
sourceWidth = 4,
sinkWidth = 4
byteCount = 2,
sourceWidth = 2,
sinkWidth = 4
if(allowSmallerStreams) inputs += BsbParameter(
byteCount = 1,
sourceWidth = 0,
sinkWidth = 4
if(allowSmallerStreams) inputs += BsbParameter(
byteCount = 1,
sourceWidth = 0,
sinkWidth = 4
val channels = ArrayBuffer[Channel]()
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = withMemoryToMemory,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = true,
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true
if(withOutputs) channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = false,
inputsPorts = Nil,
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = false,
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true
if(withInputs) channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = false,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
outputsPorts = Nil,
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = true,
halfCompletionInterrupt = false,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true
if(withMemoryToMemory) channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = true,
inputsPorts = Nil,
outputsPorts = Nil,
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = false,
halfCompletionInterrupt = false,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = withMemoryToMemory,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = true,
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = withMemoryToMemory,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).grouped(2).map(_(0)).toSeq,
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).grouped(2).map(_(1)).toSeq,
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = true,
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = withMemoryToMemory,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).grouped(2).map(_(0)).toSeq,
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).grouped(2).map(_(1)).toSeq,
selfRestartCapable = true,
progressProbes = false,
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = false,
directCtrlCapable = true
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = withMemoryToMemory,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).grouped(2).map(_(0)).toSeq,
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2).grouped(2).map(_(1)).toSeq,
selfRestartCapable = false,
progressProbes = true,
halfCompletionInterrupt = false,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = false
channels += DmaSg.Channel(
memoryToMemory = withMemoryToMemory,
inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
selfRestartCapable = false,
progressProbes = true,
halfCompletionInterrupt = true,
linkedListCapable = true,
directCtrlCapable = true,
bytePerBurst = Some(0x20),
fifoMapping = Some(0x600, 0x200)
parameters += name -> Parameter(
readAddressWidth = 24,
readDataWidth = 32,
readLengthWidth = 6,
writeAddressWidth = 24,
writeDataWidth = 32,
writeLengthWidth = 6,
sgAddressWidth = 24,
sgReadDataWidth = 32,
sgWriteDataWidth = 32,
memory = DmaMemoryLayout(
// bankCount = 1,
// bankWidth = 32,
bankCount = 2,
bankWidth = 16,
// bankCount = 4,
// bankWidth = 8,
// bankCount = 2,
// bankWidth = 32,
bankWords = 1024,
priorityWidth = 2
outputs = outputs,
inputs = inputs,
channels = channels,
bytePerTransferWidth = 16,
weightWidth = 2
//object SgDmaSynt extends App{
// val p = Parameter(
// readAddressWidth = 30,
// readDataWidth = 32,
// readLengthWidth = 6,
// writeAddressWidth = 30,
// writeDataWidth = 32,
// writeLengthWidth = 6,
// memory = DmaMemoryLayout(
// // bankCount = 1,
// // bankWidth = 32,
// bankCount = 1,
// bankWidth = 32,
// // bankCount = 4,
// // bankWidth = 8,
// // bankCount = 2,
// // bankWidth = 32,
// bankWords = 256,
// priorityWidth = 2
// ),
// outputs = Seq(
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 4,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// )/*,
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 4,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// ),
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 2,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// ),
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 2,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// )*/
// ),
// inputs = Seq(
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 4,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// )/*,
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 4,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// ),
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 2,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// ),
// BsbParameter(
// byteCount = 2,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// sinkWidth = 4
// )*/
// ),
// channels = Seq(
// DmaSg.Channel(
// memoryToMemory = true,
// inputsPorts = inputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2),
// outputsPorts = outputs.zipWithIndex.map(_._2)
// )/*,
// DmaSg.Channel(
// ),
// DmaSg.Channel(
// )*/
// ),
// bytePerTransferWidth = 24
// )
// val pCtrl = BmbParameter(
// addressWidth = 12,
// dataWidth = 32,
// sourceWidth = 0,
// contextWidth = 4,
// lengthWidth = 2
// )
// SpinalVerilog(new DmaSg.Core[Bmb](p, ctrlType = HardType(Bmb(pCtrl)), BmbSlaveFactory(_)))
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