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fr.inria.prophet4j.dataset.PGA Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fr.inria.prophet4j.dataset;
import fr.inria.prophet4j.utility.Option;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry;
import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffFormatter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileRepositoryBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.AbstractTreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.PathFilter;
import fr.inria.prophet4j.utility.Structure.FeatureMatrix;
import fr.inria.prophet4j.utility.Structure.Sample;
import fr.inria.prophet4j.utility.CodeDiffer;
import fr.inria.prophet4j.learner.FeatureLearner;
import tech.sourced.siva.IndexEntry;
import tech.sourced.siva.SivaReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
// https://github.com/src-d/datasets/tree/master/PublicGitArchive/pga
// https://pga.sourced.tech
// https://stedolan.github.io/jq/manual/
// https://github.com/src-d/siva-java
// https://github.com/eclipse/jgit
// https://github.com/centic9/jgit-cookbook
// refactor this class if necessary
public class PGA {
// pga list -u github.com/src-d/ -f json | jq -r 'select(.fileCount > 100) | .sivaFilenames[]' | pga get -i -o ~
// pga list -l java -f json | jq -r 'select(.commitsCount > 10000) | select(.commitsCount < 10100) | select(.langsFilesCount[.langs | index("Java")]==(.langsFilesCount | max)) | .sivaFilenames[]' | pga get -i -o ~
pga list -l java -f json | jq -r 'select(.commitsCount > 10000) | select(.commitsCount < 10100) | select(.langsFilesCount[.langs | index("Java")]==(.langsFilesCount | max)) | .url, .commitsCount, .sivaFilenames'
private final String PROPHET4J_DIR = "src/main/resources/prophet4j/";
private final String SIVA_FILES_DIR = PROPHET4J_DIR + "siva_files/";
private final String SIVA_UNPACKED_DIR = PROPHET4J_DIR + "siva_unpacked/";
private final String SIVA_COMMITS_DIR = PROPHET4J_DIR + "siva_commits/";
private final String SIVA_VECTORS_DIR = PROPHET4J_DIR + "siva_vectors/";
private final String SIVA_PARAMETERS_DIR = PROPHET4J_DIR + "siva_parameters/";
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(PGA.class.getName());
private void unpack() {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "unpacking siva files");
try {
String sampleFile = SIVA_FILES_DIR + "10fb9656a916d1c0ff57c28d7dcbfcb5bd313278.siva";
SivaReader sivaReader = new SivaReader(new File(sampleFile));
List index = sivaReader.getIndex().getFilteredIndex().getEntries();
for (IndexEntry indexEntry : index) {
InputStream entry = sivaReader.getEntry(indexEntry);
Path outPath = Paths.get(SIVA_UNPACKED_DIR.concat(indexEntry.getName()));
FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(entry, new File(outPath.toString()));
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.log(Level.ERROR, e.toString(), e);
private DiffEntry diffFile(Repository repo, String oldCommit, String newCommit, String path) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
// Config config = new Config();
// config.setBoolean("diff", null, "renames", true);
// DiffConfig diffConfig = config.get(DiffConfig.KEY);
Git git = new Git(repo);
List diffList = git.diff().
setOldTree(prepareTreeParser(repo, oldCommit)).
setNewTree(prepareTreeParser(repo, newCommit)).
// setPathFilter(FollowFilter.create(path, diffConfig)).
if (diffList.size() == 0)
return null;
if (diffList.size() > 1)
throw new RuntimeException("invalid diff");
return diffList.get(0);
private AbstractTreeIterator prepareTreeParser(Repository repository, String objectId) throws IOException {
// from the commit we can build the tree which allows us to construct the TreeParser
//noinspection Duplicates
RevWalk walk = new RevWalk(repository);
RevCommit commit = walk.parseCommit(repository.resolve(objectId));
RevTree tree = walk.parseTree(commit.getTree().getId());
CanonicalTreeParser treeParser = new CanonicalTreeParser();
ObjectReader reader = repository.newObjectReader();
treeParser.reset(reader, tree.getId());
return treeParser;
private void runDiff(Repository repo, String oldCommit, String newCommit, String path) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
// Diff README.md between two commits. The file is named README.md in
// the new commit (5a10bd6e), but was named "jgit-cookbook README.md" in
// the old commit (2e1d65e4).
DiffEntry diff = diffFile(repo, oldCommit, newCommit, path);
// Display the diff
System.out.println("Showing diff of " + path);
DiffFormatter formatter = new DiffFormatter(System.out);
//noinspection ConstantConditions
private void listDiff(Repository repository, Git git, String oldCommit, String newCommit) throws GitAPIException, IOException {
final List diffs = git.diff()
.setOldTree(prepareTreeParser(repository, oldCommit))
.setNewTree(prepareTreeParser(repository, newCommit))
System.out.println("Found: " + diffs.size() + " differences");
for (DiffEntry diff : diffs) {
System.out.println("Diff: " + diff.getChangeType() + ": " +
(diff.getOldPath().equals(diff.getNewPath()) ? diff.getNewPath() : diff.getOldPath() + " -> " + diff.getNewPath()));
private CommitDiffer filterDiff(Repository repository, Git git, String oldCommitName, String newCommitName, Option option) throws GitAPIException, IOException {
final List diffs = git.diff()
.setOldTree(prepareTreeParser(repository, oldCommitName))
.setNewTree(prepareTreeParser(repository, newCommitName))
CommitDiffer commitDiffer = new CommitDiffer();
System.out.println("Found: " + diffs.size() + " differences");
for (DiffEntry diff : diffs) {
if (diff.getChangeType().equals(DiffEntry.ChangeType.MODIFY)) {
String oldPath = diff.getOldPath();
String newPath = diff.getNewPath();
if (oldPath.endsWith(".java") && newPath.endsWith(".java")) {
// exclude some commits for renamed files todo improve
if (oldPath.equals(newPath)) {
commitDiffer.addDiffer(oldCommitName, newCommitName, oldPath, newPath, option);
} else {
System.out.println("oldPath is different from newPath");
return commitDiffer;
private void obtainDiff(Repository repository, RevCommit commit, List paths) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
// and using commit's tree find the path
RevTree tree = commit.getTree();
System.out.println("Having tree: " + tree);
// now try to find a specific file
TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(repository);
for (String path : paths) {
String filePath = SIVA_COMMITS_DIR + commit.getName() + "/" + path;
File file = new File(filePath);
if (!file.exists()) {
if (!treeWalk.next()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Did not find expected file '" + path + "'");
ObjectId objectId = treeWalk.getObjectId(0);
ObjectLoader loader = repository.open(objectId);
// and then one can the loader to read the file
// loader.copyTo(System.out);
private class Differ {
String oldFilePath;
String newFilePath;
String vectorFilePath;
Differ(String oldCommitName, String newCommitName, String oldPath, String newPath, Option option) {
oldFilePath = SIVA_COMMITS_DIR + oldCommitName + "/" + oldPath;
newFilePath = SIVA_COMMITS_DIR + newCommitName + "/" + newPath;
vectorFilePath = SIVA_VECTORS_DIR + option.featureOption.toString() + "/" + oldCommitName + "~" + newCommitName + "/" + newPath;
private class CommitDiffer {
List differs = new ArrayList<>();
Map> paths = new HashMap<>();
void addDiffer(String oldCommitName, String newCommitName, String oldPath, String newPath, Option option) {
differs.add(new Differ(oldCommitName, newCommitName, oldPath, newPath, option));
if (!paths.containsKey(oldCommitName)) {
paths.put(oldCommitName, new ArrayList<>());
if (!paths.containsKey(newCommitName)) {
paths.put(newCommitName, new ArrayList<>());
ArrayList getPaths(String commitName) {
return paths.size() > 0 ? paths.get(commitName) : new ArrayList<>();
public void handleCommits(Option option) throws IOException, GitAPIException {
// if siva-unpacked files do not exist then uncommented the next line
boolean existUnpackDir = new File(SIVA_UNPACKED_DIR).exists();
boolean existCommitsDir = new File(SIVA_COMMITS_DIR).exists();
if (!existUnpackDir) {
int progressAll, progressNow = 0;
// prepare the whole dataport-set
List differs = new ArrayList<>();
File repoDir = new File(SIVA_UNPACKED_DIR);
// now open the resulting repository with a FileRepositoryBuilder
FileRepositoryBuilder builder = new FileRepositoryBuilder();
Repository repository = builder.setGitDir(repoDir)
.readEnvironment() // scan environment GIT_* variables
.findGitDir() // scan up the file system tree
System.out.println("Having repository: " + repository.getDirectory());
Git git = new Git(repository);
Iterable commits = git.log().all().call();
int countCommits = 0;
int countDiffers = 0;
RevCommit lastCommit = null;
for (RevCommit commit : commits) {
System.out.println("LogCommit: " + commit);
if (lastCommit != null) {
// why runDiff() for some commits returns "java.lang.RuntimeException: invalid diff"? (tested on the very first one case)
// runDiff(repository, lastCommit.getName(), commit.getName(), "README.md");
// listDiff(repository, git, lastCommit.getName(), commit.getName());
CommitDiffer commitDiffer = filterDiff(repository, git, lastCommit.getName(), commit.getName(), option);
// obtain oldFile and newFile (save files to disk)
if (!existCommitsDir) {
obtainDiff(repository, lastCommit, commitDiffer.getPaths(lastCommit.getName()));
obtainDiff(repository, commit, commitDiffer.getPaths(commit.getName()));
// add dataport into the whole dataport-set
countDiffers += commitDiffer.differs.size();
lastCommit = commit;
// remove 3 lines below to obtainRepairCandidates on all commits (around 10k commits)
if (countCommits >= 10) {
/* 10036 != 12813 why? I guess because "we store all references (including all pull requests) from different repositories that share the same initial commit – root"
System.out.println(countCommits + " Commits");
System.out.println(countDiffers + " Differs");
progressAll = countDiffers;
// runDiff(repository, "5fddbeb678bd2c36c5e5c891ab8f2b143ced5baf", "5d7303c49ac984a9fec60523f2d5297682e16646", "README.md");
CodeDiffer codeDiffer = new CodeDiffer(true, option);
List filePaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (Differ differ : differs) {
File vectorFile = new File(differ.vectorFilePath);
if (!vectorFile.exists()) {
File oldFile = new File(differ.oldFilePath);
File newFile = new File(differ.newFilePath);
List featureMatrices = codeDiffer.runByGenerator(oldFile, newFile);
// we should have more than one FeatureMatrix when CodeDiffer's "byGenerator" is true
if (featureMatrices.size() == 0) {
if (featureMatrices.get(0).getFeatureVectors().size() == 0) {
// diff.commonAncestor() returns null value
progressNow += 1;
new Sample(vectorFile.getPath()).saveFeatureMatrices(featureMatrices);
progressNow += 1;
System.out.println(progressNow + " / " + progressAll);
new FeatureLearner(option).run(filePaths);
// clean up here to not keep using more and more disk-space for these samples
// FileUtils.deleteDirectory(repoDir.getParentFile());
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