Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* _______ _____ _____ _____
* |__ __| | __ \ / ____| __ \
* | | __ _ _ __ ___ ___ ___| | | | (___ | |__) |
* | |/ _` | '__/ __|/ _ \/ __| | | |\___ \| ___/
* | | (_| | | \__ \ (_) \__ \ |__| |____) | |
* |_|\__,_|_| |___/\___/|___/_____/|_____/|_|
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* TarsosDSP is developed by Joren Six at IPEM, University Ghent
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* Info:
* Github:
* Releases:
* TarsosDSP includes modified source code by various authors,
* for credits and info, see README.
package be.tarsos.dsp;
* An overlap-add technique based on waveform similarity (WSOLA) for high
* quality time-scale modification of speech
* A concept of waveform similarity for tackling the problem of time-scale
* modification of speech is proposed. It is worked out in the context of
* short-time Fourier transform representations. The resulting WSOLA
* (waveform-similarity-based synchronized overlap-add) algorithm produces
* high-quality speech output, is algorithmically and computationally efficient
* and robust, and allows for online processing with arbitrary time-scaling
* factors that may be specified in a time-varying fashion and can be chosen
* over a wide continuous range of values.
* Inspired by the work soundtouch by Olli Parviainen,
*, especially the TDStrech.cpp file.
* @author Joren Six
* @author Olli Parviainen
public class WaveformSimilarityBasedOverlapAdd implements AudioProcessor {
private int seekWindowLength;
private int seekLength;
private int overlapLength;
private float[] pMidBuffer;
private float[] pRefMidBuffer;
private float[] outputFloatBuffer;
private int intskip;
private int sampleReq;
private double tempo;
private AudioDispatcher dispatcher;
private Parameters newParameters;
* Create a new instance based on algorithm parameters for a certain audio format.
* @param params The parameters for the algorithm.
public WaveformSimilarityBasedOverlapAdd(Parameters params){
public void setParameters(Parameters params){
newParameters = params;
public void setDispatcher(AudioDispatcher newDispatcher){
this.dispatcher = newDispatcher;
private void applyNewParameters(){
Parameters params = newParameters;
int oldOverlapLength = overlapLength;
overlapLength = (int) ((params.getSampleRate() * params.getOverlapMs())/1000);
seekWindowLength = (int) ((params.getSampleRate() * params.getSequenceMs())/1000);
seekLength = (int) ((params.getSampleRate() * params.getSeekWindowMs())/1000);
tempo = params.getTempo();
//pMidBuffer and pRefBuffer are initialized with 8 times the needed length to prevent a reset
//of the arrays when overlapLength changes.
if(overlapLength > oldOverlapLength * 8 && pMidBuffer==null){
pMidBuffer = new float[overlapLength * 8]; //overlapLengthx2?
pRefMidBuffer = new float[overlapLength * 8];//overlapLengthx2?
System.out.println("New overlapLength" + overlapLength);
double nominalSkip = tempo * (seekWindowLength - overlapLength);
intskip = (int) (nominalSkip + 0.5);
sampleReq = Math.max(intskip + overlapLength, seekWindowLength) + seekLength;
float[] prevOutputBuffer = outputFloatBuffer;
outputFloatBuffer = new float[getOutputBufferSize()];
System.out.println("Copy outputFloatBuffer contents");
for(int i = 0 ; i < prevOutputBuffer.length && i < outputFloatBuffer.length ; i++){
outputFloatBuffer[i] = prevOutputBuffer[i];
newParameters = null;
public int getInputBufferSize(){
return sampleReq;
private int getOutputBufferSize(){
return seekWindowLength - overlapLength;
public int getOverlap(){
return sampleReq-intskip;
* Overlaps the sample in output with the samples in input.
* @param output The output buffer.
* @param input The input buffer.
private void overlap(final float[] output, int outputOffset, float[] input,int inputOffset){
for(int i = 0 ; i < overlapLength ; i++){
int itemp = overlapLength - i;
output[i + outputOffset] = (input[i + inputOffset] * i + pMidBuffer[i] * itemp ) / overlapLength;
* Seeks for the optimal overlap-mixing position.
* The best position is determined as the position where the two overlapped
* sample sequences are 'most alike', in terms of the highest
* cross-correlation value over the overlapping period
* @param inputBuffer The input buffer
* @param postion The position where to start the seek operation, in the input buffer.
* @return The best position.
private int seekBestOverlapPosition(float[] inputBuffer, int postion) {
int bestOffset;
double bestCorrelation, currentCorrelation;
int tempOffset;
int comparePosition;
// Slopes the amplitude of the 'midBuffer' samples
bestCorrelation = -10;
bestOffset = 0;
// Scans for the best correlation value by testing each possible
// position
// over the permitted range.
for (tempOffset = 0; tempOffset < seekLength; tempOffset++) {
comparePosition = postion + tempOffset;
// Calculates correlation value for the mixing position
// corresponding
// to 'tempOffset'
currentCorrelation = (double) calcCrossCorr(pRefMidBuffer, inputBuffer,comparePosition);
// heuristic rule to slightly favor values close to mid of the
// range
double tmp = (double) (2 * tempOffset - seekLength) / seekLength;
currentCorrelation = ((currentCorrelation + 0.1) * (1.0 - 0.25 * tmp * tmp));
// Checks for the highest correlation value
if (currentCorrelation > bestCorrelation) {
bestCorrelation = currentCorrelation;
bestOffset = tempOffset;
return bestOffset;
* Slopes the amplitude of the 'midBuffer' samples so that cross correlation
* is faster to calculate. Why is this faster?
void precalcCorrReferenceMono()
for (int i = 0; i < overlapLength; i++){
float temp = i * (overlapLength - i);
pRefMidBuffer[i] = pMidBuffer[i] * temp;
double calcCrossCorr(float[] mixingPos, float[] compare, int offset){
double corr = 0;
double norm = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < overlapLength; i ++){
corr += mixingPos[i] * compare[i + offset];
norm += mixingPos[i] * mixingPos[i];
// To avoid division by zero.
if (norm < 1e-8){
norm = 1.0;
return corr / Math.pow(norm,0.5);
public boolean process(AudioEvent audioEvent) {
float[] audioFloatBuffer = audioEvent.getFloatBuffer();
assert audioFloatBuffer.length == getInputBufferSize();
//Search for the best overlapping position.
int offset = seekBestOverlapPosition(audioFloatBuffer,0);
// Mix the samples in the 'inputBuffer' at position of 'offset' with the
// samples in 'midBuffer' using sliding overlapping
// ... first partially overlap with the end of the previous sequence
// (that's in 'midBuffer')
//copy sequence samples from input to output
int sequenceLength = seekWindowLength - 2 * overlapLength;
System.arraycopy(audioFloatBuffer, offset + overlapLength, outputFloatBuffer, overlapLength, sequenceLength);
// Copies the end of the current sequence from 'inputBuffer' to
// 'midBuffer' for being mixed with the beginning of the next
// processing sequence and so on
System.arraycopy(audioFloatBuffer, offset + sequenceLength + overlapLength, pMidBuffer, 0, overlapLength);
assert outputFloatBuffer.length == getOutputBufferSize();
return true;
public void processingFinished() {
* An object to encapsulate some of the parameters for
* WSOLA, together with a couple of practical helper functions.
* @author Joren Six
public static class Parameters {
private final int sequenceMs;
private final int seekWindowMs;
private final int overlapMs;
private final double tempo;
private final double sampleRate;
* @param tempo
* The tempo change 1.0 means unchanged, 2.0 is + 100% , 0.5
* is half of the speed.
* @param sampleRate
* The sample rate of the audio 44.1kHz is common.
* @param newSequenceMs
* Length of a single processing sequence, in milliseconds.
* This determines to how long sequences the original sound
* is chopped in the time-stretch algorithm.
* The larger this value is, the lesser sequences are used in
* processing. In principle a bigger value sounds better when
* slowing down tempo, but worse when increasing tempo and
* vice versa.
* Increasing this value reduces computational burden & vice
* versa.
* @param newSeekWindowMs
* Seeking window length in milliseconds for algorithm that
* finds the best possible overlapping location. This
* determines from how wide window the algorithm may look for
* an optimal joining location when mixing the sound
* sequences back together.
* The bigger this window setting is, the higher the
* possibility to find a better mixing position will become,
* but at the same time large values may cause a "drifting"
* artifact because consequent sequences will be taken at
* more uneven intervals.
* If there's a disturbing artifact that sounds as if a
* constant frequency was drifting around, try reducing this
* setting.
* Increasing this value increases computational burden &
* vice versa.
* @param newOverlapMs
* Overlap length in milliseconds. When the chopped sound
* sequences are mixed back together, to form a continuous
* sound stream, this parameter defines over how long period
* the two consecutive sequences are let to overlap each
* other.
* This shouldn't be that critical parameter. If you reduce
* the DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_MS setting by a large amount, you
* might wish to try a smaller value on this.
* Increasing this value increases computational burden &
* vice versa.
public Parameters(double tempo, double sampleRate, int newSequenceMs, int newSeekWindowMs, int newOverlapMs) {
this.tempo = tempo;
this.sampleRate = sampleRate;
this.overlapMs = newOverlapMs;
this.seekWindowMs = newSeekWindowMs;
this.sequenceMs = newSequenceMs;
public static Parameters speechDefaults(double tempo, double sampleRate){
int sequenceMs = 40;
int seekWindowMs = 15;
int overlapMs = 12;
return new Parameters(tempo,sampleRate,sequenceMs, seekWindowMs,overlapMs);
public static Parameters musicDefaults(double tempo, double sampleRate){
int sequenceMs = 82;
int seekWindowMs = 28;
int overlapMs = 12;
return new Parameters(tempo,sampleRate,sequenceMs, seekWindowMs,overlapMs);
public static Parameters slowdownDefaults(double tempo, double sampleRate){
int sequenceMs = 100;
int seekWindowMs = 35;
int overlapMs = 20;
return new Parameters(tempo,sampleRate,sequenceMs, seekWindowMs,overlapMs);
public static Parameters automaticDefaults(double tempo, double sampleRate){
double tempoLow = 0.5; // -50% speed
double tempoHigh = 2.0; // +100% speed
double sequenceMsLow = 125; //ms
double sequenceMsHigh = 50; //ms
double sequenceK = ((sequenceMsHigh - sequenceMsLow) / (tempoHigh - tempoLow));
double sequenceC = sequenceMsLow - sequenceK * tempoLow;
double seekLow = 25;// ms
double seekHigh = 15;// ms
double seekK =((seekHigh - seekLow) / (tempoHigh-tempoLow));
double seekC = seekLow - seekK * seekLow;
int sequenceMs = (int) (sequenceC + sequenceK * tempo + 0.5);
int seekWindowMs = (int) (seekC + seekK * tempo + 0.5);
int overlapMs = 12;
return new Parameters(tempo,sampleRate,sequenceMs, seekWindowMs,overlapMs);
public double getOverlapMs() {
return overlapMs;
public double getSequenceMs() {
return sequenceMs;
public double getSeekWindowMs() {
return seekWindowMs;
public double getSampleRate() {
return sampleRate;
public double getTempo(){
return tempo;