Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import org.scalatest.matchers.{MatchResult, Matcher}
object matchers {
def beDifferentTo[A, B, PathB](expected: A)(
implicit deltaA: Delta.Aux[A, B], patchB: Patch[B, PathB]
): DeltaMatcher[A, B, PathB] = new DeltaMatcher[A, B, PathB](expected, false)
def beIdenticalTo[A, B, PathB](expected: A)(
implicit deltaA: Delta.Aux[A, B], patchB: Patch[B, PathB]
): DeltaMatcher[A, B, PathB] = new DeltaMatcher[A, B, PathB](expected, true)
class DeltaMatcher[A, B, PathB](expected: A, positive: Boolean)(
implicit deltaA: Delta.Aux[A, B], patchB: Patch[B, PathB]
) extends Matcher[A] {
def withDelta[C, PathC](expectedDelta: B)(
implicit deltaC: Delta.Aux[B, C], patchC: Patch[C, PathC]
): DeltaMatcher[A, C, PathC] =
new DeltaMatcher[A, C, PathC](expected, true)(deltaA.andThen(expectedDelta),[C, PathC])
def ignoring(paths: PathB*): DeltaMatcher[A, B, PathB] = map(b => patchB.ignore(b, paths: _*))
def apply(actual: A): MatchResult = {
val delta = deltaA(actual, expected)
matchResult(delta, s"Detected the following differences:\n ${patchB.indent(delta)}")
private def matchResult(delta: B, positiveMsg: String): MatchResult = {
if (positive) MatchResult(patchB.isEmpty(delta), positiveMsg, "No differences detected")
else MatchResult(patchB.nonEmpty(delta), "No differences detected", positiveMsg)
private[delta] def map[C, PathC](f: B => C)(implicit patchC: Patch[C, PathC]): DeltaMatcher[A, C, PathC] =
new DeltaMatcher[A, C, PathC](expected, positive)(, patchC)
object syntax {
import org.scalatest.Matchers._
implicit def anyDeltaMatcherOps[A, B, PathB](actual: A)(
implicit delta: Delta.Aux[A, B], patchB: Patch[B, PathB]
): AnyDeltaMatcherOps[A, B, PathB] = new AnyDeltaMatcherOps[A, B, PathB](actual)
class AnyDeltaMatcherOps[A, B, PathB](val actual: A)(implicit delta: Delta.Aux[A, B], patchB: Patch[B, PathB]) {
def <=>(expected: A): Unit = actual should beIdenticalTo(expected)
def >(expected: A): Unit = actual should beDifferentTo(expected)