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import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.FileVisitResult;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.nio.file.SimpleFileVisitor;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption;
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;

 * 路径工具类
 * @author starhq
public final class PathUtil {

    private PathUtil() {

     * 获取目录下的所有文件
     * @param path 目录
     * @return 符合条件的过滤器
    public static List loopFiles(final File path) {
        return loopFiles(path.toPath(), null, null);

     * 获取目录下的所有文件
     * @param path 目录
     * @return 符合条件的过滤器
    public static List loopFiles(final String path) {
        return loopFiles(Paths.get(path), null, null);

     * 获取目录下的所有文件
     * @param path       目录
     * @param fileFilter 文件过滤器
     * @return 符合条件的过滤器
    public static List loopFiles(final String path, final Filter fileFilter) {
        return loopFiles(Paths.get(path), fileFilter, null);

     * 获取目录下的所有文件
     * @param path            目录
     * @param fileFilter      文件过滤器
     * @param directoryFilter 目录过滤器
     * @return 符合条件的过滤器
    public static List loopFiles(final Path path, final Filter fileFilter,
                                       final Filter directoryFilter) {
        final List paths = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            Files.walkFileTree(path, new SimpleFileVisitor() {
                 * 遍历目录
                 * @param dir 目录
                 * @param attrs 属性
                 * @return 访问或者跳过目录
                public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
                    return Objects.isNull(directoryFilter) ? FileVisitResult.CONTINUE
                            : directoryFilter.accept(dir) ? FileVisitResult.CONTINUE : FileVisitResult.SKIP_SUBTREE;

                 * 遍历w文件
                 * @param file 文件
                 * @param attrs 属性
                 * @return 继续访问
                public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) {
                    if (Objects.requireNonNull(fileFilter).accept(file)) {
                    return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IORuntimeException(
                    StringUtil.format("get path {}'s file failure,the reason is {}", path, e.getMessage()), e);
        return paths;

     * 判断path是否存在
     * @param path 路径
     * @return 是否存在
    public static boolean exist(final Path path) {
        return !Objects.isNull(path) && Files.exists(path);

     * 创建文件
     * @param path 文件
     * @return 文件
    public static Path touch(final Path path) {
        if (!Files.exists(path)) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IORuntimeException(
                        StringUtil.format("touch path {} failure.the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e);
        return path;

     * 创建父目录
     * @param path 文件
     * @return 目录
    public static Path mkParentDirs(final Path path) {
        final Path parent = path.getParent();
        if (!Objects.isNull(parent) && !Files.exists(parent)) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IORuntimeException(
                        StringUtil.format("make {}'s parent dir failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e);
        return parent;

     * 创建目录
     * @param path 目录
     * @return 目录
    public static Path mkDirs(final Path path) {
        if (!Files.exists(path)) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new IORuntimeException(
                        StringUtil.format("make {}'s  dir failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e);
        return path;

     * 删除文件
     * @param path 目录
    public static void loopDelete(final Path path) {
        try {
            Files.walkFileTree(path, new DeleteDirVisitor());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IORuntimeException(
                    StringUtil.format("loop delete direcotry {}'s file failure,the reason is {}", path, e.getMessage()),

     * 复制文件
     * @param src  源
     * @param dest 目的地
    public static void copy(final Path src, final Path dest) {
        copy(src, dest, null);

     * 复制文件
     * @param src        源
     * @param dest       目的地
     * @param copyOption 拷贝属性
    public static void copy(final Path src, final Path dest, final StandardCopyOption copyOption) {
        try {
            Files.walkFileTree(src, Objects.isNull(copyOption) ? new CopyDirVisitor(src, dest) : new CopyDirVisitor(src, dest, copyOption));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IORuntimeException(
                    StringUtil.format("copy {} to {} failure the reason is {}", src, dest, e.getMessage()), e);

     * 移动目录
     * @param src  源
     * @param dest 目的地
    public static void move(final Path src, final Path dest) {
        move(src, dest, null);

     * 移动目录
     * @param src        源
     * @param dest       目的地
     * @param copyOption 拷贝属性
    public static void move(final Path src, final Path dest, final StandardCopyOption copyOption) {
        try {
            Files.walkFileTree(src, Objects.isNull(copyOption) ? new MoveDirVisitor(src, dest) : new MoveDirVisitor(src, dest, copyOption));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IORuntimeException(
                    StringUtil.format("move {} to {} failure the reason is {}", src, dest, e.getMessage()), e);

     * 获得绝对路径
     * @param path 路径
     * @return 绝对路径
    public static Path getAbsolutePath(final String path) {
        final Path result = Paths.get(path);
        return result.isAbsolute() ? result : result.toAbsolutePath();

     * 获得绝对路径
     * @param path 路径
     * @return 绝对路径
    public static Path getAbsoluteClassPath(final String path) {
        final URL url = ResourceUtil.getResource(path);
        try {
            final Path result = Paths.get(url.toURI());
            return result.isAbsolute() ? result : result.toAbsolutePath();
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new IORuntimeException(
                    StringUtil.format("get {}'s absolure class path failure,the reason is {}", path, e.getMessage()),

     * 相对子路径

* 简单点就是child路径去掉root路径 * * @param root 父路径 * @param child 子路径 * @return 自路径 */ public static Path subPath(final Path root, final Path child) { return child.subpath(root.getNameCount(), child.getNameCount()); } /** * 获取指定位置的子路径部分,支持负数,例如起始为-1表示从后数第一个节点位置 * * @param path 路径 * @param index 起始位置 * @return 获取的子路径 */ public static Path subIndexPath(final Path path, final int index) { return subPath(path, index, index == -1 ? path.getNameCount() : index + 1); } /** * 获取最后位置的子路径部分 * * @param path 路径 * @return 获取的子路径 */ public static Path subLastPath(final Path path) { return subIndexPath(path, path.getNameCount() - 1); } /** * 获取指定位置的子路径部分,支持负数,例如起始为-1表示从后数第一个节点位置 * * @param path 路径 * @param fromIndex 起始路径节点(包括) * @param toIndex 结束路径节点(不包括) * @return 获取的子路径 */ public static Path subPath(final Path path, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex) { final int len = path.getNameCount(); int start = fromIndex < 0 ? len + fromIndex : fromIndex; int end = toIndex < 0 ? len + toIndex : toIndex == 0 && fromIndex < 0 ? len : toIndex; if (end < start) { start = start ^ end; end = start ^ end; start = start ^ end; } return path.subpath(start, end); } /** * 文件是否为空(目录判断目录下是否为空,文件判断长度是否大于0) * * @param file 指定目录或者文件 * @return 是否为空 */ public static boolean isEmpty(final File file) { boolean result; if (!Objects.isNull(file) && file.isDirectory()) { final String[] subFiles = file.list(); result = ArrayUtil.isEmpty(subFiles); } else { result = file.length() <= 0; } return result; } /** * 返回主文件名 * * @param file 文件 * @return 主文件名 */ public static String mainName(final File file) { return file.isDirectory() ? file.getName() : mainName(file.getName()); } /** * 返回主文件名 * * @param fileName 完整文件名 * @return 主文件名 */ public static String mainName(final String fileName) { final int idx = Objects.requireNonNull(fileName).lastIndexOf(StringUtil.DOT); return idx == -1 ? StringUtil.EMPTY : StringUtil.sub(fileName, idx); } /** * 获取文件扩展名,扩展名不带“.” * * @param file 文件 * @return 扩展名 */ public static String extName(final File file) { return file.isDirectory() ? file.getName() : extName(file.getName()); } /** * 获得文件的扩展名,扩展名不带“.” * * @param fileName 文件名 * @return 扩展名 */ public static String extName(final String fileName) { final int idx = Objects.requireNonNull(fileName).lastIndexOf(StringUtil.DOT); return idx == -1 ? StringUtil.EMPTY : StringUtil.sub(fileName, idx + 1); } /** * 获得输入流 * * @param path 文件 * @return 输入流 */ public static BufferedInputStream getInputStream(final Path path) { try { return new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(path)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("get {}'s inputstream failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 获得文件的输入流 * * @param path 文件 * @return 输入流 */ public static BufferedReader getUTF8Reader(final Path path) { return IoUtil.getReader(getInputStream(path), CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8); } /** * 获得文件的输入流 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 编码 * @return 输入流 */ public static BufferedReader getReader(final Path path, final Charset charset) { return IoUtil.getReader(getInputStream(path), charset); } /** * 获得输出流 * * @param path 文件 * @param isAppend 是否在末尾追加 * @return 输出流 */ public static BufferedOutputStream getOutputStream(final Path path, final boolean isAppend) { try { return new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(touch(path), isAppend ? StandardOpenOption.APPEND : StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("get {}'s inputstream failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 获得一个带缓存的写入对象 * * @param path 输出文件 * @param charset 字符集 * @param isAppend 是否追加 * @return BufferedReader对象 */ public static BufferedWriter getWriter(final Path path, final Charset charset, final boolean isAppend) { try { return Files.newBufferedWriter(touch(path), charset, isAppend ? StandardOpenOption.APPEND : StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("get {}'s bufferedwriter failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 获得一个打印写入对象,可以有print * * @param path 输出路径,绝对路径 * @param charset 字符集 * @param isAppend 是否追加 * @return 打印对象 */ public static PrintWriter getPrintWriter(final Path path, final Charset charset, final boolean isAppend) { return new PrintWriter(getWriter(path, charset, isAppend)); } /** * 读取文件所有数据 * * @param path 文件 * @return 字节码 */ public static byte[] readBytes(final Path path) { try (InputStream inputStream = getInputStream(path)) { return IoUtil.readBytes(inputStream); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("red {}'s byte array failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 读取文件内容 * * @param path 文件 * @return 内容 */ public static String readUTF8String(final Path path) { return readString(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8); } /** * 读取文件内容 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 字符集 * @return 内容 */ public static String readString(final Path path, final Charset charset) { return StringUtil.str(readBytes(path), charset); } /** * 按行处理文件内容 * * @param path 文件 * @param lineHandler 行处理器 */ public static void readUTF8Lines(final Path path, final LineHandler lineHandler) { readLines(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, lineHandler); } /** * 按行处理文件内容 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 编码 * @param lineHandler 行处理器 */ public static void readLines(final Path path, final Charset charset, final LineHandler lineHandler) { try (InputStream inputStream = getInputStream(path)) { IoUtil.readLines(inputStream, charset, lineHandler); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("red {}'s line by line and handle it failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 从文件中读取每一行数据 * * @param 集合类型 * @param path 文件 * @param collection 集合 * @return 文件中的每行内容的集合 */ public static > T readUTF8Lines(final Path path, final T collection) { return readLines(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, collection); } /** * 从文件中读取每一行数据 * * @param 集合类型 * @param path 文件 * @param charset 字符集 * @param collection 集合 * @return 文件中的每行内容的集合 */ public static > T readLines(final Path path, final Charset charset, final T collection) { try (InputStream inputStream = getInputStream(path)) { return IoUtil.readLines(inputStream, charset, collection); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("red {}'s line by line failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 从文件中读取每一行数据 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 字符集 * @return 文件中的每行内容的集合 */ public static List readLines(final Path path, final Charset charset) { return readLines(path, charset, new ArrayList<>()); } /** * 从文件中读取每一行数据 * * @param path 文件 * @return 文件中的每行内容的集合 */ public static List readUTF8Lines(final Path path) { return readLines(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, new ArrayList<>()); } /** * 往文件中写字符串 * * @param path 文件 * @param content 内容 */ public static void writeUTF8String(final Path path, final String content) { IoUtil.write(getOutputStream(path, false), CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, true, content); } /** * 往文件中写字符串 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 编码 * @param content 内容 */ public static void writeString(final Path path, final Charset charset, final String content) { IoUtil.write(getOutputStream(path, false), charset, true, content); } /** * 往文件中追加字符串 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 编码 * @param content 内容 */ public static void appendString(final Path path, final Charset charset, final String content) { try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = getWriter(path, charset, true)) { bufferedWriter.write(content); bufferedWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("append string {} to {} failure,the reason is: {}", content, path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 往文件中追加字符串 * * @param path 文件 * @param content 内容 */ public static void appendUTF8String(final Path path, final String content) { try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = getWriter(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, true)) { bufferedWriter.write(content); bufferedWriter.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("append string {} to {} failure,the reason is: {}", content, path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 往文件中写入多行数据 * * @param path 文件 * @param charset 字符集 * @param isAppend 是否在文件尾追加 * @param elements 集合 * @param 范型 */ public static void writeLines(final Path path, final Charset charset, final boolean isAppend, final Collection elements) { try (BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = getWriter(path, charset, isAppend)) { for (final T element : elements) { bufferedWriter.write(StringUtil.str(element)); bufferedWriter.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("write collection to {} failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 往文件中写入多行数据 * * @param path 文件 * @param isAppend 是否在文件尾追加 * @param elements 集合 * @param 范型 */ public static void writeUTF8Lines(final Path path, final boolean isAppend, final Collection elements) { writeLines(path, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_UTF_8, isAppend, elements); } /** * 写入数据到文件 * * @param data 数据 * @param path 路径 * @param isAppend 是否追加模式 */ public static void writeBytes(final byte[] data, final Path path, final boolean isAppend) { writeBytes(data, path, 0, data.length, isAppend); } /** * 写入数据到文件 * * @param data 数据 * @param path 目标文件 * @param off 数据开始位置 * @param len 数据长度 * @param isAppend 是否追加模式 */ public static void writeBytes(final byte[] data, final Path path, final int off, final int len, final boolean isAppend) { try (OutputStream outputStream = getOutputStream(path, isAppend)) { outputStream.write(data, off, len); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("write data to {} failure,the reason is: {}", path, e.getMessage()), e); } } /** * 文件大小可读 * * @param size 文件大小 * @return 类似于 1MB */ public static String readableFileSize(final long size) { String result; if (size > 0) { final String[] units = new String[]{"B", "kB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "EB"}; final int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(size) / Math.log10(1024)); result = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.##").format(size / Math.pow(1024, digitGroups)) + " " + units[digitGroups]; } else { result = "0"; } return result; } /** * 生成文件的下载流 * * @param path 文件路径 * @param contentType 下载类型 * @param response 响应 */ public static void makeStreamFile(final Path path, final HttpServletResponse response, final String contentType) { BufferedOutputStream output = null; BufferedInputStream input = null; try { response.reset(); response.setCharacterEncoding(CharsetUtil.UTF_8); response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + path.getFileName()); response.setContentType(contentType); response.setContentLength((int) Files.size(path)); output = new BufferedOutputStream(response.getOutputStream()); input = getInputStream(path); IoUtil.copy(input, output, 4096); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("make file's download stream failure,the reason is: {}", e.getMessage()), e); } finally { IoUtil.close(input); IoUtil.close(output); } } /** * 根据url定位文件 * * @param url url * @return 文件 */ public static Path getPath(final URL url) { try { return Paths.get(url.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new IORuntimeException( StringUtil.format("url to path failure,the reason is: {}", e.getMessage()), e); } } }

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