com.star.string.StringUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.star.string;
import com.star.collection.array.ArrayUtil;
import com.star.io.CharsetUtil;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.StringJoiner;
* 字符串操作工具类
* Created by starhq on 2017/5/7.
public final class StringUtil {
* 空格char
public static final char C_SPACE = ' ';
* tabchar
public static final char C_TAB = ' ';
* 点char
public static final char C_DOT = '.';
* 斜杠char
public static final char C_SLASH = '/';
* 反斜杠char
public static final char C_BACKSLASH = '\\';
* 换行char
public static final char C_CR = '\r';
* 新行char
public static final char C_LF = '\n';
* 下划线char
public static final char C_UNDERLINE = '_';
* 破折号char
public static final char C_DASH = '-';
* 逗号char
public static final char C_COMMA = ',';
* 花括号开始char
public static final char C_DELIM_START = '{';
* 花括号结束char
public static final char C_DELIM_END = '}';
* 大括号开始char
public static final char C_BRACE_START = '[';
* 大括号结束char
public static final char C_BRACE_END = ']';
* 小括号开始char
public static final char C_BRAKETS_START = '(';
* 小括号结束char
public static final char C_BRAKETS_END = ')';
* 冒号char
public static final char C_COLON = ':';
* 空格
public static final String SPACE = " ";
* tab
public static final String TAB = " ";
* 点
public static final String DOT = ".";
* 两个点
public static final String DOUBLE_DOT = "..";
* 斜杠
public static final String SLASH = "/";
* 反斜杠
public static final String BACKSLASH = "\\";
* 空字符串
public static final String EMPTY = "";
* 回车
public static final String NEWLINE = "\r";
* 换行
public static final String LINEFEED = "\n";
* 回车加换行
public static final String CRLF = NEWLINE + LINEFEED;
* 下滑线
public static final String UNDERLINE = "_";
* 破折号
public static final String DASH = "-";
* 逗号
public static final String COMMA = ",";
* 大括号开始
public static final String DELIM_START = "{";
* 大括号结束
public static final String DELIM_END = "}";
* 大括号开始
public static final String BRACE_START = "[";
* 大括号结束
public static final String BRACE_END = "]";
* 小括号开始
public static final String BRAKETS_START = "(";
* 小括号结束
public static final String BRAKETS_END = ")";
* 冒号
public static final String COLON = ":";
* 空格转义
public static final String HTML_NBSP = " ";
* 分号转义
public static final String HTML_AMP = "&";
* 引号转义
public static final String HTML_QUOTE = """;
* 小于转义
public static final String HTML_LT = "<";
* 大于转义
public static final String HTML_GT = ">";
* 分页符
public static final String PAGEBREAKS = "\f";
* 空json
public static final String EMPTY_JSON = DELIM_START + DELIM_END;
private StringUtil() {
* 判断字符串是否为空白
* @param sequence 需要判断的字符串
* @return 是否为空白
public static boolean isBlank(final CharSequence sequence) {
boolean result = true;
if (!isEmpty(sequence)) {
final int length = sequence.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (!Character.isWhitespace(sequence.charAt(i))) {
result = false;
return result;
* 是否为空字符串
* @param sequence 要判断的字符串
* @return 是否为空字符串
public static boolean isEmpty(final CharSequence sequence) {
return Objects.isNull(sequence) || sequence.length() == 0;
* 字符串是否以前缀开头
* @param str 字符串
* @param prefix 前缀
* @param isIgnoreCase 忽视大小写
* @return 是否前缀开头
public static boolean startWith(final String str, final String prefix, final boolean isIgnoreCase) {
return !isBlank(str) && !isBlank(prefix) && str.regionMatches(isIgnoreCase, 0, prefix, 0, prefix.length());
* 字符串是否以前缀开头
* @param str 字符串
* @param prefix 前缀
* @return 是否前缀开头
public static boolean startWith(final String str, final String prefix) {
return startWith(str, prefix, true);
* 字符串是否以后缀结尾
* @param str 字符串
* @param suffix 后缀
* @param isIgnoreCase 忽视大小写
* @return 是否后缀结尾
public static boolean endWith(final String str, final String suffix, final boolean isIgnoreCase) {
return !isBlank(str) && !isBlank(suffix) && str.regionMatches(isIgnoreCase, str.length() - suffix.length(),
suffix, 0, suffix.length());
* 字符串是否以后缀结尾
* @param str 字符串
* @param suffix 后缀
* @return 是否后缀结尾
public static boolean endWith(final String str, final String suffix) {
return endWith(str, suffix, true);
* 大小写首字母
* @param str 给定字符串
* @param upper 是否大小写
* @return 修改后的字符串
public static String upperOrLowerFirst(final String str, final boolean upper) {
return isBlank(str) ? EMPTY : toUpperOrLowwer(str.charAt(0), upper) + sub(str, 1);
* 删除前缀
* @param str 指定字符串
* @param prefix 前缀
* @param isIgnoreCase 忽略大小写
* @return 修改后的字符串
public static String removePrefix(final String str, final String prefix, final boolean isIgnoreCase) {
return startWith(str, prefix, isIgnoreCase) ? sub(str, prefix.length(), str.length()) : str;
* 删除后缀
* @param str 指定字符串
* @param suffix 后缀
* @param isIgnorCase 忽略大小写
* @return 修改后的字符串
public static String removeSuffix(final String str, final String suffix, final boolean isIgnorCase) {
return endWith(str, suffix, isIgnorCase) ? sub(str, str.length() - suffix.length(), str.length()) : str;
* 如果str为空,用默认值defaultstr来替代
* @param str 需要判断的字符串
* @param defaultStr 默认值字符串
* @return 字符串
public static String defaultIfEmpty(final String str, final String defaultStr) {
return isEmpty(str) ? defaultStr : str;
* 切分字符串的plus版本
* @param str 原始字符串
* @param delimiter 分隔符
* @return 分割后的数组
public static String[] split(final String str, final String delimiter) {
String[] result;
if (isBlank(str)) {
result = new String[0];
} else if (isBlank(delimiter)) {
result = new String[]{str};
} else {
final int dellen = delimiter.length();
final int maxparts = str.length() / dellen + 2;
int[] positions = new int[maxparts];
Arrays.fill(positions, -dellen);
int start;
int end = 0;
int count = 0;
while ((start = str.indexOf(delimiter, end)) != -1) {
positions[count] = start;
end = start + dellen;
positions[count] = str.length();
result = new String[count];
for (start = 0; start < count; start++) {
final int left = positions[start] + dellen;
final int right = positions[start + 1];
result[start] = sub(str, left, right);
return result;
* 按定长切割字符串
* @param str 字符串
* @param len 长度
* @return 字符串数组
public static String[] split(final String str, final int len) {
String[] strs;
if (isBlank(str) || len <= 0) {
strs = new String[0];
} else {
final int strlen = str.length();
final int last = str.length() % len;
final int length = last == 0 ? strlen / len : strlen / len + 1;
strs = new String[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
final int left = i * len;
final int right = left + (i == length - 1 && last != 0 ? last : len);
strs[i] = sub(str, left, right);
return strs;
* substring的plus版本
* @param string 需要截取的字符串
* @param fromIndex 开始索引
* @param toIndex 结束索引
* @return 截取后的字符串
public static String sub(final String string, final int fromIndex, final int toIndex) {
String result;
if (isBlank(string)) {
result = EMPTY;
} else {
int start = fromIndex < 0 ? string.length() + fromIndex : fromIndex;
int end = toIndex < 0 ? string.length() + toIndex : toIndex == 0 && fromIndex < 0 ? string.length() :
if (end < start) {
start = start ^ end;
end = start ^ end;
start = start ^ end;
result = string.substring(start, end);
return result;
* substring的plus版本
* @param str 需要截取的字符串
* @param fromIndex 开始索引
* @return 截取后的字符串
public static String sub(final String str, final int fromIndex) {
return sub(str, fromIndex, str.length());
* 格式化文本
* @param template 格式化模板
* @param values 要设置的参数
* @return 格式化好的字符串
public static String format(final String template, final Object... values) {
String result;
if (isBlank(template)) {
result = EMPTY;
} else if (ArrayUtil.isEmpty(values)) {
result = template;
} else {
final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
final int length = template.length();
int valueIndex = 0;
char currentChar;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (valueIndex >= values.length) {
stringBuilder.append(sub(template, i, length));
currentChar = template.charAt(i);
if (currentChar == C_DELIM_START) {
final char nextChar = template.charAt(++i);
if (nextChar == C_DELIM_END) {
} else {
} else {
result = stringBuilder.toString();
return result;
* 格式化文本
* @param template 要格式化的模板
* @param map 键值对,键要和模板中的参数对饮起来
* @return 格式化好的字符串
public static String format(final String template, final Map, ?> map) {
String str;
if (isBlank(template)) {
str = EMPTY;
} else {
str = template;
for (final Map.Entry, ?> entry : map.entrySet()) {
str = str.replace(DELIM_START + entry.getKey() + DELIM_END, str(entry.getValue(), CharsetUtil.UTF_8));
return str;
* 重复某个字符
* @param cha 被重复的字符
* @param count 重复的数目,如果小于等于0则返回""
* @return 重复字符字符串
public static String repeat(final char cha, final int count) {
String str;
if (count <= 0) {
str = EMPTY;
} else {
char[] result = new char[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
result[i] = cha;
str = new String(result);
return str;
* java命名改成带下划线的命名方式
* HelloWorld->hello_world
* @param camelCaseStr 驼峰名
* @return 带下划线的名
public static String toUnderlineCase(final String camelCaseStr) {
String result;
if (isBlank(camelCaseStr)) {
result = EMPTY;
} else {
final StringBuilder builder = builder();
final char[] chars = camelCaseStr.toCharArray();
final int len = chars.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
builder.append(toUpperOrLowwer(chars[i], false));
if (i < len - 1 && Character.isUpperCase(chars[i + 1])) {
result = builder.toString();
return result;
* 下划线命名改成驼峰命名
* hello_world->helloWorld
* @param name 下划线命名
* @return 驼峰
public static String toCamelCase(final String name) {
Objects.requireNonNull(name, "input string can not be null");
String result;
if (name.contains(UNDERLINE)) {
final StringBuilder builder = builder();
final char[] chars = name.toCharArray();
final int len = chars.length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (chars[i] == C_UNDERLINE) {
builder.append(toUpperOrLowwer(chars[i], i != 0 && chars[i - 1] == C_UNDERLINE));
result = builder.toString();
} else {
result = name;
return result;
* 编码字符串
* @param str 字符串
* @return 编码后的字节码
public static byte[] bytes(final String str) {
return bytes(str, CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
* 编码字符串
* @param str 字符串
* @param charset 字符集,如果此字段为空,则解码的结果取决于平台
* @return 编码后的字节码
public static byte[] bytes(final String str, final String charset) {
return bytes(str, CharsetUtil.charset(charset));
* 编码字符串
* @param str 字符串
* @param charset 字符集,如果此字段为空,则解码的结果取决于平台
* @return 编码后的字节码
public static byte[] bytes(final String str, final Charset charset) {
return isEmpty(str) ? new byte[0] : Objects.isNull(charset) ? str.getBytes(CharsetUtil.DEFAULT) : str.getBytes(charset);
* 对象转字符串
* @param obj 对象
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final Object obj) {
return str(obj, CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
* 对象转字符串
* @param obj 对象
* @param charset 编码
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final Object obj, final String charset) {
return str(obj, CharsetUtil.charset(charset));
* 对象转字符串
* @param obj 对象
* @param charset 编码
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final Object obj, final Charset charset) {
String result;
if (Objects.isNull(obj)) {
result = EMPTY;
} else if (obj instanceof String) {
result = (String) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof byte[]) {
result = str((byte[]) obj, charset);
} else if (obj instanceof ByteBuffer) {
result = str((ByteBuffer) obj, charset);
} else if (ArrayUtil.isArray(obj)) {
result = ArrayUtil.toString(obj);
} else {
result = obj.toString();
return result;
* 字节数组转字符串
* @param data 字节数组
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final byte[] data) {
return str(data, CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
* 字节数组转字符串
* @param data 字节数组
* @param charset 编码
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final byte[] data, final String charset) {
return str(data, CharsetUtil.charset(charset));
* 字节数组转字符串
* @param data 字节数组
* @param charset 编码
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final byte[] data, final Charset charset) {
return ArrayUtil.isEmpty(data) ? EMPTY : Objects.isNull(charset) ? new String(data, CharsetUtil.DEFAULT) : new String(data, charset);
* 将编码的byteBuffer数据转换为字符串
* @param data 数据
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final ByteBuffer data) {
return str(data, CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
* 将编码的byteBuffer数据转换为字符串
* @param data 数据
* @param charset 字符集,如果为空使用当前系统字符集
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final ByteBuffer data, final String charset) {
return str(data, CharsetUtil.charset(charset));
* 将编码的byteBuffer数据转换为字符串
* @param data 数据
* @param charset 字符集,如果为空使用当前系统字符集
* @return 字符串
public static String str(final ByteBuffer data, final Charset charset) {
return Objects.isNull(data) ? EMPTY : CharsetUtil.charset(charset).decode(data).toString();
* 字符串转换为byteBuffer
* @param str 字符串
* @param charset 编码
* @return 包装好的bytebufffer
public static ByteBuffer byteBuffer(final String str, final String charset) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes(str, charset));
* 按指定格式组装string
* @param start 开始符
* @param end 结尾符
* @param delimiter 分隔符
* @param charset 编码
* @param objects 需要拼接的对象
* @param 范型
* @return 组装好的字符串
public static String join(final String start, final String end, final String delimiter, final Charset charset,
final T... objects) {
final StringJoiner joiner = joiner(start, end, delimiter);
return getString(joiner, charset, objects);
* 按指定格式组装string
* @param start 开始符
* @param end 结尾符
* @param delimiter 分隔符
* @param objects 需要拼接的对象
* @param 范型
* @return 组装好的字符串
public static String join(final String start, final String end, final String delimiter, final T... objects) {
final StringJoiner joiner = joiner(start, end, delimiter);
return getString(joiner, CharsetUtil.charset(CharsetUtil.UTF_8), objects);
* 按指定格式组装string
* @param delimiter 分隔符
* @param objects 需要拼接的对象
* @param 范型
* @return 组装好的字符串
public static String join(final String delimiter, final T... objects) {
return join(EMPTY, EMPTY, delimiter, objects);
* 创建StringBuilder对象
* @return StringBuilder对象
public static StringBuilder builder() {
return new StringBuilder();
* 创建StringBuilder对象
* @param capacity 大小
* @return StringBuilder对象
public static StringBuilder builder(final int capacity) {
return new StringBuilder(capacity);
* 动态创建stringbuilder
* @param strings 字符串
* @return builder
public static StringBuilder builder(final String... strings) {
final StringBuilder builder = builder();
for (final String string : strings) {
return builder;
* 获得StringReader
* @param str 字符串
* @return StringReader
public static StringReader getReader(final String str) {
return new StringReader(Objects.requireNonNull(str, "str can not be null"));
* 获得StringWriter
* @return StringWriter
public static StringWriter getWriter() {
return new StringWriter();
* 反转字符串
* @param str 需要反转的字符串
* @return 反转后的字符串
public static String reverse(final String str) {
return isEmpty(str) ? EMPTY : builder(str).reverse().toString();
private static char toUpperOrLowwer(final char temp, final boolean upper) {
return upper ? Character.toUpperCase(temp) : Character.toLowerCase(temp);
private static String getString(final StringJoiner joiner, final Charset charset, final T... objects) {
for (final T obj : objects) {
joiner.add(str(obj, charset));
return str(joiner, charset);
* 根据开始符,结束符,分隔符来生成StringJoiner
* @param start 开始符
* @param end 结束符
* @param delimiter 分隔符
* @return StringJoiner
public static StringJoiner joiner(final String start, final String end, final String delimiter) {
return new StringJoiner(defaultIfEmpty(delimiter, EMPTY), defaultIfEmpty(start, EMPTY), defaultIfEmpty(end,