jme3utilities.MyMesh Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Stephen Gold
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
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* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors
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package jme3utilities;
import com.jme3.asset.AssetManager;
import com.jme3.material.Material;
import com.jme3.material.RenderState;
import com.jme3.math.ColorRGBA;
import com.jme3.math.Matrix4f;
import com.jme3.math.Quaternion;
import com.jme3.math.Transform;
import com.jme3.math.Triangle;
import com.jme3.math.Vector2f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector3f;
import com.jme3.math.Vector4f;
import com.jme3.scene.CollisionData;
import com.jme3.scene.Geometry;
import com.jme3.scene.Mesh;
import com.jme3.scene.Node;
import com.jme3.scene.Spatial;
import com.jme3.scene.VertexBuffer;
import com.jme3.scene.mesh.IndexBuffer;
import com.jme3.util.BufferUtils;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import jme3utilities.math.IntPair;
import jme3utilities.math.MyBuffer;
import jme3utilities.math.MyMath;
import jme3utilities.math.MyQuaternion;
import jme3utilities.math.MyVector3f;
import jme3utilities.math.VectorSet;
import jme3utilities.math.VectorSetUsingBuffer;
* Utility methods for meshes and mesh vertices.
* @author Stephen Gold [email protected]
public class MyMesh { // TODO finalize the class
// *************************************************************************
// constants and loggers
* maximum number of bones/joints that can influence any one vertex
final private static int maxWeights = 4;
* number of axes in a vector
final private static int numAxes = 3;
* number of vertices per edge
final public static int vpe = 2;
* number of vertices per triangle
final public static int vpt = 3;
* message logger for this class
final private static Logger logger
= Logger.getLogger(MyMesh.class.getName());
* local copy of {@link com.jme3.math.Matrix4f#IDENTITY}
final private static Matrix4f matrixIdentity = new Matrix4f();
* scale factors to reverse the direction of a vector
final private static Vector3f scaleReverse = new Vector3f(-1f, -1f, -1f);
// *************************************************************************
// constructors
* A private constructor to inhibit instantiation of this class.
private MyMesh() {
// *************************************************************************
// new methods exposed
// TODO add isConnected(), makeDoubleSided(), and transform()
* Compress a Mesh by introducing an index buffer.
* @param input the input Mesh (not null, without an index buffer)
* @return a new Mesh (with an index buffer)
public static Mesh addIndices(Mesh input) {
Validate.nonNull(input, "input mesh");
Validate.require(!hasIndices(input), "not have an index buffer");
* Assign new indices and create mappings between
* the old and new indices.
int oldN = input.getVertexCount();
int[] old2new = new int[oldN];
int[] new2old = new int[oldN];
int newN = 0;
for (int oldI = 0; oldI < oldN; ++oldI) {
old2new[oldI] = -1;
new2old[oldI] = -1;
for (int newI = 0; newI < newN; ++newI) {
if (areIdentical(input, oldI, new2old[newI])) {
old2new[oldI] = newI;
if (old2new[oldI] == -1) { // allocate a vertex index
old2new[oldI] = newN;
new2old[newN] = oldI;
// Create a clone of the input mesh with smaller vertex buffers.
Mesh result = input.clone();
for (VertexBuffer oldVertexBuffer : input.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = oldVertexBuffer.getBufferType();
VertexBuffer.Format format = oldVertexBuffer.getFormat();
if (format == null) {
format = VertexBuffer.Format.Float; // to avoid an NPE
int numCperE = oldVertexBuffer.getNumComponents();
numCperE = MyMath.clamp(numCperE, 1, 4); // to avoid an IAE
Buffer data = VertexBuffer.createBuffer(format, numCperE, newN);
result.setBuffer(type, numCperE, format, data);
// Copy vertex data from the input mesh to the new mesh.
for (int newI = 0; newI < newN; ++newI) {
int oldI = new2old[newI];
for (VertexBuffer newVB : result.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = newVB.getBufferType();
VertexBuffer oldVB = input.getBuffer(type);
assert oldVB != newVB;
if (oldVB.getNumElements() > 0) {
Element.copy(oldVB, oldI, newVB, newI);
// Create the index buffer and fill it with indices.
IndexBuffer ib = IndexBuffer.createIndexBuffer(newN, oldN);
for (int oldI = 0; oldI < oldN; ++oldI) {
int newI = old2new[oldI];
ib.put(oldI, newI);
VertexBuffer.Format ibFormat = ib.getFormat();
Buffer ibData = ib.getBuffer();
result.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, 1, ibFormat, ibData);
// Flip each buffer.
for (VertexBuffer outVB : result.getBufferList()) {
Buffer data = outVB.getData();
int endPosition = data.capacity();
assert hasIndices(result);
return result;
* Add normals to a Mesh for an outward-facing sphere.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, without normals)
public static void addSphereNormals(Mesh mesh) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.require(!hasAnyNormals(mesh), "not have normals");
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Normal, VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
VertexBuffer bpPosition
= mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition);
if (bpPosition != null) {
generateSphereNormals(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal,
* Test whether specified vertices in the specified Mesh are identical.
* @param mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param vi1 the index of the first vertex (≥0)
* @param vi2 the index of the 2nd vertex (≥0)
* @return true if identical, otherwise false
public static boolean areIdentical(Mesh mesh, int vi1, int vi2) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
Validate.inRange(vi1, "first vertex index", 0, numVertices - 1);
Validate.inRange(vi2, "2nd vertex index", 0, numVertices - 1);
if (vi1 == vi2) {
return true;
for (VertexBuffer vertexBuffer : mesh.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = vertexBuffer.getBufferType();
if (type != VertexBuffer.Type.Index
&& vertexBuffer.getNumElements() > 0) {
if (!Element.equals(vertexBuffer, vi1, vi2)) {
return false;
return true;
* Generate a material to visualize the bone weights in the specified Mesh.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, animated, modified)
* @param boneIndexToColor map bone indices to colors (not null, unaffected)
* @param assetManager (not null)
* @return a new wireframe material instance
public static Material boneWeightMaterial(Mesh mesh,
ColorRGBA[] boneIndexToColor, AssetManager assetManager) {
if (!isAnimated(mesh)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must be an animated mesh.");
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
FloatBuffer colorBuf = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(4 * numVertices);
int[] biArray = new int[maxWeights];
float[] bwArray = new float[maxWeights];
ColorRGBA sum = new ColorRGBA();
ColorRGBA term = new ColorRGBA();
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numVertices; ++vertexIndex) {
vertexBoneIndices(mesh, vertexIndex, biArray);
vertexBoneWeights(mesh, vertexIndex, bwArray);
sum.set(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f);
for (int j = 0; j < maxWeights; ++j) {
int boneI = biArray[j];
if (boneI >= 0 && boneI < boneIndexToColor.length) {
float weight = bwArray[j];
mesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Color, 4, VertexBuffer.Format.Float,
Material material = MyAsset.createUnshadedMaterial(assetManager);
material.setBoolean("VertexColor", true);
RenderState rs = material.getAdditionalRenderState();
return material;
* Translate the specified VertexBuffer so that the center of its
* axis-aligned bounding box is at (0, 0, 0).
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param bufferType which buffer to modify (not null)
public static void centerBuffer(Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType) {
Validate.nonNull(bufferType, "buffer type");
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(bufferType);
if (vertexBuffer != null) {
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = (FloatBuffer) vertexBuffer.getData();
Vector3f max = new Vector3f();
Vector3f min = new Vector3f();
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
int numFloats = numAxes * numVertices;
MyBuffer.maxMin(floatBuffer, 0, numFloats, max, min);
Vector3f offset = MyVector3f.midpoint(max, min, null).negateLocal();
MyBuffer.translate(floatBuffer, 0, numFloats, offset);
* Estimate the number of bones in the specified Mesh by reading its
* bone-index buffers.
* @param mesh the Mesh to examine (not null)
* @return an estimated number of bones (≥0)
public static int countBones(Mesh mesh) {
int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
maxWeightsPerVert, "mesh max num weights", 1, maxWeights);
VertexBuffer biBuf = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
Buffer boneIndexBuffer = biBuf.getDataReadOnly();
int numBoneIndices = boneIndexBuffer.remaining();
assert numBoneIndices % maxWeights == 0 : numBoneIndices;
int numVertices = boneIndexBuffer.remaining() / maxWeights;
FloatBuffer weightBuffer
= mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
int numWeights = weightBuffer.remaining();
assert numWeights == numVertices * maxWeights : numWeights;
int result = 0;
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < numVertices; ++vIndex) {
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeights; ++wIndex) {
float weight = weightBuffer.get();
int boneIndex = MyBuffer.readIndex(boneIndexBuffer);
if (wIndex < maxWeightsPerVert && weight != 0f
&& boneIndex >= result) {
result = boneIndex + 1;
assert result >= 0 : result;
return result;
* Expand a Mesh to ensure that no vertex data are re-used. Any index buffer
* is eliminated and any loop/strip/fan mode is changed to Triangles or
* Lines.
* @param in the input mesh (not null, mode not Hybrid or Patch, unaffected)
* @return a new Mesh (without an index buffer, in one of the list modes)
public static Mesh expand(Mesh in) {
IndexBuffer indexList = in.getIndicesAsList();
int outVertexCount = indexList.size();
Mesh.Mode outMode = expandedMode(in);
// Create a shallow clone of the input mesh.
Mesh out = in.clone();
for (VertexBuffer inVertexBuffer : in.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = inVertexBuffer.getBufferType();
if (type != VertexBuffer.Type.Index) {
VertexBuffer.Format format = inVertexBuffer.getFormat();
if (format == null) {
format = VertexBuffer.Format.Float; // to avoid an NPE
int numCperE = inVertexBuffer.getNumComponents();
numCperE = MyMath.clamp(numCperE, 1, 4); // to avoid an IAE
Buffer data = VertexBuffer
.createBuffer(format, numCperE, outVertexCount);
out.setBuffer(type, numCperE, format, data);
// Copy all vertex data to the new Mesh.
for (int outVI = 0; outVI < outVertexCount; ++outVI) {
int inVI = indexList.get(outVI);
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = outVB.getBufferType();
VertexBuffer inVB = in.getBuffer(type);
assert inVB != outVB;
if (inVB.getNumElements() > 0) {
Element.copy(inVB, inVI, outVB, outVI);
// Flip each buffer.
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
Buffer data = outVB.getData();
int endPosition = data.capacity();
assert out.getMode().isListMode();
assert !hasIndices(out);
return out;
* Determine the type of primitives contained in the specified Mesh.
* @param inputMesh the Mesh to analyze (not null, mode not Hybrid or Patch,
* unaffected)
* @return an enum value (one of the list modes)
* @see #hasTriangles(com.jme3.scene.Mesh)
public static Mesh.Mode expandedMode(Mesh inputMesh) {
Mesh.Mode mode = inputMesh.getMode();
Mesh.Mode result;
switch (mode) {
case Points:
case Lines:
case Triangles:
result = mode;
case LineLoop:
case LineStrip:
result = Mesh.Mode.Lines;
case TriangleFan:
case TriangleStrip:
result = Mesh.Mode.Triangles;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mode = " + mode);
assert result.isListMode();
return result;
* Generate normals on a triangle-by-triangle basis for a Triangles-mode
* Mesh without an index buffer. Pre-existing normal buffers are discarded.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, mode=Triangles, not indexed)
public static void generateFacetNormals(Mesh mesh) {
mesh.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Triangles, "be in Triangles mode");
Validate.require(!hasIndices(mesh), "not have an index buffer");
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Normal, VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
VertexBuffer bpPosition
= mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition);
if (bpPosition != null) {
generateFacetNormals(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal,
* Generate facet normals for a Triangles-mode Mesh without an index buffer.
* Any pre-existing target buffer is discarded.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, mode=Triangles, not indexed)
* @param normalBufferType the target buffer type (Normal or BindPoseNormal)
* @param positionBufferType the source buffer type (Position or
* BindPosePosition)
public static void generateFacetNormals(Mesh mesh,
VertexBuffer.Type normalBufferType,
VertexBuffer.Type positionBufferType) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.require(mesh.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Triangles,
"be in Triangles mode");
Validate.require(!hasIndices(mesh), "not have an index buffer");
Validate.require(normalBufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal
|| normalBufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Normal,
"normal target-buffer type");
positionBufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition
|| positionBufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Position,
"position source-buffer type");
FloatBuffer positionBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(positionBufferType);
int numFloats = positionBuffer.limit();
FloatBuffer normalBuffer = BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(numFloats);
mesh.setBuffer(normalBufferType, numAxes, normalBuffer);
Triangle triangle = new Triangle();
Vector3f pos1 = new Vector3f();
Vector3f pos2 = new Vector3f();
Vector3f pos3 = new Vector3f();
int numTriangles = numFloats / vpt / numAxes;
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTriangles; ++triIndex) {
int trianglePosition = triIndex * vpt * numAxes;
MyBuffer.get(positionBuffer, trianglePosition, pos1);
MyBuffer.get(positionBuffer, trianglePosition + numAxes, pos2);
MyBuffer.get(positionBuffer, trianglePosition + 2 * numAxes, pos3);
triangle.set(pos1, pos2, pos3);
Vector3f normal = triangle.getNormal();
for (int j = 0; j < vpt; ++j) {
* Generate normals on a triangle-by-triangle basis for a Triangles-mode
* Mesh without an index buffer. Pre-existing normal buffers are discarded.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, mode=Triangles, not indexed)
* @deprecated use {@link #generateFacetNormals(com.jme3.scene.Mesh)}
public static void generateNormals(Mesh mesh) {
mesh.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Triangles, "be in Triangles mode");
Validate.require(!hasIndices(mesh), "not have an index buffer");
* Generate sphere normals for a Mesh. Any pre-existing target buffer is
* discarded.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null)
* @param normalBufferType the target buffer type (Normal or BindPoseNormal)
* @param positionBufferType the source buffer type (Position or
* BindPosePosition)
public static void generateSphereNormals(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type normalBufferType,
VertexBuffer.Type positionBufferType) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
FloatBuffer positionBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(positionBufferType);
int numFloats = positionBuffer.limit();
FloatBuffer normalBuffer = BufferUtils.clone(positionBuffer);
mesh.setBuffer(normalBufferType, numAxes, normalBuffer);
MyBuffer.normalize(normalBuffer, 0, numFloats);
* Access the collision tree of the specified Mesh
* @param mesh the Mesh to access (not null, unaffected)
* @return the pre-existing instance, or null if none
public static CollisionData getCollisionTree(Mesh mesh) {
Field field;
try {
field = Mesh.class.getDeclaredField("collisionTree");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
CollisionData result;
try {
result = (CollisionData) field.get(mesh);
} catch (IllegalAccessException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException(exception);
return result;
* Test whether the specified Mesh has vertex normals, including bind-pose
* normals.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh has vertex normals, otherwise false
public static boolean hasAnyNormals(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer buffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal);
if (buffer == null && !hasNormals(mesh)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Test whether the specified Mesh has vertex tangents, including bind-pose
* tangents.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh has vertex tangents, otherwise false
public static boolean hasAnyTangents(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer buffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseTangent);
if (buffer == null && !hasTangents(mesh)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Test whether the specified Mesh has an index buffer.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh has indices, otherwise false
public static boolean hasIndices(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer buffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index);
if (buffer == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Test whether the specified Mesh has vertex normals, not including
* bind-pose normals.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh has vertex normals, otherwise false
public static boolean hasNormals(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer buffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Normal);
if (buffer == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Test whether the specified Mesh has vertex tangents, not including
* bind-pose tangents.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh has vertex tangents, otherwise false
public static boolean hasTangents(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer buffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent);
if (buffer == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Test whether the specified Mesh is composed of triangles.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh is composed of triangles, otherwise false
public static boolean hasTriangles(Mesh mesh) {
Mesh.Mode mode = mesh.getMode();
boolean result;
switch (mode) {
case Points:
case Lines:
case LineStrip:
case LineLoop:
result = false;
case Triangles:
case TriangleFan:
case TriangleStrip:
result = true;
String message = "mode = " + mode;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
return result;
* Test whether the specified Mesh has texture (U-V) coordinates.
* @param mesh the Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if the Mesh has texture coordinates, otherwise false
public static boolean hasUV(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer buffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord);
if (buffer == null) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
* Test whether the specified Mesh is bone animated. Unlike
* {@code Mesh.isAnimated()}, this method checks for bone weights and
* ignores hardware buffers.
* @param mesh which Mesh to test (not null, unaffected)
* @return true if animated, otherwise false
public static boolean isAnimated(Mesh mesh) {
VertexBuffer indices = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
boolean hasIndices = indices != null;
VertexBuffer weights = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
boolean hasWeights = weights != null;
boolean result = hasIndices && hasWeights;
return result;
* Enumerate all meshes in the specified subtree of a scene graph. Note:
* recursive!
* @param subtree (may be null, aliases created)
* @param storeResult storage for results (added to if not null)
* @return an expanded list (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static List listMeshes(
Spatial subtree, List storeResult) {
List result = (storeResult == null)
? new ArrayList(10) : storeResult;
if (subtree instanceof Geometry) {
Geometry geometry = (Geometry) subtree;
Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh();
if (!result.contains(mesh)) {
} else if (subtree instanceof Node) {
Node node = (Node) subtree;
List children = node.getChildren();
for (Spatial child : children) {
listMeshes(child, result);
return result;
* Enumerate the world locations of all vertices in the specified subtree of
* a scene graph. Note: recursive!
* @param subtree (may be null)
* @param storeResult storage for results (added to if not null)
* @return the resulting set (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static VectorSet listVertexLocations(
Spatial subtree, VectorSet storeResult) {
VectorSet result;
if (storeResult == null) {
int numVectors = 64;
boolean direct = false;
result = new VectorSetUsingBuffer(numVectors, direct);
} else {
result = storeResult;
if (subtree instanceof Geometry) {
Geometry geometry = (Geometry) subtree;
Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh();
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
Vector3f tempLocation = new Vector3f();
for (int vertexI = 0; vertexI < numVertices; ++vertexI) {
vertexVector3f(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Position, vertexI,
if (!geometry.isIgnoreTransform()) {
geometry.localToWorld(tempLocation, tempLocation);
} else if (subtree instanceof Node) {
Node node = (Node) subtree;
List children = node.getChildren();
for (Spatial child : children) {
listVertexLocations(child, result);
return result;
* Merge 2 meshes.
* Doesn't handle levels of detail, hybrid meshes, or tessellation meshes.
* Both meshes must be composed of the same sort of primitives. In other
* words, if mesh1 is composed of triangles, then so must mesh2, and vice
* versa.
* Apart from indices, both meshes must have the same set of vertex buffers.
* In other words, if mesh1 has normals, UVs, and bone animations, then so
* must mesh2, and vice versa. Furthermore, corresponding vertex buffers
* must have the same number of components per element.
* @param mesh1 the first input mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param mesh2 the 2nd input mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @return a new Mesh (without an index buffer, in one of the list modes)
public static Mesh merge(Mesh mesh1, Mesh mesh2) {
int levels1 = mesh1.getNumLodLevels();
Validate.require(levels1 == 0, "no LODs in mesh1");
int levels2 = mesh1.getNumLodLevels();
Validate.require(levels2 == 0, "no LODs in mesh2");
Mesh.Mode outMode = expandedMode(mesh1);
Mesh.Mode outMode2 = expandedMode(mesh2);
Validate.require(outMode == outMode2, "same primitives");
Mesh result = new Mesh();
IndexBuffer indexList1 = mesh1.getIndicesAsList();
IndexBuffer indexList2 = mesh2.getIndicesAsList();
int numVertices1 = indexList1.size();
int numVertices2 = indexList2.size();
int outNumVertices = numVertices1 + numVertices2;
for (VertexBuffer.Type type : VertexBuffer.Type.values()) {
if (type == VertexBuffer.Type.Index) {
VertexBuffer vb1 = mesh1.getBuffer(type);
VertexBuffer vb2 = mesh2.getBuffer(type);
if (vb1 == null && vb2 == null) {
* If one input mesh includes the buffer, then so must the other,
* and the components per element must be equal.
Validate.nonNull(vb1, "mesh1's " + type);
Validate.nonNull(vb2, "mesh2's " + type);
int numCperE = vb1.getNumComponents();
int numCperE2 = vb2.getNumComponents();
assert numCperE2 == numCperE : "numComponents differ in " + type;
// If the buffer formats differ, use the larger one for output.
VertexBuffer.Format format1 = vb1.getFormat();
if (format1 == null) {
format1 = VertexBuffer.Format.Float; // to avoid an NPE
VertexBuffer.Format format2 = vb2.getFormat();
if (format2 == null) {
format2 = VertexBuffer.Format.Float; // to avoid an NPE
VertexBuffer.Format outFormat;
if (format1.getComponentSize() > format2.getComponentSize()) {
outFormat = format1;
} else {
outFormat = format2;
// Create the vertex buffer for output.
numCperE = MyMath.clamp(numCperE, 1, 4); // to avoid an IAE
Buffer outBuffer = VertexBuffer
.createBuffer(outFormat, numCperE, outNumVertices);
result.setBuffer(type, numCperE, outFormat, outBuffer);
VertexBuffer outVb = result.getBuffer(type);
* Perform a component-by-component copy from the input buffers
* to the output buffer.
for (int vertexI = 0; vertexI < numVertices1; ++vertexI) {
int elementIndex = indexList1.get(vertexI);
for (int componentI = 0; componentI < numCperE; ++componentI) {
Object value
= vb1.getElementComponent(elementIndex, componentI);
outVb.setElementComponent(vertexI, componentI, value);
for (int vertexI = 0; vertexI < numVertices2; ++vertexI) {
int outIndex = numVertices1 + vertexI;
int vb2Index = indexList2.get(vertexI);
for (int componentI = 0; componentI < numCperE; ++componentI) {
Object value
= vb2.getElementComponent(vb2Index, componentI);
outVb.setElementComponent(outIndex, componentI, value);
int maxNumWeights1 = mesh1.getMaxNumWeights();
int maxNumWeights2 = mesh2.getMaxNumWeights();
int maxNumWeights = Math.max(maxNumWeights1, maxNumWeights2);
assert result.getMode().isListMode();
assert !hasIndices(result);
return result;
* Count how many vertices in the specified Mesh are directly influenced by
* the indexed bone.
* @param mesh the Mesh to analyze (not null, possibly modified)
* @param boneIndex which bone (≥0)
* @return count (≥0)
public static int numInfluenced(Mesh mesh, int boneIndex) {
Validate.nonNegative(boneIndex, "bone index");
int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
assert maxWeightsPerVert > 0 : maxWeightsPerVert;
assert maxWeightsPerVert <= maxWeights : maxWeightsPerVert;
VertexBuffer biBuf = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
Buffer boneIndexBuffer = biBuf.getDataReadOnly();
int numBoneIndices = boneIndexBuffer.remaining();
assert numBoneIndices % maxWeights == 0 : numBoneIndices;
int numVertices = boneIndexBuffer.remaining() / maxWeights;
FloatBuffer weightBuffer
= mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
int numWeights = weightBuffer.remaining();
assert numWeights == numVertices * maxWeights : numWeights;
int result = 0;
for (int vIndex = 0; vIndex < numVertices; ++vIndex) {
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeights; ++wIndex) {
float weight = weightBuffer.get();
int bIndex = MyBuffer.readIndex(boneIndexBuffer);
if (wIndex < maxWeightsPerVert
&& bIndex == boneIndex
&& weight != 0f) {
return result;
* Reverse the normals of a Mesh. Apply this method (for instance) after
* reversing the winding order of a triangle mesh.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null)
public static void reverseNormals(Mesh mesh) {
FloatBuffer buffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Normal);
if (buffer != null) {
MyBuffer.scale(buffer, 0, buffer.limit(), scaleReverse);
buffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal);
if (buffer != null) {
MyBuffer.scale(buffer, 0, buffer.limit(), scaleReverse);
* Reverse the winding order of a Triangles-mode Mesh, but don't reverse its
* normals.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, mode=Triangles)
public static void reverseWinding(Mesh mesh) {
mesh.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Triangles, "be in Triangles mode");
int numTriangles = mesh.getTriangleCount();
IndexBuffer indexBuffer = mesh.getIndexBuffer();
if (indexBuffer != null) { // a Mesh with indices
int numIndices = vpt * numTriangles;
assert indexBuffer.size() == numIndices : indexBuffer.size();
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTriangles; ++triIndex) {
int v1Index = vpt * triIndex;
int v3Index = (vpt * triIndex + vpt - 1);
int i1 = indexBuffer.get(v1Index);
int i3 = indexBuffer.get(v3Index);
indexBuffer.put(v1Index, i3);
indexBuffer.put(v3Index, i1);
} else { // a Mesh without indices
int numVertices = vpt * numTriangles;
for (VertexBuffer vb : mesh.getBufferList()) {
assert vb.getNumElements() == numVertices : vb.getNumElements();
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTriangles; ++triIndex) {
int v1Index = vpt * triIndex;
int v3Index = vpt * triIndex + vpt - 1;
Element.swap(vb, v1Index, v3Index);
* Apply the specified rotation to the specified Mesh. This is not
* recommended for animated meshes.
* @param mesh the Mesh to rotate (not null, modified)
* @param rotation the rotation to apply (not null, unaffected)
public static void rotate(Mesh mesh, Quaternion rotation) {
rotateBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Position, rotation);
rotateBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition, rotation);
rotateBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Normal, rotation);
rotateBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal, rotation);
rotateTangentBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent, rotation);
rotateTangentBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseTangent, rotation);
rotateBuffer(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Binormal, rotation);
* Apply the specified rotation to all data in the specified VertexBuffer.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param bufferType which buffer to modify (not null)
* @param rotation the rotation to apply (not null, unaffected)
public static void rotateBuffer(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType, Quaternion rotation) {
Validate.nonNull(bufferType, "buffer type");
Validate.nonNull(rotation, "rotation");
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(bufferType);
if (vertexBuffer != null) {
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = (FloatBuffer) vertexBuffer.getData();
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
int numFloats = numAxes * numVertices;
MyBuffer.rotate(floatBuffer, 0, numFloats, rotation);
* Apply the specified rotation to all data in the specified tangent buffer.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param bufferType which buffer to modify (not null)
* @param rotation the rotation to apply (not null, unaffected)
public static void rotateTangentBuffer(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType, Quaternion rotation) {
Validate.nonNull(bufferType, "buffer type");
Validate.nonNull(rotation, "rotation");
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(bufferType);
if (vertexBuffer != null) {
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = (FloatBuffer) vertexBuffer.getData();
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
Vector3f tmpV3 = new Vector3f();
Vector4f tmpV4 = new Vector4f();
for (int vertexI = 0; vertexI < numVertices; ++vertexI) {
vertexVector4f(mesh, bufferType, vertexI, tmpV4);
tmpV3.set(tmpV4.x, tmpV4.y, tmpV4.z);
MyQuaternion.rotate(rotation, tmpV3, tmpV3);
tmpV4.x = tmpV3.x;
tmpV4.y = tmpV3.y;
tmpV4.z = tmpV3.z;
int floatIndex = numAxes * vertexI;
floatBuffer.put(floatIndex, tmpV4.x);
floatBuffer.put(floatIndex + 1, tmpV4.y);
floatBuffer.put(floatIndex + 2, tmpV4.z);
floatBuffer.put(floatIndex + 3, tmpV4.w);
* Scale all vertex positions uniformly by the specified factor.
* @param mesh the Mesh to scale (not null, modified)
* @param factor the scale factor to apply
public static void scale(Mesh mesh, float factor) {
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
int numFloats = numAxes * numVertices;
Vector3f scale = new Vector3f(factor, factor, factor);
VertexBuffer posBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
FloatBuffer posFloats = (FloatBuffer) posBuffer.getData();
MyBuffer.scale(posFloats, 0, numFloats, scale);
VertexBuffer bindPosBuffer
= mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition);
if (bindPosBuffer != null) {
FloatBuffer bpFloats = (FloatBuffer) bindPosBuffer.getData();
MyBuffer.scale(bpFloats, 0, numFloats, scale);
* Replace the BoneIndexBuffer of a Mesh.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null)
* @param wpv the number of bone weights per vertex (≥1, ≤4)
* @param indexBuffer the desired IndexBuffer (not null, alias created)
public static void setBoneIndexBuffer(
Mesh mesh, int wpv, IndexBuffer indexBuffer) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.inRange(wpv, "weights per vertex", 1, maxWeights);
Buffer buffer = indexBuffer.getBuffer();
VertexBuffer.Type type = VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex;
if (buffer instanceof ByteBuffer) {
mesh.setBuffer(type, wpv, (ByteBuffer) buffer);
} else if (buffer instanceof IntBuffer) {
mesh.setBuffer(type, wpv, (IntBuffer) buffer);
} else if (buffer instanceof ShortBuffer) {
mesh.setBuffer(type, wpv, (ShortBuffer) buffer);
} else {
String message = buffer.getClass().getName();
throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
* Smooth the normals of a Mesh by averaging them across all uses of each
* distinct vertex position.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, with normals)
public static void smoothNormals(Mesh mesh) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.require(hasAnyNormals(mesh), "have normals");
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Normal, VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
VertexBuffer bpNormal
= mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal);
if (bpNormal != null) {
smoothNormals(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal,
* Smooth the normals of a Mesh by averaging them across all uses of each
* distinct vertex position.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null, with normals)
* @param normalBufferType the normal-buffer type (Normal or BindPoseNormal)
* @param positionBufferType the position-buffer type (Position or
public static void smoothNormals(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type normalBufferType,
VertexBuffer.Type positionBufferType) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
FloatBuffer positionBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(positionBufferType);
int numVertices = positionBuffer.limit() / numAxes;
Map mapPosToDpid = new HashMap<>(numVertices);
int numDistinctPositions = 0;
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numVertices; ++vertexIndex) {
int start = vertexIndex * numAxes;
Vector3f position = new Vector3f();
MyBuffer.get(positionBuffer, start, position);
MyVector3f.standardize(position, position);
if (!mapPosToDpid.containsKey(position)) {
mapPosToDpid.put(position, numDistinctPositions);
// Initialize the normal sum for each distinct position.
Vector3f[] normalSum = new Vector3f[numDistinctPositions];
for (int dpid = 0; dpid < numDistinctPositions; ++dpid) {
normalSum[dpid] = new Vector3f(0f, 0f, 0f);
IndexBuffer indexList = mesh.getIndicesAsList();
int numIndices = indexList.size();
FloatBuffer normalBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(normalBufferType);
Vector3f tmpPosition = new Vector3f();
Vector3f tmpNormal = new Vector3f();
for (int ibPosition = 0; ibPosition < numIndices; ++ibPosition) {
int vertexIndex = indexList.get(ibPosition);
int start = vertexIndex * numAxes;
MyBuffer.get(positionBuffer, start, tmpPosition);
MyVector3f.standardize(tmpPosition, tmpPosition);
int dpid = mapPosToDpid.get(tmpPosition);
MyBuffer.get(normalBuffer, start, tmpNormal);
// Re-normalize the normal sum for each distinct position.
for (Vector3f vector3f : normalSum) {
// Write new normals to the buffer.
for (int vertexIndex = 0; vertexIndex < numVertices; ++vertexIndex) {
int start = vertexIndex * numAxes;
MyBuffer.get(positionBuffer, start, tmpPosition);
MyVector3f.standardize(tmpPosition, tmpPosition);
int dpid = mapPosToDpid.get(tmpPosition);
MyBuffer.put(normalBuffer, start, normalSum[dpid]);
* Subdivide the specified Lines-mode mesh by the specified ratio.
* @param in the input mesh (not null, mode=Lines, unaffected)
* @param ratio the input edge lengths divided by result edge lengths
* (>1)
* @return a new Mesh (mode=Lines, not indexed)
public static Mesh subdivideLines(Mesh in, int ratio) {
Validate.nonNull(in, "input mesh");
Validate.require(in.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Lines, "be in Lines mode");
Validate.inRange(ratio, "ratio", 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
IndexBuffer indexList = in.getIndicesAsList();
int inEdgeCount = in.getTriangleCount();
assert inEdgeCount * vpe == indexList.size() : inEdgeCount;
int outVertexCount = indexList.size() * ratio;
// Create a shallow clone of the input mesh.
Mesh out = in.clone();
// Create output buffers.
for (VertexBuffer inVertexBuffer : in.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = inVertexBuffer.getBufferType();
if (type != VertexBuffer.Type.Index) {
VertexBuffer.Format format = VertexBuffer.Format.Float;
int numCperE = inVertexBuffer.getNumComponents();
numCperE = MyMath.clamp(numCperE, 1, 4); // to avoid an IAE
Buffer data = VertexBuffer.createBuffer(
format, numCperE, outVertexCount);
out.setBuffer(type, numCperE, format, data);
// Interpolate all vertex data to the output Mesh.
int outVI = 0;
for (int inEI = 0; inEI < inEdgeCount; ++inEI) {
int inVI0 = indexList.get(vpe * inEI);
int inVI1 = indexList.get(vpe * inEI + 1);
for (int subI = 0; subI < ratio; ++subI) {
float t0 = subI / (float) ratio;
float t1 = (subI + 1) / (float) ratio;
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = outVB.getBufferType();
VertexBuffer inVB = in.getBuffer(type);
assert inVB != outVB;
if (inVB.getNumElements() > 0) {
Element.lerp(t0, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, outVB, outVI);
Element.lerp(t1, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, outVB, outVI);
// Flip each buffer.
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
Buffer data = outVB.getData();
int endPosition = data.capacity();
assert out.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Lines : out.getMode();
assert !hasIndices(out);
return out;
* Uniformly subdivide the specified Triangles-mode mesh by the specified
* ratio.
* @param in the input mesh (not null, mode=Triangles, unaffected)
* @param ratio the input edge lengths divided by output edge lengths
* (>1)
* @return a new Mesh (mode=Triangles, not indexed)
public static Mesh subdivideTriangles(Mesh in, int ratio) {
Validate.nonNull(in, "input mesh");
in.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Triangles, "be in Triangles mode");
Validate.inRange(ratio, "ratio", 2, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
IndexBuffer indexList = in.getIndicesAsList();
int inTriangleCount = in.getTriangleCount();
assert inTriangleCount * vpt == indexList.size() : inTriangleCount;
int outVertexCount = indexList.size() * ratio * ratio;
// Create a shallow clone of the input mesh.
Mesh out = in.clone();
// Create output buffers.
for (VertexBuffer inVertexBuffer : in.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = inVertexBuffer.getBufferType();
if (type != VertexBuffer.Type.Index) {
VertexBuffer.Format format = VertexBuffer.Format.Float;
int numCperE = inVertexBuffer.getNumComponents();
numCperE = MyMath.clamp(numCperE, 1, 4); // to avoid an IAE
Buffer data = VertexBuffer.createBuffer(
format, numCperE, outVertexCount);
out.setBuffer(type, numCperE, format, data);
// Interpolate all vertex data to the output Mesh.
int outVI = 0;
for (int inTI = 0; inTI < inTriangleCount; ++inTI) {
int inVI0 = indexList.get(vpt * inTI);
int inVI1 = indexList.get(vpt * inTI + 1);
int inVI2 = indexList.get(vpt * inTI + 2);
* First, output the triangles that point
* in the same direction as the input triangle ...
for (int subI = 0; subI < ratio; ++subI) {
for (int subJ = 0; subJ < ratio - subI; ++subJ) {
int subK = ratio - subI - subJ - 1;
float t1a = subJ / (float) ratio;
float t1b = (subJ + 1) / (float) ratio;
float t2a = subK / (float) ratio;
float t2b = (subK + 1) / (float) ratio;
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = outVB.getBufferType();
VertexBuffer inVB = in.getBuffer(type);
assert inVB != outVB;
if (inVB.getNumElements() > 0) {
Element.lerp3(t1a, t2a, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, inVI2,
outVB, outVI);
Element.lerp3(t1b, t2a, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, inVI2,
outVB, outVI + 1);
Element.lerp3(t1a, t2b, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, inVI2,
outVB, outVI + 2);
outVI += vpt;
* Now, output the (smaller number of) triangles that point
* in the opposite direction from the input triangle ...
for (int subI = 0; subI < ratio - 1; ++subI) {
for (int subJ = 0; subJ < ratio - subI - 1; ++subJ) {
int subK = ratio - subI - subJ - 2;
float t1a = subJ / (float) ratio;
float t1b = (subJ + 1) / (float) ratio;
float t2a = subK / (float) ratio;
float t2b = (subK + 1) / (float) ratio;
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
VertexBuffer.Type type = outVB.getBufferType();
VertexBuffer inVB = in.getBuffer(type);
assert inVB != outVB;
if (inVB.getNumElements() > 0) {
Element.lerp3(t1b, t2a, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, inVI2,
outVB, outVI);
Element.lerp3(t1b, t2b, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, inVI2,
outVB, outVI + 1);
Element.lerp3(t1a, t2b, inVB, inVI0, inVI1, inVI2,
outVB, outVI + 2);
outVI += vpt;
// Flip each buffer.
for (VertexBuffer outVB : out.getBufferList()) {
Buffer data = outVB.getData();
int endPosition = data.capacity();
assert out.getMode() == Mesh.Mode.Triangles : out.getMode();
assert !hasIndices(out);
return out;
* Apply the specified coordinate transform to all data in the specified
* VertexBuffer.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param bufferType which buffer to read (not null)
* @param transform the Transform to apply (not null, unaffected)
public static void transformBuffer(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType, Transform transform) {
Validate.nonNull(bufferType, "buffer type");
Validate.nonNull(transform, "transform");
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(bufferType);
if (vertexBuffer != null) {
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = (FloatBuffer) vertexBuffer.getData();
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
int numFloats = numAxes * numVertices;
MyBuffer.transform(floatBuffer, 0, numFloats, transform);
* Translate all vertices in the specified Mesh by the specified offset.
* @param mesh the Mesh to translate (not null, modified)
* @param offset the amount to add to each position (not null, unaffected)
public static void translate(Mesh mesh, Vector3f offset) {
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
int numFloats = numAxes * numVertices;
VertexBuffer posBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Position);
FloatBuffer posFloats = (FloatBuffer) posBuffer.getData();
MyBuffer.translate(posFloats, 0, numFloats, offset);
VertexBuffer bindPosBuffer
= mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition);
if (bindPosBuffer != null) {
FloatBuffer bpFloats = (FloatBuffer) bindPosBuffer.getData();
MyBuffer.translate(bpFloats, 0, numFloats, offset);
* Convert mesh triangles to lines.
* @param mesh the Mesh to modify (not null,
* mode=Triangles/TriangleFan/TriangleStrip)
public static void trianglesToLines(Mesh mesh) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.require(hasTriangles(mesh), "contain triangles");
IndexBuffer indexList = mesh.getIndicesAsList();
int numTriangles = indexList.size() / vpt;
Set edgeSet = new HashSet<>(vpt * numTriangles);
for (int triIndex = 0; triIndex < numTriangles; ++triIndex) {
int intOffset = vpt * triIndex;
int ti0 = indexList.get(intOffset);
int ti1 = indexList.get(intOffset + 1);
int ti2 = indexList.get(intOffset + 2);
edgeSet.add(new IntPair(ti0, ti1));
edgeSet.add(new IntPair(ti0, ti2));
edgeSet.add(new IntPair(ti1, ti2));
int numEdges = edgeSet.size();
int numIndices = vpe * numEdges;
int numVertices = mesh.getVertexCount();
IndexBuffer ib = IndexBuffer.createIndexBuffer(numVertices, numIndices);
for (IntPair edge : edgeSet) {
VertexBuffer.Format ibFormat = ib.getFormat();
Buffer ibData = ib.getBuffer();
mesh.setBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Index, vpe, ibFormat, ibData);
* Copy the bone indices for the indexed vertex.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the data vector (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static int[] vertexBoneIndices(
Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex, int[] storeResult) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
int[] result;
if (storeResult == null) {
result = new int[maxWeights];
} else {
assert storeResult.length >= maxWeights : storeResult.length;
result = storeResult;
int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
if (maxWeightsPerVert <= 0) {
maxWeightsPerVert = 1;
VertexBuffer biBuf = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
Buffer boneIndexBuffer = biBuf.getDataReadOnly();
boneIndexBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeightsPerVert; ++wIndex) {
int boneIndex = MyBuffer.readIndex(boneIndexBuffer);
result[wIndex] = boneIndex;
// Fill with -1s.
int length = result.length;
for (int wIndex = maxWeightsPerVert; wIndex < length; ++wIndex) {
result[wIndex] = -1;
return result;
* Copy the bone weights for the indexed vertex.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the data vector (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static float[] vertexBoneWeights(
Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex, float[] storeResult) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
float[] result;
if (storeResult == null) {
result = new float[maxWeights];
} else {
assert storeResult.length >= maxWeights : storeResult.length;
result = storeResult;
int maxWeightsPerVert = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
if (maxWeightsPerVert <= 0) {
maxWeightsPerVert = 1;
FloatBuffer weightBuffer
= mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
int startIndex = maxWeights * vertexIndex;
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeightsPerVert; ++wIndex) {
result[wIndex] = weightBuffer.get(startIndex + wIndex);
// Fill with 0s.
int length = result.length;
for (int wIndex = maxWeightsPerVert; wIndex < length; ++wIndex) {
result[wIndex] = 0f;
return result;
* Copy the color of the indexed vertex from the color buffer of the
* specified Mesh. The buffer must have 3 or 4 components per element.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the color (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static ColorRGBA vertexColor(
Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex, ColorRGBA storeResult) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
ColorRGBA result
= (storeResult == null) ? new ColorRGBA() : storeResult;
VertexBuffer vertexBuffer = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Color);
int numComponents = vertexBuffer.getNumComponents();
Validate.require(numComponents == 3 || numComponents == 4,
"3 or 4 components per element");
int bufferPosition = numComponents * vertexIndex;
Buffer data = vertexBuffer.getDataReadOnly();
if (data instanceof ByteBuffer) {
// BitmapTextPage (for example) puts byte data in its Color buffer!
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = (ByteBuffer) data;
int r = byteBuffer.get(bufferPosition) & 0xFF;
int g = byteBuffer.get(bufferPosition + 1) & 0xFF;
int b = byteBuffer.get(bufferPosition + 2) & 0xFF;
int a;
if (numComponents == 4) {
a = byteBuffer.get(bufferPosition + 3) & 0xFF;
} else {
a = 255;
result.set(r, g, b, a);
result.multLocal(1f / 255);
} else {
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = (FloatBuffer) data;
result.r = floatBuffer.get(bufferPosition);
result.g = floatBuffer.get(bufferPosition + 1);
result.b = floatBuffer.get(bufferPosition + 2);
if (numComponents == 4) {
result.a = floatBuffer.get(bufferPosition + 3);
} else {
result.a = 1f;
return result;
* Determine the location of the indexed vertex in mesh space using the
* skinning matrices provided.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param skinningMatrices (not null, unaffected)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return mesh coordinates (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static Vector3f vertexLocation(Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex,
Matrix4f[] skinningMatrices, Vector3f storeResult) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Validate.nonNull(skinningMatrices, "skinning matrices");
Vector3f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector3f() : storeResult;
if (isAnimated(mesh)) {
Vector3f b = vertexVector3f(mesh,
VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition, vertexIndex, null);
FloatBuffer weightBuffer
= mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
weightBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);
VertexBuffer biBuf = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
Buffer boneIndexBuffer = biBuf.getDataReadOnly();
boneIndexBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);;
int maxWeightsPerVertex = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeightsPerVertex; ++wIndex) {
float weight = weightBuffer.get();
int boneIndex = MyBuffer.readIndex(boneIndexBuffer);
if (weight != 0f) {
Matrix4f s;
if (boneIndex < skinningMatrices.length) {
s = skinningMatrices[boneIndex];
} else {
s = matrixIdentity;
float xOf = s.m00 * b.x + s.m01 * b.y + s.m02 * b.z + s.m03;
float yOf = s.m10 * b.x + s.m11 * b.y + s.m12 * b.z + s.m13;
float zOf = s.m20 * b.x + s.m21 * b.y + s.m22 * b.z + s.m23;
result.x += weight * xOf;
result.y += weight * yOf;
result.z += weight * zOf;
} else { // not an animated mesh
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Position, vertexIndex, result);
return result;
* Determine the normal of the indexed vertex in mesh space using the
* skinning matrices provided.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param skinningMatrices (not null, unaffected)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return a unit vector in mesh space (either storeResult or a new
* instance)
public static Vector3f vertexNormal(Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex,
Matrix4f[] skinningMatrices, Vector3f storeResult) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Validate.nonNull(skinningMatrices, "skinning matrices");
Vector3f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector3f() : storeResult;
if (isAnimated(mesh)) {
Vector3f b = vertexVector3f(
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal, vertexIndex, null);
FloatBuffer weightBuffer
= mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
weightBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);
VertexBuffer biBuf = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
Buffer boneIndexBuffer = biBuf.getDataReadOnly();
boneIndexBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);;
int maxWeightsPerVertex = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeightsPerVertex; ++wIndex) {
float weight = weightBuffer.get();
int boneIndex = MyBuffer.readIndex(boneIndexBuffer);
if (weight != 0f) {
Matrix4f s;
if (boneIndex < skinningMatrices.length) {
s = skinningMatrices[boneIndex];
} else {
s = matrixIdentity;
float xOf = s.m00 * b.x + s.m01 * b.y + s.m02 * b.z;
float yOf = s.m10 * b.x + s.m11 * b.y + s.m12 * b.z;
float zOf = s.m20 * b.x + s.m21 * b.y + s.m22 * b.z;
result.x += weight * xOf;
result.y += weight * yOf;
result.z += weight * zOf;
} else { // not an animated mesh
vertexVector3f(mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Normal, vertexIndex, result);
return result;
* Read the size of the indexed vertex from the size buffer.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @return the size (in pixels)
public static float vertexSize(Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.Size);
float result = floatBuffer.get(vertexIndex);
return result;
* Determine the tangent of the indexed vertex in mesh space using the
* skinning matrices provided.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param skinningMatrices (not null, unaffected)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the tangent vector (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static Vector4f vertexTangent(Mesh mesh, int vertexIndex,
Matrix4f[] skinningMatrices, Vector4f storeResult) {
Validate.nonNull(mesh, "mesh");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Validate.nonNull(skinningMatrices, "skinning matrices");
Vector4f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector4f() : storeResult;
if (isAnimated(mesh)) {
Vector4f b = vertexVector4f(
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseTangent, vertexIndex, null);
FloatBuffer weightBuffer
= mesh.getFloatBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight);
weightBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);
VertexBuffer biBuf = mesh.getBuffer(VertexBuffer.Type.BoneIndex);
Buffer boneIndexBuffer = biBuf.getDataReadOnly();
boneIndexBuffer.position(maxWeights * vertexIndex);;
int maxWeightsPerVertex = mesh.getMaxNumWeights();
for (int wIndex = 0; wIndex < maxWeightsPerVertex; ++wIndex) {
float weight = weightBuffer.get();
int boneIndex = MyBuffer.readIndex(boneIndexBuffer);
if (weight != 0f) {
Matrix4f s;
if (boneIndex < skinningMatrices.length) {
s = skinningMatrices[boneIndex];
} else {
s = matrixIdentity;
float xOf = s.m00 * b.x + s.m01 * b.y + s.m02 * b.z;
float yOf = s.m10 * b.x + s.m11 * b.y + s.m12 * b.z;
float zOf = s.m20 * b.x + s.m21 * b.y + s.m22 * b.z;
result.x += weight * xOf;
result.y += weight * yOf;
result.z += weight * zOf;
result.w = b.w; // copy the binormal parity
} else { // not an animated mesh
mesh, VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent, vertexIndex, result);
return result;
* Copy texture coordinates of the indexed vertex from the specified vertex
* buffer.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param bufferType which buffer to read (8 legal values)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the texture coordinates (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static Vector2f vertexVector2f(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType, int vertexIndex,
Vector2f storeResult) {
assert Validate.require(bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord2
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord3
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord4
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord5
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord6
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord7
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.TexCoord8,
"legal VertexBuffer type");
assert Validate.require(
mesh.getBuffer(bufferType).getNumComponents() == 2,
"2 components per element");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Vector2f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector2f() : storeResult;
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(bufferType);
int floatIndex = 2 * vertexIndex;
result.x = floatBuffer.get(floatIndex);
result.y = floatBuffer.get(floatIndex + 1);
return result;
* Copy Vector3f data for the indexed vertex from the specified
* VertexBuffer.
* A software skin update is required BEFORE reading positions/normals from
* an animated mesh.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param bufferType which buffer to read (5 legal values)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the data vector (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static Vector3f vertexVector3f(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType, int vertexIndex,
Vector3f storeResult) {
assert Validate.require(bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseNormal
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.BindPosePosition
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Binormal
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Normal
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Position,
"legal VertexBuffer type");
assert Validate.require(
mesh.getBuffer(bufferType).getNumComponents() == 3,
"3 components per element");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Vector3f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector3f() : storeResult;
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(bufferType);
int floatIndex = MyVector3f.numAxes * vertexIndex;
MyBuffer.get(floatBuffer, floatIndex, result);
return result;
* Copy Vector4f data for the indexed vertex from the specified vertex
* buffer.
* A software skin update is required BEFORE reading tangents from an
* animated mesh.
* @param mesh the subject mesh (not null, unaffected)
* @param bufferType which buffer to read (5 legal values)
* @param vertexIndex index into the mesh's vertices (≥0)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the data vector (either storeResult or a new instance)
public static Vector4f vertexVector4f(
Mesh mesh, VertexBuffer.Type bufferType, int vertexIndex,
Vector4f storeResult) {
assert Validate.require(bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.BindPoseTangent
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.BoneWeight
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Color
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.HWBoneWeight
|| bufferType == VertexBuffer.Type.Tangent,
"legal VertexBuffer type");
assert Validate.require(
mesh.getBuffer(bufferType).getNumComponents() == 4,
"4 components per element");
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Vector4f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector4f() : storeResult;
FloatBuffer floatBuffer = mesh.getFloatBuffer(bufferType);
int floatIndex = 4 * vertexIndex;
result.x = floatBuffer.get(floatIndex);
result.y = floatBuffer.get(floatIndex + 1);
result.z = floatBuffer.get(floatIndex + 2);
result.w = floatBuffer.get(floatIndex + 3);
return result;
* Determine the location of the indexed vertex in world space using the
* skinning matrices provided.
* @param geometry Geometry containing the subject mesh (not null)
* @param vertexIndex index into the geometry's vertices (≥0)
* @param skinningMatrices (not null, unaffected)
* @param storeResult storage for the result (modified if not null)
* @return the location in world coordinates (either storeResult or a new
* instance)
public static Vector3f vertexWorldLocation(
Geometry geometry, int vertexIndex, Matrix4f[] skinningMatrices,
Vector3f storeResult) {
Validate.nonNegative(vertexIndex, "vertex index");
Validate.nonNull(skinningMatrices, "skinning matrices");
Vector3f result = (storeResult == null) ? new Vector3f() : storeResult;
Mesh mesh = geometry.getMesh();
Vector3f meshLocation
= vertexLocation(mesh, vertexIndex, skinningMatrices, null);
if (geometry.isIgnoreTransform()) {
} else {
geometry.localToWorld(meshLocation, result);
return result;