cc.mallet.classify.MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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MALLET is a Java-based package for statistical natural language processing,
document classification, clustering, topic modeling, information extraction,
and other machine learning applications to text.
package cc.mallet.classify;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import cc.mallet.optimize.LimitedMemoryBFGS;
import cc.mallet.optimize.Optimizable;
import cc.mallet.types.Alphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureSelection;
import cc.mallet.types.FeatureVector;
import cc.mallet.types.Instance;
import cc.mallet.types.InstanceList;
import cc.mallet.types.LabelAlphabet;
import cc.mallet.types.Labeling;
import cc.mallet.types.MatrixOps;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletProgressMessageLogger;
import cc.mallet.util.Maths;
public class MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood implements Optimizable.ByGradientValue {
private static Logger logger =
private static Logger progressLogger =
// xxx Why does TestMaximizable fail when this variance is very small?
static final double DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE = 1;
static final double DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SLOPE = 0.2;
static final double DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SHARPNESS = 10.0;
static final Class DEFAULT_MAXIMIZER_CLASS = LimitedMemoryBFGS.class;
boolean usingHyperbolicPrior = false;
boolean usingGaussianPrior = true;
double gaussianPriorVariance = DEFAULT_GAUSSIAN_PRIOR_VARIANCE;
double hyperbolicPriorSlope = DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SLOPE;
double hyperbolicPriorSharpness = DEFAULT_HYPERBOLIC_PRIOR_SHARPNESS;
Class maximizerClass = DEFAULT_MAXIMIZER_CLASS;
double[] parameters, constraints, cachedGradient;
MaxEnt theClassifier;
InstanceList trainingList;
// The expectations are (temporarily) stored in the cachedGradient
double cachedValue;
boolean cachedValueStale;
boolean cachedGradientStale;
int numLabels;
int numFeatures;
int defaultFeatureIndex; // just for clarity
FeatureSelection featureSelection;
FeatureSelection[] perLabelFeatureSelection;
int numGetValueCalls = 0;
int numGetValueGradientCalls = 0;
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood() {
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood (InstanceList trainingSet, MaxEnt initialClassifier)
this.trainingList = trainingSet;
Alphabet fd = trainingSet.getDataAlphabet();
LabelAlphabet ld = (LabelAlphabet) trainingSet.getTargetAlphabet();
// Don't fd.stopGrowth, because someone might want to do feature induction
// Add one feature for the "default feature".
this.numLabels = ld.size();
this.numFeatures = fd.size() + 1;
this.defaultFeatureIndex = numFeatures-1;
this.parameters = new double [numLabels * numFeatures];
this.constraints = new double [numLabels * numFeatures];
this.cachedGradient = new double [numLabels * numFeatures];
Arrays.fill (parameters, 0.0);
Arrays.fill (constraints, 0.0);
Arrays.fill (cachedGradient, 0.0);
this.featureSelection = trainingSet.getFeatureSelection();
this.perLabelFeatureSelection = trainingSet.getPerLabelFeatureSelection();
// Add the default feature index to the selection
if (featureSelection != null)
featureSelection.add (defaultFeatureIndex);
if (perLabelFeatureSelection != null)
for (int i = 0; i < perLabelFeatureSelection.length; i++)
perLabelFeatureSelection[i].add (defaultFeatureIndex);
// xxx Later change this to allow both to be set, but select which one to use by a boolean flag?
assert (featureSelection == null || perLabelFeatureSelection == null);
if (initialClassifier != null) {
this.theClassifier = initialClassifier;
this.parameters = theClassifier.parameters;
this.featureSelection = theClassifier.featureSelection;
this.perLabelFeatureSelection = theClassifier.perClassFeatureSelection;
this.defaultFeatureIndex = theClassifier.defaultFeatureIndex;
assert (initialClassifier.getInstancePipe() == trainingSet.getPipe());
else if (this.theClassifier == null) {
this.theClassifier = new MaxEnt (trainingSet.getPipe(), parameters, featureSelection, perLabelFeatureSelection);
cachedValueStale = true;
cachedGradientStale = true;
// Initialize the constraints
logger.fine("Number of instances in training list = " + trainingList.size());
for (Instance inst : trainingList) {
double instanceWeight = trainingList.getInstanceWeight(inst);
Labeling labeling = inst.getLabeling ();
if (labeling == null)
//logger.fine ("Instance "+ii+" labeling="+labeling);
FeatureVector fv = (FeatureVector) inst.getData ();
Alphabet fdict = fv.getAlphabet();
assert (fv.getAlphabet() == fd);
int li = labeling.getBestIndex();
MatrixOps.rowPlusEquals (constraints, numFeatures, li, fv, instanceWeight);
// For the default feature, whose weight is 1.0
assert(!Double.isNaN(instanceWeight)) : "instanceWeight is NaN";
assert(!Double.isNaN(li)) : "bestIndex is NaN";
boolean hasNaN = false;
for (int i = 0; i < fv.numLocations(); i++) {
if(Double.isNaN(fv.valueAtLocation(i))) {
logger.info("NaN for feature " + fdict.lookupObject(fv.indexAtLocation(i)).toString());
hasNaN = true;
if (hasNaN)
logger.info("NaN in instance: " + inst.getName());
constraints[li*numFeatures + defaultFeatureIndex] += 1.0 * instanceWeight;
//TestMaximizable.testValueAndGradientCurrentParameters (this);
public MaxEnt getClassifier () { return theClassifier; }
public double getParameter (int index) {
return parameters[index];
public void setParameter (int index, double v) {
cachedValueStale = true;
cachedGradientStale = true;
parameters[index] = v;
public int getNumParameters() {
return parameters.length;
public void getParameters (double[] buff) {
if (buff == null || buff.length != parameters.length)
buff = new double [parameters.length];
System.arraycopy (parameters, 0, buff, 0, parameters.length);
public void setParameters (double [] buff) {
assert (buff != null);
cachedValueStale = true;
cachedGradientStale = true;
if (buff.length != parameters.length)
parameters = new double[buff.length];
System.arraycopy (buff, 0, parameters, 0, buff.length);
// log probability of the training labels
public double getValue ()
if (cachedValueStale) {
cachedValue = 0;
// We'll store the expectation values in "cachedGradient" for now
cachedGradientStale = true;
MatrixOps.setAll (cachedGradient, 0.0);
// Incorporate likelihood of data
double[] scores = new double[trainingList.getTargetAlphabet().size()];
double value = 0.0;
Iterator iter = trainingList.iterator();
int ii=0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Instance instance = iter.next();
double instanceWeight = trainingList.getInstanceWeight(instance);
Labeling labeling = instance.getLabeling ();
if (labeling == null)
//System.out.println("L Now "+inputAlphabet.size()+" regular features.");
this.theClassifier.getClassificationScores (instance, scores);
FeatureVector fv = (FeatureVector) instance.getData ();
int li = labeling.getBestIndex();
value = - (instanceWeight * Math.log (scores[li]));
if(Double.isNaN(value)) {
logger.fine ("MaxEntTrainer: Instance " + instance.getName() +
"has NaN value. log(scores)= " + Math.log(scores[li]) +
" scores = " + scores[li] +
" has instance weight = " + instanceWeight);
if (Double.isInfinite(value)) {
logger.warning ("Instance "+instance.getSource() + " has infinite value; skipping value and gradient");
cachedValue -= value;
cachedValueStale = false;
return -value;
// continue;
cachedValue += value;
for (int si = 0; si < scores.length; si++) {
if (scores[si] == 0) continue;
assert (!Double.isInfinite(scores[si]));
MatrixOps.rowPlusEquals (cachedGradient, numFeatures,
si, fv, -instanceWeight * scores[si]);
cachedGradient[numFeatures*si + defaultFeatureIndex] += (-instanceWeight * scores[si]);
//logger.info ("-Expectations:"); cachedGradient.print();
// Incorporate prior on parameters
double prior = 0;
if (usingHyperbolicPrior) {
for (int li = 0; li < numLabels; li++)
for (int fi = 0; fi < numFeatures; fi++)
prior += (hyperbolicPriorSlope / hyperbolicPriorSharpness
* Math.log (Maths.cosh (hyperbolicPriorSharpness * parameters[li *numFeatures + fi])));
else if (usingGaussianPrior) {
for (int li = 0; li < numLabels; li++)
for (int fi = 0; fi < numFeatures; fi++) {
double param = parameters[li*numFeatures + fi];
prior += param * param / (2 * gaussianPriorVariance);
double oValue = cachedValue;
cachedValue += prior;
cachedValue *= -1.0; // MAXIMIZE, NOT MINIMIZE
cachedValueStale = false;
progressLogger.info ("Value (labelProb="+oValue+" prior="+prior+") loglikelihood = "+cachedValue);
return cachedValue;
public void getValueGradient (double [] buffer) {
// Gradient is (constraint - expectation - parameters/gaussianPriorVariance)
if (cachedGradientStale) {
if (cachedValueStale)
// This will fill in the cachedGradient with the "-expectation"
getValue ();
MatrixOps.plusEquals (cachedGradient, constraints);
// Incorporate prior on parameters
if (usingHyperbolicPrior) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("Hyperbolic prior not yet implemented.");
else if (usingGaussianPrior) {
MatrixOps.plusEquals (cachedGradient, parameters,
-1.0 / gaussianPriorVariance);
// A parameter may be set to -infinity by an external user.
// We set gradient to 0 because the parameter's value can
// never change anyway and it will mess up future calculations
// on the matrix, such as norm().
MatrixOps.substitute (cachedGradient, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0.0);
// Set to zero all the gradient dimensions that are not among the selected features
if (perLabelFeatureSelection == null) {
for (int labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < numLabels; labelIndex++)
MatrixOps.rowSetAll (cachedGradient, numFeatures,
labelIndex, 0.0, featureSelection, false);
} else {
for (int labelIndex = 0; labelIndex < numLabels; labelIndex++)
MatrixOps.rowSetAll (cachedGradient, numFeatures,
labelIndex, 0.0,
perLabelFeatureSelection[labelIndex], false);
cachedGradientStale = false;
assert (buffer != null && buffer.length == parameters.length);
System.arraycopy (cachedGradient, 0, buffer, 0, cachedGradient.length);
//System.out.println ("MaxEntTrainer gradient infinity norm = "+MatrixOps.infinityNorm(cachedGradient));
// XXX Should these really be public? Why?
/** Counts how many times this trainer has computed the gradient of the
* log probability of training labels. */
public int getValueGradientCalls() {return numGetValueGradientCalls;}
/** Counts how many times this trainer has computed the
* log probability of training labels. */
public int getValueCalls() {return numGetValueCalls;}
// public int getIterations() {return maximizerByGradient.getIterations();}
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood useGaussianPrior () {
this.usingGaussianPrior = true;
this.usingHyperbolicPrior = false;
return this;
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood useHyperbolicPrior () {
this.usingGaussianPrior = false;
this.usingHyperbolicPrior = true;
return this;
* In some cases a prior term is implemented in the optimizer,
* (eg orthant-wise L-BFGS), so we occasionally want to only
* calculate the log likelihood.
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood useNoPrior () {
this.usingGaussianPrior = false;
this.usingHyperbolicPrior = false;
return this;
* Sets a parameter to prevent overtraining. A smaller variance for the prior
* means that feature weights are expected to hover closer to 0, so extra
* evidence is required to set a higher weight.
* @return This trainer
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood setGaussianPriorVariance (double gaussianPriorVariance)
this.usingGaussianPrior = true;
this.usingHyperbolicPrior = false;
this.gaussianPriorVariance = gaussianPriorVariance;
return this;
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood setHyperbolicPriorSlope (double hyperbolicPriorSlope)
this.usingGaussianPrior = false;
this.usingHyperbolicPrior = true;
this.hyperbolicPriorSlope = hyperbolicPriorSlope;
return this;
public MaxEntOptimizableByLabelLikelihood setHyperbolicPriorSharpness (double hyperbolicPriorSharpness)
this.usingGaussianPrior = false;
this.usingHyperbolicPrior = true;
this.hyperbolicPriorSharpness = hyperbolicPriorSharpness;
return this;
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