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cc.mallet.grmm.inference.AbstractBeliefPropagation Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package cc.mallet.grmm.inference;

import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Iterator;

import cc.mallet.grmm.types.*;
import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;

 * Abstract base class for umplementations of belief propagation for general factor graphs.
 * This class manages arrays of messages, computing beliefs from messages, and convergence
 * thresholds.

* How to send individual messages (e.g., sum-product, max-product, etc) are mananged * by istances of the interface @link{#MessageStrategy}. Concrete subclasses decide * which order to send messages in. * * @author Charles Sutton * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2007/10/22 21:37:49 mccallum Exp $ */ public abstract class AbstractBeliefPropagation extends AbstractInferencer { protected static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger (AbstractBeliefPropagation.class.getName ()); private static final boolean diagnoseConvergence = false; protected boolean normalizeBeliefs = true; static private int totalMessagesSent = 0; transient private int myMessagesSent = 0; transient private int messagesSentAtStart = 0; private double threshold = 0.00001; protected boolean useCaching = false; private MessageStrategy messager; protected transient int iterUsed; protected AbstractBeliefPropagation () { this (new SumProductMessageStrategy ()); } protected AbstractBeliefPropagation (MessageStrategy messager) { this.messager = messager; } public MessageStrategy getMessager () { return messager; } public AbstractBeliefPropagation setMessager (MessageStrategy messager) { this.messager = messager; return this; } /** * Returns the total number of messages all BP inferencers have sent in the current Java image. */ public static int getTotalMessagesSent () { return totalMessagesSent; } /** Returns the total number of messages this inferencer has sent since its creation. */ public int getMessagesSent () { return myMessagesSent; } /** * Returns the number of messages sent during the last call to * computeMarginals. */ public int getMessagesUsedLastTime () { return myMessagesSent - messagesSentAtStart; } protected void resetMessagesSentAtStart () { messagesSentAtStart = myMessagesSent; } /** * Array that maps (to, from) to the lambda message sent from node * from to node to. */ transient private MessageArray messages; transient private MessageArray oldMessages; // messages from variable --> factor transient private Factor[] bel; protected transient FactorGraph mdlCurrent; private void retrieveCachedMessages (FactorGraph m) { messages = (MessageArray) m.getInferenceCache (getClass ()); } private void cacheMessages (FactorGraph m) { m.setInferenceCache (getClass (), messages); } private void clearOldMessages () { oldMessages = null; } final protected void copyOldMessages () { clearOldMessages (); oldMessages = messages.duplicate (); } final protected boolean hasConverged () { return hasConverged (this.threshold); } final protected boolean hasConverged (double threshold) { double maxDiff = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; Factor bestOldMsg = null, bestNewMsg = null; for (MessageArray.Iterator msgIt = oldMessages.iterator (); msgIt.hasNext ();) { Factor oldMsg = (Factor) (); Object from = msgIt.from (); Object to = (); Factor newMsg = messages.get (from, to); if (oldMsg != null) { assert newMsg != null : "Message went from nonnull to null " + from + " --> " + to; for (java.util.Iterator it = oldMsg.assignmentIterator (); it.hasNext ();) { Assignment assn = (Assignment) (); double val1 = oldMsg.value (assn); double val2 = newMsg.value (assn); double diff = Math.abs (val1 - val2); if (diff > threshold) { if (diagnoseConvergence) { System.err.println ("*** Not converged: Difference of : " + diff + " from " + oldMsg + " --> " + newMsg); } return false; } else if (diff > maxDiff) { maxDiff = diff; bestOldMsg = oldMsg; bestNewMsg = newMsg; } } } } if (diagnoseConvergence) { System.err.println ( "*** CONVERGED: Max absolute difference : " + maxDiff + " from " + bestOldMsg + " --> " + bestNewMsg); } return true; } private void initOldMessages (FactorGraph fg) { oldMessages = new MessageArray (fg); if (useCaching && fg.getInferenceCache (getClass ()) != null) { ("AsyncLoopyBP: Reusing previous marginals"); retrieveCachedMessages (fg); copyOldMessages (); } else { for (java.util.Iterator it = fg.factorsIterator (); it.hasNext ();) { Factor factor = (Factor) (); VarSet varset = factor.varSet (); for (java.util.Iterator vit = varset.iterator (); vit.hasNext ();) { Variable var = (Variable) (); oldMessages.put (var, factor, new TableFactor (var)); oldMessages.put (factor, var, new TableFactor (var)); } } } } transient protected int assignedVertexPtls[]; protected void initForGraph (FactorGraph mdl) { mdlCurrent = mdl; int numV = mdl.numVariables (); bel = new Factor [numV]; Object cache = mdl.getInferenceCache (getClass ()); if (useCaching && (cache != null)) { messages = (MessageArray) cache; } else { messages = new MessageArray (mdl); /* // setup self-messages for vertex potentials for (Iterator it = mdl.getVerticesIterator (); it.hasNext ();) { Variable var = (Variable) (); Factor ptl = mdl.factorOfVar (var); if (ptl != null) { if (inLogSpace) { logger.finer ("BeliefPropagation: Using log space."); setMessage (i, i, new LogTableFactor ((AbstractTableFactor) ptl)); } else { setMessage (i, i, ptl); } } } */ } initOldMessages (mdl); messager.setMessageArray (messages, oldMessages); } protected void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Variable from, Factor to) { totalMessagesSent++; myMessagesSent++; // System.err.println (GeneralUtils.classShortName (this)+" send message "+from+" --> "+to); messager.sendMessage (mdl, from, to); } protected void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Factor from, Variable to) { totalMessagesSent++; myMessagesSent++; // System.err.println (GeneralUtils.classShortName (this)+" send message "+from+" --> "+to); messager.sendMessage (mdl, from, to); } protected void doneWithGraph (FactorGraph mdl) { clearOldMessages (); // free up memory if (useCaching) cacheMessages (mdl); } public int iterationsUsed () { return iterUsed; } public interface MessageStrategy { void setMessageArray (MessageArray msgs, MessageArray oldMsgs); void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Factor from, Variable to); void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Variable from, Factor to); Factor msgProduct (Factor product, int idx, int excludeMsgFrom); } public abstract static class AbstractMessageStrategy implements MessageStrategy { protected MessageArray messages; protected MessageArray oldMessages; public void setMessageArray (MessageArray msgs, MessageArray oldMsgs) { messages = msgs; oldMessages = oldMsgs; } public Factor msgProduct (Factor product, int idx, int excludeMsgFrom) { if (product == null) { product = createEmptyFactorForVar (idx); } for (MessageArray.ToMsgsIterator it = messages.toMessagesIterator (idx); it.hasNext ();) { (); int j = it.currentFromIdx (); Factor msg = it.currentMessage (); if (j != excludeMsgFrom) { product.multiplyBy (msg); // assert product.varSet ().size () <= 2; } } return product; } private Factor createEmptyFactorForVar (int idx) { Factor product; if (messages.isInLogSpace ()) { product = new LogTableFactor ((Variable) messages.idx2obj (idx)); } else { product = new TableFactor ((Variable) messages.idx2obj (idx)); } return product; } } public static class SumProductMessageStrategy extends AbstractMessageStrategy implements Serializable { private double damping = 1.0; public SumProductMessageStrategy () { } public SumProductMessageStrategy (double damping) { this.damping = damping; } public void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Factor from, Variable to) { int fromIdx = messages.getIndex (from); int toIdx = messages.getIndex (to); Factor product = from.duplicate (); msgProduct (product, fromIdx, toIdx); Factor msg = product.marginalize (to); msg.normalize (); if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINEST)) { ("MSG "+from+" --> "+to); ("FACTOR: "+from.dumpToString()); ("MSG: "+msg.dumpToString ()); ("END MSG "+from+" --> "+to); } assert msg.varSet ().size () == 1; assert msg.varSet ().contains (to); makeDampedUpdate (fromIdx, toIdx, msg); } public void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Variable from, Factor to) { // System.err.println ("...sum-prod message"); int fromIdx = messages.getIndex (from); int toIdx = messages.getIndex (to); Factor msg = msgProduct (null, fromIdx, toIdx); msg.normalize (); assert msg.varSet ().size () == 1; assert msg.varSet ().contains (from); messages.put (fromIdx, toIdx, msg); } private void makeDampedUpdate (int fromIdx, int toIdx, Factor msg) { if (damping < 1.0) { // there's damping Factor oldMsg = oldMessages.get (fromIdx, toIdx); // Factor oldMsg = messages.get (fromIdx, toIdx); if (oldMsg != null) { AbstractTableFactor oldTbl = (AbstractTableFactor) oldMsg.duplicate (); oldTbl.normalize (); oldTbl.timesEquals (1 - damping); AbstractTableFactor tbl = (AbstractTableFactor) msg; tbl.timesEquals (damping); tbl.plusEquals (oldTbl); msg = tbl; } } messages.put (fromIdx, toIdx, msg); } // Serialization private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private static final int CUURENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 2; private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject (); out.writeInt (CUURENT_SERIAL_VERSION); out.writeDouble (damping); } private void readObject (ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject (); int version = in.readInt (); // version if (2 <= version) { damping = in.readDouble (); } } } public static class MaxProductMessageStrategy extends AbstractMessageStrategy implements Serializable { public void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Factor from, Variable to) { // System.err.println ("...max-prod message"); int fromIdx = messages.getIndex (from); int toIdx = messages.getIndex (to); Factor product = from.duplicate (); msgProduct (product, fromIdx, toIdx); Factor msg = product.extractMax (to); msg.normalize (); assert msg.varSet ().size () == 1; assert msg.varSet ().contains (to); messages.put (fromIdx, toIdx, msg); } public void sendMessage (FactorGraph mdl, Variable from, Factor to) { // System.err.println ("...max-prod message"); int fromIdx = messages.getIndex (from); int toIdx = messages.getIndex (to); Factor msg = msgProduct (null, fromIdx, toIdx); msg.normalize (); assert msg.varSet ().size () == 1; assert msg.varSet ().contains (from); messages.put (fromIdx, toIdx, msg); } // Serialization private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private static final int CUURENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 1; private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject (); out.writeInt (CUURENT_SERIAL_VERSION); } private void readObject (ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject (); in.readInt (); // version } } public Factor lookupMarginal (Variable var) { int idx = mdlCurrent.getIndex (var); if ((idx < 0) || (idx > bel.length)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Cannot find variable "+var+" in factor graph "+mdlCurrent); } if (bel[idx] == null) { Factor marg = messager.msgProduct (null, idx, Integer.MIN_VALUE); if (normalizeBeliefs) { marg.normalize (); } assert marg.varSet ().size () == 1 :"Invalid marginal for var " + var + ": " + marg; assert marg.varSet ().contains (var) :"Invalid marginal for var " + var + ": " + marg; bel[idx] = marg; } return bel[idx]; } public void dump () { messages.dump (); } public void reportTime () { System.err.println ("AbstractBeliefPropagation: Total messages sent = "+totalMessagesSent); } public void dump (PrintWriter writer) { messages.dump (writer); } // }}} // Serialization private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; // If seralization-incompatible changes are made to these classes, // then smarts can be added to these methods for backward compatibility. private void writeObject (ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { out.defaultWriteObject (); } private void readObject (ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { in.defaultReadObject (); } public Factor lookupMarginal (VarSet c) { if (c.size () == 1) { return lookupMarginal (c.get (0)); } else { List factors = mdlCurrent.allFactorsOf (c); if (factors.isEmpty ()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException ("Cannot compute marginal of " + c + ": Must be either a single variable or a factor in the graph."); } return lookupMarginal (c, factors); } } private Factor lookupMarginal (VarSet vs, List factors) { Factor marginal = Factors.multiplyAll (factors); for (Iterator fit = factors.iterator (); fit.hasNext ();) { Factor factor = (Factor) (); for (java.util.Iterator it = vs.iterator (); it.hasNext ();) { Variable var = (Variable) (); Factor msg = messages.get (var, factor); if (msg != null) { // if the inferencer was stopped early, there may be no message marginal.multiplyBy (msg); } } } marginal.normalize (); return marginal; } public double lookupLogJoint (Assignment assn) { double accum = 0.0; // Compute using BP-factorization // prod_s (p(x_s))^-(deg(s)-1) * ... for (java.util.Iterator it = mdlCurrent.variablesIterator (); it.hasNext ();) { Variable var = (Variable) (); Factor ptl = lookupMarginal (var); int deg = mdlCurrent.getDegree (var); if (deg != 1) // Note that below works correctly for degree 0! { accum -= (deg - 1) * ptl.logValue (assn); } } // ... * prod_{c} p(x_C) for (java.util.Iterator it = mdlCurrent.varSetIterator (); it.hasNext ();) { VarSet varSet = (VarSet) (); Factor p12 = lookupMarginal (varSet); double logphi = p12.logValue (assn); accum += logphi; } return accum; } }

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