com.github.swagger.scala.converter.SwaggerScalaModelConverter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.swagger.scala.converter
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.`type`.ReferenceType
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{JavaType, ObjectMapper}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.introspect.{BeanIntrospector, PropertyDescriptor}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.util.ClassW
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.{DefaultScalaModule, JsonScalaEnumeration}
import com.github.swagger.scala.converter.SwaggerScalaModelConverter.nullSafeSeq
import io.swagger.v3.core.converter._
import io.swagger.v3.core.jackson.ModelResolver
import io.swagger.v3.core.util.{Json, PrimitiveType}
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Parameter
import{ArraySchema => ArraySchemaAnnotation, Schema => SchemaAnnotation}
import{ArraySchema, MapSchema, ObjectSchema, Schema}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType
import java.util
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
class AnnotatedTypeForOption extends AnnotatedType
object SwaggerScalaModelConverter {
private val objectMapper: ObjectMapper = Json.mapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule)
private var requiredBasedOnAnnotation = true
private var requiredBasedOnDefaultValue = true
/** If you use swagger annotations to override what is automatically derived, then be aware that
* [[]] annotation has required = false, by default. You are advised to set the required flag
* on this annotation to the correct value. If you would prefer to have the Schema annotation required flag ignored and to rely on the
* this module inferring the value (as it would if you don't annotate the classes or fields), then set
* [[SwaggerScalaModelConverter.setRequiredBasedOnAnnotation]] to true and the required property on the annotation will be ignored,
* unless the field is an [[Option]].
* @param value
* true by default
* @since v2.7.4
def setRequiredBasedOnAnnotation(value: Boolean = true): Unit = {
requiredBasedOnAnnotation = value
/** If you use swagger annotations to override what is automatically derived, then this flag will not be used. If you rely on this module
* inferring the required flag (as it would if you don't annotate the classes or fields), then this flag will control how the required
* flag is derived when a default value exists. If [[SwaggerScalaModelConverter.setRequiredBasedOnDefaultValue]] is true and a property
* has a default value, then it will not be required. However, if this flag is false, then a property will be required only if it's not
* an [[Option]].
* @param value
* true by default
* @since v2.7.6
def setRequiredBasedOnDefaultValue(value: Boolean = true): Unit = {
requiredBasedOnDefaultValue = value
/** If you use swagger annotations to override what is automatically derived, then be aware that
* [[]] annotation has required = false, by default. You are advised to set the required flag
* on this annotation to the correct value. If you would prefer to have the Schema annotation required flag ignored and to rely on the
* this module inferring the value (as it would if you don't annotate the classes or fields), then set
* [[SwaggerScalaModelConverter.setRequiredBasedOnAnnotation]] to true and the required property on the annotation will be ignored,
* unless the field is an [[Option]].
* @return
* value value: true by default
* @since v2.7.4
def isRequiredBasedOnAnnotation: Boolean = requiredBasedOnAnnotation
/** If you use swagger annotations to override what is automatically derived, then this flag will not be used. If you rely on this module
* inferring the required flag (as it would if you don't annotate the classes or fields), then this flag will control how the required
* flag is derived when a default value exists. If [[SwaggerScalaModelConverter.setRequiredBasedOnDefaultValue]] is true and a property
* has a default value, then it will not be required. However, if this flag is false, then a property will be required only if it's not
* an [[Option]].
* @return
* value: true by default
* @since v2.7.6
def isRequiredBasedOnDefaultValue: Boolean = requiredBasedOnDefaultValue
/** @param annotatedType
* @return
* collection flags based on any Swagger annotations for this type
def getRequiredSettings(annotatedType: AnnotatedType): Seq[Boolean] = annotatedType match {
case _: AnnotatedTypeForOption => Seq.empty
case _ => getRequiredSettings(nullSafeSeq(annotatedType.getCtxAnnotations))
private def getRequiredSettings(annotations: Seq[Annotation]): Seq[Boolean] = {
val flags = annotations.collect {
case p: Parameter => if (p.required()) RequiredMode.REQUIRED else RequiredMode.NOT_REQUIRED
case s: SchemaAnnotation => {
if (s.requiredMode() == RequiredMode.AUTO) {
if (s.required()) {
} else if (isRequiredBasedOnAnnotation) {
} else {
} else {
case a: ArraySchemaAnnotation => {
if (a.arraySchema().requiredMode() == RequiredMode.AUTO) {
if (a.arraySchema().required()) {
} else if (isRequiredBasedOnAnnotation) {
} else {
} else {
flags.flatMap {
case RequiredMode.REQUIRED => Some(true)
case RequiredMode.NOT_REQUIRED => Some(false)
case _ => None
private def nullSafeSeq[T](array: Array[T]): Seq[T] = Option(array) match {
case None => Seq.empty[T]
case Some(arr) => arr.toList
class SwaggerScalaModelConverter extends ModelResolver(SwaggerScalaModelConverter.objectMapper) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[SwaggerScalaModelConverter])
private val VoidClass = classOf[Void]
private val EnumClass = classOf[scala.Enumeration]
private val OptionClass = classOf[scala.Option[_]]
private val IterableClass = classOf[scala.collection.Iterable[_]]
private val MapClass = classOf[Map[_, _]]
private val SetClass = classOf[scala.collection.Set[_]]
private val BigDecimalClass = classOf[BigDecimal]
private val BigIntClass = classOf[BigInt]
private val AnyClass = classOf[Any]
override def resolve(`type`: AnnotatedType, context: ModelConverterContext, chain: util.Iterator[ModelConverter]): Schema[_] = {
Option(`type`.getType) match {
case Some(typeType) => {
val javaType = _mapper.constructType(typeType)
val subtypes = SubtypeHelper.findSubtypes(javaType.getRawClass)
if (subtypes.isEmpty) {
resolveWithoutSubtypes(javaType, `type`, context, chain)
} else {
val converters = chain.asScala.toSeq
val schema = new ObjectSchema
val subSchemas = { subtype =>
val javaSubType = _mapper.constructType(subtype)
resolveWithoutSubtypes(javaSubType, new AnnotatedType(subtype), context, converters.iterator.asJava)
case _ => None.orNull
private def resolveWithoutSubtypes(
javaType: JavaType,
`type`: AnnotatedType,
context: ModelConverterContext,
chain: util.Iterator[ModelConverter]
): Schema[_] = {
val cls = javaType.getRawClass
matchScalaPrimitives(`type`, cls).getOrElse {
// Unbox scala options
val annotatedOverrides = SwaggerScalaModelConverter.getRequiredSettings(`type`)
if (_isOptional(`type`, cls)) {
val baseType =
if (annotatedOverrides.headOption.getOrElse(false)) new AnnotatedType()
else new AnnotatedTypeForOption()
resolve(nextType(baseType, `type`, javaType), context, chain)
} else if (!annotatedOverrides.headOption.getOrElse(true)) {
resolve(nextType(new AnnotatedTypeForOption(), `type`, javaType), context, chain)
} else if (isScalaClass(cls) && !isIterable(cls)) {
scalaClassSchema(cls, `type`, context, chain).getOrElse(None.orNull)
} else if (chain.hasNext) {
val nextResolved = Option(`type`, context, chain))
nextResolved match {
case Some(property) => {
if (isIterable(cls)) {
Option(`type`.getParent) match {
case Some(_) => property.setName(null)
case _ =>
case None => None.orNull
} else {
private def scalaClassSchema(
cls: Class[_],
`type`: AnnotatedType,
context: ModelConverterContext,
chain: util.Iterator[ModelConverter]
): Option[Schema[_]] = {
if (chain.hasNext) {
Option(`type`, context, chain)).map { schema =>
val introspector = BeanIntrospector(cls)
val erasedProperties = ErasureHelper.erasedOptionalPrimitives(cls)
val schemaProperties = nullSafeMap(schema.getProperties) { property =>
val propertyName =
val propertyClass = getPropertyClass(property)
val propertyAnnotations = getPropertyAnnotations(property)
val isOptional = isOption(propertyClass)
val schemaOverride = propertyAnnotations.collectFirst { case s: SchemaAnnotation => s }
val schemaOverrideClass = schemaOverride.flatMap { s =>
// this form is needed by the Scala 2.11 compiler
val classOption: Option[Class[_]] = if (s.implementation() == VoidClass) None else Option(s.implementation())
val arraySchemaOverrideClass = if (schemaOverride.nonEmpty) {
} else {
val arraySchemaOverride = propertyAnnotations.collectFirst { case as: ArraySchemaAnnotation => as }
arraySchemaOverride.flatMap { as =>
val itemSchema = as.schema()
val classOption: Option[Class[_]] = if (itemSchema == null || itemSchema.implementation() == VoidClass) {
} else {
val maybeDefault = property.param.flatMap(_.defaultValue)
val schemaDefaultValue = schemaOverride.flatMap { s =>
Option(s.defaultValue()).flatMap(str => if (str.isEmpty) None else Some(str))
val hasDefaultValue = schemaDefaultValue.nonEmpty || maybeDefault.nonEmpty
if (schemaDefaultValue.isEmpty) {
// default values set in annotation leads to default values set in Scala constructor being ignored
maybeDefault.foreach { default =>
schemaProperties.get(propertyName).foreach { property =>
val defaultValue = default()
defaultValue match {
case None =>
case _ => {
defaultValue match {
case Some(wrappedValue) => property.setDefault(wrappedValue)
case None => // no default
case seq: Seq[_] => property.setDefault(seq.asJava)
case set: Set[_] => property.setDefault(set.asJava)
case dv => property.setDefault(dv)
val overrideClass = schemaOverrideClass.orElse(arraySchemaOverrideClass)
if (schemaProperties.nonEmpty && overrideClass.isEmpty) {
erasedProperties.get(propertyName).foreach { erasedType =>
schemaProperties.get(propertyName).foreach { property =>
Option(PrimitiveType.fromType(erasedType)).foreach { primitiveType =>
if (isOptional) {
schema.addProperty(propertyName, tryCorrectSchema(property, primitiveType))
if (isIterable(propertyClass) && !isMap(propertyClass)) {
schema.addProperty(propertyName, updateTypeOnItemsSchema(primitiveType, property))
propertyAnnotations match {
case Seq() => {
val requiredFlag = !isOptional && (!SwaggerScalaModelConverter.isRequiredBasedOnDefaultValue || !hasDefaultValue)
if (!requiredFlag && Option(schema.getRequired).isDefined && schema.getRequired.contains(propertyName)) {
val requiredFields = new util.ArrayList[String](schema.getRequired)
} else if (requiredFlag && schema.getEnum == null) {
addRequiredItem(schema, propertyName)
case annotations => {
val annotationRequired = SwaggerScalaModelConverter.getRequiredSettings(annotations).headOption
setRequiredBasedOnType(schema, propertyName, isOptional, hasDefaultValue, annotationRequired)
} else {
private def filterUnwantedProperties(schema: Schema[_], propertiesToKeep: Seq[PropertyDescriptor]): Unit = {
val propNamesSet =
val originalProps = nullSafeMap(schema.getProperties)
val newProps = originalProps.filter { case (key, _) =>
if (originalProps.size > newProps.size) {
schema.setProperties(new util.LinkedHashMap(newProps.asJava))
private def getAnnotatedPropertyName(property: PropertyDescriptor): String = {
val propertyAnnotations = getPropertyAnnotations(property)
propertyAnnotations.collectFirst { case s: SchemaAnnotation => s } match {
case Some(ann) if =>
case _ =>
private def setRequiredBasedOnType(
schema: Schema[_],
propertyName: String,
isOptional: Boolean,
hasDefaultValue: Boolean,
annotationSetting: Option[Boolean]
): Unit = {
val required = annotationSetting match {
case Some(req) => req
case _ => {
if (isOptional) {
} else if (SwaggerScalaModelConverter.isRequiredBasedOnDefaultValue) {
} else {
if (required) addRequiredItem(schema, propertyName)
private def updateTypeOnItemsSchema(primitiveType: PrimitiveType, propertySchema: Schema[_]): Schema[_] = {
val updatedSchema = tryCorrectSchema(propertySchema.getItems, primitiveType)
private[converter] def tryCorrectSchema(itemSchema: Schema[_], primitiveType: PrimitiveType): Schema[_] = {
itemSchema match {
case ms: MapSchema => ms
case as: ArraySchema => {
val correctedSchema = tryCorrectSchema(as.getItems, primitiveType)
case _ => {
Try {
val primitiveProperty = primitiveType.createProperty()
val propAsString = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(itemSchema)
val correctedSchema = objectMapper.readValue(propAsString, primitiveProperty.getClass)
Option(itemSchema.getFormat) match {
case Some(_) =>
case _ => correctedSchema.setFormat(primitiveProperty.getFormat)
private def hasTypeOverride(ann: SchemaAnnotation): Boolean = {
!(ann.implementation() == VoidClass && ann.`type`() == "")
private def matchScalaPrimitives(`type`: AnnotatedType, nullableClass: Class[_]): Option[Schema[_]] = {
val annotations = Option(`type`.getCtxAnnotations).map(_.toSeq).getOrElse(Seq.empty)
annotations.collectFirst { case ann: SchemaAnnotation if hasTypeOverride(ann) => ann } match {
case Some(_) => None
case _ => {
annotations.collectFirst { case ann: JsonScalaEnumeration => ann } match {
case Some(enumAnnotation: JsonScalaEnumeration) => {
val pt = enumAnnotation.value().getGenericSuperclass.asInstanceOf[ParameterizedType]
val args = pt.getActualTypeArguments
val cls = args(0).asInstanceOf[Class[_]]
val sp: Schema[String] = PrimitiveType.STRING.createProperty().asInstanceOf[Schema[String]]
try {
val mainClass = getMainClass(cls)
val valueMethods = mainClass.getMethods.toSeq.filter { m =>
m.getDeclaringClass != EnumClass &&
m.getReturnType.getName == "scala.Enumeration$Value" && m.getParameterCount == 0
val enumValues =
enumValues.foreach { v =>
} catch {
case NonFatal(t) => logger.warn(s"Failed to get values for enum ${cls.getName}", t)
case _ => {
Option(nullableClass).flatMap { cls =>
if (cls == BigDecimalClass) {
val dp = PrimitiveType.DECIMAL.createProperty()
} else if (cls == BigIntClass) {
val ip = PrimitiveType.INT.createProperty()
} else {
private def getMainClass(clazz: Class[_]): Class[_] = {
val cname = clazz.getName
if (cname.endsWith("$")) {
Try(Class.forName(cname.substring(0, cname.length - 1), true, Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)).getOrElse(clazz)
} else {
private def _isOptional(annotatedType: AnnotatedType, cls: Class[_]): Boolean = {
annotatedType.getType match {
case _: ReferenceType if isOption(cls) => true
case _ => false
private def underlyingJavaType(annotatedType: AnnotatedType, javaType: JavaType): JavaType = {
annotatedType.getType match {
case rt: ReferenceType => rt.getContentType
case _ => javaType
private def nextType(baseType: AnnotatedType, `type`: AnnotatedType, javaType: JavaType): AnnotatedType = {
.`type`(underlyingJavaType(`type`, javaType))
override def _isOptionalType(propType: JavaType): Boolean = {
isOption(propType.getRawClass) || super._isOptionalType(propType)
override def _isSetType(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = {
val setInterfaces = cls.getInterfaces.find { interface =>
interface == SetClass
setInterfaces.isDefined || super._isSetType(cls)
private def setRequired(annotatedType: AnnotatedType): Unit = annotatedType match {
case _: AnnotatedTypeForOption => // not required
case _ => {
val reqSettings = SwaggerScalaModelConverter.getRequiredSettings(annotatedType)
val required = reqSettings.headOption.getOrElse(true)
if (required) {
Option(annotatedType.getParent).foreach { parent =>
Option(annotatedType.getPropertyName).foreach { n =>
addRequiredItem(parent, n)
private def getPropertyClass(property: PropertyDescriptor): Class[_] = {
property.param match {
case Some(constructorParameter) =>
val types = constructorParameter.constructor.getParameterTypes
val index = constructorParameter.index
if (index > types.size) {
} else {
case _ =>
property.field match {
case Some(field) => field.getType
case _ =>
property.setter match {
case Some(setter) if setter.getParameterCount == 1 => {
case _ =>
property.beanSetter match {
case Some(setter) if setter.getParameterCount == 1 => {
case _ => AnyClass
private def getPropertyAnnotations(property: PropertyDescriptor): Seq[Annotation] = {
val fieldAnnotations = property.field match {
case Some(field) => field.getAnnotations.toSeq
case _ => Seq.empty
val setterAnnotations = property.setter match {
case Some(setter) => setter.getAnnotations.toSeq
case _ => Seq.empty
val beanSetterAnnotations = property.beanSetter match {
case Some(beanSetter) => beanSetter.getAnnotations.toSeq
case _ => Seq.empty
val paramAnnotations = property.param match {
case Some(constructorParameter) => {
val types = constructorParameter.constructor.getParameterTypes
val annotations = constructorParameter.constructor.getParameterAnnotations
val index = constructorParameter.index
if (index > types.size || index > annotations.size) {
} else {
case _ => Seq.empty
(paramAnnotations ++ fieldAnnotations ++ setterAnnotations ++ beanSetterAnnotations).distinct
private def isOption(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = cls == OptionClass
private def isIterable(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = IterableClass.isAssignableFrom(cls)
private def isMap(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = MapClass.isAssignableFrom(cls)
private def isScalaClass(cls: Class[_]): Boolean = {
val classW = ClassW(cls)
classW.extendsScalaClass(true) || (!cls.getName.startsWith("scala.") && classW.hasSignature)
private def nullSafeMap[K, V](map: java.util.Map[K, V]): Map[K, V] = Option(map) match {
case None => Map.empty[K, V]
case Some(m) => m.asScala.toMap
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