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com.github.takezoe.slick.blocking.BlockingProfile.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.takezoe.slick.blocking
import java.sql.Connection
import slick.ast.{CompiledStatement, Node, ResultSetMapping}
import slick.driver.JdbcDriver
import slick.profile.{BasicAction, BasicStreamingAction, RelationalDriver}
import slick.dbio.SynchronousDatabaseAction
import slick.jdbc.{ActionBasedSQLInterpolation, JdbcBackend}
import slick.lifted.RunnableCompiled
import slick.relational._
import slick.util.SQLBuilder
import scala.language.existentials
import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait BlockingRelationalDriver extends RelationalDriver {
trait BlockingAPI extends API {}
trait BlockingJdbcDriver extends JdbcDriver with BlockingRelationalDriver {
val blockingApi = new BlockingAPI {}
trait BlockingAPI extends super.BlockingAPI with ImplicitColumnTypes with slick.JdbcProfileBlockingSession {
implicit def actionBasedSQLInterpolation(s: StringContext): ActionBasedSQLInterpolation = new ActionBasedSQLInterpolation(s)
private class BlockingJdbcActionContext(s: JdbcBackend#Session) extends backend.JdbcActionContext {
val useSameThread = true
override def session = s.asInstanceOf[backend.Session]
override def connection: Connection = s.conn
* Extends DDL to add methods to create and drop tables immediately.
implicit class DDLInvoker(schema: DDL){
def create(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Unit = {
createSchemaActionExtensionMethods(schema).create.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Unit, NoStream, Backend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def remove(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Unit = {
createSchemaActionExtensionMethods(schema).drop.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Unit, NoStream, Backend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
implicit class RepQueryExecutor[E](rep: Rep[E]){
private val invoker = new QueryInvoker[E](, ())
def run(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): E = invoker.first
def selectStatement: String = invoker.selectStatement
implicit class QueryExecutor[U, C[_]](q: Query[_, U, C]) {
private val invoker = new QueryInvoker[U](, ())
def run(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Seq[U] = invoker.results(0).right.get.toSeq
def selectStatement: String = invoker.selectStatement
implicit class RunnableCompiledQueryExecutor[U, C[_]](c: RunnableCompiled[_ <: Query[_, _, C], C[U]]) {
private val invoker = new QueryInvoker[U](c.compiledQuery, c.param)
def run(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Seq[U] = invoker.invoker.results(0).right.get.toSeq
def selectStatement: String = invoker.selectStatement
* Extends QueryInvokerImpl to add selectStatement method.
class QueryInvoker[R](tree: Node, param: Any) extends QueryInvokerImpl[R](tree, param, null) {
def selectStatement: String = getStatement
class BlockingQueryInvoker[U](tree: Node, param: Any){
def selectStatement: String = {
val invoker = new QueryInvoker[U](tree, param)
def list(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): List[U] = {
val invoker = new QueryInvoker[U](tree, param)
def first(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): U = {
val invoker = new QueryInvoker[U](tree, param)
def firstOption(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Option[U] = {
val invoker = new QueryInvoker[U](tree, param)
implicit def queryToQueryInvoker[U, C[_]](q: Query[_ ,U, C]) = new BlockingQueryInvoker[U](, ())
implicit def compiledToQueryInvoker[U, C[_]](c: RunnableCompiled[_ <: Query[_, _, C], C[U]]) = new BlockingQueryInvoker[U](c.compiledQuery, c.param)
class BlockingDeleteInvoker(protected val tree: Node, param: Any) {
def deleteStatement = createDeleteActionExtensionMethods(tree, param).delete.statements.head
def delete(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = {
createDeleteActionExtensionMethods(tree, param).delete
.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Int, NoStream, JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def deleteInvoker: this.type = this
implicit def queryToDeleteInvoker[U, C[_]](q: Query[_ ,U, C]) = new BlockingDeleteInvoker(, ())
implicit def compiledToDeleteInvoker[U, C[_]](c: RunnableCompiled[_ <: Query[_, _, C], C[U]]) = new BlockingDeleteInvoker(c.compiledDelete, c.param)
class BlockingUpdateInvoker[U](tree: Node, param: Any) {
def updateStatement = createUpdateActionExtensionMethods(tree, param).updateStatement
def update(value: U)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = {
createUpdateActionExtensionMethods(tree, param).update(value)
.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Int, NoStream, JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def updateInvoker: this.type = this
implicit def queryToUpdateInvoker[U, C[_]](q: Query[_ ,U, C]) = new BlockingUpdateInvoker[U](, ())
implicit def compiledToUpdateInvoker[U, C[_]](c: RunnableCompiled[_ <: Query[_, _, C], C[U]]) = new BlockingUpdateInvoker[U](c.compiledUpdate, c.param)
class BlockingInsertInvoker[U](compiled: CompiledInsert) {
def +=(value: U)(implicit session: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = insert(value)
def insert(value: U)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = {
.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Int, NoStream, JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def ++=(values: Iterable[U])(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = insertAll(values.toSeq: _*)
def insertAll(values: U*)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = {
.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Option[Int], NoStream, JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s)).getOrElse(0)
def insertOrUpdate(value: U)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Int = {
.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Int, NoStream, JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def insertInvoker: this.type = this
implicit def queryToInsertInvoker[U, C[_]](q: Query[_ ,U, C]) = new BlockingInsertInvoker[U](compileInsert(q.toNode))
implicit def compiledToInsertInvoker[U, C[_]](c: RunnableCompiled[_ <: Query[_, _, C], C[U]]) = new BlockingInsertInvoker[U](c.compiledInsert.asInstanceOf[CompiledInsert])
implicit class ReturningInsertActionComposer2[T, R](a: ReturningInsertActionComposer[T, R]) {
def +=(value: T)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): R = insert(value)
def insert(value: T)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): R = {
(a += value) match {
case a: SynchronousDatabaseAction[R, _, JdbcBackend, _] @unchecked => { BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
implicit class IntoInsertActionComposer2[T, R](a: IntoInsertActionComposer[T, R]) {
def +=(value: T)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): R = insert(value)
def insert(value: T)(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): R = {
(a += value) match {
case a: SynchronousDatabaseAction[R, _, JdbcBackend, _] @unchecked => { BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
* Extends Database to add methods for session management.
implicit class BlockingDatabase(db: JdbcBackend#DatabaseDef) {
def withSession[T](f: (JdbcBackend#Session) => T): T = {
val session = db.createSession()
try {
} finally {
def withTransaction[T](f: (JdbcBackend#Session) => T): T =
withSession { s => s.withTransaction(f(s)) }
implicit class BasicStreamingActionInvoker[R, E <: Effect](action: BasicStreamingAction[Vector[R], R, E]){
def first(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): R = {
action.head.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[R, NoStream, JdbcBackend, E]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def firstOption(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): Option[R] = {
action.headOption.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Option[R], NoStream, JdbcBackend, E]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))
def list(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): List[R] = {
action.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[Vector[R], Streaming[R], JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s)).toList
implicit class BasicActionInvoker[R](action: BasicAction[R, NoStream, Effect]){
def execute(implicit s: JdbcBackend#Session): R = {
action.asInstanceOf[SynchronousDatabaseAction[R, NoStream, JdbcBackend, Effect]].run(new BlockingJdbcActionContext(s))