Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Koji Hisano - UBION Inc. Developer
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 UBION Inc.
* Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Skype Technologies S.A.
* Skype4Java is licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or
* the Eclipse Public License v1.0.
* You may use it freely in commercial and non-commercial products.
* You may obtain a copy of the licenses at
* the Apache License -
* the Eclipse Public License -
* If it is possible to cooperate with the publicity of Skype4Java, please add
* links to the Skype4Java web site
* in your web site or documents.
* Contributors:
* Koji Hisano - initial API and implementation
* Bart Lamot - good javadocs
* Adrian Cockcroft - fixed null friend problem
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
* Implements the AP2AP API.
* @see
* @author Koji Hisano
public final class Application extends SkypeObject {
* Collection of Application objects.
private static final ConcurrentMap applications = new ConcurrentHashMap();
* Returns the Application object by the specified id.
* @param id whose associated Application object is to be returned.
* @return Application object with ID == id.
* @throws SkypeException when connection has gone bad.
static Application getInstance(final String id) throws SkypeException {
Application newApplication = new Application(id);
Application application = applications.putIfAbsent(id, newApplication);
if (application == null) {
application = newApplication;
return application;
* Application name, used to register with the Skype client.
private final String name;
* Boolean to check the application state.
private boolean isInitialized;
* Ending synchronisation helper field.
private final Object isInitializedFieldMutex = new Object();
* Shutdownhook thread for cleaning up all instances.
private Thread shutdownHookForFinish = new ShutdownHookForFinish();
* Listener for messages received through Skype.
private final ConnectorListener dataListener = new DataListener();
* Used for synchronisation.
private final Object connectMutex = new Object();
* List of listeners.
private final List listeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
* Table of streams.
private final Map streams = new HashMap();
* Application exception handler.
private SkypeExceptionHandler exceptionHandler;
* Constructor.
* @param newName An arbitrary name to identify the application that will be exchanging data.
* @throws SkypeException when connection to Skype client has gone bad.
private Application(final String newName) throws SkypeException {
assert newName != null; = newName;
* Enable nice printing of Object, by returning the app name.
* @return AP2AP application name.
public String toString() {
return getName();
* Return the application name.
* @return the application name.
public String getName() {
return name;
* Initializes this application.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad. if connection could not be established.
void initialize() throws SkypeException {
try {
synchronized(isInitializedFieldMutex) {
String response = Connector.getInstance().execute("CREATE APPLICATION " + name);
// to support recreation
// TODO add a mechanism to handle status changes
getAllStreams(); // to fire events
if (response.startsWith("ERROR ") && !response.startsWith("ERROR 541 ")) {
if (!isInitialized) {
Connector.getInstance().addConnectorListener(dataListener, false, true);
isInitialized = true;
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
* Finishes this application with disconnecting all streams.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public void finish() throws SkypeException {
try {
synchronized(isInitializedFieldMutex) {
if(isInitialized) {
String response = Connector.getInstance().execute("DELETE APPLICATION " + getName());
isInitialized = false;
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
* Find connetable users. Connections are only allowed to connectable users, online parties who are in the user's contact list or have active ongoing communication with the user.
* @return Stream of users.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Stream[] connectToAll() throws SkypeException {
return connect(getAllConnectableFriends());
* Setup an AP2AP connection with a Friend.
* @param friends The ppl to start a AP2AP with.
* @return The connected streams.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Stream[] connect(final Friend... friends) throws SkypeException {
Utils.checkNotNull("friends", friends);
return connect(toIds(friends));
* Setup an AP2AP connection with members.
* @param ids The member IDs to start a AP2AP with.
* @return The connected streams.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Stream[] connect(final String... ids) throws SkypeException {
Utils.checkNotNull("ids", ids);
synchronized(connectMutex) {
try {
final Object wait = new Object();
ConnectorListener connectorListener = new AbstractConnectorListener() {
public void messageReceived(ConnectorMessageEvent event) {
String message = event.getMessage();
if(message.equals("APPLICATION " + getName() + " CONNECTING ")) {
synchronized(wait) {
} else if (message.startsWith("APPLICATION " + getName() + " STREAMS ")) {
String streamIds = message.substring(("APPLICATION " + getName() + " STREAMS ").length());
if ("".equals(streamIds)) {
for (String streamId: streamIds.split(" ")) {
for (String id: ids) {
if (streamId.startsWith(id + ":")) {
synchronized(wait) {
try {
synchronized(wait) {
for(String skypeId: ids) {
if(skypeId != null) {
String command = "ALTER APPLICATION " + getName() + " CONNECT " + skypeId;
String result = Connector.getInstance().execute(command, new String[] {command, "APPLICATION " + getName() + " CONNECTING ", "ERROR "});
try {
// TODO must return when Skype is not runnning.
} catch(InterruptedException e) {
throw new SkypeException("The connecting was interrupted.", e);
return getAllStreams(ids);
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
return null;
} finally {
} catch(SkypeException e) {
for(Stream stream: getAllStreams(ids)) {
try {
} catch(SkypeException e2) {
// do nothing
throw e;
* Gets all connected streams by Friend instances.
* @param friends to search streams for.
* @return the found streams.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Stream[] getAllStreams(final Friend... friends) throws SkypeException {
Utils.checkNotNull("friends", friends);
return getAllStreams(toIds(friends));
private String[] toIds(Friend... friends) {
String[] ids = new String[friends.length];
for(int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
ids[i] = friends[i].getId();
return ids;
* Gets connected streams by Skype IDs.
* @param The Skype Ids to search streams for.
* @return the found streams.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Stream[] getAllStreams(final String... ids) throws SkypeException {
List results = new ArrayList();
for(Stream stream: getAllStreams()) {
String comparedId = stream.getFriend().getId();
for(String id: ids) {
if(comparedId.equals(id)) {
return results.toArray(new Stream[0]);
* Gets all connected streams.
* @return all started streams.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Stream[] getAllStreams() throws SkypeException {
String streamIds = Utils.getPropertyWithCommandId("APPLICATION", getName(), "STREAMS");
synchronized(streams) {
if("".equals(streamIds)) {
return new Stream[0];
String[] ids = streamIds.split(" ");
Stream[] results = new Stream[ids.length];
for(int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
results[i] = streams.get(ids[i]);
return results;
private void fireStreamEvents(final String newStreamIdList) {
synchronized(streams) {
String[] newStreamIds = "".equals(newStreamIdList)? new String[0]: newStreamIdList.split(" ");
for(String streamId: newStreamIds) {
if(!streams.containsKey(streamId)) {
Stream stream = new Stream(this, streamId);
streams.put(streamId, stream);
String[] oldStreamIds = streams.keySet().toArray(new String[0]);
NEXT: for(String oldStreamId: oldStreamIds) {
for(String newStreamId: newStreamIds) {
if(oldStreamId.equals(newStreamId)) {
continue NEXT;
Stream stream = streams.remove(oldStreamId);
* Fires an connected event when a stream is created.
* @param stream The connected stream.
private void fireConnected(final Stream stream) {
assert stream != null;
// to prevent ConcurrentModificationException
ApplicationListener[] myListeners = this.listeners.toArray(new ApplicationListener[0]);
for(ApplicationListener listener: myListeners) {
try {
} catch(Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Fires an disconnect event when a stream ends.
* @param stream the closed AP2AP stream.
private void fireDisconnected(final Stream stream) {
assert stream != null;
// to prevent ConcurrentModificationException
ApplicationListener[] myListeners = this.listeners.toArray(new ApplicationListener[0]);
for(ApplicationListener listener: myListeners) {
try {
} catch(Throwable e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Add a listener for events to this AP2AP implementation.
* @param listener the listener which will be triggered.
public void addApplicationListener(final ApplicationListener listener) {
Utils.checkNotNull("listener", listener);
* Remove a listener for this AP2AP implementation. If listener is already removed nothing happens.
* @param listener The listener that has to be removed.
public void removeApplicationListener(final ApplicationListener listener) {
Utils.checkNotNull("listener", listener);
* Find user to whom Skype can connect using AP2AP.
* @return Array of connectable users.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Friend[] getAllConnectableFriends() throws SkypeException {
return getAllFriends("CONNECTABLE");
* Find all users to whom SKype is connecting a AP2AP connection.
* @return Array of user to whom a connecting AP2AP is in progress.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Friend[] getAllConnectingFriends() throws SkypeException {
return getAllFriends("CONNECTING");
* Find all user with whom we have a established AP2AP connection.
* @return all AP2AP connected users.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Friend[] getAllConnectedFriends() throws SkypeException {
return getAllFriends("STREAMS");
* Find all user to whom we are sending data using a AP2AP connection.
* @return an array of users that we are sending to.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Friend[] getAllSendingFriends() throws SkypeException {
return getAllFriends("SENDING");
* Find all users which we have received data from using an AP2AP connection.
* @return array of found users.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
public Friend[] getAllReceivedFriends() throws SkypeException {
return getAllFriends("RECEIVED");
* Search method to find friend with a parameter.
* @param type The searchstring.
* @return array of found friends.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
private Friend[] getAllFriends(final String type) throws SkypeException {
try {
String command = "GET APPLICATION " + getName() + " " + type;
String responseHeader = "APPLICATION " + getName() + " " + type + " ";
String response = Connector.getInstance().executeWithId(command, responseHeader);
return extractFriends(response.substring(responseHeader.length()));
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
return null;
* Parse the results of a search action for names.
* @param list with search results.
* @return array of parsed users.
* @throws SkypeException when connection is gone bad.
private Friend[] extractFriends(final String list) throws SkypeException {
assert list != null;
if("".equals(list)) {
return new Friend[0];
String[] ids = list.split(" ");
for(int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
String id = ids[i];
if(id.contains(":")) {
ids[i] = id.substring(0, id.indexOf(':'));
Friend[] allFriends = Skype.getContactList().getAllFriends();
List friends = new ArrayList();
for(String id: ids) {
for(Friend friend: allFriends) {
if(friend.getId().equals(id)) {
return friends.toArray(new Friend[0]);
* This class implements a listener for data packets.
private class DataListener extends AbstractConnectorListener {
* Message received event method. It checks the name of the AP2AP application name and strips the SKYPE protocol data from the message. Then it will call handleData(String) to process the inner data.
* @param event The event and message that triggered this listener.
public void messageReceived(ConnectorMessageEvent event) {
String message = event.getMessage();
String streamsHeader = "APPLICATION " + getName() + " STREAMS ";
if(message.startsWith(streamsHeader)) {
String streamIds = message.substring(streamsHeader.length());
final String dataHeader = "APPLICATION " + getName() + " ";
if(message.startsWith(dataHeader)) {
* This method will process the inner data of a data message.
* @param dataResponse the received data.
private void handleData(final String dataResponse) {
try {
if(isReceivedText(dataResponse)) {
String data = dataResponse.substring("RECEIVED ".length());
String streamId = data.substring(0, data.indexOf('='));
String dataHeader = "ALTER APPLICATION " + getName() + " READ " + streamId;
String response = Connector.getInstance().executeWithId(dataHeader, dataHeader);
String text = response.substring(dataHeader.length() + 1);
synchronized(streams) {
if(streams.containsKey(streamId)) {
} else if(isReceivedDatagram(dataResponse)) {
String data = dataResponse.substring("DATAGRAM ".length());
String streamId = data.substring(0, data.indexOf(' '));
String datagram = data.substring(data.indexOf(' ') + 1);
synchronized(streams) {
if(streams.containsKey(streamId)) {
} catch(Exception e) {
Utils.handleUncaughtException(e, exceptionHandler);
* Check if received data is text instead of DATAGRAM.
* @param dataResponse the data to check.
* @return true if the data is text.
private boolean isReceivedText(final String dataResponse) {
return dataResponse.startsWith("RECEIVED ") && ("RECEIVED ".length() < dataResponse.length());
* Check if received data is DATAGRAM instead of text.
* @param dataResponse the data to check.
* @return true if the data is DATAGRAM.
private boolean isReceivedDatagram(final String dataResponse) {
return dataResponse.startsWith("DATAGRAM ");
private class ShutdownHookForFinish extends Thread {
public void run() {
try {
Connector.getInstance().execute("DELETE APPLICATION " + Application.this.getName());
} catch(ConnectorException e) {
// ignore errors because the program was stopped.
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