tgtools.quartz.explorer.mybatis.TaskMapper_dm6.xml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" ""> <mapper namespace="tgtools.quartz.explorer.dao.TaskDao"> <select id="get" resultType="tgtools.quartz.explorer.entity.TaskDO"> select id,cron_expression,method_name,is_concurrent,description,update_by,bean_class,create_date,job_status,job_group,update_date,create_by,spring_bean,job_name from QRTZ_TASK where id = #{value} </select> <select id="list" resultType="tgtools.quartz.explorer.entity.TaskDO"> select id,cron_expression,method_name,is_concurrent,description,update_by,bean_class,create_date,job_status,job_group,update_date,create_by,spring_bean,job_name from QRTZ_TASK <where> <if test="id != null and id != ''"> and id = #{id} </if> <if test="cronExpression != null and cronExpression != ''"> and cron_expression = #{cronExpression} </if> <if test="methodName != null and methodName != ''"> and method_name = #{methodName} </if> <if test="isConcurrent != null and isConcurrent != ''"> and is_concurrent = #{isConcurrent} </if> <if test="description != null and description != ''"> and description = #{description} </if> <if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''"> and update_by = #{updateBy} </if> <if test="beanClass != null and beanClass != ''"> and bean_class = #{beanClass} </if> <if test="createDate != null and createDate != ''"> and create_date = #{createDate} </if> <if test="jobStatus != null and jobStatus != ''"> and job_status = #{jobStatus} </if> <if test="jobGroup != null and jobGroup != ''"> and job_group = #{jobGroup} </if> <if test="updateDate != null and updateDate != ''"> and update_date = #{updateDate} </if> <if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''"> and create_by = #{createBy} </if> <if test="springBean != null and springBean != ''"> and spring_bean = #{springBean} </if> <if test="jobName != null and jobName != ''"> and job_name = #{jobName} </if> </where> <choose> <when test="sort != null and sort.trim() != ''"> order by ${sort} ${order} </when> <otherwise> order by id desc </otherwise> </choose> <if test="offset != null and limit != null"> limit ${limit},${offset} </if> </select> <select id="count" resultType="int"> select count(*) from QRTZ_TASK <where> <if test="id != null and id != ''"> and id = #{id} </if> <if test="cronExpression != null and cronExpression != ''"> and cron_expression = #{cronExpression} </if> <if test="methodName != null and methodName != ''"> and method_name = #{methodName} </if> <if test="isConcurrent != null and isConcurrent != ''"> and is_concurrent = #{isConcurrent} </if> <if test="description != null and description != ''"> and description = #{description} </if> <if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''"> and update_by = #{updateBy} </if> <if test="beanClass != null and beanClass != ''"> and bean_class = #{beanClass} </if> <if test="createDate != null and createDate != ''"> and create_date = #{createDate} </if> <if test="jobStatus != null and jobStatus != ''"> and job_status = #{jobStatus} </if> <if test="jobGroup != null and jobGroup != ''"> and job_group = #{jobGroup} </if> <if test="updateDate != null and updateDate != ''"> and update_date = #{updateDate} </if> <if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''"> and create_by = #{createBy} </if> <if test="springBean != null and springBean != ''"> and spring_bean = #{springBean} </if> <if test="jobName != null and jobName != ''"> and job_name = #{jobName} </if> </where> </select> <insert id="save" parameterType="tgtools.quartz.explorer.entity.TaskDO" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"> insert into QRTZ_TASK ( cron_expression, method_name, is_concurrent, description, update_by, bean_class, create_date, job_status, job_group, update_date, create_by, spring_bean, job_name ) values ( #{cronExpression}, #{methodName}, #{isConcurrent}, #{description}, #{updateBy}, #{beanClass}, #{createDate}, #{jobStatus}, #{jobGroup}, #{updateDate}, #{createBy}, #{springBean}, #{jobName} ) </insert> <update id="update" parameterType="tgtools.quartz.explorer.entity.TaskDO"> update QRTZ_TASK <set> <if test="cronExpression != null">cron_expression = #{cronExpression}, </if> <if test="methodName != null">method_name = #{methodName}, </if> <if test="isConcurrent != null">is_concurrent = #{isConcurrent}, </if> <if test="description != null">description = #{description}, </if> <if test="updateBy != null">update_by = #{updateBy}, </if> <if test="beanClass != null">bean_class = #{beanClass}, </if> <if test="createDate != null">create_date = #{createDate}, </if> <if test="jobStatus != null">job_status = #{jobStatus}, </if> <if test="jobGroup != null">job_group = #{jobGroup}, </if> <if test="updateDate != null">update_date = #{updateDate}, </if> <if test="createBy != null">create_by = #{createBy}, </if> <if test="springBean != null">spring_bean = #{springBean}, </if> <if test="jobName != null">job_name = #{jobName}</if> </set> where id = #{id} </update> <delete id="remove"> delete from QRTZ_TASK where id = #{value} </delete> <delete id="batchRemove"> delete from QRTZ_TASK where id in <foreach item="id" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{id} </foreach> </delete> </mapper>