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com.github.tminglei.bind.Framework.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.tminglei.bind
import FrameworkUtils._
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
* The Facade class
case class FormBinder[R](messages: Messages,
errProcessor: ErrProcessor[R] = identity[Seq[(String, String)]] _) {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FormBinder.getClass)
* bind mappings to data, and return an either, holding validation errors (left) or converted value (right)
def bind[T](mapping: Mapping[T], data: Map[String, String], root: String = ""): Either[R, T] = {
logger.debug(s"start binding ... from '$root'")
mapping.validate(root, data, messages, Options.apply()) match {
case Nil => Right(mapping.convert(root, data))
case errs => Left(errProcessor.apply(errs))
* bind and validate data, return (processed) errors
def validate[T](mapping: Mapping[T], data: Map[String, String], root: String = ""): R = {
logger.debug(s"start validating ... from '$root'")
mapping.validate(root, data, messages, Options.apply())
///////////////////////////////////////// core interfaces and classes //////////////////////////////////
* Some mark traits, used to help ensure the matching of fixtures in a data processing flow/pipe
sealed trait InputMode
object SoloInput extends InputMode
object BulkInput extends InputMode
object PolyInput extends InputMode
* Used to transfer config info in the data processing flow
case class Options(
i18n: Option[Boolean] = None,
eagerCheck: Option[Boolean] = None,
ignoreEmpty: Option[Boolean] = None,
touched: Option[TouchedChecker] = None,
// internal options, only applied to current mapping
_label: Option[String] = None,
_constraints: List[Constraint] = Nil,
_processors: List[PreProcessor] = Nil,
_ignoreConstraints: Boolean = false,
_inputMode: InputMode = SoloInput
) {
def i18n(i18n: Boolean): Options = copy(i18n = Some(i18n))
def eagerCheck(check: Boolean): Options = copy(eagerCheck = Some(check))
def ignoreEmpty(ignore: Boolean): Options = copy(ignoreEmpty = Some(ignore))
def touched(touched: TouchedChecker): Options = copy(touched = Some(touched))
def merge(parent: Options): Options = copy(
i18n = i18n.orElse(parent.i18n),
eagerCheck = eagerCheck.orElse(parent.eagerCheck),
ignoreEmpty = ignoreEmpty.orElse(parent.ignoreEmpty),
touched = touched.orElse(parent.touched))
* A mapping, w/ constraints/processors/options, was used to validate/convert input data
trait Mapping[T] {
def options: Options = Options.apply()
def options(setting: Options => Options) = this
def label(label: String) = options(_.copy(_label = Option(label)))
def >-:(newProcessors: PreProcessor*) = options(_.copy(_processors = newProcessors ++: options._processors))
def >+:(newConstraints: Constraint*) = options(_.copy(_constraints = newConstraints ++: options._constraints))
def verifying(validates: ExtraConstraint[T]*) = this
def convert(name: String, data: Map[String, String]): T
def validate(name: String, data: Map[String, String], messages: Messages, parentOptions: Options): Seq[(String, String)]
def mapTo[R](transform: T => R): Mapping[R] = new TransformMapping[T, R](this, transform)
///////////////////////////////////////// core mapping implementations /////////////////////////////////
* A wrapper mapping, used to transform converted value to another
case class TransformMapping[T, R](base: Mapping[T], transform: T => R,
extraConstraints: List[ExtraConstraint[R]] = Nil) extends Mapping[R] {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TransformMapping.getClass)
override def options = base.options
override def options(setting: Options => Options) = copy(base = base.options(setting))
override def verifying(validates: ExtraConstraint[R]*) = copy(extraConstraints = extraConstraints ++ validates)
def convert(name: String, data: Map[String, String]): R = {
logger.debug(s"transforming $name")
transform(base.convert(name, data))
def validate(name: String, data: Map[String, String], messages: Messages, parentOptions: Options): Seq[(String, String)] = {
val errors = base.validate(name, data, messages, parentOptions)
if (errors.isEmpty)
Option(convert(name, data)).map { v =>
extraValidateRec(name, v, messages, base.options.merge(parentOptions), extraConstraints)
else errors
* A field mapping is an atomic mapping, which doesn't contain other mappings
case class FieldMapping[T](inputMode: InputMode = SoloInput, doConvert: (String, Map[String, String]) => T,
moreValidate: Constraint = PassValidating, extraConstraints: List[ExtraConstraint[T]] = Nil,
override val options: Options = Options.apply()) extends Mapping[T] {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(FieldMapping.getClass)
override def options(setting: Options => Options) = copy(options = setting(options))
override def verifying(validates: ExtraConstraint[T]*) = copy(extraConstraints = extraConstraints ++ validates)
def convert(name: String, data: Map[String, String]): T = {
logger.debug(s"converting $name")
val newData = processDataRec(name, data, options.copy(_inputMode = inputMode), options._processors)
doConvert(name, newData)
def validate(name: String, data: Map[String, String], messages: Messages, parentOptions: Options): Seq[(String, String)] = {
logger.debug(s"validating $name")
val theOptions = options.merge(parentOptions).copy(_inputMode = inputMode)
val newData = processDataRec(name, data, theOptions, theOptions._processors)
if (isEmptyInput(name, newData, theOptions._inputMode)
&& theOptions.ignoreEmpty.getOrElse(false)
&& (theOptions.touched.isEmpty || ! theOptions.touched.get.apply(name, newData))
) Nil
else {
val validates = (if (theOptions._ignoreConstraints) Nil else theOptions._constraints) :+
val errors = validateRec(name, newData, messages, theOptions, validates)
if (errors.isEmpty) {
Option(doConvert(name, newData)).map { v =>
extraValidateRec(name, v, messages, theOptions, extraConstraints)
} else errors
* A group mapping is a compound mapping, and is used to construct a complex/nested mapping
case class GroupMapping[T](fields: Seq[(String, Mapping[_])], doConvert: (String, Map[String, String]) => T,
extraConstraints: List[ExtraConstraint[T]] = Nil,
override val options: Options = Options.apply(_inputMode = BulkInput)) extends Mapping[T] {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GroupMapping.getClass)
override def options(setting: Options => Options) = copy(options = setting(options))
override def verifying(validates: ExtraConstraint[T]*) = copy(extraConstraints = extraConstraints ++ validates)
def convert(name: String, data: Map[String, String]): T = {
logger.debug(s"converting $name")
val newData = processDataRec(name, data, options, options._processors)
if (isEmptyInput(name, newData, options._inputMode)) null.asInstanceOf[T]
else doConvert(name, newData)
def validate(name: String, data: Map[String, String], messages: Messages, parentOptions: Options): Seq[(String, String)] = {
logger.debug(s"validating $name")
val theOptions = options.merge(parentOptions)
val newData = processDataRec(name, data, theOptions, theOptions._processors)
if (isEmptyInput(name, newData, theOptions._inputMode)
&& theOptions.ignoreEmpty.getOrElse(false)
&& (theOptions.touched.isEmpty || ! theOptions.touched.get.apply(name, newData))
) Nil
else {
val validates = theOptions._constraints :+
{ (name: String, data: Map[String, String], messages: Messages, options: Options) =>
if (isEmptyInput(name, data, options._inputMode)) Nil
else { { case (fieldName, binding) =>
val fullName = if (name.isEmpty) fieldName else name + "." + fieldName
binding.validate(fullName, data, messages, options)
val errors = validateRec(name, newData, messages, theOptions, validates)
if (errors.isEmpty) {
if (isEmptyInput(name, newData, options._inputMode)) Nil
else {
extraValidateRec(name, doConvert(name, newData), messages, theOptions, extraConstraints)
} else errors