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 * Copyright 2013-2023 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;



 * A {@link ThrowableHandlingConverter} (similar to logback's {@link ThrowableProxyConverter})
 * that formats stacktraces by doing the following:
  • Limits the number of stackTraceElements per throwable * (applies to each individual throwable. e.g. caused-bys and suppressed). * See {@link #maxDepthPerThrowable}.
  • *
  • Limits the total length in characters of the trace. * See {@link #maxLength}.
  • *
  • Abbreviates class names based. * See {@link #setShortenedClassNameLength(int)}.
  • *
  • Filters out consecutive unwanted stackTraceElements based on regular expressions. * See {@link #excludes}.
  • *
  • Truncate individual stacktraces after any element matching one the configured * regular expression. * See {@link #truncateAfterPatterns}. *
  • Uses evaluators to determine if the stacktrace should be logged. * See {@link #evaluators}.
  • *
  • Outputs in either 'normal' order (root-cause-last), or root-cause-first. * See {@link #rootCauseFirst}.
  • *
* * To use this with a {@link PatternLayout}, you must configure {@code conversionRule} * as described here. * Options can be specified in the pattern in the following order: *
  1. maxDepthPerThrowable = "full" or "short" or an integer value
  2. *
  3. shortenedClassNameLength = "full" or "short" or an integer value
  4. *
  5. maxLength = "full" or "short" or an integer value
  6. *
* * The other options can be listed in any order and are interpreted as follows: *
  • "rootFirst" - indicating that stacks should be printed root-cause first *
  • "inlineHash" - indicating that hexadecimal error hashes should be computed and inlined *
  • "inline" - indicating that the whole stack trace should be inlined, using "\\n" as separator *
  • "omitCommonFrames" - omit common frames *
  • "keepCommonFrames" - keep common frames *
  • evaluator name - name of evaluators that will determine if the stacktrace is ignored *
  • exclusion pattern - pattern for stack trace elements to exclude *
* *

* For example, *

 * {@code
 *             [%thread] - %msg%n%stack{5,1024,10,rootFirst,omitCommonFrames,regex1,regex2,evaluatorName}
 * }
*/ public class ShortenedThrowableConverter extends ThrowableHandlingConverter { public static final int FULL_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final int SHORT_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE = 3; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE = FULL_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE; public static final int FULL_MAX_LENGTH = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static final int SHORT_MAX_LENGTH = 1024; public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH = FULL_MAX_LENGTH; public static final int FULL_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH = -1; public static final int SHORT_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH = 10; public static final int DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH = FULL_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH; private static final String ELLIPSIS = "..."; private static final int BUFFER_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 4096; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_FULL = "full"; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_SHORT = "short"; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_ROOT_FIRST = "rootFirst"; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_INLINE_HASH = "inlineHash"; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_OMITCOMMONFRAMES = "omitCommonFrames"; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_KEEPCOMMONFRAMES = "keepCommonFrames"; private static final String OPTION_VALUE_INLINE_STACK = "inline"; private static final int OPTION_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH = 0; private static final int OPTION_INDEX_SHORTENED_CLASS_NAME = 1; private static final int OPTION_INDEX_MAX_LENGTH = 2; /** * String sequence to use to delimit lines instead of {@link CoreConstants#LINE_SEPARATOR} * when inline is active */ public static final String DEFAULT_INLINE_SEPARATOR = "\\n"; private AtomicInteger errorCount = new AtomicInteger(); /** * Maximum number of stackTraceElements printed per throwable. */ private int maxDepthPerThrowable = DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE; /** * Maximum number of characters in the entire stacktrace. */ private int maxLength = DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH; /** * Abbreviator used to shorten the classnames. * Initialized during {@link #start()}. */ private Abbreviator abbreviator = new DefaultTargetLengthAbbreviator(); /** * Patterns used to determine which stacktrace elements to exclude. * * The strings being matched against are in the form "fullyQualifiedClassName.methodName" * (e.g. "java.lang.Object.toString"). * * Note that these elements will only be excluded if and only if * more than one consecutive line matches an exclusion pattern. */ private List excludes = new ArrayList<>(); /** * Patterns used to determine after which element the stack trace must be truncated. * * The strings being matched against are in the form "fullyQualifiedClassName.methodName" * (e.g. "java.lang.Object.toString"). */ private List truncateAfterPatterns = new ArrayList<>(); /** * True to print the root cause first. False to print exceptions normally (root cause last). */ private boolean rootCauseFirst; /** * True to compute and inline stack hashes. */ private boolean inlineHash; /** * True to omit common frames */ private boolean omitCommonFrames = true; /** line delimiter */ private String lineSeparator = CoreConstants.LINE_SEPARATOR; private StackElementFilter stackElementFilter; private StackHasher stackHasher; private StackElementFilter truncateAfterFilter; /** * Evaluators that determine if the stacktrace should be logged. */ private List> evaluators = new ArrayList<>(); @Override public void start() { parseOptions(); // instantiate stack element filter if (excludes == null || excludes.isEmpty()) { if (inlineHash) { // filter out elements with no source info addInfo("[inlineHash] is active with no exclusion pattern: use non null source info filter to exclude generated classnames (see doc)"); stackElementFilter = StackElementFilter.withSourceInfo(); } else { // use any filter stackElementFilter = StackElementFilter.any(); } } else { // use patterns filter stackElementFilter = StackElementFilter.byPattern(excludes); } // instantiate stack hasher if "inline hash" is active if (inlineHash) { stackHasher = new StackHasher(stackElementFilter); } truncateAfterFilter = StackElementFilter.byPattern(truncateAfterPatterns); LogbackUtils.start(getContext(), abbreviator); super.start(); } @Override public void stop() { super.stop(); LogbackUtils.stop(this.abbreviator); } private void parseOptions() { List optionList = getOptionList(); if (optionList == null) { return; } final int optionListSize = optionList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < optionListSize; i++) { String option = optionList.get(i); switch (i) { case OPTION_INDEX_MAX_DEPTH: setMaxDepthPerThrowable(parseIntegerOptionValue(option, FULL_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE, SHORT_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE, DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE)); break; case OPTION_INDEX_SHORTENED_CLASS_NAME: setShortenedClassNameLength(parseIntegerOptionValue(option, FULL_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH, SHORT_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH, DEFAULT_CLASS_NAME_LENGTH)); break; case OPTION_INDEX_MAX_LENGTH: setMaxLength(parseIntegerOptionValue(option, FULL_MAX_LENGTH, SHORT_MAX_LENGTH, DEFAULT_MAX_LENGTH)); break; default: /* * Remaining options are either * - "rootFirst" - indicating that stacks should be printed root-cause first * - "inlineHash" - indicating that hexadecimal error hashes should be computed and inlined * - "inline" - indicating that the whole stack trace should be inlined, using "\\n" as separator * - "omitCommonFrames" - omit common frames * - "keepCommonFrames" - keep common frames * - evaluator name - name of evaluators that will determine if the stacktrace is ignored * - exclusion pattern - pattern for stack trace elements to exclude */ switch (option) { case OPTION_VALUE_ROOT_FIRST: setRootCauseFirst(true); break; case OPTION_VALUE_INLINE_HASH: setInlineHash(true); break; case OPTION_VALUE_INLINE_STACK: setLineSeparator(DEFAULT_INLINE_SEPARATOR); break; case OPTION_VALUE_OMITCOMMONFRAMES: setOmitCommonFrames(true); break; case OPTION_VALUE_KEEPCOMMONFRAMES: setOmitCommonFrames(false); break; default: @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map evaluatorMap = (Map) getContext().getObject(CoreConstants.EVALUATOR_MAP); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EventEvaluator evaluator = (evaluatorMap != null) ? (EventEvaluator) evaluatorMap.get(option) : null; if (evaluator != null) { addEvaluator(evaluator); } else { addExclude(option); } } } } } private int parseIntegerOptionValue(String option, int valueIfFull, int valueIfShort, int valueIfNonParsable) { if (OPTION_VALUE_FULL.equals(option)) { return valueIfFull; } else if (OPTION_VALUE_SHORT.equals(option)) { return valueIfShort; } else { try { return Integer.parseInt(option); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { addError("Could not parse [" + option + "] as an integer, default to " + valueIfNonParsable); return valueIfNonParsable; } } } @Override public String convert(ILoggingEvent event) { if (!isStarted()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Converter is not started"); } IThrowableProxy throwableProxy = event.getThrowableProxy(); if (throwableProxy == null || isExcludedByEvaluator(event)) { return CoreConstants.EMPTY_STRING; } // compute stack trace hashes Deque stackHashes = null; if (inlineHash && (throwableProxy instanceof ThrowableProxy)) { stackHashes = stackHasher.hexHashes(((ThrowableProxy) throwableProxy).getThrowable()); } /* * The extra 100 gives a little more buffer room since we actually * go over the maxLength before detecting it and truncating. */ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(Math.min(BUFFER_INITIAL_CAPACITY, this.maxLength + 100 > 0 ? this.maxLength + 100 : this.maxLength)); if (rootCauseFirst) { appendRootCauseFirst(builder, null, ThrowableProxyUtil.REGULAR_EXCEPTION_INDENT, throwableProxy, stackHashes); } else { appendRootCauseLast(builder, null, ThrowableProxyUtil.REGULAR_EXCEPTION_INDENT, throwableProxy, stackHashes); } if (builder.length() > this.maxLength) { builder.setLength(this.maxLength - ELLIPSIS.length() - getLineSeparator().length()); builder.append(ELLIPSIS).append(getLineSeparator()); } return builder.toString(); } /** * Sets which lineSeparator to use between events. *

* * The following values have special meaning: *

  • {@code null} or empty string = no new line.
  • *
  • "{@code SYSTEM}" = operating system new line (default).
  • *
  • "{@code UNIX}" = unix line ending ({@code \n}).
  • *
  • "{@code WINDOWS}" = windows line ending {@code \r\n}).
  • *

* Any other value will be used as given as the lineSeparator. * * @param lineSeparator the line separator */ public void setLineSeparator(String lineSeparator) { this.lineSeparator = SeparatorParser.parseSeparator(lineSeparator); } public String getLineSeparator() { return lineSeparator; } /** * Return true if any evaluator returns true, indicating that * the stack trace should not be logged. */ private boolean isExcludedByEvaluator(ILoggingEvent event) { for (int i = 0; i < evaluators.size(); i++) { EventEvaluator evaluator = evaluators.get(i); try { if (evaluator.evaluate(event)) { return true; } } catch (EvaluationException eex) { int errors = errorCount.incrementAndGet(); if (errors < CoreConstants.MAX_ERROR_COUNT) { addError(String.format("Exception thrown for evaluator named [%s]", evaluator.getName()), eex); } else if (errors == CoreConstants.MAX_ERROR_COUNT) { ErrorStatus errorStatus = new ErrorStatus( String.format("Exception thrown for evaluator named [%s]", evaluator.getName()), this, eex); errorStatus.add(new ErrorStatus( "This was the last warning about this evaluator's errors. " + "We don't want the StatusManager to get flooded.", this)); addStatus(errorStatus); } } } return false; } /** * Appends a throwable and recursively appends its causedby/suppressed throwables * in "normal" order (Root cause last). */ private void appendRootCauseLast( StringBuilder builder, String prefix, int indent, IThrowableProxy throwableProxy, Deque stackHashes) { if (throwableProxy == null || builder.length() > this.maxLength) { return; } String hash = stackHashes == null || stackHashes.isEmpty() ? null : stackHashes.removeFirst(); appendFirstLine(builder, prefix, indent, throwableProxy, hash); appendStackTraceElements(builder, indent, throwableProxy); IThrowableProxy[] suppressedThrowableProxies = throwableProxy.getSuppressed(); if (suppressedThrowableProxies != null) { for (IThrowableProxy suppressedThrowableProxy : suppressedThrowableProxies) { // stack hashes are not computed/inlined on suppressed errors appendRootCauseLast(builder, CoreConstants.SUPPRESSED, indent + ThrowableProxyUtil.SUPPRESSED_EXCEPTION_INDENT, suppressedThrowableProxy, null); } } appendRootCauseLast(builder, CoreConstants.CAUSED_BY, indent, throwableProxy.getCause(), stackHashes); } /** * Appends a throwable and recursively appends its causedby/suppressed throwables * in "reverse" order (Root cause first). */ private void appendRootCauseFirst( StringBuilder builder, String prefix, int indent, IThrowableProxy throwableProxy, Deque stackHashes) { if (throwableProxy == null || builder.length() > this.maxLength) { return; } if (throwableProxy.getCause() != null) { appendRootCauseFirst(builder, prefix, indent, throwableProxy.getCause(), stackHashes); prefix = CoreConstants.WRAPPED_BY; } String hash = stackHashes == null || stackHashes.isEmpty() ? null : stackHashes.removeLast(); appendFirstLine(builder, prefix, indent, throwableProxy, hash); appendStackTraceElements(builder, indent, throwableProxy); IThrowableProxy[] suppressedThrowableProxies = throwableProxy.getSuppressed(); if (suppressedThrowableProxies != null) { for (IThrowableProxy suppressedThrowableProxy : suppressedThrowableProxies) { // stack hashes are not computed/inlined on suppressed errors appendRootCauseFirst(builder, CoreConstants.SUPPRESSED, indent + ThrowableProxyUtil.SUPPRESSED_EXCEPTION_INDENT, suppressedThrowableProxy, null); } } } /** * Appends the frames of the throwable. */ private void appendStackTraceElements(StringBuilder builder, int indent, IThrowableProxy throwableProxy) { if (builder.length() > this.maxLength) { return; } StackTraceElementProxy[] stackTraceElements = throwableProxy.getStackTraceElementProxyArray(); int commonFrames = isOmitCommonFrames() ? throwableProxy.getCommonFrames() : 0; boolean appendingExcluded = false; int consecutiveExcluded = 0; int appended = 0; StackTraceElementProxy previousWrittenStackTraceElement = null; int i = 0; for (; i < stackTraceElements.length - commonFrames; i++) { if (this.maxDepthPerThrowable > 0 && appended >= this.maxDepthPerThrowable) { /* * We reached the configured limit. Bail out. */ break; } StackTraceElementProxy stackTraceElement = stackTraceElements[i]; if (i < 1 || isIncluded(stackTraceElement)) { // First 2 frames are always included /* * We should append this line. * * consecutiveExcluded will be > 0 if we were previously skipping lines based on excludes */ if (consecutiveExcluded >= 2) { /* * Multiple consecutive lines were excluded, so append a placeholder */ appendPlaceHolder(builder, indent, consecutiveExcluded, "frames excluded"); consecutiveExcluded = 0; } else if (consecutiveExcluded == 1) { /* * We only excluded one line, so just go back and include it * instead of printing the excluding message for it. */ appendingExcluded = true; consecutiveExcluded = 0; i -= 2; continue; } appendStackTraceElement(builder, indent, stackTraceElement, previousWrittenStackTraceElement); previousWrittenStackTraceElement = stackTraceElement; appendingExcluded = false; appended++; } else if (appendingExcluded) { /* * We're going back and appending something we previously excluded */ appendStackTraceElement(builder, indent, stackTraceElement, previousWrittenStackTraceElement); previousWrittenStackTraceElement = stackTraceElement; appended++; } else { consecutiveExcluded++; } if (shouldTruncateAfter(stackTraceElement)) { /* * Truncate after this line. Bail out. */ break; } } /* * We did not process the stack up to the last element (max depth, truncate line) */ if (i + commonFrames < stackTraceElements.length) { /* * We were excluding elements but we want the truncateAfter element to be printed */ if (consecutiveExcluded > 0) { consecutiveExcluded--; appendPlaceHolder(builder, indent, consecutiveExcluded, "frames excluded"); appendStackTraceElement(builder, indent, stackTraceElements[i], previousWrittenStackTraceElement); appended++; } if (commonFrames > 0) { appendPlaceHolder(builder, indent, stackTraceElements.length - appended - consecutiveExcluded, "frames truncated (including " + commonFrames + " common frames)"); } else { appendPlaceHolder(builder, indent, stackTraceElements.length - appended - consecutiveExcluded, "frames truncated"); } } else { if (consecutiveExcluded > 0) { /* * We were excluding stuff at the end, so append a placeholder */ appendPlaceHolder(builder, indent, consecutiveExcluded, "frames excluded"); } if (commonFrames > 0) { /* * Common frames found, append a placeholder */ appendPlaceHolder(builder, indent, commonFrames, "common frames omitted"); } } } /** * Appends a placeholder indicating that some frames were not written. */ private void appendPlaceHolder(StringBuilder builder, int indent, int consecutiveExcluded, String message) { indent(builder, indent); builder.append(ELLIPSIS) .append(" ") .append(consecutiveExcluded) .append(" ") .append(message) .append(getLineSeparator()); } /** * Return {@code true} if the stack trace element is included (i.e. doesn't match any exclude patterns). * * @return {@code true} if the stacktrace element is included */ private boolean isIncluded(StackTraceElementProxy step) { return stackElementFilter.accept(step.getStackTraceElement()); } /** * Return {@code true} if the stacktrace should be truncated after the element passed as argument * * @param step the stacktrace element to evaluate * @return {@code true} if the stacktrace should be truncated after the given element */ private boolean shouldTruncateAfter(StackTraceElementProxy step) { return !truncateAfterFilter.accept(step.getStackTraceElement()); } /** * Appends a single stack trace element. */ private void appendStackTraceElement(StringBuilder builder, int indent, StackTraceElementProxy step, StackTraceElementProxy previousStep) { if (builder.length() > this.maxLength) { return; } indent(builder, indent); StackTraceElement stackTraceElement = step.getStackTraceElement(); String fileName = stackTraceElement.getFileName(); int lineNumber = stackTraceElement.getLineNumber(); builder.append("at ") .append(abbreviator.abbreviate(stackTraceElement.getClassName())) .append(".") .append(stackTraceElement.getMethodName()) .append("(") .append(fileName == null ? "Unknown Source" : fileName); if (lineNumber >= 0) { builder.append(":") .append(lineNumber); } builder.append(")"); if (shouldAppendPackagingData(step, previousStep)) { appendPackagingData(builder, step); } builder.append(getLineSeparator()); } /** * Return true if packaging data should be appended for the current step. * * Packaging data for the current step is only appended if it differs * from the packaging data from the previous step. */ private boolean shouldAppendPackagingData(StackTraceElementProxy step, StackTraceElementProxy previousStep) { if (step.getClassPackagingData() == null) { return false; } if (previousStep == null || previousStep.getClassPackagingData() == null) { return true; } return !step.getClassPackagingData().equals(previousStep.getClassPackagingData()); } private void appendPackagingData(StringBuilder builder, StackTraceElementProxy step) { ThrowableProxyUtil.subjoinPackagingData(builder, step); } /** * Appends the first line containing the prefix and throwable message */ private void appendFirstLine(StringBuilder builder, String prefix, int indent, IThrowableProxy throwableProxy, String hash) { if (builder.length() > this.maxLength) { return; } indent(builder, indent - 1); if (prefix != null) { builder.append(prefix); } if (hash != null) { // inline stack hash builder.append("<#" + hash + "> "); } builder.append(abbreviator.abbreviate(throwableProxy.getClassName())) .append(": ") .append(throwableProxy.getMessage()) .append(getLineSeparator()); } private void indent(StringBuilder builder, int indent) { ThrowableProxyUtil.indent(builder, indent); } /** * Set the length to which class names should be abbreviated. * Cannot be used if a custom {@link Abbreviator} has been set through {@link #setClassNameAbbreviator(Abbreviator)}. * * @param length the desired maximum length or {@code -1} to disable the feature and allow for any arbitrary length. */ public void setShortenedClassNameLength(int length) { if (this.abbreviator instanceof DefaultTargetLengthAbbreviator) { ((DefaultTargetLengthAbbreviator) this.abbreviator).setTargetLength(length); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot set shortenedClassNameLength on non default Abbreviator"); } } /** * Get the class name abbreviation target length. * Cannot be used if a custom {@link Abbreviator} has been set through {@link #setClassNameAbbreviator(Abbreviator)}. * * @return the abbreviation target length */ public int getShortenedClassNameLength() { if (this.abbreviator instanceof DefaultTargetLengthAbbreviator) { return ((DefaultTargetLengthAbbreviator) this.abbreviator).getTargetLength(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot invoke getShortenedClassNameLength on non default abbreviator"); } } /** * Set a custom {@link Abbreviator} used to shorten class names. * * @param abbreviator the {@link Abbreviator} to use. */ @DefaultClass(DefaultTargetLengthAbbreviator.class) public void setClassNameAbbreviator(Abbreviator abbreviator) { this.abbreviator = Objects.requireNonNull(abbreviator); } public Abbreviator getClassNameAbbreviator() { return this.abbreviator; } /** * Set a limit on the number of stackTraceElements per throwable. * Use {@code -1} to disable the feature and allow for an unlimited depth. * * @param maxDepthPerThrowable the maximum number of stacktrace elements per throwable or {@code -1} to * disable the feature and allows for an unlimited amount. */ public void setMaxDepthPerThrowable(int maxDepthPerThrowable) { if (maxDepthPerThrowable <= 0 && maxDepthPerThrowable != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxDepthPerThrowable must be > 0, or -1 to disable the feature"); } if (maxDepthPerThrowable == -1) { maxDepthPerThrowable = FULL_MAX_DEPTH_PER_THROWABLE; } this.maxDepthPerThrowable = maxDepthPerThrowable; } public int getMaxDepthPerThrowable() { return maxDepthPerThrowable; } /** * Set a hard limit on the size of the rendered stacktrace, all throwables included. * Use {@code -1} to disable the feature and allows for any size. * * @param maxLength the maximum size of the rendered stacktrace or {@code -1} for no limit. */ public void setMaxLength(int maxLength) { if (maxLength <= 0 && maxLength != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxLength must be > 0, or -1 to disable the feature"); } if (maxLength == -1) { maxLength = FULL_MAX_LENGTH; } this.maxLength = maxLength; } public int getMaxLength() { return maxLength; } /** * Control whether common frames should be omitted for nested throwables or not. * * @param omitCommonFrames {@code true} to omit common frames */ public void setOmitCommonFrames(boolean omitCommonFrames) { this.omitCommonFrames = omitCommonFrames; } public boolean isOmitCommonFrames() { return this.omitCommonFrames; } public boolean isRootCauseFirst() { return rootCauseFirst; } public void setRootCauseFirst(boolean rootCauseFirst) { this.rootCauseFirst = rootCauseFirst; } public boolean isInlineHash() { return inlineHash; } public void setInlineHash(boolean inlineHash) { this.inlineHash = inlineHash; } /* visible for testing */ void setStackHasher(StackHasher stackHasher) { this.stackHasher = stackHasher; } public void addExclude(String exclusionPattern) { excludes.add(Pattern.compile(exclusionPattern)); } /** * Add multiple exclusion patterns as a list of comma separated patterns * @param commaSeparatedPatterns list of comma separated patterns */ public void addExclusions(String commaSeparatedPatterns) { for (String regex: StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(commaSeparatedPatterns)) { addExclude(regex); } } public void setExcludes(List patterns) { this.excludes = new ArrayList<>(patterns.size()); for (String pattern : patterns) { addExclude(pattern); } } public List getExcludes() { return this.excludes .stream() .map(Pattern::pattern) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public void addTruncateAfter(String regex) { this.truncateAfterPatterns.add(Pattern.compile(regex)); } public List getTruncateAfters() { return this.truncateAfterPatterns .stream() .map(Pattern::pattern) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Add multiple truncate after patterns as a list of comma separated patterns. * * @param commaSeparatedPatterns list of comma separated patterns */ public void addTruncateAfters(String commaSeparatedPatterns) { for (String regex: StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToStringArray(commaSeparatedPatterns)) { addTruncateAfter(regex); } } public void setTruncateAfters(List patterns) { this.truncateAfterPatterns = new ArrayList<>(patterns.size()); for (String pattern: patterns) { addTruncateAfter(pattern); } } public void addEvaluator(EventEvaluator evaluator) { evaluators.add(Objects.requireNonNull(evaluator)); } public void setEvaluators(List> evaluators) { if (evaluators == null || evaluators.isEmpty()) { this.evaluators = new ArrayList<>(1); } else { this.evaluators = new ArrayList<>(evaluators); } } public List> getEvaluators() { return new ArrayList<>(evaluators); } }

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