com.github.tommyettinger.gand.ds.ObjectOrderedSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.github.tommyettinger.gand.ds;
import java.util.*;
import static com.github.tommyettinger.gand.ds.Utilities.tableSize;
* A {@link ObjectSet} that also stores keys in an {@link ArrayList} using the insertion order. Null keys are not allowed. No
* allocation is done except when growing the table size.
* {@link #iterator() Iteration} is ordered and faster than an unordered set. Keys can also be accessed and the order changed
* using {@link #order()}. There is some additional overhead for put and remove.
* This class performs fast contains (typically O(1), worst case O(n) but that is rare in practice). Remove is somewhat slower due
* to {@link #order()}. Add may be slightly slower, depending on hash collisions. Load factors greater than 0.9 greatly increase
* the chances to resize to the next higher POT size.
* Unordered sets and maps are not designed to provide especially fast iteration. Iteration is faster with ordered types
* like ObjectOrderedSet and ObjectObjectOrderedMap.
* You can customize most behavior of this map by extending it. {@link #place(Object)} can be overridden to change how hashCodes
* are calculated (which can be useful for types like {@link StringBuilder} that don't implement hashCode()), and
* {@link #equate(Object, Object)} can be overridden to change how equality is calculated.
* This implementation uses linear probing with the backward shift algorithm for removal.
* It tries different hashes from a simple family, with the hash changing on resize.
* Linear probing continues to work even when all hashCodes collide; it just works more slowly in that case.
* @author Nathan Sweet
* @author Tommy Ettinger
public class ObjectOrderedSet extends ObjectSet {
protected final ArrayList items;
public ObjectOrderedSet () {
items = new ArrayList<>();
public ObjectOrderedSet (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
items = new ArrayList<>(initialCapacity);
public ObjectOrderedSet (int initialCapacity) {
items = new ArrayList<>(initialCapacity);
public ObjectOrderedSet (ObjectOrderedSet extends T> set) {
items = new ArrayList<>(set.items);
* Creates a new set that contains all distinct elements in {@code coll}.
public ObjectOrderedSet (Collection extends T> coll) {
* Creates a new set using {@code length} items from the given {@code array}, starting at {@code} offset (inclusive).
* @param array an array to draw items from
* @param offset the first index in array to draw an item from
* @param length how many items to take from array; bounds-checking is the responsibility of the using code
public ObjectOrderedSet (T[] array, int offset, int length) {
addAll(array, offset, length);
* Creates a new set that contains all distinct elements in {@code items}.
* @param items an array that will be used in full, except for duplicate items
public ObjectOrderedSet (T[] items) {
* Creates a new set by copying {@code count} items from the given Ordered, starting at {@code offset} in that Ordered,
* into this.
* @param other another Ordered of the same type
* @param offset the first index in other's ordering to draw an item from
* @param count how many items to copy from other
public ObjectOrderedSet (List other, int offset, int count) {
addAll(0, other, offset, count);
public boolean add (T key) {
return super.add(key) && items.add(key);
* Sets the key at the specified index. Returns true if the key was not already in the set. If this set already contains the
* key, the existing key's index is changed if needed and false is returned. Note, the order of the parameters matches the
* order in {@link ArrayList} and the rest of the JDK, not OrderedSet in libGDX.
* @param index where in the iteration order to add the given key, or to move it if already present
* @param key what T item to try to add, if not already present
* @return true if the key was added for the first time, or false if the key was already present (even if moved)
public boolean add (int index, T key) {
if (!super.add(key)) {
int oldIndex = items.indexOf(key);
if (oldIndex != index) {items.add(index, items.remove(oldIndex));}
return false;
items.add(index, key);
return true;
* Adds up to {@code count} items, starting from {@code offset}, in the Ordered {@code other} to this set,
* inserting at the end of the iteration order.
* @param other a non-null {@link List} of {@code T}
* @param offset the first index in {@code other} to use
* @param count how many indices in {@code other} to use
* @return true if this is modified by this call, as {@link #addAll(Collection)} does
public boolean addAll (List extends T> other, int offset, int count) {
return addAll(size, other, offset, count);
* Adds up to {@code count} items, starting from {@code offset}, in the Ordered {@code other} to this set,
* inserting starting at {@code insertionIndex} in the iteration order.
* @param insertionIndex where to insert into the iteration order
* @param other a non-null {@link List} of {@code T}
* @param offset the first index in {@code other} to use
* @param count how many indices in {@code other} to use
* @return true if this is modified by this call, as {@link #addAll(Collection)} does
public boolean addAll (int insertionIndex, List extends T> other, int offset, int count) {
boolean changed = false;
int end = Math.min(offset + count, other.size());
ensureCapacity(end - offset);
for (int i = offset; i < end; i++) {
add(insertionIndex++, other.get(i));
changed = true;
return changed;
public boolean remove (Object key) {
return super.remove(key) && items.remove(key);
* Removes and returns the item at the given index in this set's order.
* @param index the index of the item to remove
* @return the removed item
public T removeAt (int index) {
T key = items.remove(index);
if(key != null)
return key;
* Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items / loadFactor. Useful before
* adding many items to avoid multiple backing array resizes.
* @param additionalCapacity how many additional items this should be able to hold without resizing (probably)
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
int tableSize = tableSize(size + additionalCapacity, loadFactor);
if (keyTable.length < tableSize) {resize(tableSize);}
* Changes the item {@code before} to {@code after} without changing its position in the order. Returns true if {@code after}
* has been added to the ObjectOrderedSet and {@code before} has been removed; returns false if {@code after} is already present or
* {@code before} is not present. If you are iterating over an ObjectOrderedSet and have an index, you should prefer
* {@link #alterAt(int, Object)}, which doesn't need to search for an index like this does and so can be faster.
* @param before an item that must be present for this to succeed
* @param after an item that must not be in this set for this to succeed
* @return true if {@code before} was removed and {@code after} was added, false otherwise
public boolean alter (T before, T after) {
if (contains(after)) {return false;}
if (!super.remove(before)) {return false;}
items.set(items.indexOf(before), after);
return true;
* Changes the item at the given {@code index} in the order to {@code after}, without changing the ordering of other items. If
* {@code after} is already present, this returns false; it will also return false if {@code index} is invalid for the size of
* this set. Otherwise, it returns true. Unlike {@link #alter(Object, Object)}, this operates in constant time.
* @param index the index in the order of the item to change; must be non-negative and less than {@link #size}
* @param after the item that will replace the contents at {@code index}; this item must not be present for this to succeed
* @return true if {@code after} successfully replaced the contents at {@code index}, false otherwise
public boolean alterAt (int index, T after) {
if (index < 0 || index >= size || contains(after)) {return false;}
items.set(index, after);
return true;
* Gets the T item at the given {@code index} in the insertion order. The index should be between 0 (inclusive) and
* {@link #size()} (exclusive).
* @param index an index in the insertion order, between 0 (inclusive) and {@link #size()} (exclusive)
* @return the item at the given index
public T getAt (int index) {
return items.get(index);
public T first () {
if (size == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("ObjectOrderedSet is empty.");
return items.get(0);
public void clear (int maximumCapacity) {
public void clear () {
* Gets the ArrayList of items in the order this class will iterate through them.
* Returns a direct reference to the same ArrayList this uses, so changes to the returned list will
* also change the iteration order here.
* @return the ArrayList of items, in iteration order (usually insertion-order), that this uses
public ArrayList order() {
return items;
* Sorts this ObjectOrderedSet in-place by the keys' natural ordering; {@code T} must implement {@link Comparable}.
public void sort () {
* Sorts this ObjectOrderedSet in-place by the given Comparator used on the keys. If {@code comp} is null, then this
* will sort by the natural ordering of the keys, which requires {@code T} to {@link Comparable}.
* @param comp a Comparator that can compare two {@code T} keys, or null to use the keys' natural ordering
public void sort (Comparator super T> comp) {
* Removes the items between the specified start index, inclusive, and end index, exclusive.
* Note that this takes different arguments than some other range-related methods; this needs
* a start index and an end index, rather than a count of items. This matches the behavior in
* the JDK collections.
* @param start the first index to remove, inclusive
* @param end the last index (after what should be removed), exclusive
public void removeRange (int start, int end) {
start = Math.max(0, start);
end = Math.min(items.size(), end);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
items.subList(start, end).clear();
* Reduces the size of the set to the specified size. If the set is already smaller than the specified
* size, no action is taken.
* @param newSize the target size to try to reach by removing items, if smaller than the current size
public void truncate (int newSize) {
if (size > newSize) {removeRange(newSize, size);}
* Iterates through items in the same order as {@link #order()}.
* Reuses one of two iterators, and does not permit nested iteration;
* use {@link ObjectOrderedSetIterator#ObjectOrderedSetIterator(ObjectOrderedSet)} to nest iterators.
* @return an {@link Iterator} over the T items in this, in order
public ObjectSetIterator iterator () {
if (iterator1 == null || iterator2 == null) {
iterator1 = new ObjectOrderedSetIterator<>(this);
iterator2 = new ObjectOrderedSetIterator<>(this);
if (!iterator1.valid) {
iterator1.valid = true;
iterator2.valid = false;
return iterator1;
iterator2.valid = true;
iterator1.valid = false;
return iterator2;
public String toString (String separator) {
if (size == 0) {return "{}";}
ArrayList items = this.items;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(32);
for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
return buffer.toString();
public String toString () {
return toString(", ");
public static class ObjectOrderedSetIterator extends ObjectSetIterator {
private final ArrayList items;
public ObjectOrderedSetIterator (ObjectOrderedSet set) {
items = set.items;
public void reset () {
nextIndex = 0;
hasNext = set.size > 0;
public K next () {
if (!hasNext) {throw new NoSuchElementException();}
if (!valid) {throw new RuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");}
K key = items.get(nextIndex);
hasNext = nextIndex < set.size;
return key;
public void remove () {
if (nextIndex < 0) {throw new IllegalStateException("next must be called before remove.");}
public static ObjectOrderedSet with (T item) {
ObjectOrderedSet set = new ObjectOrderedSet<>(1);
return set;
public static ObjectOrderedSet with (T... array) {
return new ObjectOrderedSet<>(array);