com.github.tommyettinger.gand.utils.IntComparators Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.github.tommyettinger.gand.utils;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
* A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with
* comparators.
public final class IntComparators {
private IntComparators () {
* A type-specific comparator mimicking the natural order.
protected static class NaturalImplicitComparator implements IntComparator {
public final int compare (final int a, final int b) {
return Integer.compare(a, b);
public IntComparator reversed () {
public static final IntComparator NATURAL_COMPARATOR = new NaturalImplicitComparator();
* A type-specific comparator mimicking the opposite of the natural order.
protected static class OppositeImplicitComparator implements IntComparator {
public final int compare (final int a, final int b) {
return Integer.compare(b, a);
public IntComparator reversed () {
public static final IntComparator OPPOSITE_COMPARATOR = new OppositeImplicitComparator();
protected static class OppositeComparator implements IntComparator {
final IntComparator comparator;
protected OppositeComparator (final IntComparator c) {
comparator = c;
public final int compare (final int a, final int b) {
return comparator.compare(b, a);
public final IntComparator reversed () {
return comparator;
* Returns a comparator representing the opposite order of the given comparator.
* @param c a comparator.
* @return a comparator representing the opposite order of {@code c}.
public static IntComparator oppositeComparator (final IntComparator c) {
if (c instanceof OppositeComparator) {return ((OppositeComparator)c).comparator;}
return new OppositeComparator(c);
* Returns a type-specific comparator that is equivalent to the given
* comparator.
* @param c a comparator, or {@code null}.
* @return a type-specific comparator representing the order of {@code c}.
public static IntComparator asIntComparator (final Comparator super Integer> c) {
if (c instanceof IntComparator) {return (IntComparator)c;}
return new IntComparator() {
public int compare (int x, int y) {
return c.compare(Integer.valueOf(x), Integer.valueOf(y));
public int compare (Integer x, Integer y) {
return c.compare(x, y);
* A type-specific comparator that compares items in the natural order, but as if they are unsigned
* (so, all negative items are greater than any non-negative items).
protected static class UnsignedComparator implements IntComparator {
public final int compare (final int a, final int b) {
return Integer.compare(a + Integer.MIN_VALUE, b + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public IntComparator reversed () {
public static final IntComparator UNSIGNED_COMPARATOR = new UnsignedComparator();
* A type-specific comparator that compares items in the opposite of the natural order, but as if they
* are unsigned.
protected static class UnsignedOppositeComparator implements IntComparator {
public final int compare (final int a, final int b) {
return Integer.compare(b + Integer.MIN_VALUE, a + Integer.MIN_VALUE);
public IntComparator reversed () {
public static final IntComparator UNSIGNED_OPPOSITE_COMPARATOR = new UnsignedComparator();
/// The remainder of the code is based on FastUtil.
private static void swap (int[] items, int first, int second) {
int firstValue = items[first];
items[first] = items[second];
items[second] = firstValue;
* Transforms two consecutive sorted ranges into a single sorted range. The initial ranges are
* {@code [first..middle)} and {@code [middle..last)}, and the resulting range is
* {@code [first..last)}. Elements in the first input range will precede equal elements in
* the second.
private static void inPlaceMerge (int[] items, final int from, int mid, final int to, final IntComparator comp) {
if (from >= mid || mid >= to) {return;}
if (to - from == 2) {
if (comp.compare(items[mid], items[from]) < 0) {swap(items, from, mid);}
int firstCut;
int secondCut;
if (mid - from > to - mid) {
firstCut = from + (mid - from) / 2;
secondCut = lowerBound(items, mid, to, firstCut, comp);
} else {
secondCut = mid + (to - mid) / 2;
firstCut = upperBound(items, from, mid, secondCut, comp);
int first2 = firstCut;
int middle2 = mid;
int last2 = secondCut;
if (middle2 != first2 && middle2 != last2) {
int first1 = first2;
int last1 = middle2;
while (first1 < --last1) {swap(items, first1++, last1);}
first1 = middle2;
last1 = last2;
while (first1 < --last1) {swap(items, first1++, last1);}
first1 = first2;
last1 = last2;
while (first1 < --last1) {swap(items, first1++, last1);}
mid = firstCut + secondCut - mid;
inPlaceMerge(items, from, firstCut, mid, comp);
inPlaceMerge(items, mid, secondCut, to, comp);
* Performs a binary search on an already-sorted range: finds the first position where an
* element can be inserted without violating the ordering. Sorting is by a user-supplied
* comparison function.
* @param items the int array to be sorted
* @param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be included in the binary search.
* @param to the index of the last element (exclusive) to be included in the binary search.
* @param pos the position of the element to be searched for.
* @param comp the comparison function.
* @return the largest index i such that, for every j in the range {@code [first..i)},
* {@code comp.compare(get(j), get(pos))} is {@code true}.
private static int lowerBound (int[] items, int from, final int to, final int pos, final IntComparator comp) {
int len = to - from;
while (len > 0) {
int half = len / 2;
int middle = from + half;
if (comp.compare(items[middle], items[pos]) < 0) {
from = middle + 1;
len -= half + 1;
} else {
len = half;
return from;
* Performs a binary search on an already sorted range: finds the last position where an element
* can be inserted without violating the ordering. Sorting is by a user-supplied comparison
* function.
* @param items the int array to be sorted
* @param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be included in the binary search.
* @param to the index of the last element (exclusive) to be included in the binary search.
* @param pos the position of the element to be searched for.
* @param comp the comparison function.
* @return The largest index i such that, for every j in the range {@code [first..i)},
* {@code comp.compare(get(pos), get(j))} is {@code false}.
private static int upperBound (int[] items, int from, final int to, final int pos, final IntComparator comp) {
int len = to - from;
while (len > 0) {
int half = len / 2;
int middle = from + half;
if (comp.compare(items[pos], items[middle]) < 0) {
len = half;
} else {
from = middle + 1;
len -= half + 1;
return from;
* Sorts all of {@code items} by simply calling {@link #sort(int[], int, int, IntComparator)},
* setting {@code from} and {@code to} so the whole array is sorted.
* @param items the int array to be sorted
* @param c a IntComparator to alter the sort order; if null, the natural order will be used
public static void sort (int[] items, final IntComparator c) {
sort(items, 0, items.length, c);
* Sorts the specified range of elements according to the order induced by the specified
* comparator using mergesort.
* This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will not be reordered as a result
* of the sort. The sorting algorithm is an in-place mergesort that is significantly slower than a
* standard mergesort, as its running time is O(n (log n)2),
* but it does not allocate additional memory; as a result, it can be
* used as a generic sorting algorithm.
If and only if {@code c} is null, this will delegate to {@link Arrays#sort(int[], int, int)}, which
* does not have the same guarantees regarding allocation.
* @param items the int array to be sorted
* @param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be sorted.
* @param to the index of the last element (exclusive) to be sorted.
* @param c a IntComparator to alter the sort order; if null, the natural order will be used
public static void sort (int[] items, final int from, final int to, final IntComparator c) {
if (to <= 0) {
if (from < 0 || from >= items.length || to > items.length) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The given from/to range in IntComparators.sort() is invalid.");
if (c == null) {
Arrays.sort(items, from, to);
* We retain the same method signature as quickSort. Given only a comparator and this list
* do not know how to copy and move elements from/to temporary arrays. Hence, in contrast to
* the JDK mergesorts this is an "in-place" mergesort, i.e. does not allocate any temporary
* arrays. A non-inplace mergesort would perhaps be faster in most cases, but would require
* non-intuitive delegate objects...
final int length = to - from;
// Insertion sort on smallest arrays, less than 16 items
if (length < 16) {
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
for (int j = i; j > from && c.compare(items[j - 1], items[j]) > 0; j--) {
swap(items, j, j - 1);
// Recursively sort halves
int mid = from + to >>> 1;
sort(items, from, mid, c);
sort(items, mid, to, c);
// If list is already sorted, nothing left to do. This is an
// optimization that results in faster sorts for nearly ordered lists.
if (c.compare(items[mid - 1], items[mid]) <= 0) {return;}
// Merge sorted halves
inPlaceMerge(items, from, mid, to, c);