com.github.tommyettinger.gdcrux.PointFShared Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.github.tommyettinger.gdcrux;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Interpolation;
import com.badlogic.gdx.math.MathUtils;
import com.github.tommyettinger.crux.PointN;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Random;
* Groups functionality common to points with float components, in any dimension.
* @param should be the subclassing type itself
* @param should be a wildcard-generic type for a sub-interface of {@link PointN}, such as {@code Point3>}
public interface PointFShared, R extends PointN>> extends PointN
, Iterable {
default boolean floatingPoint() {
return true;
* Gets the component at the specified index.
* Kotlin-compatible using square-bracket indexing.
* @param index which component to get, in order
* @return the component
float get (int index);
* Sets the component at the specified index to the specified value.
* @param index which component to set, in order
* @param value the value to assign at index
* @return this, for chaining
P setAt(int index, float value);
* Iterates over the components in this PointFShared using {@link #get(int)}.
class PointFSharedIterator implements Iterator {
public PointFShared,?> pt;
public int index;
public PointFSharedIterator(PointFShared,?> pt){
this.pt = pt;
index = 0;
public Float next() {
return nextFloat();
public float nextFloat() {
return pt.get(index++);
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < pt.rank();
public void reset(){
index = 0;
* Returns an iterator over boxed Float elements, or primitive float elements if you call
* {@link PointFSharedIterator#nextFloat()}.
* @return a {@link PointFSharedIterator}; the default implementation allocates one every time this is called
default PointFSharedIterator iterator() {
return new PointFSharedIterator(this);
* Sets this PointFShared to a randomly chosen unit vector.
* The exact algorithm is expected to vary between dimensions.
* In 2D, for instance, it is sufficient to get a random float 0-360 and call
* {@link MathUtils#cosDeg(float)} and {@link MathUtils#sinDeg(float)}
* to get x and y. In higher dimensions, this gets more complex. The default
* solution, which works for any dimension, but is only the best option for
* 4D and up, is to assign to each component a normal-distributed float
* (you could use {@link Random#nextGaussian()} cast to float, or
* {@link Distributor#probitI(int)} with a random int for input),
* then normalize the PointFShared with {@link #nor()}.
* @param random any Random or subclass thereof, such as one from juniper
* @return this point after modifications, if possible, or a new PointFShared if this is immutable
default P setToRandomDirection(Random random){
PointFShared pt = this;
for (int d = 0, rank = rank(); d < rank; d++) {
pt = setAt(d, Distributor.probitI(random.nextInt()));
return pt.nor();
* Linear-interpolates from this point toward target, moving a distance proportional to alpha and changing this
* point in-place if possible. If this point is not {@link #mutable()}, this will return a new or pooled point.
* The alpha is expected to be in the 0 to 1 range, inclusive.
* @param target any point with the same dimension to move toward
* @param alpha between 0 and 1, inclusive
* @return this point after modifications, if possible, or a new PointFShared if this is immutable
P lerp(R target, float alpha);
* Calls {@link #lerp(PointN, float)} with the alpha determined by the given {@code interpolation}.
* Simply returns {@code lerp(target, interpolation.apply(alpha))} .
* @param target any point with the same dimension to move toward
* @param alpha between 0 and 1, inclusive
* @param interpolation an Interpolation from libGDX, such as {@link Interpolation#smooth}
* @return this point after modifications, if possible, or a new PointFShared if this is immutable
default P interpolate(R target, float alpha, Interpolation interpolation) {
return lerp(target, interpolation.apply(alpha));
* A geometric "slerp" (spherical linear interpolation) from the input n-dimensional float point {@code start} to
* the point {@code end} with the same type, moving a fraction of the distance equal to {@code alpha}, and placing
* the result in {@code output} (modifying it in-place). Unlike most slerp() implementations, this works for any
* PointFShared type, including 2D points on a unit circle and 4D, 5D, etc. points on hyperspheres. This does not
* allocate. This has undefined behavior if start and end are polar opposites; that is, points where for any
* coordinate {@code a} in start, that coordinate in end is {@code -a} or any positive linear scale of the point
* where that is true. This degenerates to a linear interpolation if either start or end is the origin, and simply
* returns the start if both are the origin. Otherwise, this can smoothly move points that aren't already on the
* unit sphere towards the distance of the other point from the origin.
* Based on the non-approximation code from
* an article by Volodymyr Agafonkin.
* Note that this is the "geometric slerp" rather than the version using quaternions in 3D (or rotors in other
* dimensions). It has been augmented slightly to handle start and end vectors that don't have unit length.
* @param start an n-dimensional float point to rotate from; will not be modified
* @param end another n-dimensional float point to rotate to; will not be modified
* @param alpha between 0 and 1, inclusive; how much to travel from start towards end
* @param output will be modified in-place so this is set to the result
* @return output, after modifications.
> P slerpGeometric(P start, P end, float alpha, P output) {
final int n = start.rank();
float magS = 0f, magE = 0f;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
magS += start.get(i) * start.get(i);
magE += end.get(i) * end.get(i);
// if both start and end are the origin
if(MathUtils.isZero(magS + magE)) {
output = output.set(start);
// if only the start is the origin
else if(MathUtils.isZero(magS)){
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
output = output.setAt(i, end.get(i) * alpha);
// if only the end is the origin
else if(MathUtils.isZero(magE)){
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
output = output.setAt(i, start.get(i) * (1f - alpha));
else {
magS = (float) Math.sqrt(magS);
magE = (float) Math.sqrt(magE);
float k = 0, invDistance = 1f / (magS * (1f - alpha) + magE * alpha);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
k += (start.get(i) / magS) * (end.get(i) / magE);
k = MathUtils.acos(k);
float s = MathUtils.sin(k * (1f - alpha));
float e = MathUtils.sin(k * alpha);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
output = output.setAt(i, (start.get(i) * s + end.get(i) * e) * invDistance);
return output;