com.github.tommyettinger.ds.LongSet Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2022-2025 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.github.tommyettinger.ds;
import com.github.tommyettinger.digital.BitConversion;
import com.github.tommyettinger.ds.support.util.LongIterator;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import static com.github.tommyettinger.ds.Utilities.tableSize;
* An unordered set where the items are unboxed longs. No allocation is done except when growing the table size.
* This class performs fast contains and remove (typically O(1), worst case O(n) but that is rare in practice). Add may be
* slightly slower, depending on hash collisions. Hashcodes are rehashed to reduce collisions and the need to resize. Load factors
* greater than 0.91 greatly increase the chances to resize to the next higher POT size.
* Unordered sets and maps are not designed to provide especially fast iteration. Iteration is faster with {@link Ordered} types like
* ObjectOrderedSet and ObjectObjectOrderedMap.
* This implementation uses linear probing with the backward shift algorithm for removal. Linear probing continues to work even
* when all hashCodes collide; it just works more slowly in that case.
* @author Nathan Sweet
* @author Tommy Ettinger
public class LongSet implements PrimitiveSet.SetOfLong {
protected int size;
protected long[] keyTable;
protected boolean hasZeroValue;
* Between 0f (exclusive) and 1f (inclusive, if you're careful), this determines how full the backing table
* can get before this increases their size. Larger values use less memory but make the data structure slower.
protected float loadFactor;
* Precalculated value of {@code (int)(keyTable.length * loadFactor)}, used to determine when to resize.
protected int threshold;
* Used by {@link #place(long)} to bit shift the upper bits of an {@code int} into a usable range (>= 0 and <=
* {@link #mask}). The shift can be negative, which is convenient to match the number of bits in mask: if mask is a 7-bit
* number, a shift of -7 shifts the upper 7 bits into the lowest 7 positions. This class sets the shift > 32 and < 64,
* which when used with an int will still move the upper bits of an int to the lower bits due to Java's implicit modulus on
* shifts.
* {@link #mask} can also be used to mask the low bits of a number, which may be faster for some hashcodes, if
* {@link #place(long)} is overridden.
protected int shift;
* A bitmask used to confine hashcodes to the size of the table. Must be all 1 bits in its low positions, ie a power of two
* minus 1. If {@link #place(long)} is overridden, this can be used instead of {@link #shift} to isolate usable bits of a
* hash.
protected int mask;
@Nullable protected transient LongSetIterator iterator1;
@Nullable protected transient LongSetIterator iterator2;
* Creates a new set with an initial capacity of 51 and a load factor of {@link Utilities#getDefaultLoadFactor()}.
public LongSet () {
this(51, Utilities.getDefaultLoadFactor());
* Creates a new set with a load factor of {@link Utilities#getDefaultLoadFactor()}.
* @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two.
public LongSet (int initialCapacity) {
this(initialCapacity, Utilities.getDefaultLoadFactor());
* Creates a new set with the specified initial capacity and load factor. This set will hold initialCapacity items before
* growing the backing table.
* @param initialCapacity If not a power of two, it is increased to the next nearest power of two.
* @param loadFactor what fraction of the capacity can be filled before this has to resize; 0 < loadFactor <= 1
public LongSet (int initialCapacity, float loadFactor) {
if (loadFactor <= 0f || loadFactor > 1f) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor must be > 0 and <= 1: " + loadFactor);}
this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
int tableSize = tableSize(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
threshold = (int)(tableSize * loadFactor);
mask = tableSize - 1;
shift = BitConversion.countLeadingZeros(mask) + 32;
keyTable = new long[tableSize];
* Creates a new instance containing the items in the specified iterator.
* @param coll an iterator that will have its remaining contents added to this
public LongSet (LongIterator coll) {
* Creates a new set identical to the specified set.
public LongSet (LongSet set) {
this((int)(set.keyTable.length * set.loadFactor), set.loadFactor);
System.arraycopy(set.keyTable, 0, keyTable, 0, set.keyTable.length);
size = set.size;
hasZeroValue = set.hasZeroValue;
* Creates a new set using all distinct items in the given PrimitiveCollection, such as a
* {@link LongList} or {@link LongObjectMap.Keys}.
* @param coll a PrimitiveCollection that will be used in full, except for duplicate items
public LongSet (PrimitiveCollection.OfLong coll) {
* Creates a new set using {@code length} items from the given {@code array}, starting at {@code} offset (inclusive).
* @param array an array to draw items from
* @param offset the first index in array to draw an item from
* @param length how many items to take from array; bounds-checking is the responsibility of the using code
public LongSet (long[] array, int offset, int length) {
addAll(array, offset, length);
* Creates a new set containing all of the items in the given array.
* @param array an array that will be used in full, except for duplicate items
public LongSet (long[] array) {
this(array, 0, array.length);
* Returns an index >= 0 and <= {@link #mask} for the specified {@code item}.
* @param item any long; it is usually mixed or masked here
* @return an index between 0 and {@link #mask} (both inclusive)
protected int place (long item) {
return (int)(item ^ (item << 11 | item >>> 53) ^ (item << 43 | item >>> 21)) & mask;
* Returns true if the key was not already in the set.
public boolean add (long key) {
if (key == 0) {
if (hasZeroValue) {return false;}
hasZeroValue = true;
return true;
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
for (int i = place(key); ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
long other = keyTable[i];
if (key == other)
return false; // Existing key was found.
if (other == 0) {
keyTable[i] = key;
if (++size >= threshold) {resize(keyTable.length << 1);}
return true;
public boolean addAll (LongList array) {
return addAll(array.items, 0, array.size);
public boolean addAll (LongList array, int offset, int length) {
if (offset + length > array.size) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("offset + length must be <= size: " + offset + " + " + length + " <= " + array.size);}
return addAll(array.items, offset, length);
public boolean addAll (long... array) {
return addAll(array, 0, array.length);
public boolean addAll (long[] array, int offset, int length) {
int oldSize = size;
for (int i = offset, n = i + length; i < n; i++) {add(array[i]);}
return size != oldSize;
public boolean addAll (LongSet set) {
int oldSize = size;
if (set.hasZeroValue) {add(0);}
long[] keyTable = set.keyTable;
for (int i = 0, n = keyTable.length; i < n; i++) {
long key = keyTable[i];
if (key != 0) {add(key);}
return size != oldSize;
* Skips checks for existing keys, doesn't increment size, doesn't need to handle key 0.
protected void addResize (long key) {
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
for (int i = place(key); ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
if (keyTable[i] == 0) {
keyTable[i] = key;
* Returns true if the key was removed.
public boolean remove (long key) {
if (key == 0) {
if (hasZeroValue) {
hasZeroValue = false;
return true;
return false;
int pos;
int mask = this.mask;
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
for (int i = place(key); ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
long other = keyTable[i];
if (other == 0) {
return false; // Nothing is present.
if (other == key) {
pos = i; // Same key was found.
int last, slot;
for (;;) {
pos = ((last = pos) + 1) & mask;
for (;;) {
if ((key = keyTable[pos]) == 0) {
keyTable[last] = 0;
return true;
slot = place(key);
if (last <= pos ? last >= slot || slot > pos : last >= slot && slot > pos) break;
pos = (pos + 1) & mask;
keyTable[last] = key;
* Returns true if the set has one or more items.
public boolean notEmpty () {
return size != 0;
* Returns true if the set is empty.
public boolean isEmpty () {
return size == 0;
* Reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity / loadFactor, or less. If the capacity is already less,
* nothing is done. If the set contains more items than the specified capacity, the next highest power of two capacity is used
* instead.
public void shrink (int maximumCapacity) {
if (maximumCapacity < 0) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("maximumCapacity must be >= 0: " + maximumCapacity);}
int tableSize = tableSize(Math.max(maximumCapacity, size), loadFactor);
if (keyTable.length > tableSize) {resize(tableSize);}
* Clears the set and reduces the size of the backing arrays to be the specified capacity / loadFactor, if they are larger.
public void clear (int maximumCapacity) {
int tableSize = tableSize(maximumCapacity, loadFactor);
if (keyTable.length <= tableSize) {
size = 0;
hasZeroValue = false;
public void clear () {
if (size == 0) {return;}
size = 0;
Arrays.fill(keyTable, 0);
hasZeroValue = false;
public boolean contains (long key) {
if (key == 0) {return hasZeroValue;}
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
for (int i = place(key); ; i = i + 1 & mask) {
long other = keyTable[i];
if (key == other)
return true;
if (other == 0)
return false;
public long first () {
if (hasZeroValue) {return 0;}
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
for (int i = 0, n = keyTable.length; i < n; i++) {if (keyTable[i] != 0) {return keyTable[i];}}
throw new IllegalStateException("IntSet is empty.");
* Increases the size of the backing array to accommodate the specified number of additional items / loadFactor. Useful before
* adding many items to avoid multiple backing array resizes.
public void ensureCapacity (int additionalCapacity) {
int tableSize = tableSize(size + additionalCapacity, loadFactor);
if (keyTable.length < tableSize) {resize(tableSize);}
public int size () {
return size;
protected void resize (int newSize) {
int oldCapacity = keyTable.length;
threshold = (int)(newSize * loadFactor);
mask = newSize - 1;
shift = BitConversion.countLeadingZeros(mask) + 32;
long[] oldKeyTable = keyTable;
keyTable = new long[newSize];
if (size > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < oldCapacity; i++) {
long key = oldKeyTable[i];
if (key != 0) {addResize(key);}
* Effectively does nothing here because the hashMultiplier is no longer stored or used.
* Subclasses can use this as some kind of identifier or user data, though.
* @return any int; the value isn't used internally, but may be used by subclasses to identify something
public int getHashMultiplier() {
return 0;
* Effectively does nothing here because the hashMultiplier is no longer stored or used.
* Subclasses can use this to set some kind of identifier or user data, though.
* @param unused any int; will not be used as-is
public void setHashMultiplier(int unused) {
* Gets the length of the internal array used to store all items, as well as empty space awaiting more items to be
* entered. This is also called the capacity.
* @return the length of the internal array that holds all items
public int getTableSize() {
return keyTable.length;
public float getLoadFactor () {
return loadFactor;
public void setLoadFactor (float loadFactor) {
if (loadFactor <= 0f || loadFactor > 1f) {throw new IllegalArgumentException("loadFactor must be > 0 and <= 1: " + loadFactor);}
this.loadFactor = loadFactor;
int tableSize = tableSize(size, loadFactor);
if (tableSize - 1 != mask) {
public int hashCode () {
long h = size;
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
for (int i = 0, n = keyTable.length; i < n; i++) {
long key = keyTable[i];
if (key != 0) {h += key;}
return (int)(h ^ h >>> 32);
public boolean equals (Object o) {
return SetOfLong.super.equalContents(o);
public StringBuilder appendTo (StringBuilder builder) {
if (size == 0) {return builder.append("[]");}
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
int i = keyTable.length;
if (hasZeroValue) {builder.append('0');} else {
while (i-- > 0) {
long key = keyTable[i];
if (key == 0) {continue;}
while (i-- > 0) {
long key = keyTable[i];
if (key == 0) {continue;}
builder.append(", ");
return builder;
public String toString () {
return toString(", ", true);
* Reduces the size of the set to the specified size. If the set is already smaller than the specified
* size, no action is taken. This indiscriminately removes items from the backing array until the
* requested newSize is reached, or until the full backing array has had its elements removed.
* This tries to remove from the end of the iteration order, but because the iteration order is not
* guaranteed by an unordered set, this can remove essentially any item(s) from the set if it is larger
* than newSize.
* @param newSize the target size to try to reach by removing items, if smaller than the current size
public void truncate (int newSize) {
long[] keyTable = this.keyTable;
newSize = Math.max(0, newSize);
for (int i = keyTable.length - 1; i >= 0 && size > newSize; i--) {
if (keyTable[i] != 0) {
keyTable[i] = 0;
if (hasZeroValue && size > newSize) {
hasZeroValue = false;
* Returns an iterator for the keys in the set. Remove is supported.
* Use the {@link LongSetIterator} constructor for nested or multithreaded iteration.
public LongSetIterator iterator () {
if (iterator1 == null || iterator2 == null) {
iterator1 = new LongSetIterator(this);
iterator2 = new LongSetIterator(this);
if (!iterator1.valid) {
iterator1.valid = true;
iterator2.valid = false;
return iterator1;
iterator2.valid = true;
iterator1.valid = false;
return iterator2;
public static class LongSetIterator implements LongIterator {
static private final int INDEX_ILLEGAL = -2, INDEX_ZERO = -1;
* This can be queried in place of calling {@link #hasNext()}. The method also performs
* a check that the iterator is valid, where using the field does not check.
public boolean hasNext;
* The next index in the set's key table to go to and return from {@link #nextLong()} (or,
* while discouraged because of boxing, {@link #next()}).
protected int nextIndex;
* The current index in the set's key table; this is the index that will be removed if
* {@link #remove()} is called.
protected int currentIndex;
* Internally employed by the iterator-reuse functionality.
protected boolean valid = true;
* The set to iterate over.
protected final LongSet set;
public LongSetIterator (LongSet set) {
this.set = set;
public void reset () {
currentIndex = INDEX_ILLEGAL;
nextIndex = INDEX_ZERO;
if (set.hasZeroValue) {hasNext = true;} else {findNextIndex();}
protected void findNextIndex () {
long[] keyTable = set.keyTable;
for (int n = keyTable.length; ++nextIndex < n; ) {
if (keyTable[nextIndex] != 0) {
hasNext = true;
hasNext = false;
* Returns {@code true} if the iteration has more elements.
* (In other words, returns {@code true} if {@link #next} would
* return an element rather than throwing an exception.)
* @return {@code true} if the iteration has more elements
public boolean hasNext () {
if (!valid) {throw new RuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");}
return hasNext;
public void remove () {
int i = currentIndex;
if (i == INDEX_ZERO && set.hasZeroValue) {
set.hasZeroValue = false;
} else if (i < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("next must be called before remove.");
} else {
long[] keyTable = set.keyTable;
int mask = set.mask;
int next = i + 1 & mask;
long key;
while ((key = keyTable[next]) != 0) {
int placement = set.place(key);
if ((next - placement & mask) > (i - placement & mask)) {
keyTable[i] = key;
i = next;
next = next + 1 & mask;
keyTable[i] = 0;
if (i != currentIndex) {--nextIndex;}
currentIndex = INDEX_ILLEGAL;
public long nextLong () {
if (!hasNext) {throw new NoSuchElementException();}
if (!valid) {throw new RuntimeException("#iterator() cannot be used nested.");}
long key = nextIndex == INDEX_ZERO ? 0 : set.keyTable[nextIndex];
currentIndex = nextIndex;
return key;
* Returns a new {@link LongList} containing the remaining items.
* Does not change the position of this iterator.
public LongList toList () {
LongList list = new LongList(set.size);
int currentIdx = currentIndex, nextIdx = nextIndex;
boolean hn = hasNext;
while (hasNext) {list.add(nextLong());}
currentIndex = currentIdx;
nextIndex = nextIdx;
hasNext = hn;
return list;
* Append the remaining items that this can iterate through into the given PrimitiveCollection.OfLong.
* Does not change the position of this iterator.
* @param coll any modifiable PrimitiveCollection.OfLong; may have items appended into it
* @return the given primitive collection
public PrimitiveCollection.OfLong appendInto(PrimitiveCollection.OfLong coll) {
int currentIdx = currentIndex, nextIdx = nextIndex;
boolean hn = hasNext;
while (hasNext) {coll.add(nextLong());}
currentIndex = currentIdx;
nextIndex = nextIdx;
hasNext = hn;
return coll;
* Constructs an empty set.
* This is usually less useful than just using the constructor, but can be handy
* in some code-generation scenarios when you don't know how many arguments you will have.
* @return a new set containing nothing
public static LongSet with () {
return new LongSet(0);
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given item, but can be resized.
* @param item a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given item
public static LongSet with (long item) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(1);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(2);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @param item2 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1, long item2) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(3);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @param item2 a long item
* @param item3 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1, long item2, long item3) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(4);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @param item2 a long item
* @param item3 a long item
* @param item4 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1, long item2, long item3, long item4) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(5);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @param item2 a long item
* @param item3 a long item
* @param item4 a long item
* @param item5 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1, long item2, long item3, long item4, long item5) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(6);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @param item2 a long item
* @param item3 a long item
* @param item4 a long item
* @param item5 a long item
* @param item6 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1, long item2, long item3, long item4, long item5, long item6) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(7);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* @param item0 a long item
* @param item1 a long item
* @param item2 a long item
* @param item3 a long item
* @param item4 a long item
* @param item5 a long item
* @param item6 a long item
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long item0, long item1, long item2, long item3, long item4, long item5, long item6, long item7) {
LongSet set = new LongSet(8);
return set;
* Creates a new LongSet that holds only the given items, but can be resized.
* This overload will only be used when an array is supplied and the type of the
* items requested is the component type of the array, or if varargs are used and
* there are 9 or more arguments.
* @param varargs a long varargs or long array; remember that varargs allocate
* @return a new LongSet that holds the given items
public static LongSet with (long... varargs) {
return new LongSet(varargs);