com.github.tommyettinger.random.Deserializer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2023 See AUTHORS file.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.github.tommyettinger.random;
import com.github.tommyettinger.random.distribution.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
* Allows deserializing any type of EnhancedRandom by looking up its tag in a registry.
* The main way of using this is the {@link #deserialize(String)} (or {@link #deserialize(String, Base)}) method.
* By default, all EnhancedRandom types in this library are registered by default, and can be deserialized.
public final class Deserializer {
* Not instantiable.
private Deserializer() {
private static final HashMap RANDOM_BY_TAG = new HashMap<>(16);
private static final HashMap DIST_BY_TAG = new HashMap<>(64);
* Given a (typically freshly-constructed and never-reused) EnhancedRandom, this registers that instance by its
* {@link EnhancedRandom#getTag()} in a Map, so that this type of EnhancedRandom can be deserialized correctly by
* {@link #deserialize(String, Base)}.
* @param random a (typically freshly-constructed) EnhancedRandom that should never be reused elsewhere
public static void register(EnhancedRandom random){
RANDOM_BY_TAG.put(random.getTag(), random);
* Given a (typically freshly-constructed and never-reused) Distribution, this registers that instance by its
* {@link Distribution#getTag()} in a Map, so that this type of Distribution can be deserialized correctly by
* {@link #deserializeDistribution(String, Base)}.
* @param distribution a (typically freshly-constructed) Distribution that should never be reused elsewhere
public static void register(Distribution distribution){
DIST_BY_TAG.put(distribution.getTag(), distribution);
static {
register(new DistinctRandom(1));
register(new GoldenQuasiRandom(1));
register(new VanDerCorputQuasiRandom(1));
register(new TupleQuasiRandom(1));
register(new LaserRandom(1, 2));
register(new MizuchiRandom(1, 2));
register(new LowChangeQuasiRandom(1, 2));
register(new Xoroshiro128StarStarRandom(1, 2));
register(new FlowRandom(1, 2));
register(new PcgRXSMXSRandom(1, 2));
register(new Taxon32Random(1, 2));
register(new RomuTrioRandom(1, 2, 3));
register(new TricycleRandom(1, 2, 3));
register(new SoloRandom(1, 2, 3));
register(new Respite32Random(1, 2, 3));
register(new Chill32Random(1, 2, 3));
register(new Bear32Random(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new Choo32Random(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new ChopRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new Jsf32Random(1));
register(new TrimRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new StrangerRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new FourWheelRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new Xoshiro256StarStarRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new Xoshiro256MX3Random(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new Xoshiro128PlusPlusRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new PouchRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new WhiskerRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new ScruffRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new Sfc64Random(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new PasarRandom(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
register(new Crand64Random(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
register(new AceRandom(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));
register(new KnownSequenceRandom(LongSequence.with(1337L, 42L, 23L, 666L)));
register(new ReverseWrapper(1));
register(new ArchivalWrapper(new DistinctRandom(1)));
final EnhancedRandom random = new DistinctRandom(0L);
register(new ArcsineDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0));
register(new BernoulliDistribution(random, 0.5));
register(new BetaDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new BetaPrimeDistribution(random, 2.0, 2.0));
register(new BinomialDistribution(random, 0.5, 1));
register(new CauchyDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new ChiDistribution(random, 1));
register(new ChiSquareDistribution(random, 1));
register(new ContinuousUniformDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0));
register(new DiscreteUniformDistribution(random, 0, 1));
register(new ErlangDistribution(random, 1, 1.0));
register(new ExponentialDistribution(random, 1.0));
register(new FisherSnedecorDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new FisherTippettDistribution(random, 1.0, 0.0));
register(new GammaDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new GeometricDistribution(random, 0.5));
register(new KnobDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5));
register(new KumaraswamyDistribution(random, 2.0, 2.0));
register(new LaplaceDistribution(random, 1.0, 0.0));
register(new LogisticDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new LogCauchyDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0));
register(new LogNormalDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0));
register(new LumpDistribution(random, 0.0, 0.25));
register(new NormalDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0));
register(new ParetoDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new PoissonDistribution(random, 1.0));
register(new PowerDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new RayleighDistribution(random, 1.0));
register(new StudentsTDistribution(random, 1.0));
register(new TriangularDistribution(random, 0.0, 1.0, 0.5));
register(new WeibullDistribution(random, 1.0, 1.0));
register(new ZipfianDistribution(random, 2L, 0.5, 1.0 + 0.5 * MathTools.ROOT2_D)); // precalculated zeta
register(new DistributedRandom(1, 2, 3, 4));
register(new InterpolatedRandom(Interpolations.smooth, 1, 2, 3, 4));
* Gets a copy of the EnhancedRandom registered with the given tag, or null if this has nothing registered for the
* given tag.
* @param tag a non-null String that could be used as a tag for an EnhancedRandom registered with this class
* @return a new copy of the corresponding EnhancedRandom, or null if none was found
public static EnhancedRandom get(String tag) {
EnhancedRandom r = RANDOM_BY_TAG.get(tag);
if(r == null) return null;
return r.copy();
* Gets a copy of the Distribution registered with the given tag, or null if this has nothing registered for the
* given tag.
* @param tag a non-null String that could be used as a tag for a Distribution registered with this class
* @return a new copy of the corresponding Distribution, or null if none was found
public static Distribution getDistribution(String tag) {
Distribution r = DIST_BY_TAG.get(tag);
if(r == null) return null;
return r.copy();
* Given a String produced by calling {@link EnhancedRandom#stringSerialize()} on any registered implementation
* (as with {@link #register(EnhancedRandom)}), this reads in the deserialized data and returns a new EnhancedRandom
* of the appropriate type. This relies on the {@link EnhancedRandom#getTag() tag} of the type being registered at
* deserialization time, though it doesn't actually need to be registered at serialization time.
* @param data serialized String data probably produced by {@link EnhancedRandom#stringSerialize()}
* @return a new EnhancedRandom with the appropriate type internally, using the state from data
public static EnhancedRandom deserialize(String data) {
return deserialize(data, Base.BASE16);
* Given a String produced by calling {@link EnhancedRandom#stringSerialize(Base)} on any registered implementation
* (as with {@link #register(EnhancedRandom)}), this reads in the deserialized data and returns a new EnhancedRandom
* of the appropriate type. This relies on the {@link EnhancedRandom#getTag() tag} of the type being registered at
* deserialization time, though it doesn't actually need to be registered at serialization time. This overload
* allows specifying a {@link Base}, which must match the Base used to serialize the data (the Base defaults to
* {@link Base#BASE16}).
* @param data serialized String data probably produced by {@link EnhancedRandom#stringSerialize(Base)}
* @param base which Base to use, from the "digital" library, such as {@link Base#BASE10}
* @return a new EnhancedRandom with the appropriate type internally, using the state from data
public static EnhancedRandom deserialize(String data, Base base) {
int idx = data.indexOf('`');
if (idx == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String given cannot represent a valid generator.");
String tagData = data.substring(0, idx);
EnhancedRandom root = RANDOM_BY_TAG.get(tagData);
if(root == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Tag " + tagData + " from given String " + data + " in given data is invalid or unknown.");
return root.copy().stringDeserialize(data, base);
* Given a String produced by calling {@link Distribution#stringSerialize()} on any registered implementation
* (as with {@link #register(Distribution)}), this reads in the deserialized data and returns a new Distribution
* of the appropriate type. This relies on the {@link Distribution#getTag() tag} of the type being registered at
* deserialization time, though it doesn't actually need to be registered at serialization time.
* @param data serialized String data probably produced by {@link Distribution#stringSerialize()}
* @return a new Distribution with the appropriate type internally, using the state from data
public static Distribution deserializeDistribution(String data) {
return deserializeDistribution(data, Base.BASE16);
* Given a String produced by calling {@link Distribution#stringSerialize(Base)} on any registered implementation
* (as with {@link #register(Distribution)}), this reads in the deserialized data and returns a new Distribution
* of the appropriate type. This relies on the {@link Distribution#getTag() tag} of the type being registered at
* deserialization time, though it doesn't actually need to be registered at serialization time. This overload
* allows specifying a {@link Base}, which must match the Base used to serialize the data (the Base defaults to
* {@link Base#BASE16}).
* @param data serialized String data probably produced by {@link Distribution#stringSerialize(Base)}
* @param base which Base to use, from the "digital" library, such as {@link Base#BASE10}
* @return a new Distribution with the appropriate type internally, using the state from data
public static Distribution deserializeDistribution(String data, Base base) {
int idx = data.indexOf('~');
if (idx == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("String given cannot represent a valid distribution.");
String tagData = data.substring(0, idx);
Distribution root = DIST_BY_TAG.get(tagData);
if(root == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Tag " + tagData + " from given String " + data + " in given data is invalid or unknown.");
return root.copy().stringDeserialize(data, base);
* Creates an unordered Set of all String tags for EnhancedRandom types Deserializer knows, and returns it.
* @return a Set of all String tags for EnhancedRandom types this knows
public static HashSet copyTags() {
return new HashSet<>(RANDOM_BY_TAG.keySet());
* Returns an unordered List of copies of the EnhancedRandom "prototype" objects this uses during
* deserialization. Each EnhancedRandom copy is seeded with {@code -1L} before it is put in the List.
* @return a List of copies of the EnhancedRandom instances this knows
public static ArrayList copyRandoms() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(RANDOM_BY_TAG.size());
for(EnhancedRandom e : RANDOM_BY_TAG.values()){
// skip wrappers, hopefully
EnhancedRandom r = e.copy();
return list;
* Creates an unordered Set of all String tags for Distribution types Deserializer knows, and returns it.
* @return a Set of all String tags for Distribution types this knows
public static HashSet copyDistributionTags() {
return new HashSet<>(DIST_BY_TAG.keySet());
* Returns an unordered List of copies of the Distribution "prototype" objects this uses during
* deserialization. Each Distribution copy's generator is seeded with {@code 1L} before it is put in the List.
* @return a List of copies of the Distribution instances this knows
public static ArrayList copyDistributions() {
ArrayList list = new ArrayList<>(DIST_BY_TAG.size());
for(Distribution v : DIST_BY_TAG.values()){
Distribution d = v.copy();
return list;
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