org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.eiglsperger.EiglspergerSteps Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.eiglsperger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.alg.util.NeighborCache;
import org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.sugiyama.AccumulatorTreeUtil;
import org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.sugiyama.Comparators;
import org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.sugiyama.LE;
import org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.sugiyama.LV;
import org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.util.InsertionSortCounter;
import org.jungrapht.visualization.layout.algorithms.util.Pair;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* The five steps of the Eiglsperger optimization of the Sugiyama Layout Algorithm
* Javadoc text includes descriptions from the Eiglsperger paper
* @see "Methods for Visual Understanding Hierarchical System Structures. KOZO SUGIYAMA, MEMBER,
* @see "An E log E Line Crossing Algorithm for Levelled Graphs. Vance Waddle and Ashok Malhotra IBM
* Thomas J. Watson Research Center"
* @see "Simple and Efficient Bilayer Cross Counting. Wilhelm Barth, Petra Mutzel, Institut für
* Computergraphik und Algorithmen Technische Universität Wien, Michael Jünger, Institut für
* Informatik Universität zu Köln"
* @see "Fast and Simple Horizontal Coordinate Assignment, Ulrik Brandes and Boris Köpf, Department
* of Computer & Information Science, University of Konstanz"
* @see "An Efficient Implementation of Sugiyama's Algorithm for Layered Graph Drawing. Markus
* Eiglsperger, Martin Siebenhaller, Michael Kaufman"
* @param vertex type
* @param edge type
public class EiglspergerSteps {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EiglspergerSteps.class);
/** The delegate Graph to layout */
protected Graph, LE> svGraph;
protected NeighborCache, LE> neighborCache;
/** the result of layering the graph vertices and introducint synthetic vertices and edges */
protected LV[][] layersArray;
/** when sweeping top to bottom, this is a PVertex, bottom to top, this is a QVertex */
protected Predicate> joinVertexPredicate;
/** when sweeping top to bottom, this is a QVertex, bottom to top this is a PVertex */
protected Predicate> splitVertexPredicate;
protected Function>, List>> edgeEndpointSwapOrNot;
* When sweeping top to bottom, this function returns predecessors When sweeping bottom to top,
* this function returns sucessors
protected Function, Set>> neighborFunction;
protected Function, LV> edgeSourceFunction;
protected Function, LV> edgeTargetFunction;
protected boolean transpose;
protected Graph, Integer> compactionGraph;
protected Set> typeOneConflicts = new HashSet<>();
* @param svGraph the delegate graph
* @param layersArray layered vertices
* @param joinVertexPredicate vertices to join with Containers
* @param splitVertexPredicate vertices to split from Containers
* @param neighborFunction predecessors or successors in the Graph
protected EiglspergerSteps(
Graph, LE> svGraph,
LV[][] layersArray,
Predicate> joinVertexPredicate,
Predicate> splitVertexPredicate,
Function, LV> edgeSourceFunction,
Function, LV> edgeTargetFunction,
Function, Set>> neighborFunction,
Function>, List>> edgeEndpointSwapOrNot,
boolean transpose) {
this.svGraph = svGraph;
this.neighborCache = new NeighborCache<>(svGraph);
this.layersArray = layersArray;
this.joinVertexPredicate = joinVertexPredicate;
this.splitVertexPredicate = splitVertexPredicate;
this.edgeSourceFunction = edgeSourceFunction;
this.edgeTargetFunction = edgeTargetFunction;
this.neighborFunction = neighborFunction;
this.edgeEndpointSwapOrNot = edgeEndpointSwapOrNot;
this.transpose = transpose;
* formatted output
* @param label identifier
* @param list vertices to log
private void log(String label, List> list) {;
list.forEach(v ->" - {}", v.toString()));
protected static void clearGraph(Graph graph) {
Set edges = new HashSet<>(graph.edgeSet());
Set vertices = new HashSet<>(graph.vertexSet());
public Set> getTypeOneConflicts() {
return typeOneConflicts;
* formatted output
* @param label identifier
* @param array vertices to log
private void log(String label, LV[] array) {; ->" - {}", v.toString()));
* "In the first step we append the segment s(v) for each p-vertex v in layer L i to the container
* preceding v. Then we join this container with the succeeding container. The result is again an
* alternating layer (p-vertices are omitted). for any PVertex (QVertex) that is in the list, take
* that vertex's segment and append it to the any prior Container in the list (creating the
* Container as needed), and do not append the PVertex (QVertex) in the list to be returned.
* Finally, scan the list to join any sequential Containers into one and to insert empty
* Containers between sequential vertices.
* @param currentLayer the rank of vertices to operate over
* @return layerI modified so that PVertices are gone (added to previous containers)
public void stepOne(List> currentLayer) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log("stepOne currentLayer in", currentLayer);
List> outList = new ArrayList<>();
for (LV v : currentLayer) {
// for each PVertex/QVertex, add it to the list's adjacent container
if (joinVertexPredicate.test(v)) {
if (outList.isEmpty()) {
Container lastContainer = (Container) outList.get(outList.size() - 1);
SegmentVertex segmentVertex = (SegmentVertex) v;
Segment segment = segmentVertex.getSegment();
} else {
List> scannedList = EiglspergerUtil.scan(outList);
IntStream.range(0, currentLayer.size()).forEach(i -> currentLayer.get(i).setIndex(i));
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("stepOne currentLayer out (merged pvertices into containers)", currentLayer);
private static void updateIndices(List> layer) {
IntStream.range(0, layer.size()).forEach(i -> layer.get(i).setIndex(i));
* "In the second step we compute the measure values for the elements in L i+1 . First we assign a
* position value pos(v i j ) to all vertices v i j in L i . pos(v i 0 ) = size(S i 0 ) and pos(v
* i j ) = pos(v i j−1 ) + size(S i j ) + 1. Note that the pos values are the same as they would
* be in the median or barycenter heuristic if each segment was represented as dummy vertex. Each
* non- empty container S i j has pos value pos(v i j −1 ) + 1. If container S i 0 is non- empty
* it has pos value 0. Now we assign the measure to all non-q-vertices and containers in L i+1 .
* The initial containers in L i+1 are the resulting containers of the first step. Recall that the
* measure of a container in L i+1 is its position in L i ." Assign positions to the
* currentLayerVertices and use those posisions to calculate the measure for vertices in the
* downstreamLayer. The measure here is the median of the positions of neghbor vertices
* @param currentLayer
* @param downstreamLayer
public void stepTwo(List> currentLayer, List> downstreamLayer) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log("stepTwo currentLayer in", currentLayer);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log("stepTwo downstreamLayer in", downstreamLayer);
if (updatePositions(currentLayer)) {
log.error("positions were off for {}", currentLayer);
List> containersFromCurrentLayer =
.filter(v -> v instanceof Container)
.map(v -> (Container) v)
.filter(c -> c.size() > 0)
// add to downstreamLayer, any currentLayer containers that are not already present
.filter(c -> !downstreamLayer.contains(c))
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("stepTwo currentLayer out (computed pos for currentLayer)", currentLayer);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("stepTwo downstreamLayer out (computed measures for downstreamLayer)", downstreamLayer);
* "In the third step we calculate an initial ordering of L i+1 . We sort all non-q-vertices in L
* i+1 according to their measure in a list L V . We do the same for the containers and store them
* in a list L S . We use the following operations on these sorted lists:"
* - ◦ l = pop(L) : Removes the first element l from list L and returns it.
- ◦ push(L, l) : Inserts element l at the head of list L.
* We merge both lists in the following way:
* if m(head(L V )) ≤ pos(head(L S ))
* then v = pop(L V ), append(L i+1 , v)
* if m(head(L V )) ≥ (pos(head(L S )) + size(head(L S )) − 1)
* then S = pop(L S ), append(L i+1 , S)
* else S = pop(L S ), v = pop(L V ), k = ⌈m(v) − pos(S)⌉,
* (S 1 ,S 2 ) = split(S, k), append(L i+1 ,S 1 ), append(L i+1 , v),
* pos(S 2 ) = pos(S) + k, push(L S ,S 2 ).
* @param downstreamLayer
public void stepThree(List> downstreamLayer) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log("stepThree downstreamLayer in", downstreamLayer);
List> listV = new LinkedList<>();
List> listS = new LinkedList<>();
List> segmentVertexList = new ArrayList<>();
for (LV v : downstreamLayer) {
if (splitVertexPredicate.test(v)) { // skip any QVertex for top to bottom
segmentVertexList.add((SegmentVertex) v);
} else if (v instanceof Container) {
Container container = (Container) v;
if (container.size() > 0) {
} else {
// sort the list by elements measures
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("listS measures: {}", listS);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("listV measures: {}", listV);
try {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder sbuilder = new StringBuilder("S3 listS:\n");
listS.forEach(s -> sbuilder.append(s.toString()).append("\n"));
StringBuilder vbuilder = new StringBuilder("S3 listV:\n");
listV.forEach(v -> vbuilder.append(v.toString()).append("\n"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error("listS: {}, listV: {} exception: {}", listS, listV, ex);
if the measure of the head of the vertex list LV is <= position of the head of the container list LS,
then pop the vertex from the vertex list and append it to the Li+1 list
if the measure of the head of the vertex list is >= (position of the head of the container list + size of the head of the container list - 1)
then pop the head of the container list and append it to the Li+1 list
pop S the first container and v the first vertex from their lists
k = ceiling(measure(v)-pos(S))
split S at k into S1, S2
append S1 to the Li+1 list, append v to the L+1 list,
set pos(S2) to be pos(S) + k,
push S2 onto container list LS
List> mergedList = new ArrayList<>();
if (listS.isEmpty() || listV.isEmpty()) {
} else {
while (!listV.isEmpty() && !listS.isEmpty()) {
if (listV.get(0).getMeasure() <= listS.get(0).getPos()) {
LV v = listV.remove(0);
} else if (listV.get(0).getMeasure() >= (listS.get(0).getPos() + listS.get(0).size() - 1)) {
Container container = listS.remove(0);
} else {
Container container = listS.remove(0);
LV v = listV.remove(0);
int k = (int) Math.ceil(v.getMeasure() - container.getPos());
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("will split {} at {}", container, k);
Pair> containerPair = Container.split(container, k);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log.trace("got {} and {}", containerPair.first, containerPair.second);
int pos = container.getPos() + k;
listS.add(0, containerPair.second);
// add any leftovers to listPlusOne
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("S3 mergedList:\n");
mergedList.forEach(v -> builder.append(v.toString()).append("\n"));
// fix the indices
if (updatePositions(downstreamLayer)) {
log.trace("positions were updated for {}", downstreamLayer);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("stepThree downstreamLayer out (initial ordering for downstreamLayer)", downstreamLayer);
* In the fourth step we place each q-vertex v of L i+1 according to the position of its
* corresponding segment s(v). We do this by calling split(S, s(v)) for each q-vertex v in layer L
* i+1 and placing v between the resulting containers (S denotes the container that includes
* s(v)).
* @param downstreamLayer
* @param downstreamRank
public void stepFour(List> downstreamLayer, int downstreamRank) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log("stepFour downstreamLayer in", downstreamLayer);
// for each qVertex, get its Segment, find the segment in one of the containers in downstreamLayer
// gather the qVertices
List> qVertices =
.filter(v -> splitVertexPredicate.test(v)) // QVertices
.map(v -> (SegmentVertex) v)
for (SegmentVertex q : qVertices) {
List> containerList =
.filter(v -> v instanceof Container)
.map(v -> (Container) v)
// find its container
Segment segment = q.getSegment();
Optional> containerOpt = -> c.contains(segment)).findFirst();
if (containerOpt.isPresent()) {
Container container = containerOpt.get();
int loserIdx = downstreamLayer.indexOf(container);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
"found container {} at index {} with list index {} for qVertex {} with index {} and list index {}",
log.trace("splitting on {} because of {}", segment, q);
Pair> containerPair = Container.split(container, segment);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
"splitFound container into {} and {}", containerPair.first, containerPair.second);
"container pair is now {} and {}",
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("removed container {}", container.printTree("\n"));
log.trace("adding container {}", containerPair.first.printTree("\n"));
log.trace("adding container {}", containerPair.second.printTree("\n"));
downstreamLayer.add(loserIdx, containerPair.first);
downstreamLayer.add(loserIdx + 1, q);
downstreamLayer.add(loserIdx + 2, containerPair.second);
} else {
log.error("container opt was empty for segment {}", segment);
// IntStream.range(0, downstreamLayer.size()).forEach(i -> downstreamLayer.get(i).setIndex(i));
Arrays.sort(layersArray[downstreamRank], Comparator.comparingInt(LV::getIndex));
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("stepFour downstreamLayer out (split containers for Q/PVertices)", downstreamLayer);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("layersArray[" + downstreamRank + "] out", layersArray[downstreamRank]);
* In the fifth step we perform cross counting according to the scheme pro- posed by Barth et al
* (see Section 1.2). During the cross counting step between layer L i and L i+1 we therefore
* consider all layer elements as ver- tices. Beside the common edges between both layers, we also
* have to handle virtual edges, which are imaginary edges between a container ele- ment in L i
* and the resulting container elements or q-vertices in L i+1 (see Figure 5). In terms of the
* common approach each virtual edge represents at least one edge between two dummy vertices. The
* number of represented edges is equal to the size of the container element in L i+1 . We have to
* consider this fact to get the right number of edge crossings. We therefore introduce edge
* weights. The weight of a virtual edge ending with a con- tainer element S is equal to size(S).
* The weight of the other edges is one. So a crossing between two edges e 1 and e 2 counts as
* weight(e 1 )·weight(e 2 ) crossings.
* @param currentLayer the Li layer
* @param downstreamLayer the Li+1 (or Li-1 for backwards) layer
* @param currentRank the value of i for Li
* @param downstreamRank the value of i+1 (or i-1 for backwards)
* @return count of edge crossing weight
public int stepFive(
List> currentLayer, List> downstreamLayer, int currentRank, int downstreamRank) {
return transpose(currentLayer, downstreamLayer, currentRank, downstreamRank);
private int transpose(
List> currentLayer, List> downstreamLayer, int currentRank, int downstreamRank) {
// gather all the graph edges between the currentRank and the downstreamRank
List> biLayerEdges =
e ->
edgeSourceFunction.apply(e).getRank() == currentRank
&& edgeTargetFunction.apply(e).getRank() == downstreamRank)
// create virtual edges between non-empty containers in both ranks
// if the downstreamLayer has a QVertex/PVertex, create a virtual edge between a new synthetic vertex
// in currentLayer and the QVertex/PVertex in the downstreamLayer
Set> virtualEdges = new HashSet<>();
for (LV v : downstreamLayer) {
if (v instanceof Container) {
Container container = (Container) v;
if (container.size() > 0) {
virtualEdges.add(VirtualEdge.of(container, container));
} else if (splitVertexPredicate.test(v)) {
// downwards, this is a QVertex, upwards its a PVertex
SegmentVertex qv = (SegmentVertex) v;
SyntheticLV qvSource = SyntheticLV.of();
virtualEdges.add(VirtualEdge.of(qvSource, qv));
for (Iterator> iterator = currentLayer.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
if (isEmptyContainer( {
// remove any empty containers from the downstreamLayer and reset the index metadata
// for the currentLayer vertices
for (Iterator> iterator = downstreamLayer.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) {
if (isEmptyContainer( {
typeOneConflicts.addAll(this.getEdgesThatCrossVirtualEdge(virtualEdges, biLayerEdges));
// downwards, the function is a no-op, upwards the biLayerEdges endpoints are swapped
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("for ranks {} and {} ....", currentRank, downstreamRank);
return processRanks(downstreamLayer, edgeEndpointSwapOrNot.apply(biLayerEdges));
private int processRanks(List> downstreamLayer, List> biLayerEdges) {
int crossCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// define a function that will get the edge weight from its target vertex
// in the downstream layer. If the target is a container, it's weight is
// the size of the container
Function f =
i -> {
LE edge = biLayerEdges.get(i);
LV target = edge.getTarget();
if (target instanceof Container) {
return ((Container) target).size();
return 1;
if (downstreamLayer.size() < 2) {
crossCount = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < downstreamLayer.size() - 1; j++) {
// if either of the adjacent vertices is a container, skip them
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
// runs the crossingCount (no weights) with the insertionSort method and the AccumulatorTree method
// these values should match and should both be <= to the crossingWeight
int vw2 = crossingCount(biLayerEdges);
int vw3 = AccumulatorTreeUtil.crossingCount(biLayerEdges);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("IS count:{}, AC count:{}", vw2, vw3);
int vw = AccumulatorTreeUtil.crossingWeight(biLayerEdges, f);
crossCount = Math.min(vw, crossCount);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("crossingWeight:{}", vw);
if (vw == 0) {
// can't do better than zero
if (downstreamLayer.get(j).getMeasure() != downstreamLayer.get(j + 1).getMeasure()) {
// count with j and j+1 swapped
// first swap them
swap(downstreamLayer, j, j + 1);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
// runs the crossingCount (no weights) with the insertionSort method and the AccumulatorTree method
// these values should match and should both be <= to the crossingWeight
int wv2 = crossingCount(biLayerEdges);
int wv3 = AccumulatorTreeUtil.crossingCount(biLayerEdges);
log.trace("IS count:{}, AC count:{}", wv2, wv3);
int wv = AccumulatorTreeUtil.crossingWeight(biLayerEdges, f);
crossCount = Math.min(wv, crossCount);
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("swapped crossingWeight:{}", wv);
// put them back unswapped
swap(downstreamLayer, j, j + 1);
if (vw > wv) {
// if the swapped weight is lower, swap them and save off the better
swap(downstreamLayer, j, j + 1);
if (wv == 0) {
log.trace("crossCount {}", crossCount);
return crossCount;
Set> getEdgesThatCrossVirtualEdge(
Set> virtualEdges, List> biLayerEdges) {
Set virtualEdgeIndices = new HashSet<>();
for (LE edge : virtualEdges) {
Set> typeOneConflictEdges = new HashSet<>();
for (LE edge : biLayerEdges) {
if (edge instanceof VirtualEdge) continue;
List sortedIndices = new ArrayList<>();
for (int virtualIndex : virtualEdgeIndices) {
int idxZero = sortedIndices.get(0);
int idxOne = sortedIndices.get(1);
if (idxZero <= virtualIndex && virtualIndex < idxOne) {
return typeOneConflictEdges;
private boolean isEmptyContainer(LV v) {
return v instanceof Container && ((Container) v).size() == 0;
protected static List> swapEdgeEndpoints(List> list) {
.map(e -> LE.of(e.getEdge(), e.getTarget(), e.getSource()))
// return;
private int crossingCount(List> edges) {
List targetIndices = new ArrayList<>();
for (LE edge : edges) {
return InsertionSortCounter.insertionSortCounter(targetIndices);
private static void swap(LV[] array, int i, int j) {
LV temp = array[i];
array[i] = array[j];
array[j] = temp;
private static void swap(List> array, int i, int j) {
Collections.swap(array, i, j);
* In the sixth step we perform a scan on L i+1 and insert empty containers between two
* consecutive vertices, and call join(S 1 , S 2 ) on two consecutive containers in the list. This
* ensures that L i+1 is an alternating layer.
* @param downstreamLayer
public void stepSix(List> downstreamLayer) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log("stepSix downstreamLayer in", downstreamLayer);
List> scanned = EiglspergerUtil.scan(downstreamLayer);
if (log.isTraceEnabled())
log("stepSix downstreamLayer out (padded with and compressed containers)", downstreamLayer);
* return the segment to which v is incident, if v is a PVertex or a QVertex. Otherwise, return v
* @param v the vertex to get a segment for
* @param vertex type
* @return the segment for v or else v
static LV s(LV v) {
if (v instanceof SegmentVertex) {
SegmentVertex pVertex = (SegmentVertex) v;
return pVertex.getSegment();
} else {
return v;
* update the positions so that the preceding container size is used
* @param layer
static boolean updatePositions(List> layer) {
boolean changed = false;
int currentPos = 0;
for (LV v : layer) {
if (v instanceof Container && ((Container) v).size() == 0) {
if (v.getPos() != currentPos) {
changed = true;
if (v instanceof Container) {
currentPos += ((Container) v).size();
} else {
return changed;
void assignPositions(List> currentLayer) {
LV previousVertex = null;
Container previousContainer = null;
for (int i = 0; i < currentLayer.size(); i++) {
LV v = currentLayer.get(i);
if (i % 2 == 0) {
// this is a container
Container container = (Container) v;
if (container.size() > 0) {
if (previousContainer == null) {
// first container non empty
} else {
// there has to be a previousVertex
int pos = previousVertex.getPos() + 1;
previousContainer = container;
} else {
// this is a vertex
if (previousVertex == null) {
// first vertex (position 1)
int pos = previousContainer.size();
} else {
int pos = previousVertex.getPos() + previousContainer.size() + 1;
previousVertex = v;
void assignMeasures(List> downstreamLayer) {
.filter(v -> v instanceof Container)
.map(v -> (Container) v)
.filter(c -> c.size() > 0)
c -> {
double measure = c.getPos();
for (LV v : downstreamLayer) {
if (splitVertexPredicate.test(v)) { // QVertex for top to bottom
if (v instanceof Container) {
Container container = (Container) v;
double measure = container.getPos();
} else {
// not a container (nor QVertex for top to bottom)
// measure will be related to the median of the pos of predecessor vert
Set> neighbors = neighborFunction.apply(v);
int[] poses = new int[neighbors.size()];
int i = 0;
for (LV neighbor : neighbors) {
poses[i++] = neighbor.getPos();
// IntStream.range(0, poses.length).forEach(idx -> poses[idx] = neighbors.get(idx).getPos());
if (poses.length > 0) {
int measure = medianValue(poses); // poses will be sorted in medianValue method
} else {
// leave the measure as as the current pos
if (v.getPos() < 0) {
log.debug("no pos for {}", v);
double measure = v.getPos();
* return the median value in the array P (which is Sorted!)
* @param P a sorted array
* @return the median value
static int medianValue(int[] P) {
if (P.length == 0) {
return -1;
} else if (P.length == 1) {
return P[0];
int m = P.length / 2;
if (P.length % 2 == 1) {
return P[m];
} else if (P.length == 2) {
return (P[0] + P[1]) / 2;
} else {
int left = P[m - 1] - P[0];
int right = P[P.length - 1] - P[m];
if (left + right == 0) {
return 0;
return (P[m - 1] * right + P[m] * left) / (left + right);