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internal.MacroUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.tschuchort.hkd
package internal
import scala.annotation.{nowarn, targetName}
import scala.compiletime.{constValueTuple, erasedValue}
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.quoted.runtime.StopMacroExpansion
import scala.quoted.{Expr, Quotes, Type}
import scala.util.chaining.*
/** Dealiases the type and all its arguments, recursively. */
protected[tschuchort] def dealiasNested(using q: Quotes)(tpe: q.reflect.TypeRepr): q.reflect.TypeRepr =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
tpe match
case AppliedType(tycon, args) => AppliedType(dealiasNested(tycon),
case _ => tpe.dealias
private def printTypeDealiasedImpl[T: Type](using q: Quotes): Expr[Unit] = {
import q.reflect.*
println("dealiased: " + TypeRepr.of[T]
'{ () }
protected[tschuchort] inline def printTypeDealiased[T]: Unit = ${ printTypeDealiasedImpl[T] }
private def printTypeDefImpl[T: Type](using q: Quotes): Expr[Unit] = {
import q.reflect.*
println("Print type def: " + TypeRepr.of[T]
'{ () }
protected[tschuchort] inline def printTypeDef[A]: Unit = ${ printTypeDefImpl[A] }
protected[tschuchort] inline def labelsOf[A](using p: Mirror.ProductOf[A]): p.MirroredElemLabels =
@nowarn("msg=discarded expression")
private def indentTreeStr(s: String): String = {
val o = new StringBuilder()
val indentSize = 2
var indentLevel = 0
var skipNextSpaces = false
def newLine(): Unit =
o.appendAll(Array.fill[Char](indentSize * indentLevel)(' '))
val lastIndex = s.length - 1
for (i <- 0 to lastIndex)
if s(i) == '(' && i < lastIndex && s(i + 1) != ')' then
indentLevel += 1
else if s(i) == ')' && i != 0 && s(i - 1) != '(' then
indentLevel -= 1
else if s(i) == ',' then
skipNextSpaces = true
else if s(i) == ' ' && skipNextSpaces then ()
skipNextSpaces = false
protected[tschuchort] def printTastyTree(using q: Quotes)(tree: q.reflect.Tree): Unit = {
import q.reflect.*
protected[tschuchort] def printTastyTypeRepr(using q: Quotes)(typeRepr: q.reflect.TypeRepr): Unit = {
import q.reflect.*
extension (e: Expr.type)
protected[tschuchort] def summonOrErrorMsg[T](using Type[T])(using q: Quotes): Either[String, Expr[T]] = {
import q.reflect.*[T]) match {
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess => Right(iss.tree.asExpr.asInstanceOf[Expr[T]])
case isf: ImplicitSearchFailure => Left(isf.explanation)
extension (e: Expr.type)
protected[tschuchort] def summonOrAbort[T](using Type[T])(using q: Quotes): Expr[T] =
summonOrAbort(errPos = q.reflect.Position.ofMacroExpansion)
protected[tschuchort] def summonOrAbort[T](using Type[T])(using q: Quotes)(errPos: q.reflect.Position): Expr[T] =
import q.reflect.*[T]) match {
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess => iss.tree.asExpr.asInstanceOf[Expr[T]]
case isf: ImplicitSearchFailure => report.errorAndAbort(isf.explanation, errPos)
extension (e: Expr.type)
protected[tschuchort] inline def summonAllOrAbort[T <: Tuple](using Type[T])(using q: Quotes): Tuple.Map[T, Expr] =
summonAllOrAbort(errPos = q.reflect.Position.ofMacroExpansion)
protected[tschuchort] inline def summonAllOrAbort[T <: Tuple](using Type[T])(using q: Quotes)(
errPos: q.reflect.Position
): Tuple.Map[T, Expr] =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
inline erasedValue[T] match
case _: EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple
case _: (t *: ts) =>[t]) match
case iss: ImplicitSearchSuccess =>
iss.tree.asExpr.asExprOf[t] *: Expr.summonAllOrAbort[ts](errPos)
case isf: ImplicitSearchFailure =>
report.errorAndAbort(isf.explanation, errPos)
protected[tschuchort] def typeIdentOf[T <: AnyKind](using q: Quotes)(using Type[T]) =
import q.reflect.*
protected[tschuchort] def typeReprOf(using q: Quotes)(tpe: Type[?]): q.reflect.TypeRepr =
tpe match { case '[tpe] => q.reflect.TypeRepr.of[tpe] }
protected[tschuchort] def isTuple(using q: Quotes)(tpr: q.reflect.TypeRepr): Boolean =
tpr.asType match {
case '[EmptyTuple] => true
case '[t *: ts] => true // '[_ *: _] causes compiler error but '[t *: ts] works
case _ => false
protected[tschuchort] def tupleToTypeReprs[T <: Tuple: Type](using q: Quotes): Seq[q.reflect.TypeRepr] =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
Type.of[T] match
case '[head *: tail] => TypeRepr.of[head] +: tupleToTypeReprs[tail]
case '[EmptyTuple] => Seq.empty
protected[tschuchort] def tupleToTypes[T <: Tuple: Type](using q: Quotes): Seq[Type[? <: Tuple.Union[T]]] =
tupleToTypeReprs[T].map(_.asType.asInstanceOf[Type[? <: Tuple.Union[T]]])
protected[tschuchort] def tupleOfTypes(using q: Quotes)(tpes: Seq[Type[?]]): Type[? <: Tuple] =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
tpes.foldRight[Type[? <: Tuple]](Type.of[EmptyTuple]) { case ('[tpe], acc) =>
type acc <: Tuple
given Type[acc] = acc.asInstanceOf[Type[acc]]
Type.of[tpe *: acc] // foldRight --> prepend; foldLeft --> append
protected[tschuchort] def tupleOfTypeReprs(using q: Quotes)(tpes: Seq[q.reflect.TypeRepr]): q.reflect.TypeRepr =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
protected[tschuchort] def noTypeBoundsRepr(using q: Quotes) =
import q.reflect.*
TypeBounds(TypeRepr.of[Nothing], TypeRepr.of[Any])
protected[tschuchort] def noTypeBoundsTree(using q: Quotes) =
import q.reflect.*
TypeBoundsTree(Inferred(TypeRepr.of[Nothing]), Inferred(TypeRepr.of[Any]))
protected[tschuchort] def typeBoundsTreeOf[Lower, Upper](using q: Quotes)(using Lower <:< Upper, Type[Lower], Type[Upper]) =
import q.reflect.*
TypeBoundsTree(TypeIdent(TypeRepr.of[Lower].typeSymbol), TypeIdent(TypeRepr.of[Upper].typeSymbol))
protected[tschuchort] def lowerTypeBoundTree[Lower](using q: Quotes)(using Type[Lower]) =
import q.reflect.*
TypeBoundsTree(TypeIdent(TypeRepr.of[Lower].typeSymbol), Inferred(TypeRepr.of[Any]))
protected[tschuchort] def upperTypeBoundTree[Upper](using q: Quotes)(using Type[Upper]) =
import q.reflect.*
TypeBoundsTree(Inferred(TypeRepr.of[Nothing]), TypeIdent(TypeRepr.of[Upper].typeSymbol))
protected[tschuchort] def refinementOf(using q: Quotes)(baseType: q.reflect.TypeRepr, fields: (String, q.reflect.TypeRepr)*) =
import q.reflect.*
fields.foldLeft(baseType) { case (prev, (fieldName, fieldType)) =>
Refinement(prev, fieldName, fieldType)
extension (using q: Quotes)(tpe: q.reflect.TypeRepr)
/** Case class fields zipped with their global TypeRepr */
protected[tschuchort] def caseFieldsWithTypes: List[(String, q.reflect.TypeRepr)] =
import q.reflect.* { symbol =>
(, tpe.memberType(symbol).typeSymbol.pipe(TypeIdent.apply).tpe)
extension (using q: Quotes)(tpe: q.reflect.TypeRepr)
/** TypeReprs of child classes */
protected[tschuchort] def childrenTypes: List[q.reflect.TypeRepr] =
import q.reflect.* { cs => TypeTree.ref(cs).tpe }
extension (using q: Quotes)(typeSymbol: q.reflect.Symbol)
/** TypeReprs of child classes */
protected[tschuchort] def childrenTypes: List[q.reflect.TypeRepr] =
import q.reflect.*
assert(typeSymbol.isType) { cs => TypeTree.ref(cs).tpe }
protected[tschuchort] def requireDynamicMethodName(using q: Quotes)(
expectedName: String,
name: Expr[String],
methodOwnerType: q.reflect.TypeRepr
): Unit =
import q.reflect.*
name.value match
case Some(`expectedName`) => ()
case Some(name) => report.errorAndAbort(s"'${name}' is not a member of ${}")
case None => report.errorAndAbort(s"Invalid method invocation on ${}")
protected[tschuchort] def parseDynamicArgsExpr(using q: Quotes)(
argsExpr: Expr[Seq[Any | (String, Any)]],
generalErrorPos: q.reflect.Position = q.reflect.Position.ofMacroExpansion
): Seq[(Option[String], q.reflect.TypeRepr, Expr[Any])] =
import q.reflect.*
val args = argsExpr match
case Varargs(args) => args
case _ => report.errorAndAbort("Macro internal error: Expected explicit varargs sequence", generalErrorPos) {
case '{ (${ labelExpr }: String, $valueExpr) } =>
// Widen valueExpr TypeRepr to get rid of Singleton types of String expressions.
// Note: In applyDynamic if some parameters have names and others do not, those
// without names will have the name "" (empty String).
(Some(labelExpr.valueOrAbort).filter(_.nonEmpty), valueExpr.asTerm.tpe.widen, valueExpr)
// "label" -> value;
case '{ ArrowAssoc(${ labelExpr }: String).->(${ valueExpr }) } =>
// Widen valueExpr TypeRepr to get rid of Singleton types of String expressions
(Some(labelExpr.valueOrAbort).filter(_.nonEmpty), valueExpr.asTerm.tpe.widen, valueExpr)
case expr =>
// Widen valueExpr TypeRepr to get rid of Singleton types of String expressions
(None, expr.asTerm.tpe.widen, expr)
/** Checks that supplied parameters match the expected parameters in type and either name or position. The result is a normalized
* list of all expected arguments in the same order of [[expectedParamNamesTypesDefaults]] with name, widened argument types and
* argument expression or default argument expression.
* @param expectedParamNamesTypesDefaults
* Tuples of parameter's expected name, expected type and optional default argument expression.
* @param paramNamesTypesValues
* Tuples of argument's name (if present), argument type and argument expression
* @param generalErrorPos
* Source position to show in errors that can not be traced to a single argument expression, i.e. a missing argument. Default
* is the position of macro expansion, which will usually highlight the entire call-site. Alternatively, you may set
* {{{
* generalErrorPos = argsExpr.asTerm.pos
* }}}
* where `argsExpr` is the `Expr[Seq[Any]]` you get from `applyDynamic`, to only highlight the argument list.
* @return
* Tuple of name, argument type, argument expression.
protected[tschuchort] def checkAndNormalizeParams(using q: Quotes)(
expectedParamNamesTypesDefaults: Seq[(String, q.reflect.TypeRepr, Option[Expr[Any]])],
paramNamesTypesValues: Seq[(Option[String], q.reflect.TypeRepr, Expr[Any])],
generalErrorPos: q.reflect.Position = q.reflect.Position.ofMacroExpansion
): Seq[(String, q.reflect.TypeRepr, Expr[Any])] =
import q.reflect.*
require(expectedParamNamesTypesDefaults.allDistinctBy(_._1), "expected parameters must be distinct by name")
paramNamesTypesValues.collectAllOrNone { case (Some(name), tpe, value) => (name, tpe, value) } match
case Some(paramNamesTypesValues) =>
// Case 1: All params have names and they match exactly (no leftovers) in name and type to the
// expected params in any order.
.matchBy(paramNamesTypesValues)(_._1 /* name */ )(_._1 /* name */ )
.map {
// Parameters that appeared in the call but had no matching name in expected parameters
case (None, unmatchedParams) =>
unmatchedParams.foreach { case (name, _, expr) =>
report.error(s"Method does not have a parameter '${name}'", expr)
throw StopMacroExpansion()
// Expected param has no param with matching name
case (Some((name, expectedType, default)), Seq()) =>
default match
case Some(default) => (name, expectedType, default)
case None => report.errorAndAbort(s"Missing argument for parameter '$name'", generalErrorPos)
// Exactly one param matching the name of expected param
case (Some((expectedName, expectedType, default)), Seq(param @ (name: String, paramType, paramValue))) =>
assert(expectedName == name)
if paramType <:< expectedType
then param
report.errorAndAbort(s"Found: ${}\n" +
s"Required: ${}",
// Note: Scala allows a name to appear multiple times in the parameter list!
case (Some((name, tpe, default)), matchedParams) =>
assert(matchedParams.length > 1)
matchedParams.foreach { case (name, _, expr) =>
report.error(s"Parameter '$name' may not appear more than once", expr)
throw StopMacroExpansion()
case None =>
// Case 2: Some or no params have names. All params match exactly (no leftovers) the type of the
// expected param at same position. Those that do have names, also match in name., None, None).map {
case (None, None) => throw AssertionError("impossible match")
case (Some((expectedName, expectedType, default)), None) =>
default match
case Some(default) => (expectedName, expectedType, default)
case None => report.errorAndAbort(s"Missing argument for parameter '$expectedName'", generalErrorPos)
case (None, Some((name, tpe, value))) =>
report.errorAndAbort(s"Unexpected argument", value)
case (Some((expectedName, expectedType, default)), Some((maybeName, tpe, value))) =>
if !(tpe <:< expectedType) then
report.errorAndAbort(s"Found: ${}\n" +
s"Required: ${}",
maybeName match
case Some(name) if name != expectedName =>
report.errorAndAbort(s"Expected parameter of name '$expectedName'", value)
case _ => ()
(expectedName, tpe, value)
enum ShowTypeOptions:
case ShortName, FqName, Widen, WidenByName, WidenTermRefByName, Simplified
object ShowTypeOptions:
given FromExpr[ShowTypeOptions] with
def unapply(expr: Expr[ShowTypeOptions])(using Quotes): Option[ShowTypeOptions] =
import quotes.reflect.*
expr match
case '{ ShowTypeOptions.ShortName } => Some(ShowTypeOptions.ShortName)
case '{ ShowTypeOptions.FqName } => Some(ShowTypeOptions.FqName)
case '{ ShowTypeOptions.Widen } => Some(ShowTypeOptions.Widen)
case '{ ShowTypeOptions.WidenByName } => Some(ShowTypeOptions.WidenByName)
case '{ ShowTypeOptions.WidenTermRefByName } => Some(ShowTypeOptions.WidenTermRefByName)
case '{ ShowTypeOptions.Simplified } => Some(ShowTypeOptions.Simplified)
case _ => None
protected[tschuchort] inline def showType[T](inline options: ShowTypeOptions*): String & scala.Singleton =
${ showTypeImpl[T]('options) }
inline def showType[T]: String & scala.Singleton =
${ showTypeImpl[T]('{ Seq(ShowTypeOptions.ShortName) }) }
private def showTypeImpl[T: Type](optionsExpr: Expr[Seq[ShowTypeOptions]])(using q: Quotes): Expr[String & scala.Singleton] =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
import ShowTypeOptions.{*, given}
val options = optionsExpr.valueOrAbort
def requireExactlyOneOption(subset: Seq[ShowTypeOptions]): Unit =
require(options.count(subset.contains(_)) == 1,
s"'options' must contain exactly one of ${ { _.getClass.getSimpleName }.mkString(", ")}")
requireExactlyOneOption(Seq(ShortName, FqName))
def applyOption(tpe: TypeRepr, opt: ShowTypeOptions) = opt match
case ShortName => tpe
case FqName => tpe
case Widen => tpe.widen
case WidenByName => tpe.widenByName
case WidenTermRefByName => tpe.widenTermRefByName
case Simplified => tpe.simplified
val modifiedTpe = options.foldLeft(TypeRepr.of[T])(applyOption)
if options.contains(ShortName) then Expr([String & scala.Singleton])
else if options.contains(FqName) then Expr([String & scala.Singleton])
else throw AssertionError("At least one name option must be given!")