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package com.tschuchort.hkd
package internal
import scala.util.chaining.*
import scala.util.boundary
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.IndexedSeqView
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import scala.quoted.*
import cats.implicits.*
import cats.Functor
import scala.annotation.tailrec
protected[tschuchort] class ArrayProduct(val elems: Array[Any]) extends Product:
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = true
def productElement(n: Int): Any = elems(n)
def productArity: Int = elems.length
override def productIterator: Iterator[Any] = elems.iterator
/** Records the types of all leafs (case classes, case objects, enum cases) of a deep ADT hierarchy that may contain multiple
* levels of sealed traits.
trait AdtHierarchyLeafs[T] { type MirroredLeafTypes <: Tuple }
object AdtHierarchyLeafs:
transparent inline given [T]: AdtHierarchyLeafs[T] = ${ deriveAdtLeafsImpl[T] }
private def deriveAdtLeafsImpl[T: Type](using q: Quotes): Expr[AdtHierarchyLeafs[T]] =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
def gatherLeafs(s: TypeRepr): Seq[TypeRepr] = s.asType match
case '[s] =>
Expr.summonOrAbort[Mirror.Of[s]] match
case '{ $m: Mirror.ProductOf[s] } =>
case '{
type elems <: Tuple;
$m: Mirror.SumOf[s] { type MirroredElemTypes = `elems` }
} =>
tupleToTypeReprs[elems].foldLeft(Seq.empty[TypeRepr]) { case (acc, elemTpr) =>
acc ++ gatherLeafs(elemTpr)
type Leafs <: Tuple
given Type[Leafs] = tupleOfTypeReprs(gatherLeafs(TypeRepr.of[T])).asType.asInstanceOf
'{ new AdtHierarchyLeafs[T] { override type MirroredLeafTypes = Leafs } }
extension (b1: Boolean)
protected[tschuchort] infix def implies(b2: Boolean): Boolean = !b1 || b2
extension [T](s: IndexedSeq[T])
protected[tschuchort] def movingWindow(windowSize: Int): Seq[IndexedSeqView[T]] =
require(windowSize >= 1)
val sLength = s.length
List.unfold(0) { currentIndex =>
if currentIndex <= sLength - 1 then
IndexedSeqView.Slice(s, currentIndex, Math.max(currentIndex + windowSize, sLength - 1)),
currentIndex + 1
else None
extension [A](s: Seq[A])
/** Checks whether all the elements in the sequence are distinct from each other by [[f]] */
protected[tschuchort] def allDistinctBy[B](f: A => B): Boolean = s.distinctBy(f).length == s.length
extension [A](aas: Seq[A])
/** Matches the elements in [[aas]] with the elements in [[bs]] according to the key function. The order of [[aas]] will be
* maintained, optionally appending an additional [[None]] element at the end of the list to contain all the elements in [[bs]]
* that did not have a corresponding match in [[aas]]. Each sequence of [[B]] matches for an [[A]] is in the order that they
* appeared in the [[bs]] list.
protected[tschuchort] def matchBy[B, K](bs: Seq[B])(byA: A => K)(byB: B => K): Seq[(Option[A], Seq[B])] =
val unmatchedBs = new mutable.HashMap[K, mutable.ListBuffer[B]](
bs match {
case _: IndexedSeq[?] => bs.length // Only when indexed, to avoid traversing the Seq
case _ => mutable.HashMap.defaultInitialCapacity
).tap { m =>
bs.foreach { b =>
m.updateWith(key = byB(b)) {
case Some(otherBsForKey) => Some(otherBsForKey.appended(b))
case None => Some(mutable.ListBuffer(b))
(for (a <- aas)
// Note: this MUST be executed before the concat operation, or else the result will be wrong because
// [[unmatchedBs]] is mutable!
yield (Some(a), unmatchedBs.remove(byA(a)).map(_.toList).getOrElse(Seq.empty)))
++ {
val leftovers = unmatchedBs.iterator.flatMap { case (_, bsForKey) => bsForKey }.toSeq
leftovers match {
case Seq() => Seq.empty[(Option[A], Seq[B])]
case leftovers => Seq((Option.empty[A], leftovers))
extension [CC[_]: Functor, A](coll: CC[A])
/** Applies the partial function to every argument to narrow the type, but instead of dropping unmatched elements like
* [[Seq.collect]], returns `None` for the entire list.
protected[tschuchort] def collectAllOrNone[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Option[CC[B]] =
boundary {
Some( { x =>
pf.applyOrElse(x, { _ => boundary.break(None) })
/** Functional composition of two type functions */
private[tschuchort] infix type `.`[F[_], G[_]] = [A] =>> F[G[A]]
private[tschuchort] infix type `*`[F[_], G[_]] = [A] =>> (F[A], G[A])
trait TypeName[T <: AnyKind]:
val value: String
object TypeName:
transparent inline given [T <: AnyKind]: TypeName[T] = ${ givenTypeNameImpl[T] }
private def givenTypeNameImpl[T <: AnyKind: Type](using q: Quotes): Expr[TypeName[T]] =
import q.reflect.{*, given}
// Removes redundant lambda expressions. ONLY SAFE FOR GETTING THE NAME. The resulting TypeRepr can not generally be used
// in a position that expects * -> * kind.
@tailrec def etaReduceForName(t: TypeRepr): TypeRepr =
t match
case tl @ TypeLambda(paramNames, paramBounds, AppliedType(applied, appliedArgs))
if paramNames.size == appliedArgs.size
&& appliedArgs.zipWithIndex.forall { case (ParamRef(binder, paramIndex), i) =>
binder == tl && paramIndex == i
} =>
case t => t
val name: String =
.replace(" >: Nothing", "")
.replace(" <: Any", "")
.replaceAll("_\\$\\d+", "_") match
case s"[$paramList] =>> $rhs" if paramList == rhs => rhs
case s => s
'{ new TypeName[T] { val value: String = ${ Expr(name) } } }
object ImplicitsPriority:
open class L1
object L1 { given L1() }
open class L2 extends L1
object L2 { given L2() }
open class L3 extends L2
object L3 { given L3() }
open class L4 extends L3
object L4 { given L4() }
open class L5 extends L4
object L5 { given L5() }