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* Copyright (c) 2011 Denis Tulskiy
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with this work. If not, see .
package com.tulskiy.keymaster.x11;
import com.sun.jna.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
* Author: Denis Tulskiy
* Date: 7/14/11
public interface X11 extends Library {
public static X11 Lib = (X11) Native.loadLibrary("X11", X11.class);
public static final int GrabModeAsync = 1;
public static final int KeyPress = 2;
public static final int ShiftMask = (1);
public static final int LockMask = (1 << 1);
public static final int ControlMask = (1 << 2);
public static final int Mod1Mask = (1 << 3);
public static final int Mod2Mask = (1 << 4);
public static final int Mod3Mask = (1 << 5);
public static final int Mod4Mask = (1 << 6);
public static final int Mod5Mask = (1 << 7);
public Pointer XOpenDisplay(String name);
public NativeLong XDefaultRootWindow(Pointer display);
public byte XKeysymToKeycode(Pointer display, long keysym);
public int XGrabKey(Pointer display, int code, int modifiers, NativeLong root, int ownerEvents, int pointerMode, int keyBoardMode);
public int XUngrabKey(Pointer display, int code, int modifiers, NativeLong root);
public int XNextEvent(Pointer display, XEvent event);
public int XPending(Pointer display);
public int XCloseDisplay(Pointer display);
public XErrorHandler XSetErrorHandler(XErrorHandler errorHandler);
public int XGetErrorText(Pointer display, int code, byte[] buffer, int len);
public interface XErrorHandler extends Callback {
public int apply(Pointer display, XErrorEvent errorEvent);
public static class XEvent extends Union {
public int type;
public XKeyEvent xkey;
public NativeLong[] pad = new NativeLong[24];
public static class XKeyEvent extends Structure {
public int type; // of event
public NativeLong serial; // # of last request processed by server
public int send_event; // true if this came from a SendEvent request
public Pointer display; // public Display the event was read from
public NativeLong window; // "event" window it is reported relative to
public NativeLong root; // root window that the event occurred on
public NativeLong subwindow; // child window
public NativeLong time; // milliseconds
public int x, y; // pointer x, y coordinates in event window
public int x_root, y_root; // coordinates relative to root
public int state; // key or button mask
public int keycode; // detail
public int same_screen; // same screen flag
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("type", "serial", "send_event", "display", "window", "root", "subwindow", "time",
"x", "y", "x_root", "y_root", "state", "keycode", "same_screen");
public static class XErrorEvent extends Structure {
public int type;
public Pointer display; // Display the event was read from
public NativeLong resourceid; // resource id
public NativeLong serial; // serial number of failed request
public byte error_code; // error code of failed request
public byte request_code; // Major op-code of failed request
public byte minor_code; // Minor op-code of failed request
protected List getFieldOrder() {
return Arrays.asList("type", "display", "serial", "error_code", "request_code", "minor_code", "resourceid");