com.github.twitch4j.chat.ITwitchChat Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.twitch4j.chat;
import com.github.philippheuer.events4j.core.EventManager;
import com.github.twitch4j.chat.events.channel.IRCMessageEvent;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Set;
public interface ITwitchChat extends AutoCloseable {
EventManager getEventManager();
* Joins a channel
* @param channelName The target channel name.
void joinChannel(String channelName);
* Parts from a channel
* @param channelName The target channel name.
* @return whether the channel was previously joined
boolean leaveChannel(String channelName);
* Sends a message in a joined channel.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param message The message to be sent.
* @return whether the message was added to the queue
boolean sendMessage(String channel, String message);
* Returns a set of all currently joined channels (without # prefix)
* @return a set of channel names
Set getChannels();
void close();
* Check if Chat is currently in a channel
* @param channelName channel to check (without # prefix)
* @return boolean
default boolean isChannelJoined(String channelName) {
return getChannels().contains(channelName.toLowerCase());
* Sends an action message (/me) in a joined channel.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param message The message to be sent.
* @return whether the message was added to the queue
default boolean sendActionMessage(String channel, String message) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/me %s", message));
* Configures the slow mode setting for a channel.
* Non-positive values would disable slow mode.
* Positive values must not be greater than 1800.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param seconds The slow mode seconds.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean setSlowMode(String channel, int seconds) {
if (seconds <= 0)
return this.sendMessage(channel, "/slowoff");
if (seconds > 1800)
return false;
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/slow %d", seconds));
* Configures followers only mode in a channel.
* Passing null (or a negative duration) for time disables followers only.
* The amount of time must not exceed 3 months.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param time The amount of time users must be followed.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean setFollowersOnly(String channel, Duration time) {
if (time == null || time.isNegative())
return this.sendMessage(channel, "/followersoff");
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/followers %d", time.getSeconds()));
* Configures subscribers only mode in a channel.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param enable Whether the setting should be enabled or disabled.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean setSubscribersOnly(String channel, boolean enable) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, enable ? "/subscribers" : "/subscribersoff");
* Configures unique chat mode (r9k) in a channel.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param enable Whether the setting should be enabled or disabled.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean setUniqueChat(String channel, boolean enable) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, enable ? "/uniquechat" : "/uniquechatoff");
* Configures emote only mode in a channel.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @param enable Whether the setting should be enabled or disabled.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean setEmoteOnly(String channel, boolean enable) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, enable ? "/emoteonly" : "/emoteonlyoff");
* Clears the history for first-party chat clients.
* @param channel The target channel name.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean clearChat(String channel) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, "/clear");
* Deletes a message.
* @param channel the name of the channel to delete the message from.
* @param targetMsgId the unique id of the message to be deleted.
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
* @see IRCMessageEvent#getMessageId()
default boolean delete(String channel, String targetMsgId) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/delete %s", targetMsgId));
* Timeout a user
* @param channel channel
* @param user username
* @param duration duration
* @param reason reason
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean timeout(String channel, String user, Duration duration, String reason) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(user).append(' ').append(duration.getSeconds());
if (reason != null) {
sb.append(' ').append(reason);
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/timeout %s", sb.toString()));
* Ban a user
* @param channel channel
* @param user username
* @param reason reason
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean ban(String channel, String user, String reason) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(user);
if (reason != null) {
sb.append(' ').append(reason);
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/ban %s", sb.toString()));
* Unban a user
* @param channel channel
* @param user username
* @return whether the command was added to the queue
default boolean unban(String channel, String user) {
return this.sendMessage(channel, String.format("/unban %s", user));