com.github.twitch4j.common.pool.SubscriptionConnectionPool Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.github.twitch4j.common.pool;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.experimental.SuperBuilder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
* A pool of connections for making subscriptions (and potentially unsubscribing from later).
* @param the connection type
* @param the subscription request
* @param transactional subscription response and potential unsubscription request
* @param the unsubscription response
public abstract class SubscriptionConnectionPool extends AbstractConnectionPool implements TransactionalSubscriber {
* Whether connections without subscriptions should be disposed of. Default: true.
* As an optimization, this can be set to false to not dispose of connections in an environment where
* it is known that a large burst of unsubscriptions will be followed by enough subscriptions such that
* connections will never need to be disposed of automatically. However, be wary of configuring this as
* a misstep in your calculations may lead to connections sitting idly while consuming resources.
protected final boolean disposeUnusedConnections = true;
* The maximum number of outstanding subscriptions a connection may have. Default: 50.
* 50 is a reasonable default given that it is the standard limit imposed on PubSub connections by Twitch
* and it is the previously-documented rate-limit on the number of possible JOINs in chat in a short burst.
* @see PubSub Limits
* @see Previous Chat Limits
protected final int maxSubscriptionsPerConnection = 50; // Defining this default here is not ideal, but it is not easy to redefine it in a subclass due to SuperBuilder
* Connections that are already at the maximum subscriptions.
protected final Set saturatedConnections = ConcurrentHashMap.newKeySet();
* A mapping of connections that are not saturated yet to the number of subscriptions they have.
protected final ConcurrentMap unsaturatedConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* A mapping of which connections hold what subscriptions.
protected final ConcurrentMap subscriptions = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Tracks whether the pool has been closed.
protected final AtomicBoolean closed = new AtomicBoolean();
public T subscribe(S s) {
if (closed.get()) throw new IllegalStateException("Subscription cannot be created after pool was closed!");
C prevConnection = subscriptions.get(s);
if (prevConnection != null) return handleDuplicateSubscription(null, prevConnection, s);
final int size = getSubscriptionSize(s);
if (size > maxSubscriptionsPerConnection) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Subscription is too large for a single connection");
final C connection = getOrCreateConnectionWithHeadroomAndIncrement(size);
if (connection != null) {
prevConnection = subscriptions.putIfAbsent(s, connection);
if (prevConnection != null) {
T dupeResponse = handleDuplicateSubscription(connection, prevConnection, s);
decrementSubscriptions(connection, size);
return dupeResponse;
return handleSubscription(connection, s);
public U unsubscribe(T t) {
final S request = getRequestFromSubscription(t);
final C connection = subscriptions.remove(request);
final U u = handleUnsubscription(connection, t);
if (connection != null && !closed.get())
decrementSubscriptions(connection, getSubscriptionSize(request));
return u;
public int numConnections() {
return saturatedConnections.size() + unsaturatedConnections.size();
protected Iterable getConnections() {
final Collection connections = new ArrayList<>(numConnections());
return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(connections);
public void close() {
if (!closed.getAndSet(true)) {
Collection drained = new ArrayList<>(numConnections());
* @return the total number of subscriptions held by all connections
public int numSubscriptions() {
int n = 0;
n += saturatedConnections.size() * maxSubscriptionsPerConnection;
for (Integer i : unsaturatedConnections.values()) {
n += i;
return n;
protected abstract T handleSubscription(C c, S s);
protected abstract T handleDuplicateSubscription(C c, C old, S s);
protected abstract U handleUnsubscription(C c, T t);
protected abstract S getRequestFromSubscription(T t);
protected abstract int getSubscriptionSize(S s);
private C getOrCreateConnectionWithHeadroomAndIncrement(int increment) {
final int max = this.maxSubscriptionsPerConnection;
// Attempt to find an existing unsaturated connection
// Implementation Notes:
// With this loop, there is no guarantee regarding entry order over time.
// Without unsubscriptions, this algorithm prefers to keep a minimal amount of unsaturated connections (one, if possible without locking)
// and fill them completely before moving onto another unsaturated connection.
// With unsubscriptions, the behavior is not as deterministic as the elements are not constantly reordered by to subscription count.
// Lastly, if multiple threads attempt to make a subscription at the same time and there are no existing unsaturated connections,
// this code may create a new connection for each of these threads, due to the lock-free approach. Synchronization would avoid this.
AtomicBoolean foundUnsaturated = new AtomicBoolean();
for (C connection : unsaturatedConnections.keySet()) {
// Try to increment this connection atomically
final Integer computed = unsaturatedConnections.compute(connection, (c, n) -> {
if (n == null || n + 1 > max)
return null; // didn't have headroom to begin with
final int n2 = n + increment;
if (n2 > max) return n; // not enough headroom
return n2 < max ? n2 : null; // remove from unsaturated if at max capacity
if (foundUnsaturated.get()) {
// Check if the connection has further headroom or needs to be marked as saturated
if (computed == null)
return connection; // found a sufficient existing connection!
// Fallback to creating a new connection (and incrementing that)
final C c = createConnection();
if (c != null) {
if (increment < max)
unsaturatedConnections.putIfAbsent(c, increment);
return c;
private void decrementSubscriptions(C connection, int decrement) {
// Decrement subscriptions atomically
Integer newSubs = unsaturatedConnections.compute(connection, (c, n) -> {
final int prev;
if (n != null) {
prev = n;
} else {
prev = maxSubscriptionsPerConnection;
saturatedConnections.remove(connection); // Can no longer be saturated
final int next = prev - decrement;
if (next <= 0 && this.disposeUnusedConnections) {
return null; // remove
return next;
// Dispose if needed
if (newSubs == null)