com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal.UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
// This class was automatically generated by Apollo GraphQL plugin from the GraphQL queries it found.
// It should not be modified by hand.
package com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.Mutation;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.Operation;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.OperationName;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.Response;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.ResponseField;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.ScalarTypeAdapters;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.InputFieldMarshaller;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.InputFieldWriter;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.OperationRequestBodyComposer;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.QueryDocumentMinifier;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.ResponseFieldMapper;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.ResponseFieldMarshaller;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.ResponseReader;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.ResponseWriter;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.SimpleOperationResponseParser;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.UnmodifiableMapBuilder;
import com.apollographql.apollo.api.internal.Utils;
import com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal.type.CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus;
import com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal.type.CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType;
import com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal.type.CustomType;
import com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal.type.UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode;
import com.github.twitch4j.graphql.internal.type.UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput;
import java.lang.Object;
import java.lang.Override;
import java.lang.String;
import java.lang.SuppressWarnings;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import okio.Buffer;
import okio.BufferedSource;
import okio.ByteString;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
public final class UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation implements Mutation {
public static final String OPERATION_ID = "6e58a208f0cd1e8f36910112a8776097eb661cda13a8bc5a9171c8a0eaae6a24";
public static final String QUERY_DOCUMENT = QueryDocumentMinifier.minify(
"mutation updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal($input: UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput!) {\n"
+ " updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal(input: $input) {\n"
+ " __typename\n"
+ " error {\n"
+ " __typename\n"
+ " code\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " goal {\n"
+ " __typename\n"
+ " amountNeeded\n"
+ " backgroundColor\n"
+ " defaultImage {\n"
+ " __typename\n"
+ " url\n"
+ " url2x\n"
+ " url4x\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " description\n"
+ " durationDays\n"
+ " endedAt\n"
+ " id\n"
+ " image {\n"
+ " __typename\n"
+ " url\n"
+ " url2x\n"
+ " url4x\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " isInStock\n"
+ " perStreamUserMaximumContribution\n"
+ " pointsContributed\n"
+ " smallContribution\n"
+ " startedAt\n"
+ " status\n"
+ " title\n"
+ " type\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}"
public static final OperationName OPERATION_NAME = new OperationName() {
public String name() {
return "updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal";
private final UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation.Variables variables;
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation(@NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput input) {
Utils.checkNotNull(input, "input == null");
variables = new UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation.Variables(input);
public String operationId() {
public String queryDocument() {
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation.Data wrapData(UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation.Data data) {
return data;
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation.Variables variables() {
return variables;
public ResponseFieldMapper responseFieldMapper() {
return new Data.Mapper();
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
public OperationName name() {
public Response parse(@NotNull final BufferedSource source,
@NotNull final ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters) throws IOException {
return SimpleOperationResponseParser.parse(source, this, scalarTypeAdapters);
public Response parse(@NotNull final ByteString byteString,
@NotNull final ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters) throws IOException {
return parse(new Buffer().write(byteString), scalarTypeAdapters);
public Response parse(@NotNull final BufferedSource source)
throws IOException {
return parse(source, ScalarTypeAdapters.DEFAULT);
public Response parse(@NotNull final ByteString byteString)
throws IOException {
return parse(byteString, ScalarTypeAdapters.DEFAULT);
public ByteString composeRequestBody(@NotNull final ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters) {
return OperationRequestBodyComposer.compose(this, false, true, scalarTypeAdapters);
public ByteString composeRequestBody() {
return OperationRequestBodyComposer.compose(this, false, true, ScalarTypeAdapters.DEFAULT);
public ByteString composeRequestBody(final boolean autoPersistQueries,
final boolean withQueryDocument, @NotNull final ScalarTypeAdapters scalarTypeAdapters) {
return OperationRequestBodyComposer.compose(this, autoPersistQueries, withQueryDocument, scalarTypeAdapters);
public static final class Builder {
private @NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput input;
Builder() {
public Builder input(@NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput input) {
this.input = input;
return this;
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation build() {
Utils.checkNotNull(input, "input == null");
return new UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalMutation(input);
public static final class Variables extends Operation.Variables {
private final @NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput input;
private final transient Map valueMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Variables(@NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput input) {
this.input = input;
this.valueMap.put("input", input);
public @NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalInput input() {
return input;
public Map valueMap() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(valueMap);
public InputFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new InputFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(InputFieldWriter writer) throws IOException {
writer.writeObject("input", input.marshaller());
* Data from the response after executing this GraphQL operation
public static class Data implements Operation.Data {
static final ResponseField[] $responseFields = {
ResponseField.forObject("updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal", "updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal", new UnmodifiableMapBuilder(1)
.put("input", new UnmodifiableMapBuilder(2)
.put("kind", "Variable")
.put("variableName", "input")
.build(), true, Collections.emptyList())
final @Nullable UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal;
private transient volatile String $toString;
private transient volatile int $hashCode;
private transient volatile boolean $hashCodeMemoized;
public Data(@Nullable UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal) {
this.updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal = updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal;
* updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal updates a Community Points Community Goal.
public @Nullable UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal() {
return this.updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public ResponseFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new ResponseFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(ResponseWriter writer) {
writer.writeObject($responseFields[0], updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal != null ? updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal.marshaller() : null);
public String toString() {
if ($toString == null) {
$toString = "Data{"
+ "updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal=" + updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal
+ "}";
return $toString;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof Data) {
Data that = (Data) o;
return ((this.updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal == null) ? (that.updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal == null) : this.updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal.equals(that.updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal));
return false;
public int hashCode() {
if (!$hashCodeMemoized) {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal == null) ? 0 : updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal.hashCode();
$hashCode = h;
$hashCodeMemoized = true;
return $hashCode;
public static final class Mapper implements ResponseFieldMapper {
final UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal.Mapper updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalFieldMapper = new UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal.Mapper();
public Data map(ResponseReader reader) {
final UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal = reader.readObject($responseFields[0], new ResponseReader.ObjectReader() {
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal read(ResponseReader reader) {
return new Data(updateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal);
* Update community goal payload.
public static class UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal {
static final ResponseField[] $responseFields = {
ResponseField.forString("__typename", "__typename", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forObject("error", "error", null, true, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forObject("goal", "goal", null, true, Collections.emptyList())
final @NotNull String __typename;
final @Nullable Error error;
final @Nullable Goal goal;
private transient volatile String $toString;
private transient volatile int $hashCode;
private transient volatile boolean $hashCodeMemoized;
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal(@NotNull String __typename, @Nullable Error error,
@Nullable Goal goal) {
this.__typename = Utils.checkNotNull(__typename, "__typename == null");
this.error = error;
this.goal = goal;
public @NotNull String __typename() {
return this.__typename;
* The error, if any.
public @Nullable Error error() {
return this.error;
* The community goal.
public @Nullable Goal goal() {
return this.goal;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public ResponseFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new ResponseFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(ResponseWriter writer) {
writer.writeString($responseFields[0], __typename);
writer.writeObject($responseFields[1], error != null ? error.marshaller() : null);
writer.writeObject($responseFields[2], goal != null ? goal.marshaller() : null);
public String toString() {
if ($toString == null) {
$toString = "UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal{"
+ "__typename=" + __typename + ", "
+ "error=" + error + ", "
+ "goal=" + goal
+ "}";
return $toString;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal) {
UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal that = (UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal) o;
return this.__typename.equals(that.__typename)
&& ((this.error == null) ? (that.error == null) : this.error.equals(that.error))
&& ((this.goal == null) ? (that.goal == null) : this.goal.equals(that.goal));
return false;
public int hashCode() {
if (!$hashCodeMemoized) {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= __typename.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (error == null) ? 0 : error.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (goal == null) ? 0 : goal.hashCode();
$hashCode = h;
$hashCodeMemoized = true;
return $hashCode;
public static final class Mapper implements ResponseFieldMapper {
final Error.Mapper errorFieldMapper = new Error.Mapper();
final Goal.Mapper goalFieldMapper = new Goal.Mapper();
public UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal map(ResponseReader reader) {
final String __typename = reader.readString($responseFields[0]);
final Error error = reader.readObject($responseFields[1], new ResponseReader.ObjectReader() {
public Error read(ResponseReader reader) {
final Goal goal = reader.readObject($responseFields[2], new ResponseReader.ObjectReader() {
public Goal read(ResponseReader reader) {
return new UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoal(__typename, error, goal);
* Update community goal error.
public static class Error {
static final ResponseField[] $responseFields = {
ResponseField.forString("__typename", "__typename", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("code", "code", null, false, Collections.emptyList())
final @NotNull String __typename;
final @NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode code;
private transient volatile String $toString;
private transient volatile int $hashCode;
private transient volatile boolean $hashCodeMemoized;
public Error(@NotNull String __typename,
@NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode code) {
this.__typename = Utils.checkNotNull(__typename, "__typename == null");
this.code = Utils.checkNotNull(code, "code == null");
public @NotNull String __typename() {
return this.__typename;
* The error code.
public @NotNull UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode code() {
return this.code;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public ResponseFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new ResponseFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(ResponseWriter writer) {
writer.writeString($responseFields[0], __typename);
writer.writeString($responseFields[1], code.rawValue());
public String toString() {
if ($toString == null) {
$toString = "Error{"
+ "__typename=" + __typename + ", "
+ "code=" + code
+ "}";
return $toString;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof Error) {
Error that = (Error) o;
return this.__typename.equals(that.__typename)
&& this.code.equals(that.code);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
if (!$hashCodeMemoized) {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= __typename.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= code.hashCode();
$hashCode = h;
$hashCodeMemoized = true;
return $hashCode;
public static final class Mapper implements ResponseFieldMapper {
public Error map(ResponseReader reader) {
final String __typename = reader.readString($responseFields[0]);
final String codeStr = reader.readString($responseFields[1]);
final UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode code;
if (codeStr != null) {
code = UpdateCommunityPointsCommunityGoalErrorCode.safeValueOf(codeStr);
} else {
code = null;
return new Error(__typename, code);
* Community goal.
public static class Goal {
static final ResponseField[] $responseFields = {
ResponseField.forString("__typename", "__typename", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forInt("amountNeeded", "amountNeeded", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("backgroundColor", "backgroundColor", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forObject("defaultImage", "defaultImage", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("description", "description", null, true, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forInt("durationDays", "durationDays", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forCustomType("endedAt", "endedAt", null, true, CustomType.TIME, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forCustomType("id", "id", null, false, CustomType.ID, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forObject("image", "image", null, true, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forBoolean("isInStock", "isInStock", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forInt("perStreamUserMaximumContribution", "perStreamUserMaximumContribution", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forInt("pointsContributed", "pointsContributed", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forInt("smallContribution", "smallContribution", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forCustomType("startedAt", "startedAt", null, true, CustomType.TIME, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("status", "status", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("title", "title", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("type", "type", null, false, Collections.emptyList())
final @NotNull String __typename;
final int amountNeeded;
final @NotNull String backgroundColor;
final @NotNull DefaultImage defaultImage;
final @Nullable String description;
final int durationDays;
final @Nullable Object endedAt;
final @NotNull String id;
final @Nullable Image image;
final boolean isInStock;
final int perStreamUserMaximumContribution;
final int pointsContributed;
final int smallContribution;
final @Nullable Object startedAt;
final @NotNull CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus status;
final @NotNull String title;
final @NotNull CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType type;
private transient volatile String $toString;
private transient volatile int $hashCode;
private transient volatile boolean $hashCodeMemoized;
public Goal(@NotNull String __typename, int amountNeeded, @NotNull String backgroundColor,
@NotNull DefaultImage defaultImage, @Nullable String description, int durationDays,
@Nullable Object endedAt, @NotNull String id, @Nullable Image image, boolean isInStock,
int perStreamUserMaximumContribution, int pointsContributed, int smallContribution,
@Nullable Object startedAt, @NotNull CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus status,
@NotNull String title, @NotNull CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType type) {
this.__typename = Utils.checkNotNull(__typename, "__typename == null");
this.amountNeeded = amountNeeded;
this.backgroundColor = Utils.checkNotNull(backgroundColor, "backgroundColor == null");
this.defaultImage = Utils.checkNotNull(defaultImage, "defaultImage == null");
this.description = description;
this.durationDays = durationDays;
this.endedAt = endedAt; = Utils.checkNotNull(id, "id == null");
this.image = image;
this.isInStock = isInStock;
this.perStreamUserMaximumContribution = perStreamUserMaximumContribution;
this.pointsContributed = pointsContributed;
this.smallContribution = smallContribution;
this.startedAt = startedAt;
this.status = Utils.checkNotNull(status, "status == null");
this.title = Utils.checkNotNull(title, "title == null");
this.type = Utils.checkNotNull(type, "type == null");
public @NotNull String __typename() {
return this.__typename;
* The amount of community points that this goal needs to succeed.
public int amountNeeded() {
return this.amountNeeded;
* The background color of this goal. Should be a hex color string, for example "FF0000".
public @NotNull String backgroundColor() {
return this.backgroundColor;
* The default image of community goals.
public @NotNull DefaultImage defaultImage() {
return this.defaultImage;
* The description of this goal.
public @Nullable String description() {
return this.description;
* The *initial* duration the streamer set for the goal.
* Only really used during the UNSTARTED state; once the goal is started
* the endedAt timestamp is populated (and updated for extended deadlines).
public int durationDays() {
return this.durationDays;
* When the goal ended / will end.
public @Nullable Object endedAt() {
return this.endedAt;
* The id of the goal.
public @NotNull String id() {
* The image of the goal.
public @Nullable Image image() {
return this.image;
* If this goal is available to be contributed to.
* true when the goal is active and the streamer is live.
* For MLP, this is just whether the channel is live.
public boolean isInStock() {
return this.isInStock;
* The max per stream, per user contribution limit.
public int perStreamUserMaximumContribution() {
return this.perStreamUserMaximumContribution;
* The total points contributed to this goal.
public int pointsContributed() {
return this.pointsContributed;
* The small contribution needed to contribute to the goal. Contribution can only be
* less than this amount if the goal has less than this amount left to complete or if
* the viewer has less than this amount to be able to contribute.
public int smallContribution() {
return this.smallContribution;
* When the goal started.
public @Nullable Object startedAt() {
return this.startedAt;
* The current status of this goal.
public @NotNull CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus status() {
return this.status;
* The title of this goal.
public @NotNull String title() {
return this.title;
* The type of this goal.
public @NotNull CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType type() {
return this.type;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public ResponseFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new ResponseFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(ResponseWriter writer) {
writer.writeString($responseFields[0], __typename);
writer.writeInt($responseFields[1], amountNeeded);
writer.writeString($responseFields[2], backgroundColor);
writer.writeObject($responseFields[3], defaultImage.marshaller());
writer.writeString($responseFields[4], description);
writer.writeInt($responseFields[5], durationDays);
writer.writeCustom((ResponseField.CustomTypeField) $responseFields[6], endedAt);
writer.writeCustom((ResponseField.CustomTypeField) $responseFields[7], id);
writer.writeObject($responseFields[8], image != null ? image.marshaller() : null);
writer.writeBoolean($responseFields[9], isInStock);
writer.writeInt($responseFields[10], perStreamUserMaximumContribution);
writer.writeInt($responseFields[11], pointsContributed);
writer.writeInt($responseFields[12], smallContribution);
writer.writeCustom((ResponseField.CustomTypeField) $responseFields[13], startedAt);
writer.writeString($responseFields[14], status.rawValue());
writer.writeString($responseFields[15], title);
writer.writeString($responseFields[16], type.rawValue());
public String toString() {
if ($toString == null) {
$toString = "Goal{"
+ "__typename=" + __typename + ", "
+ "amountNeeded=" + amountNeeded + ", "
+ "backgroundColor=" + backgroundColor + ", "
+ "defaultImage=" + defaultImage + ", "
+ "description=" + description + ", "
+ "durationDays=" + durationDays + ", "
+ "endedAt=" + endedAt + ", "
+ "id=" + id + ", "
+ "image=" + image + ", "
+ "isInStock=" + isInStock + ", "
+ "perStreamUserMaximumContribution=" + perStreamUserMaximumContribution + ", "
+ "pointsContributed=" + pointsContributed + ", "
+ "smallContribution=" + smallContribution + ", "
+ "startedAt=" + startedAt + ", "
+ "status=" + status + ", "
+ "title=" + title + ", "
+ "type=" + type
+ "}";
return $toString;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof Goal) {
Goal that = (Goal) o;
return this.__typename.equals(that.__typename)
&& this.amountNeeded == that.amountNeeded
&& this.backgroundColor.equals(that.backgroundColor)
&& this.defaultImage.equals(that.defaultImage)
&& ((this.description == null) ? (that.description == null) : this.description.equals(that.description))
&& this.durationDays == that.durationDays
&& ((this.endedAt == null) ? (that.endedAt == null) : this.endedAt.equals(that.endedAt))
&& ((this.image == null) ? (that.image == null) : this.image.equals(that.image))
&& this.isInStock == that.isInStock
&& this.perStreamUserMaximumContribution == that.perStreamUserMaximumContribution
&& this.pointsContributed == that.pointsContributed
&& this.smallContribution == that.smallContribution
&& ((this.startedAt == null) ? (that.startedAt == null) : this.startedAt.equals(that.startedAt))
&& this.status.equals(that.status)
&& this.title.equals(that.title)
&& this.type.equals(that.type);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
if (!$hashCodeMemoized) {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= __typename.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= amountNeeded;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= backgroundColor.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= defaultImage.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (description == null) ? 0 : description.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= durationDays;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (endedAt == null) ? 0 : endedAt.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= id.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (image == null) ? 0 : image.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= Boolean.valueOf(isInStock).hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= perStreamUserMaximumContribution;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= pointsContributed;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= smallContribution;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= (startedAt == null) ? 0 : startedAt.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= status.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= title.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= type.hashCode();
$hashCode = h;
$hashCodeMemoized = true;
return $hashCode;
public static final class Mapper implements ResponseFieldMapper {
final DefaultImage.Mapper defaultImageFieldMapper = new DefaultImage.Mapper();
final Image.Mapper imageFieldMapper = new Image.Mapper();
public Goal map(ResponseReader reader) {
final String __typename = reader.readString($responseFields[0]);
final int amountNeeded = reader.readInt($responseFields[1]);
final String backgroundColor = reader.readString($responseFields[2]);
final DefaultImage defaultImage = reader.readObject($responseFields[3], new ResponseReader.ObjectReader() {
public DefaultImage read(ResponseReader reader) {
final String description = reader.readString($responseFields[4]);
final int durationDays = reader.readInt($responseFields[5]);
final Object endedAt = reader.readCustomType((ResponseField.CustomTypeField) $responseFields[6]);
final String id = reader.readCustomType((ResponseField.CustomTypeField) $responseFields[7]);
final Image image = reader.readObject($responseFields[8], new ResponseReader.ObjectReader() {
public Image read(ResponseReader reader) {
final boolean isInStock = reader.readBoolean($responseFields[9]);
final int perStreamUserMaximumContribution = reader.readInt($responseFields[10]);
final int pointsContributed = reader.readInt($responseFields[11]);
final int smallContribution = reader.readInt($responseFields[12]);
final Object startedAt = reader.readCustomType((ResponseField.CustomTypeField) $responseFields[13]);
final String statusStr = reader.readString($responseFields[14]);
final CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus status;
if (statusStr != null) {
status = CommunityPointsCommunityGoalStatus.safeValueOf(statusStr);
} else {
status = null;
final String title = reader.readString($responseFields[15]);
final String typeStr = reader.readString($responseFields[16]);
final CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType type;
if (typeStr != null) {
type = CommunityPointsCommunityGoalType.safeValueOf(typeStr);
} else {
type = null;
return new Goal(__typename, amountNeeded, backgroundColor, defaultImage, description, durationDays, endedAt, id, image, isInStock, perStreamUserMaximumContribution, pointsContributed, smallContribution, startedAt, status, title, type);
* Image URLs of different sizes for community points rewards.
public static class DefaultImage {
static final ResponseField[] $responseFields = {
ResponseField.forString("__typename", "__typename", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("url", "url", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("url2x", "url2x", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("url4x", "url4x", null, false, Collections.emptyList())
final @NotNull String __typename;
final @NotNull String url;
final @NotNull String url2x;
final @NotNull String url4x;
private transient volatile String $toString;
private transient volatile int $hashCode;
private transient volatile boolean $hashCodeMemoized;
public DefaultImage(@NotNull String __typename, @NotNull String url, @NotNull String url2x,
@NotNull String url4x) {
this.__typename = Utils.checkNotNull(__typename, "__typename == null");
this.url = Utils.checkNotNull(url, "url == null");
this.url2x = Utils.checkNotNull(url2x, "url2x == null");
this.url4x = Utils.checkNotNull(url4x, "url4x == null");
public @NotNull String __typename() {
return this.__typename;
* The URL for the small size image.
public @NotNull String url() {
return this.url;
* The URL for the medium size image.
public @NotNull String url2x() {
return this.url2x;
* The URL for the large size image.
public @NotNull String url4x() {
return this.url4x;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public ResponseFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new ResponseFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(ResponseWriter writer) {
writer.writeString($responseFields[0], __typename);
writer.writeString($responseFields[1], url);
writer.writeString($responseFields[2], url2x);
writer.writeString($responseFields[3], url4x);
public String toString() {
if ($toString == null) {
$toString = "DefaultImage{"
+ "__typename=" + __typename + ", "
+ "url=" + url + ", "
+ "url2x=" + url2x + ", "
+ "url4x=" + url4x
+ "}";
return $toString;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof DefaultImage) {
DefaultImage that = (DefaultImage) o;
return this.__typename.equals(that.__typename)
&& this.url.equals(that.url)
&& this.url2x.equals(that.url2x)
&& this.url4x.equals(that.url4x);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
if (!$hashCodeMemoized) {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= __typename.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= url.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= url2x.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= url4x.hashCode();
$hashCode = h;
$hashCodeMemoized = true;
return $hashCode;
public static final class Mapper implements ResponseFieldMapper {
public DefaultImage map(ResponseReader reader) {
final String __typename = reader.readString($responseFields[0]);
final String url = reader.readString($responseFields[1]);
final String url2x = reader.readString($responseFields[2]);
final String url4x = reader.readString($responseFields[3]);
return new DefaultImage(__typename, url, url2x, url4x);
* Image URLs of different sizes for community points rewards.
public static class Image {
static final ResponseField[] $responseFields = {
ResponseField.forString("__typename", "__typename", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("url", "url", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("url2x", "url2x", null, false, Collections.emptyList()),
ResponseField.forString("url4x", "url4x", null, false, Collections.emptyList())
final @NotNull String __typename;
final @NotNull String url;
final @NotNull String url2x;
final @NotNull String url4x;
private transient volatile String $toString;
private transient volatile int $hashCode;
private transient volatile boolean $hashCodeMemoized;
public Image(@NotNull String __typename, @NotNull String url, @NotNull String url2x,
@NotNull String url4x) {
this.__typename = Utils.checkNotNull(__typename, "__typename == null");
this.url = Utils.checkNotNull(url, "url == null");
this.url2x = Utils.checkNotNull(url2x, "url2x == null");
this.url4x = Utils.checkNotNull(url4x, "url4x == null");
public @NotNull String __typename() {
return this.__typename;
* The URL for the small size image.
public @NotNull String url() {
return this.url;
* The URL for the medium size image.
public @NotNull String url2x() {
return this.url2x;
* The URL for the large size image.
public @NotNull String url4x() {
return this.url4x;
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"})
public ResponseFieldMarshaller marshaller() {
return new ResponseFieldMarshaller() {
public void marshal(ResponseWriter writer) {
writer.writeString($responseFields[0], __typename);
writer.writeString($responseFields[1], url);
writer.writeString($responseFields[2], url2x);
writer.writeString($responseFields[3], url4x);
public String toString() {
if ($toString == null) {
$toString = "Image{"
+ "__typename=" + __typename + ", "
+ "url=" + url + ", "
+ "url2x=" + url2x + ", "
+ "url4x=" + url4x
+ "}";
return $toString;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
if (o instanceof Image) {
Image that = (Image) o;
return this.__typename.equals(that.__typename)
&& this.url.equals(that.url)
&& this.url2x.equals(that.url2x)
&& this.url4x.equals(that.url4x);
return false;
public int hashCode() {
if (!$hashCodeMemoized) {
int h = 1;
h *= 1000003;
h ^= __typename.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= url.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= url2x.hashCode();
h *= 1000003;
h ^= url4x.hashCode();
$hashCode = h;
$hashCodeMemoized = true;
return $hashCode;
public static final class Mapper implements ResponseFieldMapper {
public Image map(ResponseReader reader) {
final String __typename = reader.readString($responseFields[0]);
final String url = reader.readString($responseFields[1]);
final String url2x = reader.readString($responseFields[2]);
final String url4x = reader.readString($responseFields[3]);
return new Image(__typename, url, url2x, url4x);
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