bitstream.simulator.Units.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package bitstream.simulator.units
import reflect._
import Array._
import bitstream.types._
import math._
import scala.util.Random
// trait BitstreamSpecificType[A] {
// type Bit
// }
// object BitstreamSpecificType {
// implicit object SBitstreamType extends BitstreamSpecificType[SBitstream] {
// type Bit = Tuple2[Int, Int]
// }
// implicit object DBitstreamType extends BitstreamSpecificType[DBitstream] {
// type Bit = Int
// }
// }
case class Decorrelator(val _numRows: Int, val _numCols: Int,
val _stepVal: Int = 16, val _rngRange: Int = 255) {
private var rng = Random
private var countersP = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
private var countersN = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
private var bufferP = new Array[Matrix[Int]](2)
private var bufferN = new Array[Matrix[Int]](2)
bufferP(0) = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
bufferP(1) = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
bufferN(0) = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
bufferN(1) = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
def rows: Int = _numRows
def cols: Int = _numCols
def evaluate(x: Tuple2[Int, Int])(implicit i: DummyImplicit): (Int, Int) = {
require(_numRows == 1 && _numCols == 1,
"Decorrelator of size > (1, 1) expects Matrix input")
var resultP = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
var resultN = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
// Increment counters
countersP = countersP + _stepVal * x._1
countersN = countersN + _stepVal * x._2
// Output spike
resultP = bufferP(0)
resultN = bufferN(0)
bufferP(0) = bufferP(1)
bufferN(0) = bufferN(1)
val rP = rng.nextInt(_rngRange + 1)
val rN = rng.nextInt(_rngRange + 1)
bufferP(1)(0, 0) = if (rP <= countersP(0, 0)) 1 else 0
bufferN(1)(0, 0) = if (rN <= countersN(0, 0)) 1 else 0
// Decrement counters
countersP = countersP - _stepVal * resultP
countersN = countersN - _stepVal * resultN
(resultP(0, 0), resultN(0, 0))
def evaluate(x: Tuple2[Matrix[Int], Matrix[Int]]): (Matrix[Int], Matrix[Int]) = {
var resultP = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
var resultN = Matrix.zeros[Int](_numRows, _numCols)
// Increment counters
countersP = countersP + _stepVal * x._1
countersN = countersN + _stepVal * x._2
// Output spike
resultP = bufferP(0)
resultN = bufferN(0)
bufferP(0) = bufferP(1)
bufferN(0) = bufferN(1)
for (i <- 0 until _numRows; j <- 0 until _numCols) {
val rP = rng.nextInt(_rngRange + 1)
val rN = rng.nextInt(_rngRange + 1)
bufferP(1)(i, j) = if (rP <= countersP(i, j)) 1 else 0
bufferN(1)(i, j) = if (rN <= countersN(i, j)) 1 else 0
// Decrement counters
countersP = countersP - _stepVal * resultP
countersN = countersN - _stepVal * resultN
(resultP, resultN)
case class DelayBuffer(private val _delay:Int) {
// private val _delay = _delayDouble.toInt
private var buffer = new Array[Bit](_delay)
private var produceIndex = 0
private var consumeIndex = 0
// Fill delay buffer with empty values
for (i <- 0 until _delay) this.push(0)
def delay: Bit = _delay
def pop: Bit = {
if (produceIndex == consumeIndex)
throw new Exception("Tried to pop from an empty DelayBuffer")
else {
consumeIndex += 1
buffer((consumeIndex - 1) % _delay)
def push(x: Bit): Unit = {
buffer(produceIndex % _delay) = x
produceIndex += 1
def evaluate(x: Bit): Bit = {
case class SDM() {
private var _error: Double = 0.0
def error: Double = _error
def evaluate(input: Double): Bit = {
val output = if (input >= _error) 1 else -1
_error = output - input + _error