io.odin.loggers.ContextualLogger.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.odin.loggers
import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.kernel.Clock
import cats.mtl.Ask
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage}
* Logger that extracts context from environment of `F[_]` with the help of [[WithContext]] type class.
* One of the examples of `F[_]` that has a context is `Reader` (also known as `Kleisli`) that is abstraction over
* function `A => M[B]`. If there is a way to extract context `Map[String, String]` from the `A` (see [[HasContext]]),
* then it's possible to add this context to the log.
case class ContextualLogger[F[_]: Clock: Monad](inner: Logger[F])(implicit withContext: WithContext[F])
extends DefaultLogger[F](inner.minLevel) {
def submit(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] =
withContext.context.flatMap { ctx =>
inner.log(msg.copy(context = msg.context ++ ctx))
override def submit(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): F[Unit] =
withContext.context.flatMap { ctx =>
inner.log( => msg.copy(context = msg.context ++ ctx)))
def withMinimalLevel(level: Level): Logger[F] = copy(inner = inner.withMinimalLevel(level))
object ContextualLogger {
def withContext[F[_]: Clock: Monad: WithContext](inner: Logger[F]): Logger[F] = ContextualLogger(inner)
* Extract log context from environment
trait HasContext[Env] {
def getContext(env: Env): Map[String, String]
* Resolve context stored in `F[_]` effect
trait WithContext[F[_]] {
def context: F[Map[String, String]]
object WithContext {
* Default implementation of `WithContext` that works for any `F[_]` with `Ask` instance and
* instance of [[HasContext]] for environment of this `Ask`
implicit def fromHasContext[F[_], Env](
implicit A: Ask[F, Env],
hasContext: HasContext[Env],
F: Monad[F]
): WithContext[F] = new WithContext[F] {
def context: F[Map[String, String]] =