io.odin.extras.loggers.ConditionalLogger.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.odin.extras.loggers
import cats.MonadError
import cats.effect.kernel.{Async, Clock, Resource}
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource.ExitCase
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.syntax.applicativeError._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import io.odin.loggers.DefaultLogger
import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage}
final case class ConditionalLogger[F[_]: Clock] private (
queue: Queue[F, LoggerMessage],
inner: Logger[F],
override val minLevel: Level
)(implicit F: MonadError[F, Throwable])
extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) {
def submit(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] =
private def drain(exitCase: ExitCase): F[Unit] = {
val level = exitCase match {
case ExitCase.Succeeded => inner.minLevel
case _ => minLevel
.flatMap(msgs => inner.withMinimalLevel(level).log(msgs.toList))
def withMinimalLevel(level: Level): Logger[F] = copy(inner = inner.withMinimalLevel(level), minLevel = level)
private def drainAll: F[Vector[LoggerMessage]] =
F.tailRecM(Vector.empty[LoggerMessage]) { acc => {
case Some(value) => Left(acc :+ value)
case None => Right(acc)
object ConditionalLogger {
* Create ConditionalLogger that buffers messages and sends them to the inner logger when the resource is released.
* If evaluation of the bracket completed with an error, the `fallbackLevel` is used as a `minLevel`.
* Example:
* {{{
* consoleLogger[F](minLevel = Level.Info).withErrorLevel(Level.Debug) { logger =>
* logger.debug("debug message") >> trickyCode
* }
* }}}
* If evaluation completed with an error, the messages with `level >= Level.Debug` will be sent to an inner logger.
* If evaluation completed successfully, the messages with `level >= Level.Info` will be sent to an inner logger.
* '''Important:''' nothing is logged until the resource is released.
* Example:
* {{{
* consoleLogger[F](minLevel = Level.Info).withErrorLevel(Level.Debug) { logger =>
*"info log") >> Timer[F].sleep(10.seconds) >> logger.debug("debug log")
* }
* }}}
* The message will be logged after 10 seconds. Thus use the logger with caution.
* @param inner logger that will receive messages from the buffer
* @param minLevelOnError min level that will be used in case of error
* @param maxBufferSize If `maxBufferSize` is set to some value and buffer size grows to that value,
* any new events might be dropped until there is a space in the buffer.
def create[F[_]: Async](
inner: Logger[F],
minLevelOnError: Level,
maxBufferSize: Option[Int]
): Resource[F, Logger[F]] = {
val createQueue = maxBufferSize match {
case Some(value) => Queue.bounded[F, LoggerMessage](value)
case None => Queue.unbounded[F, LoggerMessage]
def acquire: F[ConditionalLogger[F]] =
for {
queue <- createQueue
} yield ConditionalLogger(queue, inner, minLevelOnError)
def release(logger: ConditionalLogger[F], exitCase: ExitCase): F[Unit] =