zio.stream.platform.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package zio.stream
import zio._
import java.io.{IOException, InputStream}
import scala.concurrent.Future
trait ZSinkPlatformSpecificConstructors
trait ZStreamPlatformSpecificConstructors { self: ZStream.type =>
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple times.
* The optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal the end of the stream,
* by setting it to `None`.
def effectAsync[R, E, A](
register: (ZIO[R, Option[E], Chunk[A]] => Future[Boolean]) => Unit,
outputBuffer: Int = 16
): ZStream[R, E, A] =
callback => {
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple times.
* The registration of the callback returns either a canceler or synchronously returns a stream.
* The optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal the end of the stream, by
* setting it to `None`.
def effectAsyncInterrupt[R, E, A](
register: (ZIO[R, Option[E], Chunk[A]] => Future[Boolean]) => Either[Canceler[R], ZStream[R, E, A]],
outputBuffer: Int = 16
): ZStream[R, E, A] =
ZStream {
for {
output <- Queue.bounded[stream.Take[E, A]](outputBuffer).toManaged(_.shutdown)
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[R].toManaged_
eitherStream <- ZManaged.effectTotal {
register(k =>
try {
} catch {
case FiberFailure(c) if c.interrupted =>
pull <- eitherStream match {
case Left(canceler) =>
(for {
done <- ZRef.makeManaged(false)
} yield done.get.flatMap {
if (_) Pull.end
output.take.flatMap(_.done).onError(_ => done.set(true) *> output.shutdown)
case Right(stream) => output.shutdown.toManaged_ *> stream.process
} yield pull
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple times
* The registration of the callback itself returns an effect. The optionality of the
* error type `E` can be used to signal the end of the stream, by setting it to `None`.
def effectAsyncM[R, E, A](
register: (ZIO[R, Option[E], Chunk[A]] => Future[Boolean]) => ZIO[R, E, Any],
outputBuffer: Int = 16
): ZStream[R, E, A] =
managed {
for {
output <- Queue.bounded[stream.Take[E, A]](outputBuffer).toManaged(_.shutdown)
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[R].toManaged_
_ <- register { k =>
try {
} catch {
case FiberFailure(c) if c.interrupted =>
done <- ZRef.makeManaged(false)
pull = done.get.flatMap {
if (_)
output.take.flatMap(_.done).onError(_ => done.set(true) *> output.shutdown)
} yield pull
* Creates a stream from an asynchronous callback that can be called multiple times.
* The registration of the callback can possibly return the stream synchronously.
* The optionality of the error type `E` can be used to signal the end of the stream,
* by setting it to `None`.
def effectAsyncMaybe[R, E, A](
register: (ZIO[R, Option[E], Chunk[A]] => Future[Boolean]) => Option[ZStream[R, E, A]],
outputBuffer: Int = 16
): ZStream[R, E, A] =
ZStream {
for {
output <- Queue.bounded[stream.Take[E, A]](outputBuffer).toManaged(_.shutdown)
runtime <- ZIO.runtime[R].toManaged_
maybeStream <- ZManaged.effectTotal {
register { k =>
try {
} catch {
case FiberFailure(c) if c.interrupted =>
pull <- maybeStream match {
case Some(stream) => output.shutdown.toManaged_ *> stream.process
case None =>
for {
done <- ZRef.makeManaged(false)
} yield done.get.flatMap {
if (_)
output.take.flatMap(_.done).onError(_ => done.set(true) *> output.shutdown)
} yield pull
* Creates a stream from a [[java.io.InputStream]]
def fromInputStream(
is: => InputStream,
chunkSize: Int = ZStream.DefaultChunkSize
): ZStream[Any, IOException, Byte] =
ZStream {
for {
done <- Ref.make(false).toManaged_
capturedIs <- Managed.effectTotal(is)
pull = {
def go: ZIO[Any, Option[IOException], Chunk[Byte]] = done.get.flatMap {
if (_) Pull.end
for {
bufArray <- UIO(Array.ofDim[Byte](chunkSize))
bytesRead <- Task(capturedIs.read(bufArray))
bytes <- if (bytesRead < 0)
done.set(true) *> Pull.end
else if (bytesRead == 0)
else if (bytesRead < bufArray.length)
} yield bytes
} yield pull
* Creates a stream from a [[java.io.InputStream]]. Ensures that the input
* stream is closed after it is exhausted.
def fromInputStreamEffect[R](
is: ZIO[R, IOException, InputStream],
chunkSize: Int = ZStream.DefaultChunkSize
): ZStream[R, IOException, Byte] =
fromInputStreamManaged(is.toManaged(is => ZIO.effectTotal(is.close())), chunkSize)
* Creates a stream from a managed [[java.io.InputStream]] value.
def fromInputStreamManaged[R](
is: ZManaged[R, IOException, InputStream],
chunkSize: Int = ZStream.DefaultChunkSize
): ZStream[R, IOException, Byte] =
.flatMap(fromInputStream(_, chunkSize))
trait StreamPlatformSpecificConstructors
trait ZTransducerPlatformSpecificConstructors