io.fabric8.maven.docker.StartMojo Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.fabric8.maven.docker;
* Copyright 2009-2014 Roland Huss Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by
* applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
* CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorCompletionService;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.MoreExecutors;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.access.DockerAccessException;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.access.ExecException;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.access.PortMapping;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.config.ImageConfiguration;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.config.NetworkConfig;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.config.RunImageConfiguration;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.config.RunVolumeConfiguration;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.config.VolumeConfiguration;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.log.LogDispatcher;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.service.QueryService;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.service.RegistryService;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.service.RunService;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.service.ServiceHub;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.service.helper.StartContainerExecutor;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.util.ContainerNamingUtil;
import io.fabric8.maven.docker.util.StartOrderResolver;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.LifecyclePhase;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Mojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugins.annotations.Parameter;
* Goal for creating and starting a docker container. This goal evaluates the image configuration
* @author roland
@Mojo(name = "start", defaultPhase = LifecyclePhase.PRE_INTEGRATION_TEST)
public class StartMojo extends AbstractDockerMojo {
@Parameter(property = "docker.showLogs")
private String showLogs;
@Parameter(property = "docker.pull.registry")
private String pullRegistry;
@Parameter(property = "docker.skip.run", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean skipRun;
@Parameter(property = "docker.startParallel", defaultValue = "false")
private boolean startParallel;
// whether to block during to start. Set it via System property docker.follow
private boolean follow;
* Expose container information like the internal IP as Maven properties which
* can be reused in the build information. The value of this property is the prefix
* used for the properties. The default prefix is "docker.container". Only information
* of images having an alias are exposed and have the format <prefix>.<alias>.<property>
* (e.g. docker.container.mycontainer.ip
* The following properties are currently supported:
* - ip : the container's internal IP address as chosen by Docker
* If set to an empty string, no properties are exposed.
@Parameter(property = "docker.exposeContainerInfo")
private String exposeContainerProps = "docker.container";
* Naming pattern for how to name containers when started
@Parameter(property = "docker.containerNamePattern")
private String containerNamePattern = ContainerNamingUtil.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NAME_PATTERN;
* Whether to create the customs networks (user-defined bridge networks) before starting automatically
@Parameter(property = "docker.autoCreateCustomNetworks", defaultValue = "false")
protected boolean autoCreateCustomNetworks;
// property file to write out with port mappings
protected String portPropertyFile;
private static final class StartedContainer {
public final ImageConfiguration imageConfig;
public final String containerId;
private StartedContainer(ImageConfiguration imageConfig, String containerId) {
this.imageConfig = imageConfig;
this.containerId = containerId;
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void executeInternal(final ServiceHub hub) throws DockerAccessException,
MojoExecutionException {
if (skipRun) {
getPluginContext().put(CONTEXT_KEY_START_CALLED, true);
this.follow = followLogs();
QueryService queryService = hub.getQueryService();
final RunService runService = hub.getRunService();
PortMapping.PropertyWriteHelper portMappingPropertyWriteHelper = new PortMapping.PropertyWriteHelper(portPropertyFile);
boolean success = false;
final ExecutorService executorService = getExecutorService();
final ExecutorCompletionService containerStartupService = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(executorService);
try {
// All aliases which are provided in the image configuration:
final Set imageAliases = new HashSet<>();
// Remember all aliases which has been started
final Set startedContainerAliases = new HashSet<>();
// All images to to start
Queue imagesWaitingToStart = prepareStart(hub, queryService, runService, imageAliases);
// Queue of images to start as containers
final Queue imagesStarting = new ArrayDeque<>();
// Prepare the shutdown hook for stopping containers if we are going to follow them. Add the hook before starting any
// of the containers so that partial or aborted starts will behave the same as fully-successful ones.
if (follow) {
runService.addShutdownHookForStoppingContainers(keepContainer, removeVolumes, autoCreateCustomNetworks);
// Loop until every image has been started and the start of all images has been completed
while (!hasBeenAllImagesStarted(imagesWaitingToStart, imagesStarting)) {
final List imagesReadyToStart =
getImagesWhoseDependenciesHasStarted(imagesWaitingToStart, startedContainerAliases, imageAliases);
for (final ImageConfiguration image : imagesReadyToStart) {
startImage(image, hub, containerStartupService, portMappingPropertyWriteHelper);
// Move from waiting to starting status
if (!startParallel) {
waitForStartedContainer(containerStartupService, startedContainerAliases, imagesStarting);
if (startParallel) {
waitForStartedContainer(containerStartupService, startedContainerAliases, imagesStarting);
if (follow) {
success = true;
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("interrupted", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new MojoExecutionException("I/O Error", e);
} finally {
// Rollback if not all could be started
if (!success) {
log.error("Error occurred during container startup, shutting down...");
runService.stopStartedContainers(keepContainer, removeVolumes, autoCreateCustomNetworks, getGavLabel());
private void waitForStartedContainer(
final ExecutorCompletionService containerStartupService,
final Set startedContainerAliases, final Queue imagesStarting)
throws InterruptedException, IOException, ExecException {
final Future startedContainerFuture = containerStartupService.take();
try {
final StartedContainer startedContainer = startedContainerFuture.get();
final ImageConfiguration imageConfig = startedContainer.imageConfig;
updateAliasesSet(startedContainerAliases, imageConfig.getAlias());
// All done with this image
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
protected Boolean followLogs() {
return Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("docker.follow", "false"));
// Check if we are done
private boolean hasBeenAllImagesStarted(Queue imagesWaitingToStart, Queue imagesStarting) {
return imagesWaitingToStart.isEmpty() && imagesStarting.isEmpty();
private void shutdownExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService) {
if (!executorService.isShutdown()) {
try {
executorService.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
log.warn("ExecutorService did not shutdown normally.");
private void rethrowCause(ExecutionException e) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ExecException {
Throwable cause = e.getCause();
if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof IOException) {
throw (IOException) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof ExecException) {
throw (ExecException) cause;
} else if (cause instanceof InterruptedException) {
throw (InterruptedException) cause;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Start-Job failed with unexpected exception: " + e.getCause().getMessage(),
private void updateAliasesSet(Set aliasesSet, String alias) {
// Add the alias to the set only when it is set. When it's
// not set it cant be used in the dependency resolution anyway, so we are ignoring
// it hence.
if (alias != null) {
private void startImage(final ImageConfiguration imageConfig,
final ServiceHub hub,
final ExecutorCompletionService startingContainers,
final PortMapping.PropertyWriteHelper portMappingPropertyWriteHelper) throws IOException {
final RunService runService = hub.getRunService();
final Properties projProperties = project.getProperties();
final RunImageConfiguration runConfig = imageConfig.getRunConfiguration();
final PortMapping portMapping = runService.createPortMapping(runConfig, projProperties);
final LogDispatcher dispatcher = getLogDispatcher(hub);
StartContainerExecutor startExecutor = new StartContainerExecutor.Builder()
startingContainers.submit(() -> {
String containerId = startExecutor.startContainer();
// Update port-mapping writer
portMappingPropertyWriteHelper.add(portMapping, runConfig.getPortPropertyFile());
return new StartedContainer(imageConfig, containerId);
// Pick out all images who can be started right now because all their dependencies has been started
private List getImagesWhoseDependenciesHasStarted(Queue imagesRemaining,
Set containersStarted,
Set aliases) {
final List ret = new ArrayList<>();
// Check for all images which can be already started
for (ImageConfiguration imageWaitingToStart : imagesRemaining) {
List allDependencies = imageWaitingToStart.getDependencies();
List aliasDependencies = filterOutNonAliases(aliases, allDependencies);
if (containersStarted.containsAll(aliasDependencies)) {
return ret;
// Prepare start like creating custom networks, auto pull images, map aliases and return the list of images
// to start in the correct order
private Queue prepareStart(ServiceHub hub, QueryService queryService, RunService runService, Set imageAliases)
throws DockerAccessException, MojoExecutionException {
final Queue imagesWaitingToStart = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (StartOrderResolver.Resolvable resolvable : runService.getImagesConfigsInOrder(queryService, getResolvedImages())) {
final ImageConfiguration imageConfig = (ImageConfiguration) resolvable;
// Still to check: How to work with linking, volumes, etc ....
//String imageName = new ImageName(imageConfig.getName()).getFullNameWithTag(registry);
RegistryService registryService = hub.getRegistryService();
pullImage(registryService, imageConfig, pullRegistry);
RunImageConfiguration runConfig = imageConfig.getRunConfiguration();
NetworkConfig config = runConfig.getNetworkingConfig();
List bindMounts = extractBindMounts(runConfig.getVolumeConfiguration());
List volumes = getVolumes();
if(!bindMounts.isEmpty() && volumes != null) {
runService.createVolumesAsPerVolumeBinds(hub, bindMounts, volumes);
if (autoCreateCustomNetworks && config.isCustomNetwork()) {
updateAliasesSet(imageAliases, imageConfig.getAlias());
return imagesWaitingToStart;
private List extractBindMounts(RunVolumeConfiguration volumeConfiguration) {
if (volumeConfiguration == null) {
return Collections.emptyList();
return volumeConfiguration.getBind() != null ? volumeConfiguration.getBind() : Collections.emptyList();
private List filterOutNonAliases(Set imageAliases, List dependencies) {
List ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (String alias : dependencies) {
if (imageAliases.contains(alias)) {
return ret;
private ExecutorService getExecutorService() {
final ExecutorService executorService;
if (startParallel) {
executorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
} else {
executorService = MoreExecutors.newDirectExecutorService();
return executorService;
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