io.fabric8.maven.docker.util.NamePatternUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.fabric8.maven.docker.util;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;
* Helper functions for pattern matching for image and container names.
public class NamePatternUtil {
/// Name patterns can be prefixed with image= to have them only apply to image name.
public static final String IMAGE_FIELD = "image";
/// Name patterns can be prefixed with name= to have them only apply to container name.
public static final String NAME_FIELD = "name";
* Accepts an Ant-ish or regular expression pattern and compiles to a regular expression.
* This is similar to SelectorUtils in the Maven codebase, but there the code uses the
* platform File.separator, while here we always want to work with forward slashes.
* Also, for a more natural fit with repository tags, both * and ** should stop at the colon
* that precedes the tag.
* Like SelectorUtils, wrapping a pattern in %regex[pattern] will create a regex from the
* pattern provided without translation. Otherwise, or if wrapped in %ant[pattern],
* then a regular expression will be created that is anchored at beginning and end,
* converts ? to [^/:], * to ([^/:]|:(?=.*:)) and ** to ([^:]|:(?=.*:))*.
* If ** is followed by /, the / is converted to a negative lookbehind for anything
* apart from a slash.
* @return a regular expression pattern created from the input pattern
public static String convertNamePattern(String pattern) {
final String REGEX_PREFIX = "%regex[", ANT_PREFIX = "%ant[", PATTERN_SUFFIX="]";
if(pattern.startsWith(REGEX_PREFIX) && pattern.endsWith(PATTERN_SUFFIX)) {
return pattern.substring(REGEX_PREFIX.length(), pattern.length() - PATTERN_SUFFIX.length());
if(pattern.startsWith(ANT_PREFIX) && pattern.endsWith(PATTERN_SUFFIX)) {
pattern = pattern.substring(ANT_PREFIX.length(), pattern.length() - PATTERN_SUFFIX.length());
String[] parts = pattern.split("((?=[/:?*])|(?<=[/:?*]))");
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("[A-Za-z0-9-]+").matcher("");
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("^");
for(int i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
if("?".equals(parts[i])) {
} else if("*".equals(parts[i])) {
if (i + 1 < parts.length && "*".equals(parts[i + 1])) {
if (i + 1 < parts.length && "/".equals(parts[i + 1])) {
builder.append("(? 0) {
return builder.toString();
* Take a string that represents a list of patterns, possibly a mixture of
* regular expressions and Ant-style patterns, and return a single regular
* expression that matches any of the alternatives.
* To allow users to target some parts of the filter list to some fields on
* the object to which the pattern is ultimately applied, it is possible to
* prefix patterns in the list with fieldName=pattern, and then the pattern
* can be excluded from use on unrelated fields.
* @param patternList the pattern list specification to convert
* @return the combined pattern, or null if there is are no patterns for
* the field.
* @throws PatternSyntaxException if any of the individual patterns fails
* to compile as a regular expression.
public static String convertNamePatternList(String patternList) {
return convertNamePatternList(patternList, null, true);
* Take a string that represents a list of patterns, possibly a mixture of
* regular expressions and Ant-style patterns, and return a single regular
* expression that matches any of the alternatives.
* To allow users to target some parts of the filter list to some fields on
* the object to which the pattern is ultimately applied, it is possible to
* prefix patterns in the list with fieldName=pattern, and then the pattern
* can be excluded from use on unrelated fields.
* @param patternList the pattern list specification to convert
* @param fieldName the field name for which patterns should be selected
* @param includeUnnamed if true, include patterns that do not specify a
* field name
* @return the combined pattern, or null if there is are no patterns for
* the field.
* @throws PatternSyntaxException if any of the individual patterns fails
* to compile as a regular expression.
public static String convertNamePatternList(String patternList, String fieldName, boolean includeUnnamed) {
String[] patterns = patternList.split(",");
StringBuilder combinedPattern = new StringBuilder("(");
boolean compound = false;
for(String pattern : patterns) {
pattern = pattern.trim();
String[] namedFieldPattern = pattern.split("=", 2);
if(namedFieldPattern.length == 2) {
if(!namedFieldPattern[0].trim().equals(fieldName)) {
pattern = namedFieldPattern[1].trim();
} else if(fieldName != null && !includeUnnamed) {
if(pattern.length() > 0) {
String converted = convertNamePattern(pattern);
if(converted.length() == 0) {
try {
} catch(PatternSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to convert pattern " + pattern + " to regular expression. " + e.getMessage(), e);
if(combinedPattern.length() > 1) {
compound = true;
if(compound) {
} else {
return combinedPattern.length() == 0 ? null : combinedPattern.toString();
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