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wjson.schema.generator.JsonSchemaGenerator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package wjson.schema.generator
import wjson.*
import wjson.JsValue.JsObject
import{FileOutputStream, PrintWriter}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.quoted.*
import scala.tasty.inspector.{Inspector, Tasty, TastyInspector}
object JsonSchemaGenerator:
class TastySchemaLoader(quotes: Quotes)(tastys: List[Tasty[quotes.type]]):
import quotes.reflect.*
given Quotes = quotes
private object ADTType:
def applyEnum(symbol: Symbol): SumType = {
val body = symbol.tree.asInstanceOf[ClassDef].body
body.find { // find fitsy Import
case Import(_, _) => true
case _ => false
} match
case Some(x@Import(term, selectors)) => // import Color.{Red, Green, Blue, RGB}
val items: List[ADTType.CaseProduct | ADTType.CaseSimple] = {
case SimpleSelector(name) =>
val isSingle = term.symbol.declaredType(name) == Nil // Red, Green, Blue
if isSingle then
else // case Mixed(rgb)
val tpe = term.symbol.declaredType(name)(0) // term:Color tpe: symbol: Color.RGB
ADTType.CaseProduct(tpe, tpe.caseFields)
end if
case _ => ??? // Only simple selectors are supported
ADTType.SumType(symbol, items)
case _ => ??? // No import
def applyCaseClass(symbol: Symbol): CaseProduct =
val fields = symbol.caseFields
ADTType.CaseProduct(symbol, fields)
private enum ADTType:
case SumType(symbol: Symbol, items: List[ADTType.CaseProduct | ADTType.CaseSimple])
case CaseProduct(symbol: Symbol, fields: List[Symbol])
case CaseSimple(symbol: Symbol)
private val tree: Tree = tastys(0).ast
private def extractTopLevelADTTypes(tree: quotes.reflect.Tree): List[ADTType] = {
tree match
case PackageClause(pid, stats) =>
stats.flatMap {
case classDef@ClassDef(name, constr, parents, selfOpt, body) => {
val symbol = classDef.symbol
val isCase =
val isEnum =
val isSynthetic =
if isEnum && !isSynthetic then // SUM TYPE
val sum = ADTType.applyEnum(symbol)
else if isCase && !isSynthetic then // PRODUCT TYPE
Some( ADTType.applyCaseClass(symbol) )
end if
case _ => Nil
case _ => Nil
// TODO optimize $ref
private def schemaOfType(tpe: TypeRepr, ref: Boolean, definitions: collection.mutable.Set[ADTType]): JsObject = tpe match
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[JsValue] =>
JsObject("type" -> Array("null", "boolean", "integer", "number", "array", "object").toJson )
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[JsValue.JsString] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("string"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[JsValue.JsNumber] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("number"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[JsValue.JsBoolean] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("boolean"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[JsValue.JsArray] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("array"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[JsValue.JsObject] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("object"))
case x if x <:< TypeRepr.of[String] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("string"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[Int] || x =:= TypeRepr.of[Short] || x =:= TypeRepr.of[Long] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("integer"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[Float] || x =:= TypeRepr.of[Double] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("integer"))
case x if x =:= TypeRepr.of[Boolean] =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("boolean"))
case x if =>
if ref then
JsObject("$ref" -> JsString("#/definitions/" + x.typeSymbol.fullName))
val sum = ADTType.applyEnum(x.typeSymbol)
schemaOfSumType(sum, definitions)
case x if && ! =>
// TODO check List/Array etc
if ref then
JsObject("$ref" -> JsString("#/definitions/" + x.typeSymbol.fullName))
val product = ADTType.applyCaseClass(x.typeSymbol)
schemaOfProductCase(product, includeKind = false, definitions)
end if
case x@AppliedType(base, args) if base <:< Symbol.requiredClass("scala.collection.immutable.List").typeRef =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("array"),
"items" -> schemaOfType(args(0), ref = true, definitions))
case x@AppliedType(base, args) if base <:< Symbol.requiredClass("scala.Array").typeRef =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("array"),
"items" -> schemaOfType(args(0), ref = true, definitions))
case x@AppliedType(base, args) if base <:< Symbol.requiredClass("scala.collection.immutable.Map").typeRef =>
JsObject("type" -> JsString("object"),
"additionalProperties" -> schemaOfType(args(1), ref = true, definitions) )
case x@AppliedType(base, args) if base <:< Symbol.requiredClass("scala.Option").typeRef =>
schemaOfType(args(0), false, definitions)
case x@OrType(left, right) =>
val l = schemaOfType(left, false, definitions)
val r = schemaOfType(right, false, definitions)
val flatL =
if l.contains("oneOf") then l.field("oneOf").asInstanceOf[JsArray].elements.toList
else List(l)
val flatR =
if r.contains("oneOf") then r.field("oneOf").asInstanceOf[JsArray].elements.toList
else List(r)
JsObject("oneOf" -> JsArray(flatL ++ flatR))
case _ =>
val sym = tpe.typeSymbol
if sym.isType then
sym.tree match
case TypeDef(_, rhs: Term) =>
schemaOfType(rhs.symbol.typeRef, true, definitions)
case TypeDef(_, rhs: TypeTree) =>
schemaOfType(rhs.tpe, true, definitions)
case _ =>
println(s"Unsupported type: ${} - ${ Printer.TypeReprStructure)}")
assert(false, s"Unsupported type: ${} - ${ Printer.TypeReprStructure)}")
* { type: "object", properties: { }, additionalProperties: false, required: [ ] }
private def schemaOfProductCase(product: ADTType.CaseProduct, includeKind: Boolean, definitions: collection.mutable.Set[ADTType]): JsObject =
val params =
val primaryConstructor = product.symbol.primaryConstructor
val fields: List[(String, JsValue)] = { (field, param) =>
// TODO primitive
// TODO array/map support
// TODO recursive types
val tpe = field.tree.asInstanceOf[ValDef].tpt.tpe
val typeObj = schemaOfType(tpe, ref = true, definitions)
val name =
val description: Option[String] =
.find(_.tpe.typeSymbol == Symbol.requiredClass("wjson.schema.JsonSchema.description"))
.map { case Apply(_, List(Literal(StringConstant(str)))) => str }
val desc = description match
case Some(description) => JsObject("description" -> JsString(description))
case None => JsObject()
name -> (typeObj ++ desc)
val kind: List[(String, JsValue)] =
if includeKind then
List("_enum" -> JsObject("type" -> JsString("string"),
"enum" -> JsArray(JsString(
else Nil
val required = => ++ (if (includeKind) List("_enum") else Nil)
"type" -> JsString("object"),
"properties" -> new JsObject(kind ++ fields),
"additionalProperties" -> JsBoolean(false),
// "required" -> JsArray( _*) // TODO
private def schemaOfSumType(sum: ADTType.SumType, definitions: collection.mutable.Set[ADTType]): JsObject =
JsObject( "oneOf" -> JsArray( {
case ADTType.CaseSimple(symbol) =>
val description: Option[String] = extractDescription(symbol)
JsObject( "type" -> JsString("string"), "enum" -> JsArray(JsString( )
++ => JsObject("description" -> JsString(desc))).getOrElse(JsObject())
case x @ ADTType.CaseProduct(symbol, fields) =>
val description: Option[String] = extractDescription(symbol)
schemaOfProductCase(x, includeKind = true, definitions)
++ => JsObject("description" -> JsString(desc))).getOrElse(JsObject())
) )
private def extractDescription(symbol: Symbol): Option[String] =
.find(_.tpe.typeSymbol == Symbol.requiredClass("wjson.schema.JsonSchema.description"))
.map { case Apply(_, List(Literal(StringConstant(str)))) => str }
private val result = extractTopLevelADTTypes(tree)
private val definitions = collection.mutable.Set[ADTType]()
private val root: JsObject = result(0) match
case [email protected] (typeSymbol, items) =>
val schema = schemaOfSumType(sum, definitions)
"$schema" -> JsString(""),
"$id" -> JsString(typeSymbol.fullName)
) ++ schema
case [email protected] (symbol, fields) =>
val schema = schemaOfProductCase(prd, includeKind = false, definitions)
"$schema" -> JsString(""),
"$id" -> JsString(symbol.fullName)
) ++ schema
case x: ADTType.CaseSimple =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported type: ${x}")
private def rescure(schemaRoot: JsObject, remains: collection.mutable.Set[ADTType], processed: Set[ADTType]): JsObject =
if remains.isEmpty then schemaRoot
val (head, tail) = (remains.head, remains.tail)
if( processed.contains(head) ) rescure(schemaRoot, tail, processed)
val definition: (String, JsObject) = head match
case [email protected] (symbol, fields) =>
symbol.fullName -> schemaOfProductCase(x, includeKind = false, tail)
case [email protected] (symbol, items) =>
symbol.fullName -> schemaOfSumType(x, tail)
case x: ADTType.CaseSimple =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported type: ${x}")
val root2: JsObject =
if( schemaRoot.contains("definitions") )
val oldDefinition = schemaRoot.field("definitions").asInstanceOf[JsObject]
schemaRoot + ("definitions" -> (oldDefinition + definition) )
else JsObject(schemaRoot.fields ++ List("definitions" -> JsObject(definition)))
rescure(root2, tail, processed+head)
val schema: JsValue.JsObject = rescure(root, definitions, Set.empty)
end TastySchemaLoader
object JsonSchemaInspector:
def apply(tastyFile: String): JsObject =
val inspector = new JsonSchemaInspector
class JsonSchemaInspector extends Inspector:
var schema: JsObject = _
override def inspect(using quotes: Quotes)(tastys: List[Tasty[quotes.type]]): Unit =
val loader = new TastySchemaLoader(quotes)(tastys)
schema = loader.schema
def Tasty2Schema(input: String, output: String): Unit =
val schema = JsonSchemaInspector.apply(input)
val out = new PrintWriter(new FileOutputStream(output))