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package com.kodekutters.neo4j
import com.kodekutters.stix._
import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType
import org.slf4j.helpers.NOPLogger
* create Neo4j relations from a STIX-2 objects
class RelationsMaker(neoService: Neo4jDbService)(implicit logger: Logger = Logger(NOPLogger.NOP_LOGGER)) {
// convenience implicit transformation from a string to a RelationshipType
implicit def string2relationshipType(x: String): RelationshipType = RelationshipType.withName(x)
val support = new MakerSupport(neoService)
* create relations from the stix object
* @param obj the stix object from which to create Neo4j relations
def createRelations(obj: StixObj) = {
obj match {
case stix: SDO => createSDORel(stix)
case stix: SRO => createSRORel(stix)
case stix: StixObj => createStixObjRel(stix)
case _ => // do nothing for now
* create Neo4j relations (to other SDO, Marking etc...) for the input SDO
* @param x the SDO from which to create Neo4j relations
def createSDORel(x: SDO) = {
// the object marking relations
support.createRelToObjRef(, x.object_marking_refs, "HAS_MARKING")
// the created_by relation
support.createdByRel(, x.created_by_ref)
x.`type` match {
case Report.`type` =>
val y = x.asInstanceOf[Report]
// create relations between the Report id and the list of object_refs SDO id
support.createRelToObjRef(, Option(y.object_refs), "REFERS_TO")
case _ => // do nothing more
* create the Relationship and Sighting
* @param x the SRO from which to create Neo4j relations
def createSRORel(x: SRO) = {
// create a possible relation
def baseRel(sourceId: String, targetId: String, name: String): Option[org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship] = {
val externRefIds = support.toIdArray(x.external_references)
val granularIds = support.toIdArray(x.granular_markings)
val relationOpt = neoService.transaction {
val sourceNode = neoService.idIndex.get("id", sourceId).getSingle
val targetNode = neoService.idIndex.get("id", targetId).getSingle
val rel = sourceNode.createRelationshipTo(targetNode, name)
rel.setProperty("type", x.`type`)
rel.setProperty("created", x.created.time)
rel.setProperty("modified", x.modified.time)
rel.setProperty("revoked", x.revoked.getOrElse(false))
rel.setProperty("labels", x.labels.getOrElse(List.empty).toArray)
// rel.setProperty("confidence", x.confidence.getOrElse(0))
rel.setProperty("external_references", externRefIds)
// rel.setProperty("lang", x.lang.getOrElse(""))
rel.setProperty("object_marking_refs", support.toIdStringArray(x.object_marking_refs))
rel.setProperty("granular_markings", granularIds)
rel.setProperty("created_by_ref", x.created_by_ref.getOrElse("").toString)
rel.setProperty("custom", support.asJsonString(x.custom))
// catch errors
relationOpt match {
case Some(relation) =>
// the object marking relations
support.createRelToObjRef(, x.object_marking_refs, "HAS_MARKING")
// the created_by relation
support.createdByRel(, x.created_by_ref)
// the external_references nodes and relations
support.createExternRefs(, x.external_references, externRefIds)
// the granular_markings nodes and relations
support.createGranulars(, x.granular_markings, granularIds)
case None => logger.error("could not process relation: " + + " from: " + sourceId + " to: " + targetId)
// the relation option
// a Relationsip
if (x.isInstanceOf[Relationship]) {
val y = x.asInstanceOf[Relationship]
val relOpt = baseRel(y.source_ref.toString(), y.target_ref.toString(), support.asCleanLabel(y.relationship_type))
relOpt.foreach(rel => {
neoService.transaction {
rel.setProperty("source_ref", y.source_ref.toString())
rel.setProperty("target_ref", y.target_ref.toString())
rel.setProperty("relationship_type", y.relationship_type)
rel.setProperty("description", y.description.getOrElse(""))
else { // a Sighting
val y = x.asInstanceOf[Sighting]
val relOpt = baseRel(y.sighting_of_ref.toString(), y.sighting_of_ref.toString(), support.asCleanLabel("sighting_of"))
relOpt.foreach(rel => {
neoService.transaction {
rel.setProperty("sighting_of_ref", y.sighting_of_ref.toString())
rel.setProperty("first_seen", y.first_seen.getOrElse("").toString)
rel.setProperty("last_seen", y.last_seen.getOrElse("").toString)
rel.setProperty("count", y.count.getOrElse(0))
rel.setProperty("summary", y.summary.getOrElse(""))
rel.setProperty("observed_data_id", support.toIdStringArray(y.observed_data_refs))
rel.setProperty("where_sighted_refs_id", support.toIdStringArray(y.where_sighted_refs))
rel.setProperty("description", y.description.getOrElse(""))
// create relations between the sighting (SightingNode id) and the list of observed_data_refs ObservedData SDO id
support.createRelToObjRef(, y.observed_data_refs, "SIGHTED_OBSERVED_DATA")
// create relations between the sighted SDO node and the list of where_sighted SDO nodes
support.createRelToObjRef(y.sighting_of_ref.toString(), y.where_sighted_refs, "WAS_SIGHTED_BY")
* create Neo4j relations from either a MarkingDefinition or LanguageContent object
* @param stixObj the objects representing a MarkingDefinition or LanguageContent
def createStixObjRel(stixObj: StixObj) = {
stixObj match {
case x: MarkingDefinition =>
// the object marking relations
support.createRelToObjRef(, x.object_marking_refs, "HAS_MARKING")
// the created_by relation
support.createdByRel(, x.created_by_ref)
case x: LanguageContent =>
// the object marking relations
support.createRelToObjRef(, x.object_marking_refs, "HAS_MARKING")
// the created_by relation
support.createdByRel(, x.created_by_ref)
// the language contents relation from the LanguageContent object to the object_ref
neoService.transaction {
val sourceNode = neoService.idIndex.get("id",
val targetNode = neoService.idIndex.get("id", x.object_ref.toString()).getSingle
val rel = sourceNode.createRelationshipTo(targetNode, support.asCleanLabel(x.`type`))
rel.setProperty("object_modified", x.object_modified.time)
}.getOrElse(logger.error("could not process LanguageContent relation: " + + " from: " + + " to: " + x.object_ref.toString()))